Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 27: Metallic shells (2)

The sharp smell of gunpowder hung in the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood. Jack stood over the lifeless body of the Meriff, his pistol still smoking. The betrayal stung, but not as much as the doubt that now crept into his mind.

Was he still the hero of this story?

Jack holstered his weapon, his hand trembling slightly. He turned to face his companions, searching their faces for any sign of judgment or approval.

Timothy, his doppelganger, looked away, unable to meet his gaze. Nisha, on the other hand, wore a smirk of satisfaction. Wilhelm remained stoic, while Aurelia seemed more interested in examining her nails than the dead body at their feet.

Athena's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the scene. Her gaze lingered on the Meriff's body, then shifted to Jack. She had seen countless deaths, had caused many herself, but this... this felt different.

"Well," Jack said, breaking the tense silence. "That's what happens when you cross us, am I right?" He forced a chuckle, but it sounded hollow even to his own ears.

Nisha stepped forward, placing a hand on Jack's shoulder. "You did what you had to do, babe. He was gonna sell us out to Zarpedon. Better him than us."

Wilhelm grunted in agreement. "Traitors get what they deserve."

Aurelia finally looked up from her nails, her voice dripping with aristocratic disdain. "While I don't typically approve of such... crude methods, I suppose needs must when the devil drives."

Timothy remained silent, his face a mirror of Jack's own conflicted expression.

Athena watched this exchange with a growing sense of unease. She had known Jack was capable of violence - they all were in this line of work. But there was something in his eyes, a glimmer of something dangerous that hadn't been there before.

As the others began to discuss their next move, Athena found herself lost in thought. She replayed the events that had led them to this point, trying to pinpoint the moment when things had started to feel... off.

It wasn't just Jack. Alexander's absence weighed heavily on her mind. The warlord had left abruptly, taking Claptrap with him, citing urgent business elsewhere. But Athena couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than that.

She thought back to her first meeting with Alexander, when he had recruited her for the Iron Legion. He had seemed different then - still ruthless, yes, but with a clear vision of bringing order to the chaos of Pandora. She had admired that, had seen in him a leader worth following.

But lately... lately, Alexander's actions had taken on a darker tone. His methods were becoming more extreme, his goals more ambiguous. And yet, he still commanded unwavering loyalty from his troops.

Athena's inner monologue continued as she half-listened to the others' conversation:

"What am I doing here? I joined the Iron Legion because I believed in Alexander's vision. I thought we were going to make a difference, bring some semblance of peace to this godforsaken system. But now... now I'm not so sure.

Alexander's become more ruthless, more secretive. The way he looks at Jack sometimes, like he's assessing a potential threat... it's unsettling. And Jack... Jack's changing too. That glint in his eye when he pulled the trigger... it reminded me too much of the people I used to work for at Atlas.

But we're the good guys, aren't we? Jack's the hero of this story. He has to be. Because if he's not... if we're not... then what does that make us?

I've done terrible things in the name of following orders before. I swore I'd never do that again. But here I am, watching a man get executed for treason, and a part of me is saying it was necessary.

Maybe Alexander's right. Maybe this is what it takes to bring order to chaos. But at what cost? And where does it end?"

Athena's reverie was broken by Jack's voice, louder now as he outlined his latest plan.

"Robots," he was saying, his earlier doubt seemingly forgotten in the excitement of a new idea. "An army of robots. Think about it – loyal, efficient, and they don't ask for bathroom breaks. We could take back Helios, secure Elpis, maybe even expand to Pandora itself!"

Athena listened as the others weighed in on Jack's proposal. A robot army... it was certainly ambitious. And potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. But if it could help them defeat Zarpedon and the Lost Legion, maybe it was worth the risk.

"We'd need to build them," Jack was saying. "And for that, we'd need a military-grade AI and some top-notch robotics. Any ideas where we might find something like that?"

