BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 23: it’s the best place possible

"Did something happen to Kai during training?" Nemuri couldn't help but ask, worried. Shino immediately responded with a calm smile.

"Relax, he wasn't hurt or anything like that. Today, we realized Kai-kun's incredible talent. Not only does he have an impressive learning speed, but his quirk is also incredibly powerful and destructive. So It's important for Kai to start learning to control it because, after all, it will be very useful for his dream."

"Dream? Are you sure Kai talked about dreams? He always said he didn't have dreams, only goals."

"Ah, that's right. Kai-kun did say something like that. Do you remember he told you about fighting an old man at the mall? Well, although I didn't understand the fight very well, it boiled down to the old man recommending an easy path for a novice to start with. But Kai disagreed, saying it was a path without a future and recommended a harder path with room for growth."

"That's so like Kai."

"Well, as I was saying, after we got him out of there, we explained why it was better to show the easy path at the beginning. He later apologized to the old man, and they had a brief conversation where the old man explained the importance of dreams. Kai then said his dream would be to become invincible."

When Nemuri heard Shino's words about Kai's dream, she couldn't help but remember the words the boy had said to her in the hospital bathroom, [I'll make sure something like this never happens again, I'll make sure to protect you], which inevitably caused tears to well up in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and asked another question.

"I understand, thank you for telling me. But I wanted to ask, what do you mean by his quirk being powerful and destructive?"

"Well, to put it simply, imagine a miniature All Might. That's Kai-kun."

"All Might?! Are you sure? Or are you exaggerating?"

"You wouldn't doubt it so much if you had seen it. Kai-kun destroyed a tree with a terribly casual punch. It was impressive."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, even though Kai is very strong and fast, he didn't use any of that in the punch. It was barely even a punch. He just stretched his arm, touched the trunk, and it exploded from the impact."

"That's really impressive."

"Yes, but such great power is dangerous in the hands of a child, especially one who has gone through what Kai has. So it's necessary to do something to help him learn not only to control it but also to control himself," Shino spoke with a serious tone and a grave expression, to which Nemuri agreed.

"You're right, though it will be complicated..."

"Yes, it will be. But don't worry, we'll come up with something. Don't forget we'll help with whatever you need with Kai-kun," Shino added with a reassuring smile, which moved Nemuri a little. She sincerely thanked her.

"Thank you so much for everything, Shino."

"Don't mention it. You better hurry, or you'll be late for the hospital"

Shino responded cheerfully, placing a comforting hand on Nemuri's shoulder. The beautiful blue-eyed woman nodded, thanked her one last time, and went to the living room to pick up Kai, heading to the hospital.

Sometime later, Nemuri and Kai arrived at the hospital, where, after several check-ups, the doctors reached a somewhat surprising conclusion: the boy was better than fine. Not only did he have no health issues, but all his results were astonishing, to the point where the doctors kept repeating that the boy was the epitome of human health.

"See, Onee-chan, I told you I was fine."

"It's always better to be safe than sorry, Kai."

After a couple of hours, Nemuri and Kai left the hospital and headed to the outskirts of the city. After a while, they saw a beautiful forest in the distance, which brought small smiles to the faces of the 'blue-eyed duo.'

Later, Nemuri and Kai reached their destination, where they found an elegant minimalist-style residence that seemed to rise like a sanctuary of serenity and 'civilization' in the middle of a lush forest.

The house's structure had two floors with large windows offering panoramic views of the forest from every room, designed with a purist aesthetic, featuring sharp lines and a monochromatic color palette that blended harmoniously with the green tones of the surrounding forest.

Upon entering the beautiful house, Nemuri and Kai were greeted by a spacious foyer that flowed into an open-plan living room. The interior followed a minimalist philosophy with white walls, polished marble floors, and contemporary designed furniture.

Outside the residence, an expansive wooden terrace opened to the forest, providing a private and tranquil space to enjoy the outdoors. The meticulously maintained garden showcased a variety of native flora, adding a touch of color to the property's landscape.

The two were enchanted by the place, especially Kai, who felt incredibly drawn to the surrounding forest, as if his instincts were telling him there was no better home for him.

