Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 129

Chapter 125: 3 Years 1 Count

Kong Gaohan on the side also nodded.

At this point, the situation cannot be delayed any longer.

It is a good thing to want to fish, but before the big fish comes out, the small fish and shrimp will muddy the water by themselves, and then they will choke to death, how can it be.

“I can’t imagine that a mere literati student could cause such a big turmoil.”

For this, Kong Gaohan was also very surprised.

Because this world where martial arts is respected, it is a bit incredible that such things can happen.

“Bai Yiwen’s inspiring methods are beyond the reach of people; he has been studying these, I don’t know how long he has been studying them. But this time, he is still impatient.”

“Don’t be impatient? If you don’t start, you will be caught.”

Why go laughing.

As Kong Gaohan said.

The current mobilization is actually very beneficial to the planning of why he has to wait for others.

Bai Yiwen couldn’t wait any longer. Because it has already been discovered, the next arrest is a matter of time. If Bai Yiwen does not start again, I am afraid that after he is arrested, he will not even be able to make up the current movement.

So it can only be launched urgently, sacrificing a lot of things.

Why didn’t I think about this, and Bai Yiwen didn’t even think about it.

It was a cat who caused this change!

“This game has been set up for three years! I don’t know how many big fish I can catch this time!”

Why go with anticipation.

Although the situation has changed and Yuezhou City has been plunged into unprecedented turmoil, the command of the Southern Border Commander Huo Zongnan has arrived, and the garrison will be dispatched at the point of command.

Out of the 40,000 soldiers and horses that Yuezhou City belonged to, only 10,000 remained to defend the city.

These 10,000 people are the last force to guard Yuezhou, and they are prepared for a major defeat in the front; these 10,000 people will serve as the mainstay of the force.

Hold Yuezhou’s last line of defense and not fall into the enemy’s hands.

This task is easy and easy, but if the front is defeated, this task will instantly turn into the most dangerous death task: defending the city with nine deaths and one life, if not, it is dereliction of duty, and ten deaths have no life.

Both sides are guilty of raiding their homes and destroying their homes.

But in comparison, it is still a little less risky than the expedition.

In the army, those people who usually do not deal with the Wang Sanyuan faction very often; such a beautiful job was generally not available before.

But this time, all these people were left behind by Wang Sanyuan to defend the city.

“Everyone, the safety and well-being of Yuezhou is entrusted to you.”

When Wang Sanyuan parted, he said with emotion: “If I am unfortunately defeated, the pressure will fall on your shoulders; although you are not on good terms with me on weekdays, you are all warriors who can conquer and fight well and protect Yuezhou. If the city does not fall, it should be blamed.”

These words were so eloquent that everyone almost had to change their minds about him.

“General take care, and return in triumph!”

“Everyone take care!”

The horn sounded, Wang Sanyuan handed farewell, and after leaving the city gate, he couldn’t help but look back.

The subordinates reminded: “General, don’t look back when you go on an expedition. This is a taboo for the military.”

“It’s okay.”

Wang Sanyuan’s eyes were a little complicated: “Yuezhou City, I’m on this expedition, I don’t know if I can come back again, and let me take another look.”

He turned his head and stared for a long time.

After a long time, the horse turned back and galloped away.

The army marches, the flag hunts.

But somehow, it always gives people a strange feeling of… bleak, and getting further and further away.

It is a sense of distance, not distance.

The spiritual level of the former and the physical level of the latter are very different and distinct. At this moment, it is extraordinarily true and true.

About a hundred miles in front of the army, in a small ravine.

Wang Sanyuan’s father-in-law Qian Wanjin and the rest of the family are all neatly kept here and hidden.

There were dozens of large boxes with them, and these boxes alone could hardly fit in the huge cave.

Inside the box were the treasures that the Qian family had accumulated in Yuezhou City.

Large silver bills, boxes full of gold, as well as a lot of jewelry and jade, all kinds of treasures, all kinds of valuable things, there are many treasures, high-quality resources, these things, even On the entire continent, and even in the territory of the demon clan, it is hard currency!

The property that Qian Wanjin transferred this time, in terms of market price alone, is worth more than hundreds of billions!

Those businessmen who had hooked up before used them to induce the first wave of riots in the city, but there was no more value for them to use… Qian Wanjin took advantage of the trend to smash grass and rabbits, and even served the pot.

The specific means of implementation are simple and rude: it claims to have a way to make a fortune, but it’s actually the one I made a fortune back then; this thing has dozens of times the profit margin, but it’s definitely impossible to give you this kind of way for nothing.

What I can give you is just a lot of profit. You take out 10,000 taels of silver, and within a month, I will give you 15,000 taels to take back.

For more than 100,000 taels, you can get 200,000 taels back when the time comes.

If it reaches one million taels, the rate of return is higher, and you can get four million back.

If you invest 10 million taels, congratulations, you can get 60 million back then.

However, one household is only allowed to invest 10 million taels at most, and no more will be charged!