Athena found herself speaking up. "Moxxi might know. She's got connections all over Elpis."

Jack snapped his fingers. "Moxxi! Of course! Good thinking, Athena. Let's pay our favourite bartender a visit, shall we?"

As they made their way to Moxxi's bar, Athena couldn't help but wonder where Alexander had gone. The warlord's absence felt significant, like a piece missing from an already complex puzzle.

Little did she know that at that very moment, Alexander was making his way to a hidden corner of Concordia, far from prying eyes and curious ears.

The warlord moved with purpose, his ebony power armour gleaming dully in the low light. He found a secluded spot, well away from the bustling centre of the lunar city, and activated his secure communication channel.

Three holographic figures flickered to life before him - his top generals, each overseeing a different aspect of the Iron Legion's operations.

"Report," Alexander commanded, his voice carrying that unmistakable note of authority.

"Not a hello or good morning?" Isaac jabbed, only to be immediately silenced.


With an awkward silence, Alexander never failed to make the man uncomfortable. 

"Well, I'm uh-. Never mind. Occupation over the new world has been... Difficult. Unlike, Pandora our networks are scattered and spread out too thin. I request some reinforcements." 

Jermiah hearing his words retorted, "Reinforcements? We won't be able to allocate more men, Isaac. Expansion over the Dust has been imperative to our growth. Our recruitment prospects are far more limited on Pandora than Promethia." 

"Perhaps if you used your mouth for work instead of pleasure you wouldn't require such support." Xion spoke. 

"And you don't get any Maidens." Isaac rebutted.

"At least, my rectum has remained untouched." 

"Yeah, 'cause I'm sure you haven't had your back broken in... Why don't you go suck a dick or something."

"Of course, you would be interested in something so deprived. Ever considered killing yourself?" 

"I did when I met you, been a long-life dream actually."

"Perhaps this stems from your father's abandonment. I shall stand in his place and support you in this matter. Let us make your dream come true."

"Father? Ha, maybe yours touched you and that's why you can't-."

"The both of you, fuck up." Jeremiah intervened, his patience worn thin, "Keep on talking and I'll shove my foot up both of your arses. Focus, I've got better duties to attend to than dealing with both your bickering." 

"Your advancements within Oasis?" Alexander inquired Xion, the duo's channel unmuted.

"It has progressed adequately my liege, current recruitment of bandits and settlers has been steady and setting outposts over the current settlements has increased. My deductions indicate that by your return we should have total dominance over Pandora." He stated.

"Your progress is adequate it is within my scope of thought. Ensure such results are maintained, you are all an extension of my will and thus my image. I will not accept failure." Alexander spoke his voice heavy.

"We understand," Jeremiah replied, having been the more mature of the three. 

While generally laid back, he realised long ago that dealing with the Iron Monarch was something that required caution and focus. Alexander wasn't one to snap at a failure but one that would at incompetence.

Yet, what most thought was an accident he saw as incompetence and ignorance. He held every single legionare new or old at a high standard, a standard that most would fail. It was times like these that made him wonder if any of the operations suffered such a fate.

"Xion remain firm in your pursuit, the Legion's conquest shall continue. Should any complications arise, inform Jeremiah imminently." Alexander informed his eyes scanning the Helios space station, "I am currently taking over Elpis. Due to the connection errors, I was unable to contact you all but now the jamming signal is down and communications drives are back on, have some of our men sent to Promethia."

"Is there a reason why, sir?" Jeremiah inquired, while rarely one to speak out he found the action odd,"Such an action may force a decrease in production." 

"Current circumstances warrant caution. Colonel Zarpedon of the Lost Legion has taken over the Helios space station. While the death and control of Zarpedon are guaranteed, the capture of the Helios space station is not. Similarly, the stability of Elpis can be questioned, the current Laser is doing irreparable damage to the moon's crust and possible core. Let us prepare for the worst." Alexander revealed.

