Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 21: Rocket Man (2)

Flying through the self-propelled rocket it found itself steering off-course crashing into a random area in the station.
"Now that was quite the landing..." Aurelia commented slightly dazed.
"Hmm," Wilhelm affirmed grunting.
"Darn... Haven't felt that jolted since I went drinkin' back home." Nisha muttered.
"Are you guys alright?" 
"Shut it, Claptrap... Fuckin' rustbucket..." Wilhelm swore only to meet Alexander's cold gaze.
Finished adjusting themselves they exited the ship only to be met with heavy gunfire - the crew jumping into the fray.
Alexander pacing himself slowly analysed the prowess of the vault hunter in front of him, noting their abilities and specialties.
Nisha the cowgirl, was a gunslinger who effortlessly locked her aim to opponents, her marksmanship lethal. Yet, she appeared third-rate at most compared to Mordecai whose precision was unmatched.
Alexander noted the difference between the two.
Mordecai specialised more in combat situations involving long-distance and foreign terrain whereas Nisha was far quicker to draw her weapon yet far less accurate and precise than Mordecai. 
Mordecai was a scalpel and an artist in the snow, while Nisha was a dagger, swift yet dangerous. 
Wilhelm on the other hand was similar in tactile function to Xion whose main method of attack was rushing the enemy. Where Xion was chivalrous, Wilhelm was savage and barbaric. 
In close-quarter combat, Xion would engage in a one-on-one melee finding the situation "unfair" and "un-sportsmen-like" his blade drawn for close-quarters combat. 
Wilhelm instead appeared to not care about such ideals defeating and brutalising his enemy by any means, his methods were sadistic to watch.
Launching two drones one appeared to repair his shield while the other drew fire. 
Melee consisted of punching his enemy into a pulp.
Aurelia was the most unique in battle, her cryokinesis an imitation of some sort, brought to life by the experimental technology attached to her wrists. With it she froze enemies to death before shattering them to pieces, the sight unique. 
Jack's doppelganger on the other hand was a poor site.
Alexander noted that the man barely fought, his clones doing most of the work. Struggling to shoot back he often hid behind cover cowering anxiously at the enemies making a foot. Whoever hired this man or boy hadn't trained or prepared him enough.
Claptrap with his new upgrade was now capable of fighting, his aim while lacklustre to everyone present was still pretty good in comparison to before. 
It appeared he could process better than most.
Alexander now joining in, merely held his pistol or more accurately his hand canon up.

