Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 319

Vol 2 Chapter 146: 1-Way Digging [2 In 1]

Chapter 309 Digging the pit all the way [two in one]

As time passed, the scent began to permeate.

With the over and over again of the grilled centipede meat, with various seasonings sprinkled on it, the oil drips down drop by drop, slowly roasting light yellow, and the rich fragrance is like a mountain topping the sea. .

How come I’m so fragrant.

Dong Xiaoyan, who claims to be very determined, has quietly swallowed more than once.

That meat… looks delicious!

It looks like it’s about to be baked?

Another handful of thin condiments were sprinkled on it, and in an instant, the already extremely rich aroma doubled again.

Incredibly fragrant, very fragrant!


Dong Xiaoyan swallowed her saliva uncontrollably, and said, “Just now you said…you want to invite me to barbecue and meat?”

Feng Yin said: “Yes, but you seem to have no intention of agreeing. I am a person who is difficult for the strong.”

“I promise!”

Dong Xiaoyan said decisively: “I accept your apology.”

“Who apologized to you? Don’t talk nonsense, you are innocent.”

Feng Yin rolled his eyes: “How can this be called an apology?”

“What’s that called?”

“This is called meeting and laughing and ignoring grievances!”

Fengyin old **** is on the way.


Dong Xiaoyan couldn’t wait to say: “It’s gone now, I promise to go.”

Windmark: “…”

Is it so unprincipled…

Just such a piece of meat, I bought you?

I have prepared a lot of meat, and I am ready to meet each other through many times of barbecues and annihilate the grievances!

It seems that many experiences in previous lives are all wise sayings, true and true, and there is nothing that cannot be solved by a barbecue.

No, a barbecue will solve the big trouble in front of you!

Even the next sentence is saved, no more water.

“All right now.”

Dong Xiaoyan felt that she and the other party had ‘abandoned their grievances’, and as it should have been, this meat had to have her own share.

So, Dong Xiaoyan leaned forward, looking at the centipede meat that was turning over and over with bright eyes, and wiped his mouth with his sleeve without any trace.

Wipe your mouth again.

Wipe your mouth again.


“This meat must have fifty or sixty pounds depending on its size, right? It’s such a long piece.” Dong Xiaoyan opened her hand to measure.

“more or less.”

“What kind of meat is this?”

“Centipede meat.”

“Centipede meat? It looks crystal clear and smells more fragrant. It must be delicious. Your craftsmanship is really good!”

Dong Xiaoyan stared at the barbecue without blinking, only to feel that her mouth was like a reservoir with a gate opened, and saliva was constantly pouring out.

Gumbling, I don’t know how much saliva I have swallowed.

“It’s almost there, I’m almost enough to swallow a pot now.”

Dong Xiaoyan laughed at herself, and then said anxiously, “Is it okay?”

“We’ll have to wait a little longer, the heat isn’t ready yet.” The old **** Fengyin was there, looking at the girl’s greedy and restless look, he secretly laughed, but he didn’t expect this guy to be a snack guy.

“This one should be almost there.”

Dong Xiaoyan stretched out Bai Shengsheng’s little finger, pursed her lips, and pointed to the browned part of the edge, her eyes lit up.

“It’s not enough there. If you want to eat delicious food, what can you do in a hurry?”

Feng Yin: “Don’t worry, just wait a moment.”

Dong Xiaoyan swallowed several saliva again, and hurriedly took out a small white jade bracelet, a small knife, a small plate, a small bowl, and chopsticks from her space ring.

After thinking about it, I came out with another one.

Then he looked at it eagerly, and the small nose continued to open: “It’s almost there?”

After a while, he asked again, “Should it be okay?”

Then: “Not yet?”

“It’s already so fragrant…”

“Listen, listen, my stomach is growling…”

Dong Xiaoyan covered her stomach with a painful look on her face.

Dong Xiaoyan is a high-level cultivator. He doesn’t necessarily eat a meal a month or two on weekdays. He can replenish enough vital energy just during the practice process. Her appetite is really small.