"By your orders my liege." Xion spoke. 

"Isaac have your men return to your care and have Jeremiah send a chapter of his legionares to Crisis Scar. Your men are no longer needed on Elpis. I shall conduct recruitment on the moon. Until then, continue to observe and follow my orders." 

"Your will, be done." 

As the holographic projections faded, Alexander allowed himself a moment of reflection.

The current situation on Elpis was starting to develop and Jack was becoming a risk, his ambitions growing alongside his ego.

Behind the heroics, he saw his flaws. The mask he was created was breaking piece by piece, while not at dramatic rate, he could see it.

What sane father trapped their daughter to hell and claimed to be a hero saving the world? Jack was fraud, he was human and humans were weak. 

But he was also a valuable asset, his knowledge of Hyperion and his undeniable charisma making him a powerful ally... for now.

Alexander had not come this far, had not built the Iron Legion from nothing, by being shortsighted. He would use Jack for as long as he was useful.

And when the time came... well, Alexander had long since learned the value of contingency plans.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, the warlord made his way back to Concordia's main square. He had a rendezvous to keep with a certain annoying robot and a group of vault hunters who thought they knew what game they were playing.

Meanwhile, back at Moxxi's bar, the atmosphere was thick with smoke and the scent of cheap booze. Moxxi herself stood behind the bar, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the eclectic group before her.

"Well, well," she drawled, her voice as sultry as ever. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Jack leaned against the bar, flashing his most charming smile. "Moxxi, darling, we need your help. We're looking for some... special equipment. Military-grade AI, top-of-the-line robotics. Ring any bells?"

Moxxi's painted eyebrows rose. "My, my, sugar. You don't ask for much, do you?" She thought for a moment, absently polishing a glass. "I might know someone who could help. Janey Springs, over in Concordia. If anyone knows where to find that kind of tech, it'd be her."

"Janey Springs," Jack repeated. "Got it. Thanks, Mox. You're a lifesaver."

As they turned to leave, Moxxi called out, "Jack?" He looked back. "Be careful what you wish for, sugar. Power has a way of changing people."

Jack waved off her concern, but Athena noticed a flicker of... something cross his face. Doubt? Fear? It was gone too quickly to tell.

They made their way to Janey's workshop, the streets of Concordia unusually quiet. Athena couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, that every shadow might be hiding an enemy... or an ally with ulterior motives.

Janey's workshop was a cluttered mess of scrap metal and half-finished inventions. The junker's face lit up when she saw Athena, but her expression quickly turned to confusion as she took in the rest of the group.

"Athena! And... friends?" Janey said, wiping her hands on a grease-stained rag. "What can I do for you?"

Jack stepped forward, impatience clear in his voice. "We're looking for some high-end tech. Military-grade AI, advanced robotics. Moxxi said you might be able to point us in the right direction."

Janey whistled. "That's some serious hardware you're after. I don't have anything like that here, but..." She paused, thinking. "You might want to talk to a friend of mine out near the Outlands. A little ankle-biter by the name of Pickle. That kid's got his fingers in all sorts of pies. If anyone knows where to find what you're looking for, it'd be him."

"Pickle?" Jack asked, his nose wrinkling in distaste. "He sounds like an annoying little urchin."

Athena placed a hand on Jack's arm, a gesture meant to calm but also to remind him of their purpose. "Every lead is worth following, Jack. We can't afford to be picky."

Jack nodded, chastened. "Right, right. So, where can we find this Pickle kid?"

"Last I heard, he was hanging around Outlands Canyon," Janey replied. "Be careful out there, though. The Lost Legion's been stirring up all sorts of trouble."

As they prepared to leave, Janey pulled Athena aside. "Hey, um, when this is all over... maybe we could grab a drink sometime?"

Athena felt a warmth spread through her chest, a feeling so at odds with the tension and doubt that had been her constant companions lately. "I... I'd like that, Janey."