"Onee-chan, I want to live here; it's the best place possible."

"You're right, Kai. This place is perfect for us. Fortunately, I’ve already signed all the necessary documents. We just need to tidy up a bit and bring our things. I think Alisa-san was planning to move here. After all, look over there; I'd bet that's where your workshop will go."

With a small smile on her face, Nemuri pointed to a corner of the property, where, a bit away from the main mansion, a simple-looking building of about 200 square meters with large industrial doors could be seen. Accompanied by a couple of similar but much smaller buildings on the sides.

With bright eyes, Kai ran towards the larger building and tried to quickly open the doors, only to find they were locked. He quickly turned to look at Nemuri, who approached with an amused smile on her face and keys in her hands.

“Fufufu, my baby is very excited.”


At Nemuri’s affectionate and amused comment, Kai chose to remain silent, a little embarrassed, while moving aside to give Nemuri space to open the doors.

“Fufufu, let's see how your workshop will look.”

When Nemuri opened the doors of the building, the first thing Kai noticed inside were a lot of work tables, shelves, computers, and several machines similar to those in his workshop, but better, larger, and evidently new, as well as various perfectly arranged tools and different types of supplies, such as microcomponents, cables, PCBs, etc.

Seeing his fully equipped workshop, with such a high level of attention to detail, Kai couldn't hold back his tears. After all, that place was more than a workshop; it was a monument to the love and care his parents had for him, likely a surprise they had prepared for him, one they unfortunately never got to give him.

With his face stained with tears, Nemuri approached Kai and hugged him from behind, as if trying to tell him with the hug that he wasn't alone, that she was with him and felt his pain too, a pain so great it still hurt like an open wound.

After a while, the beautiful woman and the small boy left the workshop and checked the other two nearby buildings, quickly realizing that they were not meant for Kai, as they contained things that were evidently for his parents.

One of the buildings was actually a gym, which had a large amount of high-end specialized training equipment, making it clear that this would be a new gym for his father, as he had never had one in their previous home.

The other building had countless neatly arranged technological shelves with a large collection of all kinds of books surrounding an elegant tearoom, making it evident that it belonged to his mother, whose greatest hobby was collecting books. She spent a lot of money on first editions and similar items.

(Money really corrupts. My mother didn’t have such a passion in my previous life. Although she always loved reading, now, with money, she ended up doing what she used to criticize so much: paying obscene amounts of money for a book that has the same content as any other. Hahahaha, maybe envy spoke for her before...)

After the tour of the property, Nemuri and Kai left the place in one of the cars parked in the garage and headed to Nemuri's apartment, where a lot of suitcases were already neatly packed in the living room.

“What will you do with your apartment, Onee-chan?” Kai asked curiously while helping Nemuri load the suitcases into the car. She replied while arranging them inside to make them all fit.

“I suppose I’ll call a real estate agency to rent it out. After all, it could have problems if no one lives in it for a long time.”

"Doesn't it bother you that someone else will live in your apartment?"

"Not really, it's just an apartment. My home is now by your side, Kai, so this place might as well be home for someone else now that I don't need it."

"I see…"

After loading all the suitcases into the car, Nemuri called the moving company that would take care of transporting the rest of her belongings to the new house. She then left a copy of the key with the building's security so they could enter.

After unloading the suitcases at their new home, Nemuri opened one of the bags and took out a beautiful black card with golden decorations, Kai's savings card, and handed it to him with a smile.

"Kai, here is your savings card. Don't lose it."

"Thanks, Onee-chan." Kai looked at the card for a while, then sighed and thanked her with a small smile.

Although Kai didn't say anything else, Nemuri was sure that the boy's gratitude wasn't for the card. After all, he hadn't mentioned picking it up even once after their trip to the mall. But She could understand it; after all, she herself couldn't control her tears when she returned to the Saito house, and now she didn't even feel brave enough to go back.

That place held too many memories, and it would be difficult for them to enter it for a long time. On the other hand, Nemuri had no plans to rent the house out or anything like that. Instead, she had decided to leave it as it was and hire a high-end cleaning service with an excellent reputation to keep it in perfect condition until the two of them felt brave enough to return.

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