What’s more, she also has a lot of spiritual food in her ring, and the quality and taste are all wonderful.

But at this moment, I suddenly encountered the barbecued centipede meat, which was irresistible just by smelling it, and my stomach grumbled automatically after a long absence.

Dong Xiaoyan will really feel that she has been hungry for three years, hungry, belly against her spine, completely empty.


Dong Xiaoyan covered her stomach with a look of discomfort and longing. Eyes eagerly looked at the barbecue on the shelf, and the corners of his mouth sparkled unconsciously…

“Suck it…”

“Ah ah ah ah…”

Dong Xiaoyan felt that she was on the verge of going crazy and couldn’t bear it anymore.

“All right!”

Feng Yinka gave the most wonderful declaration at this time, and even used a knife to cut a piece of centipede meat and put it on a large plate on the table.


Dong Xiaoyan jumped up and grabbed the knife to cut it.

White shadow flashed.

I was surprised to see a kitten on the table.

And one step earlier than her, no, it was directly on the piece of barbecue that was just cut. Open your mouth: “Wow!”

One bite off a piece, and at the same time squinting at Dong Xiaoyan, the meaning is obvious: When will it be your turn to eat this first piece of meat?

“My meat!”

Dong Xiaoyan was sluggish on the spot, and fell into a frenzy again.

Suddenly there was smoke on his head, and he grabbed Fengying: “Little thing, spit out my flesh ah ah ah…”

Feng Ying bit the meat tightly, and let Dong Xiaoyan sway to and fro, just swallow it down, slowly and calmly, without any confusion.

“I’m **** off I’m **** off…”

Dong Xiaoyan roared up to the sky, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…”

“I’m coming!”

The wind print quickly cut another piece.

Not to mention anything else, just in terms of this barbecue technique, Feng Yin is said to be the second in this Anping mainland, and no one dares to say the first, even Zhuang Weiran, who has grilled centipede meat many times, should also be stunned.

The reason is very simple. Although the world is not completely complete with seasonings such as cumin, Fengyin has also found a substitute, and it is more complete than in the previous life. match.

Dong Xiaoyan cut a small piece with a small knife, and let it chew in one bite.

Suddenly fell into a sluggish state, the pupils of both eyes dilated!

Then he began to subconsciously chew quickly, his cheeks bulged high, and he muttered while eating: “Delicious, delicious!”

“First time eating such delicious barbecue!”

“Really delicious!”

After eating one piece, cut the second piece, throw it in your mouth, and then eat the third piece.

Fengyin looked at this posture, how could she not know that this girl’s appetite must not be small, she quickly took out another piece of centipede meat with a weight of at least 100 kilograms and roasted it. She worked hard to increase the fire, sprinkled the seasoning, and roasted the inside of it. .

And then take out the third piece…

Brush with oil, sprinkle with ingredients, put on the shelf…

This meal has been eaten until the middle of the month.

Dong Xiaoyan held her bulging belly and groaned happily: “Oh…it’s so good, I still want to eat…but I really can’t eat it, if it is digested with good luck…the meat will be wasted and ruined like this. tasty……”

Wind print rolled his eyes.

He really didn’t want to talk anymore.

Can you hold on?

More than 500 catties of centipede meat were roasted before and after.

The little snake’s appetite is already quite large, and he ate a full ten kilograms. Fengying just ate a hundred kilograms for fun, and then scraped off the thirty kilograms that he had destroyed, and the rest were all eaten by him. Dong Xiaoyan killed it all by herself!

That’s more than 300 catties of meat, no discount!

Who are you not supporting?

Are you still a girl?

How can you eat so much?

Aren’t you afraid that your future husband can’t afford it?

“Beware of being a little fat girl!” Feng Yin kindly reminded: “Be careful of your waist, the waist of a bucket will not look good.”

Dong Xiaoyan held her stomach hard and rolled her eyes: “Go away! Can you talk!”

Fengyin rolled his eyes: “After eating and drinking enough, you start to scold people, otherwise it is said that Dong Xiaoyan is a perfect beauty, why does she have a mouth… I think you should show more respect to me. ”

Dong Xiaoyan: “Hehe…”

With your words, all women in the world want to kill you!