Now at the exit near Concordia, Athena momentarily paused, "I thought Alexander informed you to remain in Concordia?"

"Listen, hun, we're partners. I need to be with you guys, I can't just let you do all the heavy lifting right? Come on, let's get a move on. The world isn't going to save itself." 

Ending that conversation the group set out for Outlands Canyon, the landscape of Elpis stretching out before them in all its desolate beauty. As they travelled, Athena found her thoughts drifting once again to Alexander and his absence. What was the warlord planning? And how did it fit into Jack's grand vision of a robot army?

She glanced at Jack, who was animatedly discussing his plans with Timothy. There was an energy about him, a charisma that was hard to resist. It was easy to see why people followed him, why they believed in his vision of heroism.

But Athena had followed charismatic leaders before. She knew all too well how quickly inspiration could turn to corruption, how easily good intentions could pave the way to atrocity.

As they approached Outlands Canyon, a crackling voice suddenly filled the air, emanating from their ECHO devices.

"Attention, Vault Hunters and... associates." The voice was cold and authoritative. Colonel Zarpedon.

"I'm giving you one last chance to leave Elpis peacefully. Continue on your current path, and I cannot guarantee your safety."

A tense silence fell over the group.

Jack looked around, his earlier bravado momentarily shaken. It was in moments like these that Athena was acutely aware of Alexander's absence. The warlord's steady presence would have been reassuring now.

But they didn't have Alexander. They had Jack. And as Athena watched, she saw the programmer straighten his shoulders, a determined glint entering his eyes.

"We're not going anywhere, Zarpedon," Jack said, his voice steady and defiant. "Your Lost Legion has caused enough damage. You've killed numerous innocent people and I'm not going to let them die in vain."

Athena felt a surge of... something.

Pride? Hope? Whatever it was, it strengthened her resolve.

Maybe Jack really was the hero of this story. Maybe, just maybe, they were on the right side of history.

As Zarpedon's threats faded into static, the group pressed on into Outlands Canyon. They had a mission to complete, an army to build, and a moon to save.

And somewhere in the shadows, Alexander watched and waited, his own plans unfolding with meticulous precision. The stage was set, the players in motion. Soon, very soon, the true nature of heroism and villainy would be revealed.

But for now, in the harsh beauty of Elpis, a group of unlikely allies marched forward, united in purpose if not in motive. The future of the moon, of Helios, of Pandora itself, hung in the balance.

And Athena, caught between duty and doubt, between hope and harsh reality, could only hope that when the dust settled, she would be able to look back on this moment and know that she had made the right choice.

Jack still going through the motions was suddenly called by an unknown number, picking it up the voice of Roland communicated through. 

"Hey – it's Jack, right? I'm Roland. Moxxi dropped me a line, said you need a hand-building robot? My, uh... colleague, Lilith and I spotted some old Dahl industrial complexes dotted around the area. A scout around might solve your hardware problem. We'll let you know."

"Sounds good! ECHO me when you got something."

As they ventured deeper into Outlands Canyon, the silence was broken by a high-pitched voice. "Oi! You lot look a bit lost, don't ya?"

They turned to see a small, scrawny boy perched atop a nearby rock formation. Pickle, the kid they'd been looking for, grinned down at them with a gap-toothed smile.


"Fingersmith and Scamp"

"Ere' to Elp. IF, the price is right!" The Jovinal youth hauted. 

"Haaaa.... Can't believe we're negotiating with a ten-year old." Jack murmured to himself before talking, "Listen Kiddo, we're currently on a top secret mission to take back the Helios station. Think you can help us out?" 

"I ought to, no? I heard from Janey that you lot are trying to get yer mitts on some Military grade A.I. Well it's yer lucky day, you can half-inch one from the Drakensburg! I hear that the Bosun and the Skipper -- who run that place -- are well known collectors of rare and nifty intelegences of the artificial perusation." Pickle informed.