The pulling of his trigger was heard by all. 
Piercing their heads instantly most of the vault hunters could only look on in shock, his weapon instantly shattering the shield of his enemies.
"That's my big bro! WoooHooo. Eat shit Lost Legion!" Claptrap clapped back, his wheels twirling. 
The vault hunters not aware of the man's prowess came to reassess his strength with caution. 
"I shall assign groups. You three with the assistance of Athena shall make your way to the loading bay. Claptrap, the body double and myself shall lead as vanguard to Jack's current position." 
"And we can trust you because?" Aurelia inquired.
"Don't make me ask twice women. I have a pet peeve of repeating myself." 
Aurelia about to retort was quickly silenced by Nisha who covered her mouth, much to her displeasure.
"We understand," Nisha voiced attempting to calm Aurelia who appeared to slightly get heated.
She began to tie the menacing figure to another lethal and powerful one. 
Athena suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind them quickly gesturing them to begin moving.
"While I understand your frustration, now is neither the time nor place." Athena voiced, Nisha, smiling at her.
"Let's listen to the big guy and silent assassin chick for now, you two. Wouldn't wanna get on their bad side..." Nisha reasoned.
Grunting, Wilhelm decided to follow through, the effort more than its price. 
He understood that the man was far more deadly than anything he had come across prior. It would take prep work and time - and as of now, he had neither.
Killing came first, not dying.
"Fine, but I'll have you know I only listen to orders when paid. Consider yourself lucky giant..." Aurelia rebutted following after Athena who acted as Vanguard alongside Wilhelm. 
Alexander, Claptrap, and the nervous body double who called himself "Jack" headed down one path, while Athena led Wilhelm, Nisha, and Aurelia down another.
As they moved through the sterile, white hallways of the space station, the man masquerading as Jack found himself stealing glances at Alexander. The warlord's power armour was unlike anything he'd ever seen, a marvel of engineering that seemed to defy the laws of physics with its agility.
"So, uh... Alexander, right?" the body double ventured, trying to maintain his Jack persona but failing miserably. "That's some pretty impressive hardware you've got there. Doesn't look like any Hyperion tech I've seen."
Alexander turned his helmeted head slightly, regarding the nervous man with an unreadable expression. "It's not," he said simply. "Custom-built and constantly evolving."
The body double nodded, fascinated despite his nervousness. "Right, right. Cool. Very cool. I, uh, I mean I have some pretty sweet tech too, you know. Being... who I am and all." He winced internally at how unconvincing he sounded.
 Timothy, still trying to maintain his Jack persona, cleared his throat. "So, uh, what brings a big shot like you to our humble space station? Slumming it with us corporate types?"
 Alexander's helmet turned slightly, his voice firm but not entirely cold. "My reasons are my own. Let's focus on the task at hand."
 Timothy nodded quickly. "Right, of course! Just, uh, making conversation. You know, like a boss does."
 Claptrap, rolling along beside them, chimed in. "Oh, you should see what the boss can do with that suit! It's like watching a ballet of destruction. A really, really violent ballet."
 Claptrap then added, "Ooh, ooh! I bet it's because the boss here is secretly a huge fan of Hyperion's weapon designs. He's got a whole collection back home!"
 Alexander sighed a hint of amusement in his voice. "Claptrap, what have I told you about making up stories?"
 "That it's a vital part of my charm and you couldn't possibly live without it?" Claptrap replied cheerfully.
 "No..." Alexander said, his tone softening slightly. "I said it would get you into trouble one day. Try to stay focused, old friend."
 Alexander ignored Claptrap's comment, instead focusing on the body double. "You can drop the act," he stated matter-of-factly. "Your mannerisms, your speech patterns - they're all wrong. You're clearly not who you're pretending to be."
 The body double froze, panic flashing across his face. "I... I don't know what you're talking about. I'm exactly who I say I am!"
"Save it," Alexander cut him off. "I don't care about your contract with Hyperion or why you're pretending to be someone else. What I care about is finding the real Jack and securing this station. So drop the act and be useful."
 Relief washed over the body double's face, quickly followed by shame. "I... yeah, okay. You're right. I'm not... him. I'm just a guy who needed money to pay off his student loans. How'd you figure it out so fast?"
 Alexander's voice softened slightly. "I've dealt with my fair share of imposters and con artists. You're not bad, but you're no actor."
 Timothy rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "So, uh, you're not gonna tell Ja- I mean, the real one about this, are you? I kind of need this job."
 Alexander's voice was stern but not unkind. "Your secret is safe, for now. But remember, lies have a way of unravelling at the worst possible moment. Be careful."
 Timothy nodded, visibly relieved. "Thanks. I'll... I'll keep that in mind."
As they continued down the corridor, Timothy found himself opening up to Alexander. "Well, I actually did a double degree - visual arts and biomedicine. Crazy combination, I know, but I've always been fascinated by both the creative and scientific aspects of the human body."
 Alexander nodded approvingly. "An interesting choice. The intersection of art and science often leads to innovative breakthroughs."
 Timothy's eyes lit up. "Exactly! That's what I've always thought. Like, take prosthetics for example. Understanding the biomechanics is crucial, but so is the aesthetics and how it integrates with the human form."
 "Indeed," Alexander agreed. "I've done some work in that field myself, though more out of necessity than formal study. The challenges of designing functional yet visually appealing augmentations are considerable."
