BNHA: Spiritual Aura

BNHA: SA Chapter 27: Texas Smash!!!!!

"Can you generate electricity?!!"

Nemuri's astonished exclamation was met with a playful smile from Kai, who tried to sound serious and casual.

"It's something similar to conjuring things. I can reproduce properties and phenomena I'm familiar with. As an enthusiastic engineer, I'm quite familiar with electric shocks."

"That's an amazing ability, Kai… but I'm worried about the 'familiar' part. Do you mean you have to electrocute yourself regularly to improve it?"

(Damn, I said too much and Onee-chan is too sharp.)

"Hehehe," Kai looked away nervously, prompting Nemuri to respond firmly and decisively.

"Alright, it's decided. This ability is sealed forever."

"Onee-chan!!!! This ability is very coo... powerful and versatile. It will be very useful in the future."

"You were going to say 'cool,' weren't you, Kai?!!! It's forbidden. You won't train this ability. Your Onee-chan forbids it!!!"

"I refuse!! It's a very powerful ability."

"I don't care. I don't want you electrocuting yourself. If something happened to you, it would be the end for me, Kai. So please, don't do this to your Onee-chan. Don't use this ability."

On the verge of tears, Nemuri hugged Kai tightly, her words laced with pain and fear, which inevitably moved Kai. He returned the embrace to the beautiful blue-eyed woman, then responded in a calm and quiet voice.

"Onee-chan, don't worry. Although I'm enthusiastic, I know a lot about electrical engineering. As long as I keep the amperage low, nothing will happen. How many times do you think I've played with lethal amounts of electricity? I do it all the time, and look at me, I'm fine."

Kai's words, instead of consoling Nemuri, made her jump like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She grabbed him by the shoulders and exclaimed angrily.

"So that's what happens in your workshop?!!! I'm sure Alisa-san never knew about it, or she would have banned you from entering it."


An invisible arrow seemed to pierce Kai's heart, but Nemuri quickly added mercilessly.

"Kai, from now on, I'll watch you closely every time you go into your workshop. Do you hear me?!"


"Onee-chan, nothing, you hear me!"


(My big mouth again. I messed up, but it'll just be a bit harder to convince her. Eventually, she'll give in. I still have my ways!!)


After calming down a bit, still curious, Nemuri asked with a bit of excitement in her tone.

"Well, let's change the subject, Kai. Do you have any more abilities?"

"A couple more."

"I hope they're not like the last one..." Nemuri couldn't help but narrow her eyes as she looked at Kai, who quickly replied.

"No, not at all. It's more like this." Kai said as small pebbles from the ground lifted against gravity and started spinning around his hand.


"Something like that, although it's more about 'control.' It also works for controlling small bugs, although that might improve in the future."

"You're full of abilities, Kai. Your quirk is probably one of the most powerful and versatile that has ever existed. Your quirk is undoubtedly a singularity. It goes far beyond what Jiro-san's force control or Alisa-san's empathetic echo can do. What do you plan to call it?"

"Mmm... honestly, I haven't thought about it, but maybe Spiritual Aura."

"Spiritual Aura? How childish," Nemuri commented with a small smile, to which Kai huffed, annoyed.

"Hmph, I knew you wouldn't understand."

Amused, Nemuri approached Kai, hugged him, and began to gently stroke his head while speaking in a soft, tender voice.

"Yes, forgive me for not being able to understand the awesome name my baby Kai-chan gave his quirk."

"Don't tease me, Onee-chan."

"Yes, yes, Onee-chan won't tease you anymore," Nemuri commented playfully, but her expression quickly turned serious as she continued, "But you have to promise me something, Kai. You can't tell anyone else about your abilities. It could be dangerous."

"I know, Onee-chan. I only showed them to you because I trust you. I would never show them to anyone else. What happened with the Pussycats was a mistake. I didn't know it would be that strong."


With a huge smile on her face, Nemuri began to kiss Kai all over after hearing his words, which made her immensely happy. However, she calmed down after a while when she remembered an important appointment they had today.

"Kai, we can't waste any more time here if we want to be on time for our meeting with All Might."

"You're right, let's go."

After looking at Nemuri in surprise, Kai quickly responded and then hurried towards the house, causing the beautiful blue-eyed woman to shake her head in amusement as she followed him, lost in thought.

(Kai is much more impressive than Shino thought. From now on, I must be even more careful with his education. After all, being so special can easily go to his head, one of Alisa-san's greatest fears. Therefore, I must not allow something like that to happen at any cost.)

A few hours later, in a slightly wooded area on the outskirts of the city, Nemuri could be seen dressed in a simple short-sleeved black blouse and a pair of blue jeans, looking at her watch somewhat worriedly, with little Kai by her side, dressed in a black sports outfit and an anxious expression on his face.

"Will he come?" Kai asked, looking around, to which Nemuri replied in a somewhat helpless tone.