I just said a **** off, why is it disrespectful? !

After eating and drinking, it is natural to rest.

Poor Miss Dong still needs to exercise and exercise to speed up digestion.

After all, there is too much to eat.

Although as a cultivator of the third rank of heaven [it was originally the second rank, but now he has entered the first rank? ], to eat more, but also fully able to carry.

But it’s a girl after all.

In front of Master Ling, she actually showed such a very unladylike appearance, eating so much… Especially when one person and two pets add up to less than half of what he eats…

Dong Xiaoyan felt ashamed.

After arguing for a few words, he held his stomach and went to the side.

Covering his face a little crazy: “My image…”

There is some sadness in my heart.

A big girl turned out to be able to eat more than a dozen pigs!

Touching my belly, I remembered the way I devoured and grabbed it just now, especially in the middle, because I couldn’t wait, I even snatched the food I was eating from Fengyin’s hand…

Immediately, I felt ashamed of myself.

“Ah ah ah…”

While covering his face with infinite regret, he was thinking inexplicably: “This stuff is so delicious… This Lingyun, there is really a set of barbecues… Hey, it’s so delicious, easy to eat more…”

Originally, it only took one or two breaths to enter into meditation.

As a result, it took me half an hour to enter into meditation.

One luck… I suddenly feel the infinite spiritual power suddenly radiating…

Dong Xiaoyan was immediately startled: “What kind of meat is this?”

“The conversion of spiritual power is so high?”

“Digesting so fast?”

“Oops, you can bake a few more meals this way… hiccup.”

I have to say, I really held up today, Dong Xiaoyan continued to work hard until the middle of the night.

Finally, I feel that the stomach is not so supportive.

I actually feel that my spiritual power has advanced a little bit.

You must know that she is already a third-rank Heaven rank, and the spiritual power in her body is very huge. On this basis, it is not easy to feel the increase.

But eating so much food has consequences.

late at night.

Dong Xiaoyan secretly found a place. I made a hole by myself, and then sealed the hole; I was relieved.

Solved a personal problem.

After coming out, wrinkled his little nose and sighed.

It’s been a long time since this.

I ate too much today…

Yun Gong, with a **** sound.

Immediately, all the dust on the body was shaken away and it was clean.

Of course, all the smells were also shaken away.


Only then did Shi Shiran go back with his hands behind his back, full of the elegance and nobility of Miss Yungong.

Silent all night.

Start early in the morning.

Facing the morning breeze, stepping on the morning dew.

You ride in a car, I ride a horse.

Welcome the sunrise and send away the sunset.

Tread the rough road.

After all the wind and moon, set off again.

Feng Yin mood is very comfortable.

There is a feeling of ‘taking a little girl to swim in the mountains and water’, and I can’t help but have a few different thoughts.

But this girl in the back… the appetite is a bit large, Feng Yin is considering, what kind of family conditions can afford it?

Ordinary families can’t do it anyway. For one meal, the family’s rations for a year are gone. How can you bear this?

If Dong Xiaoyan knew what Feng Yin was thinking, he would definitely be furious.

I don’t usually eat one meal a year, how dare you say that I eat a lot?

However, Dong Xiaoyan was still a little embarrassed, mainly because her devouring appearance was full of people watching, which made this girl a little embarrassed to see others.

So rarely speak with Fengyin.

Very embarrassing.

And soon, it’s not embarrassing anymore.

Because someone is looking for trouble.

“I’m driving this road…”

With a loud bang, several people jumped out.

Miss Dong was no longer embarrassed.

He drew his sword, and the man with his teeth and claws rushed forward.

“Little thief! How dare you rob Ben Guliang!”

Windmark is very sad.

That feeling of comfort soon disappeared.

Because he is digging a hole.

This is already the thirteenth pit dug after hitting the road today.

That’s right, although it hasn’t reached noon yet, thirteen waves of robbery have already been encountered.

Thirteen waves of people rushed to the street under Miss Dong’s sword.