 As they talked, Timothy found himself relaxing. Alexander, despite his imposing presence, was actually quite easy to converse with when it came to intellectual topics. They delved into discussions about recent advancements in bioengineering, the ethical implications of human augmentation, and the potential applications of nanotechnology in medicine.
 Claptrap, not wanting to be left out, occasionally interjected with his own unique brand of commentary. "You know, I once tried to perform surgery on myself. Didn't go so well - ended up with my optical sensors where my audio processors should be. Made for some very confusing weeks!"
 Timothy chuckled, surprised to find himself warming up to the robot. The upgrades Alexander had commissioned for Claptrap seemed to have mellowed out some of his more grating qualities.
 Timothy glanced at Alexander's imposing figure. "You know, for someone who's supposedly just here for 'stability', you seem pretty well-equipped for a war. What's your real story?"
 Alexander was silent for a moment. "Pandora shapes you, or it kills you. I chose to be shaped. Let's leave it at that."
 Timothy frowned. "That's... cryptic. And kind of terrifying, if I'm honest."
 Claptrap chimed in, "Oh, you should hear his bedtime stories! There's this one about a Skag and a-"
 "Claptrap," Alexander cut him off, but his tone was more exasperated than angry. "Perhaps now isn't the time for storytelling."
As they rounded a corner, they came face to face with a squad of Lost Legion soldiers. The armoured troops raised their weapons, shouting orders to surrender.
Timothy's eyes widened in fear, his hand shaking as he reached for his pistol. He fumbled with the weapon, nearly dropping it as he tried to take aim. "Oh god, oh god," he muttered, his heart racing.
Alexander, on the other hand, moved with fluid grace. In one smooth motion, he unslung his bolter pistol - a massive, modified Jakob weapon that looked more like a small cannon than a handgun. With his other hand, he drew a wickedly sharp halberd from his back.
"Stay behind cover," Alexander ordered Timothy, his voice calm and controlled. "Use your digistructed duplicates for distraction. Claptrap, suppressing fire."
Before Timothy could even process the commands, Alexander was in motion. The warlord's power armour, despite its bulk, moved with uncanny speed and agility. He closed the distance to the nearest Lost Legion soldier in the blink of an eye, his halberd cleaving through the man's shield and armour in a single, devastating strike.
The bolter pistol roared, each shot sounding like a crack of thunder in the confined space. Where they hit, Lost Legion soldiers simply ceased to exist, reduced to a fine red mist by the weapon's awesome power.
Timothy, his hands shaking, managed to activate his digistruct module. Holographic duplicates of "Jack" flickered into existence, drawing some of the enemy fire. He peeked out from behind a console, squeezing off a few poorly aimed shots that mostly served to keep the soldiers' heads down.
Claptrap, true to form, began a bizarre dance routine while unleashing a hail of bullets from twin SMGs. "Woo! Check out these sick moves! I call this one the 'Bullet Ballet'!" Despite his apparent randomness, the little robot managed to take down several soldiers, his erratic movements making him a difficult target.
The battle was over in moments. Where there had once been a full squad of Lost Legion troops, now there was only silence and the acrid smell of ozone and blood.
Alexander stood in the centre of the carnage, his armour barely scratched. He turned to Timothy, who was still huddled behind cover, looking pale and shaken.
"Are you injured?" Alexander asked, his tone neutral.
Timothy shook his head, struggling to find his voice. "N-no, I'm okay. Just... not used to this kind of thing, you know? I'm more of a lab guy than a fighter."
Alexander nodded. "Understandable. You did well enough, activating your duplicates as a distraction. With some training, you could be quite effective in combat."
"Thanks, I guess," Timothy replied, still looking queasy at the sight of the battlefield. "But I think I'll stick to my day job. Well, my other day job. The one that doesn't involve getting shot at."
Claptrap rolled up, his chassis covered in scorch marks but otherwise undamaged. "Wowie zowie! Did you see me out there? I was like a whirling dervish of death! A tornado of destruction! A-"
"Yes, Claptrap," Alexander cut him off. "You performed adequately. Now, let's move on. We need to find Jack and secure the command centre."
As they continued deeper into Helios, Timothy found himself pondering the enigma that was Alexander. The man was clearly a seasoned warrior, capable of incredible violence, yet he also possessed a sharp intellect and a surprising depth of knowledge. It was an odd combination - part scholar, part warlord.
"So, Alexander," Timothy ventured as they navigated the winding corridors, "you mentioned you've done some work with augmentations and prosthetics. How'd you get into that?"
Alexander was silent for a moment before responding. "Necessity, as I said before. Pandora is an unforgiving world. Injuries are common, and proper medical care is scarce. I've had to learn to adapt, to repair and improve both myself and those under my protection."
Timothy nodded, newfound respect growing for the armoured warrior. "That's... actually pretty admirable. Using your skills to help people, I mean."
"Don't mistake me for a humanitarian," Alexander warned. "I do what's necessary to survive and to ensure the survival of those loyal to me. Nothing more."
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of gunfire echoing from a nearby chamber. Alexander held up a hand, signalling for silence. He gestured towards a side passage, and the trio quietly made their way towards the source of the commotion.
As they approached, they could hear the unmistakable voice of the real Handsome Jack, shouting orders and insults in equal measure.
