Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 65 The trump card! Horrible beast!

What surprised Emperor Dan was that he thought Su Yi was going to have a fierce and passionate second showdown with the Fierce Jackal and Thousand Faces Avoider, but in the end, he used Dragon Tail to forcefully replace Pokémon?

It's a bit of a waste of his feelings.

The ferocious jackal took one bite of the air and then quickly turned around and flicked its tail. It struck quickly and continuously, leaving Qianmian Yuyong, who had just dodged the attack, unable to react in time.

The slender dragon tail wrapped in bright green scales whipped it, turning it into a beam of light and pulling it back into the ball, and then forcibly replaced Dandi's next Pokémon.

At the same time, Su Yi used the fastest hand speed to retrieve the ferocious jackal dragon, and then took out a capture ball.

"It's Big Brother's ace Charizard!" Hepu shouted excitedly when he saw the Pokémon that Dan Di was forcibly replaced.

trump card? What I'm waiting for is the ace!

"Ouch?" Although the fire-breathing dragon was a little confused, its excellent combat qualities allowed it to immediately spread its wings and take off vigilantly, overlooking the battlefield for alert.

At the same time, Su Yi grinned and said: "The plan is clear! Come on, Xiba!"

"Wow." As soon as the dizzy bird came out, it just screamed in a very salty way, showing no energy at all.

Su Yi:

It seems that being single again has a big impact on it, and without training and cooperation, its compatibility with Su Yi is not good.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can use those two or three moves.

"It's a new Pokémon!" Sonia subconsciously took out the illustrated book and scanned it. As she expected, there were Pokémon that were not recorded on the record. Plus the ones she had seen last time, a total of Six unrecorded Pokémon appeared in Su Yi's team.

If there are one or two that are not recorded, it is okay to say that it is luck.

But this time, a group of unrecorded Pokémon appeared. Combined with the egg of unrecorded Pokémon that Su Yi gave to Hupp before, she could guess that those Pokémon actually had groups and habitats. Ground.

According to what Su Yi said before, this time he conquered a new partner, the new Pokémon in front of him. If Su Yi did not lie, it means that Su Yi conquered a new Pokémon in just two or three days. Unrecorded Pokémon.

This shows that this Pokémon's habitat should not be far from Galar.

This aroused Sonia's curiosity even more. Which unexplored secret realm contains so many unknown Pokémon?

"Oh? Is this your new partner? He doesn't seem to have any fighting spirit." Dan Emperor smiled, but he was wary.

Each of Su Yi's Pokémon can bring him big or small surprises, but when he sees his ace Charizard on the stage, he immediately replaces it. There must be some reason for it.

"Hey! Since you feel depressed, let's vent it! Dodge him!" Su Yi pointed at the fire-breathing dragon in the air.

Can fly? I'll dodge it for you!

"Whoa!" Baa reluctantly came back to her senses and looked at the target in the sky. As if the DNA was moving, the luminous film above her head immediately unfolded.

"What kind of attack is this?" Emperor Dan immediately became alert.

The suddenly unfolded membrane suddenly emitted a bright flash of light. Emperor Dan was startled and thought to himself: Is it some kind of light attack? Or is it an attack that requires charging like a solar beam?

However, when the flash flashed for the second time to warm up, he suddenly realized: "Could it be... little...!"

Before he could say the word "be careful", he raised his head and pointed the luminous film at the fire-breathing dragon in the sky. The dazzling white light flashed instantly, extremely dazzling in the wilderness at dusk.

"Ouch!" The dazzling flash of light stung the fire-breathing dragon's eyes. This stimulation immediately made its mind dizzy for a short time, and it fell from the air without the ability to resist.

"Charizard!" Dan Emperor, who covered his eyes in time, looked immediately and shouted nervously.

"Hey! Turn back quickly!" Su Yi ordered decisively.

"Wow!" The bird that had just dodged a shot suddenly felt refreshed, and the whole bird had some vitality. Relying on the characteristics of the platform walker, its speed doubled from the original speed suddenly burst out. Like an arrow from the string, it rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon falling from the sky.


The rapid return hit, the dizzy bird turned into light and quickly returned to the ball, and the Charizard fell to the ground after being hit. Fortunately, it resisted the insect system four times and was not seriously injured. However, coupled with the impact of the fall, it also He is still in a dizzy state and has not yet recovered.

And Su Yi's trump card is now officially on display!


The terrifying red beast flew out, and before everyone could express their horror at its appearance, it rushed straight towards the unresisting Charizard.

"Broken Claw!" Su Yi grasped the claw fiercely.

"Howling!" The Brutal Claw Dragon opened its ten sharp claws and swung out, and the pale light streaked across the tragic arc.

Bah lala!

A series of hideous scars appeared on Charizard's body, and exploded with a loud bang. His physical strength turned into light spots and quickly flew away. Charizard was knocked away by this heavy blow and fell to the ground.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?!" Dan Emperor looked shocked.

With the same expression as him, there were Hepu and Xiaoyou who had never seen the Mistyclaw.

They originally thought that the Great Dire Jackal was already a very ferocious Pokémon, but the appearance of the Dire Claw once again refreshed their understanding of ferocity and cruelty.

The scarlet scales and fibrous muscles all over the body looked like their fur had been stripped off to reveal bloody flesh and blood. The protruding sharp teeth in their mouths could only be regarded as terrifying, and the ten-edged claws made them merely When you see it, you can think of the cruel scene of flesh being torn apart.

"What kind of terrifying Pokémon is this?" Hep murmured in disbelief. It was difficult for him to compare the current command of the Mistyclaw with the cute Pokémon he introduced to Su Yi just now. Dreams are connected.

"Wounded Claw!" Su Yi shouted again.


The Charizard Dragon exhaled a white breath and flew towards the Charizard with a vigorous body.

"Charizard! Fly!" Emperor Dan frowned and shouted.


Charizard gritted his teeth. Although his eyes could not see clearly, he immediately obeyed the command and flapped his wings to climb upwards. In the process, lacerations on his body were induced. Although the damage at one time was not high, due to the continuous waving of wings, The laceration caused waves of pain to plague Charizard, making its face appear painful.

"Are you blind? You are also suffering from an abnormal state of injury!" Emperor Dan quickly realized the situation of the fire-breathing dragon at this moment.

"Turn violently! Then catch it!" Su Yi clenched his fist nervously. If the fire-breathing dragon completely flew into the sky, the miserable claw dragon would face a terrible baptism of fire, and it must be fought quickly.

The running Misclaw Dragon roared, white steam erupted from its mouth, and red light shone through the gaps between the scales and muscles on its neck. At this time, its physical attack and speed directly increased by two levels, and it suddenly accelerated miserably. The clawed dragon suddenly pounced on the Charizard in the air, and its strong muscles suddenly burst out with powerful force, allowing it to catch up with the Charizard who was trying to soar in one leap.

"Such terrifying power and speed!" Dan Emperor was extremely shocked. Such a ferocious Pokémon could actually burst out with such speed and power in an instant. It's really incredible!

"Fire-breathing dragon! Diagonally below the front, big characters burst!" Emperor Dan shouted urgently.

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon roared angrily, and the overwhelming flames reflected the red sunset sky.

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