Jack's eyes lit up. "Now we're talking! A hidden cache of advanced tech, just waiting to be liberated by yours truly. Where exactly in Pity's Fall can we find this wreck?"

Pickle hearing Jack exclaimation promptly continued, "Well trouble is, it's not like you can just walk right up to the place and ask to have an AI." 

"Still worth a shot." Athena voiced. 

"Cocky, eh?! Fair enough, they're a tricky pair, but maybe, they'll let you on board right off the bat! I'm updating you ECHO with the most direct routh there!" He exclaimed before simmering down,"Truth is, I've had my eyes on that wreck for awhile, and you lot going in for a look-see would let me do a bit of shopping myself!"

As they prepared to set out for the Drakensburg wreckage in Pity's Fall, Athena couldn't shake the feeling that they were stepping into something much bigger than they realized. The pieces were falling into place, but the picture they formed was still unclear.

She thought of Alexander, of Jack, of Zarpedon and the Lost Legion. Each player in this cosmic game had their own agenda, their own vision of what the future should be. And here she was, a former assassin turned soldier, trying to navigate the murky waters of morality and duty.

As they moved out, Athena's hand instinctively tightened on her shield. Whatever came next, whatever revelations awaited them in the depths of Pity's Fall, she would be ready. She had to be. For herself, for her teammates, and for the future of Elpis and Pandora.

The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty. But then again, Athena mused, when had it ever been otherwise?

As they navigated a particularly narrow ledge, Wilhelm's cybernetic eye caught something. "Movement, two o'clock," he growled.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a hail of gunfire erupted around them. Lost Legion troops had been lying in wait, using the terrain to their advantage.

"Ambush!" Athena shouted, her shield springing to life as she deflected a barrage of bullets.

The battle that ensued was fierce and chaotic. Jack found himself back-to-back with Timothy, his doppelganger, both of them firing rapidly at the oncoming soldiers. Nearby, Wilhelm charged through the enemy ranks like a cybernetic battering ram, while Aurelia picked off targets with icy precision.

As the last of the Lost Legion troops fell, an eerie silence descended upon the battlefield. Jack was about to comment on their victory when a new voice crackled to life over their ECHO devices.

"Oi! What's this then?" The voice was gruff, aggressive, thick with an Australian accent. "A bunch of bloody drongos think they can just waltz onto my ship?"

"Who the hell is that?" Jack demanded, looking around wildly.

"Who am I?" the voice replied, incredulous. "I'm the sodding Bosun, you dipstick! And you're trespassing on my property. So unless you want your arses kicked from here to Pandora, you better start explaining yourselves!"

Jack stepped forward, his voice carrying an edge of bravado. "Easy there, Captain Kangaroo. We're just here for some of that fancy tech you've got squirrelled away. Hand it over peacefully, and we'll be on our way."

The Bosun's laughter was harsh and mocking. "Oh, that's rich! You think you can just waltz in here and take my stuff? I've got a better idea - how about I introduce you to my favorite pastime? It's called 'kicking intruders off my ship'!"

As the transmission cut off, Jack turned to his companions, a mixture of excitement and apprehension on his face. "Well, gang, looks like we're in for one hell of a party. You ready to crash it?"

They pressed on, the landscape growing increasingly treacherous. Jagged rocks gave way to bottomless chasms, and the air grew thin and cold. More than once, they had to rely on their oxygen kits to survive particularly airless stretches.


Tina still listening intently to Athena's story couldn't help but joke, "Pickle. Dassa funny name."

"He's about your age." Athena explained.

 "I do not understand your meaning, madame. This boy sounds like a CHILD."

"You're a–."

"– She thinks she's like thirty or somethin'. Don't worry about it." Brick anounced.

Tina having no qualms pitched her arms folding," I am a LADY. I have lots of MENOPAUSE."

"You got no idea what that means, do you?"

"Mm. Quite."

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