"He will come. It's just that he is the symbol of peace, a busy man, so it's normal for him to be a little late."

"But we've been waiting for 30 minutes..."

"Well, he is a busy man..."

A while later, as the blue-eyed pair was about to leave, a gust of wind 'landed' near them, and from it emerged a man over 2 meters tall, incredibly muscular, with blonde hair forming what looked like two antennae in the front, dressed in a simple short-sleeved white shirt and brown pants, with a belt featuring a prominent buckle.

"I am here!" Upon arrival, All Might greeted with his iconic phrase, to which Nemuri responded with a slight bow, quickly followed by Kai.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, All Might."

"A pleasure, All Might."

"Likewise, Kayama-san, Kai-shonen. I apologize for the delay; there was a little problem on the way here, but it's been resolved."

"Don't worry, we didn't wait long," Nemuri replied courteously while Kai just rolled his eyes. After all, if he didn't really want to see All Might's punch, he would have left 45 minutes ago.

"That's a relief. But let's get to it. You wanted to see one of my punches at full strength, right, Kai-shonen?"

"Yes, that's right. Don't hold back, or it would lose its meaning as a reference." With visibly excited eyes, Kai replied, trying to sound calm, which brought a smile to the faces of the other two present.

"Hehehe, alright then. Let's head a bit into the forest to avoid any issues. I know this area and have used it for training a few times."

After nodding in agreement, Nemuri and Kai quickly followed All Might until they reached a large cliff from which the sea could be seen in the distance.

"Well, Kai-shonen, pay close attention. This is one of my punches at 100%."

After his announcement, All Might pulled back his arm and then unleashed a blindingly fast punch. Kai could barely follow it thanks to his Haki, which warned him in time, allowing him to strengthen his eyes and brain with all his might.

"Texas Smash!!!!!"

The power unleashed by All Might's punch was beyond anything Kai could have imagined. The blow literally released a cannon of air that shot forward, leaving a deep crater in the ground and reaching the sea, splitting it in two as if Moses himself had done it.

(Is there really someone capable of almost killing this human-shaped beast? This world is insane...)

After delivering his punch, All Might turned to look at Kai to see his reaction, wondering what face the boy would make after witnessing his true power. After all, he had seen all kinds of expressions from those who had witnessed his true power: despair, fear, acceptance, hatred, indifference, idolatry, and even defiance.

But despite that, it was the first time All Might saw someone smile the way Kai did. It wasn't exactly the first time he had seen someone smile at his display of power, but Kai's smile was different. His smile expressed excitement, determination, and most strangely, expectation.

"What did you think, Kai-shonen?" All Might asked, somewhat curious, to which the boy responded a bit excitedly.

"Really impressive, much more than I expected. You are definitely number one, All Might."

"Hahaha, I'm glad to hear that, but unfortunately, I must leave now. Duty calls."

"Of course, see you later, and thank you very much for fulfilling my request. It really means a lot to me."


After a courteous farewell from Nemuri and Kai, All Might left with a leap, leaving behind a powerful gust of wind that tousled the hair of the blue-eyed pair. Nemuri quickly approached Kai, then asked, a bit worried that All Might's monstrous power might have demoralized him.

"What do you think of what you saw, Kai?"

"It was truly impressive, his power is really overwhelming, but definitely not unattainable. I know that in a few years, I can do something like that," Kai responded in a serious tone, making Nemuri smile, both amused and somewhat proud.

"Oh, do you have that much confidence?"

"Hehehe, a little, but don't worry, Onee-chan, you'll see."

"Then I'll be waiting to see it."

Nemuri believed it had been good for All Might to show Kai his power because by seeing the summit, Kai would realize that no matter how special he was, there was always someone better, which would prevent him from becoming arrogant about his powerful quirk—one of her greatest fears.

"Well, Kai, it's time to go home."

"Sure, let's go, Onee-chan."

Nemuri and Kai headed home while the latter reflected deeply on how he should train from now on to maximize his abilities.

(As a first step, I must master the aura techniques En, Ken, Shu, Ko, etc. I also need to work on the different categories, but even though I have some ideas for training the normal ones, I have no idea what to do with Specialist or if I can even generate a Specialist Hatsu.

Although being able to use all the categories might be my Specialist Hatsu, which is quite possible... For the moment, it's better to put it aside until I come up with something.

As for Haki, although it will be a bit more complicated because I'll need a partner for Observation Haki, I also need to master it and try to reach its advanced states, if they exist, especially future sight, which will be a key part of my arsenal.

Additionally, I need to somehow verify if I have Conqueror's Haki or not. The problem is that I can't think of any way to check it since, as far as I remember, it awakens in high-stress situations—something I don't feel like experiencing right now...)


An extra chapter as a thank you to Carl Dearman for joining my Patreon. Thank you very much for your support.

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