"Well," Timothy whispered, "sounds like we found our guy."
Alexander nodded, his posture tense and ready for action. "Indeed. Remember, Timothy - stay behind cover and use your duplicates. Claptrap, be prepared to provide support fire. Our primary objective is to secure Jack and the command centre. Everything else is secondary."
Timothy swallowed hard, nodding as he checked his pistol. "Right. Secure Jack. Don't get killed. I think I can manage that."
Claptrap spun his gun barrels eagerly. "Ooh, time for round two of the Claptrap Carnage Carnival! Step right up, ladies and gentlecreeps!"
With a sharp gesture from Alexander, they moved into the chamber, ready to face whatever chaos awaited them.
The scene that greeted them was one of utter pandemonium. Handsome Jack stood atop a raised platform, firing wildly with a Hyperion shotgun at a group of Lost Legion soldiers who had taken cover behind various consoles and pieces of equipment. Jack's face was contorted with rage, his usually perfectly coiffed hair dishevelled and his clothing singed.
"Is that the best you've got, you slack-jawed morons?" Jack bellowed, his hands armed into fists firing scatters of shots from his modified wrist shotguns. "I've seen Skags with better aim!"
Alexander assessed the situation in an instant. With a series of hand signals, he directed Timothy to circle around to the left, using his duplicates to draw fire away from Jack. Claptrap was ordered to provide suppressing fire from the right, while Alexander himself prepared to charge straight up the middle.
As they burst into action, Jack's eyes widened in surprise. "Well, well! Looks like the cavalry's here!" he shouted, a manic grin spreading across his face. "Try not to die too quickly, kiddos!"
Timothy activated his digistruct module, sending holographic duplicates of "Jack" scattering across the battlefield. The Lost Legion soldiers, momentarily confused by the sudden appearance of multiple targets, divided their fire.
Claptrap unleashed a barrage of bullets, his erratic movements and constant chatter serving as both distraction and genuine threat. "Pew pew! Take that, you big meanies! The Claptrap Express is coming through, and it's got a one-way ticket to Pain Town!"
Alexander, meanwhile, became a whirlwind of destruction. His power armour's enhanced speed and strength, combined with his own considerable combat skills, made him nearly unstoppable. The halberd flashed, cutting through shields and armour alike, while his bolter pistol thundered, each shot finding its mark with deadly precision.
Timothy, for his part, managed to surprise himself. While nowhere near as effective as Alexander or even Claptrap, he found that he could contribute by carefully timing the deployment of his duplicates and taking potshots when the opportunity presented itself.
In a matter of minutes, the tide of battle had turned. The remaining Lost Legion soldiers, realizing they were outmatched, began to fall back.
Jack, his face flushed with excitement and adrenaline, jumped down from his perch. "Whoa! Talk about timing! I mean, I totally had everything under control, but that was some impressive firepower you guys brought."
Alexander approached Jack, his armour splattered with blood but his posture was still alert. "You must be Jack. We need to secure the command centre and regain control of Helios."
Jack's eyes narrowed slightly as he took in Alexander's imposing figure. "Hold up, hold up. Who exactly are you, big guy? I don't remember hiring a walking tank for this job."
"I'm Alexander," he replied flatly. "Consider me an interested party in Helios' survival and Hyperion's continued operation on Pandora."
Jack's eyebrows shot up. "Alexander? As in the warlord who kicked Atlas off Pandora? Oh man, this is getting better by the minute!" He clapped his hands together, a manic grin spreading across his face.
"Okay, change of plans. You," he pointed at Alexander, "are coming with me to the command centre. We've got a space station to save and some sweet, sweet revenge to dish out."
Timothy, still catching his breath from the firefight, stepped forward. "Uh, what about me, Jack? I mean, uh, me?"
Jack waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, other me. You stick with Claptrap and keep an eye out for more of those Lost Legion goons. Try not to die or anything, okay? I've got a lot invested in that face of yours."
As Jack led Alexander towards the command centre, he couldn't help but ramble excitedly. "You know, I've heard stories about you. The whole 'executioner of General Knoxx' thing? Classic. We should totally swap war stories sometime. I mean, once we're not, you know, fighting for our lives and stuff."
Alexander remained silent, his focus on their surroundings and potential threats 
Jack, undeterred by the lack of response, continued. "So, what's your stake in all this? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have the muscle, but Hyperion and you aren't exactly best buds, right?"
"Helios represents a significant investment in Pandora's future," Alexander finally replied. "Its loss would destabilize the planet further. That's bad for business."
Jack nodded sagely. "Ah, pragmatism. I can respect that. Well, big guy, let me tell you - once we get through this mess, Hyperion's going places. And I mean that literally. We're gonna bring civilization to this backwater planet whether it likes it or not."
As they approached the command centre, the sounds of combat grew louder. Jack's face hardened, his earlier bravado replaced by determination.
"Alright, this is it," he said, checking his gun. "Time to take back what's mine and show these Lost Legion losers what happens when you mess with Hyperion. You ready to make some noise, Alexander?"
Alexander's response was to ready his weapons, the hum of his power armour intensifying.
Jack grinned. "I'll take that as a yes. Let's do this!"
As Jack approached the main console in the command centre, his fingers flying over the keyboard, a flicker of static suddenly burst across the screens.