The big pit was dug in three seconds, the body was thrown into it, buried in two seconds, and the road continued.

One to kill, one to destroy the corpse, the cooperation is seamless.

On Miss Dong’s carriage, a lot of valuable goods were added again.

It used to be very high, but now it’s getting higher and higher…

Sometimes even Fengyin feels very surprised: Are these Jianghu people, this group of robbers, and the guys who are guest robbers all brainless?

The goods in this car are very valuable to a discerning person.

If people are not sure, can two people drive the car and walk slowly?

When you come out to rob, you have to consider the strength of others, right? If the strength is very strong, what other results can there be other than dying?

These are all things that you can think of with your buttocks, and these guys actually rushed over like this.

Killed wave after wave.

Why is this?

This is the real phenomenon that the industry and the industry are interlaced like a mountain.

Fengyin feels that these people are stupid, but how many real fools are there in this world?

This gang of robbers and the guy who found something good to be a cameo robber were not without consideration.

They naturally discovered the unusualness of this shipment, and there were indeed dozens of people who gave up after careful consideration.

The remaining people who are still desperate, naturally have reasons.

One of the reasons is that the value of this trip is too high. After finishing this ticket and selling everything on the car, the basic brothers can retire in this life.

Therefore, wealth and silk move people’s hearts, this point is tenable.

The second reason: I don’t know how many robbers have passed by along the way. Although it seems to be nothing, but you are hard-core? I’m guessing you’ve been injured a long time ago, right? Maybe I can pick up a cheap one?

Reason 3: If others can’t do it, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it. I’m a well-rounded robber in this area anyway.

The fourth reason: The two people who drove the car were not wearing the clothes of the martial art. Killing will not offend any sect. So, it is not a big worry.

Reason 5: In this area, there are no villages or shops in the front, and completely barren mountains and mountains. After finishing the work, you will be distracted. It is really suitable for robbery.

Reason 6: These two are so young, a little girl and a young man. At such an age, where can the strength of cultivation go?

Do you think this world is all Dong Xiaoyan?

Where does so much genius exist?

Reason No. 7: If I don’t rob others, I will rob them. If others rob me, I will have no chance. If others succeed as soon as they rob, will I regret it?

With these seven reasons, that’s really… there’s really no reason not to do it.

Of course, most of the really smart ones have quietly withdrawn.

Those who have not withdrawn and rushed up are all in the pit of Fengyin.

And as you move forward, more holes will be dug.

So Feng Lang was a little uncomfortable.

Because Dong Xiaoyan has always taken the shot, he has no chance to do so, and now he feels like a professional digger.

And this construction period is irregular, so it should be able to dig for a long time.

But no wages and bonuses.

“I say……”

After burying this group of people, Feng Langzhong, who pursues perfection, also waved his sleeves to clean the blood on the road, and said with some dissatisfaction: “Actually, we can leave quickly.”

Dong Xiaoyan was also mad: “You think I don’t want to leave quickly? But leave quickly, how can I lead out these guys and kill them all?”

Fengyin was stunned: “So you don’t want to leave quickly, you are fishing on purpose?”

“But I didn’t expect it to be so slow!”

Dong Xiaoyan’s pretty face is very twisted: “This road, when I stood up high and looked at it, I saw countless grievances… Well, that kind of thing exists. However, I didn’t expect it to be even worse than what I saw. many.”

Miss Dong drooped her head and said listlessly: “I really think very simply, I just want to use this batch of goods to clean up this road. At least in a few years… Ordinary people will dare to go from here. .And don’t worry about anything…”

“But how come there are so many robbers?”

Dong Xiaoyan looked at the front, and there was another wave of fierceness and excitement rushing forward, and there was a feeling that she couldn’t lift herself up.

“I don’t feel sorry for the evil things they do if I don’t kill them… Hey, I’m so irritable after killing them again and again.”

Dong Xiaoyan sighed deeply.

Feng Yin was already stunned.

So I still don’t understand what exactly you are trying to do, is that so?

You want to go fast, but you also want to kill all the bad guys; so you can’t go too fast.