"So why is this supposed Lost Legion targeting Helios? They appear to be of Dahl origin... Are you currently at war?" Alexander inquired.

"I have no idea. These assholes came out of nowhere and suddenly attacked the station. This Zarpedon chick suddenly screamed through the intercoms about taking it over." Jack explained.

"Interesting... So they appear to be an abandoned force then. Most likely originating from Elpis."

Alexander deduced that such a force would've been reported if they were found on Pandora.

"Something like that..." Jack muttered, "And I should be done." 

Tapping vigorously at his keyboard, his screen was suddenly distorted revealing the image of a stern-looking woman in military attire, her piercing gaze seeming to bore right through them.
"Jack," the woman's voice rang out, firm and unyielding. "I am Colonel Zarpedon, commander of the Lost Legion. You're a smart man. You should now know what we're capable of. You've seen it firsthand. By now, you should know... your space station belongs to us."
Jack's face contorted in anger, his fists clenching at his sides. "Oh, come on! Seriously? Who invited Commander Buzzkill to the party?"
Zarpedon continued, undeterred. "Helios is no longer your concern. Abandon this course of action now. That's an order."
"An order?" Jack sputtered, his voice rising. "Listen here, you wannabe dictator in discount military surplus. This is my station, and I don't take orders from-"
The transmission cut off abruptly, leaving Jack mid-rant. He slammed his fist on the console. "Dammit! Who does she think she is?"
Before Alexander could respond, a series of panels in the ceiling slid open, revealing an array of automated turrets. They swivelled towards the group, their barrels glowing ominously.
"Oh, that's just great," Jack groaned, diving for cover. "Alexander, a little help here?"
Alexander was already in motion, his power armour's systems whirring as he dodged the initial barrage. With practised precision, he took aim with his bolter pistol, each shot finding its mark and reducing the turrets to sparking scrap.
Jack emerged from his hiding spot as the last turret fell, brushing off his vest.

"What an Asshole. Whoever freakin kills that crazy freakin chick gets a high five and turbo mansion..." 

Turning his attention to Alexander he quickly paced forward, "Looks like there's some kind of jamming signal coming from Elpis. We're cut off from the rest of Hyperion's network. So no fast travel and no security. We'll be on our own from here on out."
With a calculating look in his eyes, he offered a proposition, "Listen, big guy. I need your help to sort this mess out. In return, I can make sure Hyperion's considerable resources find their way to you and your operations. What do you say? Partners?"
Alexander considered for a moment before nodding. "Agreed. But remember, Jack - I'm not one of your employees. We work together as equals."
Jack grinned, extending his hand. "Wouldn't have it any other way. Now, let's go show these Lost Legion losers what happens when they mess with Hyperion... and friends."
"Say, that was pretty impressive. Where'd you learn to fight like that, hell where'd you get tech like that?"
"Experience and skill," Alexander replied simply. "Lots of it. Pandora isn't kind to the unprepared."
Jack nodded slowly. "Remind me to never get on your bad side. Now, let's go round up the others and show these freakin' assholes what happens when they mess with us."
Making their way to the loading bay, they found Athena, Wilhelm, Nisha, and Aurelia, the area was now littered with the bodies of Lost Legion soldiers, evidence of the group's efficiency in combat.
Athena approached Alexander, her face set in its usual stoic expression. "The loading bay is secure. What's our next move?"
Jack stepped forward, rubbing his hands together. "Next, we take a little trip to Elpis. Time to knock out that jamming signal and take back what's ours. You all in?"
The group exchanged glances, a mix of determination and anticipation on their faces. 
Jack clapped his hands together. "Alright, kiddos! Next stop, Elpis! Who's ready for some moon mayhem?"
Nisha smirked. "As long as there's something to shoot, I'm in."
Wilhelm grunted his assent, while Aurelia sighed dramatically. "I suppose someone has to keep you lot from getting yourselves killed."
Alexander's voice cut through the chatter, firm but not harsh. "We have a mission. Let's stay focused on the objective. There'll be time for banter later."
Alexander's enhanced senses picked up a familiar presence emanating from Jack's ECHO device.

He immediately recognized it as Angel, the mysterious Siren who had contacted him earlier, requesting his assistance in helping Jack.

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly behind his helmet as he focused on the ethereal signature. Angel's presence was subtle, woven into the digital fabric of Jack's communications system. But there was more to it than that.
As he extended his awareness, Alexander detected a faint tether of Angel's power stretching beyond Helios, reaching towards some distant point he couldn't precisely locate. This connection intrigued him. He had known Angel was powerful, but the extent of her reach was surprising.
Alexander filed this information away, his mind working through the implications. While Angel had asked him to help Jack, she hadn't explained the nature of their relationship or why Jack's success was so important to her. This hidden connection raised new questions about Angel's motivations and her true role in the unfolding events.

As Jack rambled on, Alexander's attention was drawn to a strange shimmer near the far wall. He focused, making out the ethereal form of an Eridian alien observing them before it faded from view.

"Athena," Alexander said quietly, his tone commanding. "Did you see that?"

The gladiator nodded, her eyes narrowed. "Eridian. But why here? Why now?"

"Irrelevant for now," Alexander muttered. "Let's observe and wait for now. Perhaps there's more to this mission than I once thought"

Jack, oblivious to the exchange, was still talking. "...and that's why we need to use the cargo launcher to shoot you down to the moon's surface. Any questions?"

Alexander's voice cut through the stunned silence, sharp and authoritative. "Your plan is asinine, Jack. You'd risk valuable assets on a desperate gambit?"

Jack's face fell. "What? It's a perfectly good plan!"

"It's idiotic," Alexander retorted, his tone leaving no room for argument. "We need a strategy, not a circus act."

Nisha while hesitant to speak up nodded in agreement. "He's right, Jack. This is unnecessarily risky. Besides we can't risk having you killed while we're down there. You're currently the only one who actually knows how to operate Helios."

Jack threw up his hands. "Well, I'm all ears if you've got a better idea! We need to get down there and shut off that jamming signal, or we're all screwed!"

Alexander's eyes narrowed, his mind working quickly. "Nisha, Wilhelm, and Aurelia stay here on the station. The rest of us will descend to Elpis and neutralize the signal."

Wilhelm grunted. "Fine by me. Less work, same killing up here."

Nisha shrugged. "Whatever. As long as I get to shoot something."

Aurelia nodded silently, her eyes darting between Jack and Alexander.

Jack hesitated, clearly torn. "I don't know..."

"It wasn't a suggestion, Jack," Alexander said coldly. "It's what's going to happen."

After a moment, Jack relented. "Fine. But you better not screw this up. The fate of Helios depends on you."

As the group prepared for their descent, Jack's eyes fell on Claptrap. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I had to modify Clappy's programming for combat. Some mysterious client requested it."

Alexander cleared his throat. "That would be me, actually."

Jack's eyebrows shot up. "You? But why would you want to upgrade this rolling trash can?"

Claptrap's robotic voice piped up. "Hey! I resent that remark! I'll have you know I'm a state-of-the-art combat unit now!"

Alexander's gaze hardened. "Your shortsightedness is disappointing, Jack. Even the simplest tools can be deadly in the right hands."

Jack winced. "Right. Uh, sorry about all those... comments I made earlier. If I'd known you were behind the upgrade..."

"Save your apologies," Alexander cut him off. "They're as useless as your initial plan. Let's focus on the mission."

As they made their final preparations, Alexander couldn't shake the memory of the Eridian observer. What did its presence mean? And why hadn't the others noticed it?

As the group boarded the shuttle bound for Elpis, Alexander cast one last glance at Jack's ECHO device.

Angel's presence remained, a familiar yet enigmatic whisper at the edge of his perception. He made a mental note to investigate further when the opportunity arose. For now, though, they had a moon to liberate and a space station to reclaim.

"Everything alright?" Athena asked, noticing Alexander's momentary distraction.
He nodded curtly. "Fine. Just... confirming some intel."

As the shuttle's engines roared to life, Alexander turned his focus to the mission ahead. But in the back of his mind, the mystery of Angel's connection to Jack and her far-reaching influence lingered, another piece in the complex puzzle that was Pandora and its many secrets.

"Hmm, what's your play Angel…" He voiced within his heart.

Before he could dwell on it further, Jack was ushering them into the cargo launcher. "Alright, people! Time to make history! Or die horribly. Either way, it'll be memorable!"

With a thunderous roar, the launcher activated, and Alexander felt his body lurch as they were propelled through space towards the looming surface of Elpis.

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