But you think there are too many bad people, you are a little impatient to kill.

So I’m in a bad mood again, is it like this?

“Women are hard to serve!”

Feng Yin let out a long sigh.

This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either… What should I do?

Am I going to dig a hole from here all the way to Daqin?

Then I am really worthy of immeasurable virtue.

But seeing the robbers coming in front, Fengyin began to dig holes in advance…

“This mountain…”

This wave of robbers said two words, and they were killed by Dong Xiaoyan neatly.

Over there, Fengyin has already made an advance measurement, and seeing a total of five people, they dug a hole early.

Dong Xiaoyan followed the murder, and immediately sent the person to the pit after the sword qi killed the murder.

When floating in the air, valuable things such as rings and luggage have been separated, and the selection has been made. When people enter the pit, the selection has been completed.

The worthless burial, the previous one got into the carriage.

Therefore, Dong Xiaoyan has finished killing and killing, and the wind seal has been covered.

The whole process, like the clouds and flowing water of peers, cooperates seamlessly.

An absolute perfect match.

The carriage reeled forward.

On the side of the road, a small mound, only slightly raised.

After a rain, I am afraid it will become flat ground.

It’s just that in the next few decades, the trees in this area should grow extraordinarily lush.

The sun passed noon leisurely, and continued to set in the west, resolutely falling towards the west.

When Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan came to a more sinister mountain forest, the world was finally completely dark.

This piece of landscape, compared with this road, is even more eerie and terrifying. The mountains are high and the forests are dense, and the black air is filled with black air. If a great sage looks at it with his eyes, he will definitely scream: Here the mountains are high and the forests are dense, there must be monster!

Find a place, clean up, and get ready to rest.

Feng Ying jumped out of his pocket and took a circle in his spirits.

The ghost snake crawls on the ground for a week, like drawing a big circle.

As a result, there was not even a single earthworm in this area with a radius of ten feet.

Ants, spiders, bugs, etc., relocated to other places in an instant.

Can’t be bothered.

Two big men came.

In front of the fire, Dong Xiaoyan was a little nervous and wanted to say something, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

I touched my belly.


A very determined look appeared on the pretty face.

Can’t eat that much tonight.

If you want to eat some spiritual fruit tonight, you can meditate and practice… right?

Dong Xiaoyan struggled violently in her heart.

The pretty face is also uncertain with the mood.

But after Fengyin packed up, he said, “Where’s the small table? And those cutlery? Hurry up and prepare, I’m going to barbecue.”

Dong Xiaoyan was angry in her heart: I will never eat Don’t tempt me!

But the mouth is not under the control of the mind and immediately agreed: “Okay, immediately.”

I am surprised, what am I thinking? What did I say? Why is it different?

But a pair of hands has also automatically put everything out uncontrollably, and also covered a tablecloth.

After cleaning up completely, Dong Xiaoyan was stunned: fog grass! This…isn’t my hand not obeying orders?

So Feng Yin began to show off his skills, barbecue.

The ghost snake sat cross-legged on one side, two small eyes staring at him.

Feng Ying sat on the ground, with his upper body upright, his eyes shining brightly.

Dong Xiaoyan stood side by side with the two children, looking at the barbecue with sparkling eyes.

The scent begins to diffuse.

“Hiss…” The corners of the ghost snake’s mouth flowed brightly.

“Snoring…” A pleasant voice came from Feng Ying’s stomach.

“Gudu.” Dong Xiaoyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He wanted to forcibly remove his eyes, but his neck wouldn’t obey him, so stubborn and embarrassing, he looked in the direction of the barbecue.

I couldn’t help rubbing my belly.

There was a sound of flying in the distance.

Feng Yin concentrates on barbecue.

Dong Xiaoyan stared at the meat and shouted, “Who is it?”

A group of men in black quietly emerged.

One of them swallowed and said with a smile: “It turned out to be Miss Dong. We came here after research, but we never thought we met an old friend.”

This person’s eyes, very secretly, glanced at Feng Ying, who was squatting on the ground.


[Retreat, quit drinking. 】

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