If you don’t have enough cash on hand, you can also use treasures as collateral, but the upper limit is still 10 million, and more will not work.

Well, there is also that, too little investment will not be accepted, and the investment of small households will not be accepted!

As soon as they heard such a return rate, the merchants in the entire Yuezhou City were collectively crazy, or they were crazy, crazy.

Everyone knows that the way Qian Wanjin made his fortune at the beginning is very mysterious. However, the money came very quickly. For so many years, the credit has been ranked first in Yuezhou, but it is a fact.

What’s there to doubt about?

What is even more reassuring is that some rich people directly proposed to make a large investment of 100 million to 200 million yuan, but Qian Wanjin directly refused.

“Everyone is a good friend. They support each other and help each other. If you pay, you will be rewarded. I am seeking a welfare for everyone, but for this friendship. How can it be for the benefit of only one person and two people.”

This behavior is naturally more moving.

Countless businessmen have sharpened their heads to find a way, and they also need to know money and money; even if all their belongings add up to less than a few hundred thousand, they would rather borrow and make up the lower limit of one million.

Those who are close to 10 million, naturally try their best to sell the property to empty the family, and also make up the number of 10 million.

What’s more, many wealthy tycoons have divided their property into more than ten shares, and let their daughters, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, wives, concubines… also put their names into ten million.

One family is only allowed to invest 10 million yuan. As long as it is not his own son, it is not limited to one family, his daughter, and the water that will be poured out in the future… As long as those notes are in his own hands , that is, the bag is safe.

Qian Wanjin’s side only recognizes the note but not the person, and there is no such thing as absconding with money.

Ten million becomes 60 million, and 300 million becomes 1.8 billion!

The whole family has multiplied several times in one breath. In just one month, this money is simply a waste of money. Even robbery doesn’t come so fast!

Based on this kind of psychology, many customers were questioned by Qian Wanjin’s inspection and stared suspiciously: “I think you are familiar, did you come by your name?”

The party sent the benefits immediately, made small talk, and explained: “I have cut off relations with that so-and-so, and now I am a single family…”

How many times, Qian Wanjin refused and refused to accept it, claiming that this broke the rules.

The parties knelt down and begged on the spot, not just one, but everywhere…

So, a few days ago, the people of Yuezhou really saw a rare thing: a lot of rich people knelt in front of Qian Wanjin, begging each other with snot and tears to accept all their property…

That’s money that ordinary people can’t even dream of in their entire lives, so they hold it like that, kneeling down and begging for Qian Wanjin to accept it, but Qian Wanjin still looks impatient, as if he’s been in a lot of trouble…

This is simply a wonder of the world!

People are reluctant to give so much money for nothing.

what the **** is this?

After Qian Wanjin had been madly accumulating money, he finally felt that it was almost the same, and he left the city in a grand manner…

Well, of course, he was doing the act that he made his fortune at the beginning of the year, and of course he had to leave the city!

Merchants in the whole city sent each other together, everyone was full of smiles and full of longing.

A month later, there will be a huge amount of wealth in the bag, what is it if you say small things to be careful or even kneel down and beg, and the safety of small money in the bag is everything, and the rest are nothing to talk about, insignificant!

I still remember that day, when Qian Wanjin left the city, the city gate where he traveled was almost blocked by the flow of people.

“A certain trip can be as fast as half a month, and as slow as about 20 days; but after returning, you have to check your gains and losses and calculate the total value, but I promise you that the income will not be small. This is what I said, Qian Wanjin. Everyone, the fruit will be the sweetest after waiting for a while, or maybe it will take a few more days, you won’t mind, right? Hahaha…”

Qian Wanjin’s plump body, with a spring breeze on his face, seemed to be joking with the businessmen.

Everyone laughed together: “Yes, yes, it will be fine in a few days, but don’t rush us to death…”

“Yeah, it’s been so hard to endure these many days…”

“Brother Qian, go early and return early.”

Qian Wanjin laughed: “Qian, thank you again for your trust, but you are really not afraid that I will run away with the money? A few days are a few days, a few years or a few decades can be a few days, but it’s just a few days. The difference between days and days, hahaha, such a huge sum of money, it’s really tempting!”

“If Big Brother Qian could do such a thing, I, Hai Hunshan, would also recognize it! Hahaha…”

“That’s right, if Big Brother Qian ran away with the money, the younger brother Feng Er Tuozi also recognized it, and that little change should be given to Big Brother as a mess, hahaha…”

“That’s right, everyone is happy to make money and do things with great energy. If you don’t even have such a little trust, what kind of big things can you do! Younger brother Feng Muli will go bankrupt, and he will never blame Big Brother Qian! Hahaha…”

“A few days is a few days, a few years can be a few days, at most a few days, what is it worth? We can afford it!”

“It’s just…”

“Little brother Zhu Jingjing absolutely trusts Big Brother Qian! I have followed Big Brother Qian to eat and drink spicy food all my life! Hahaha…”

“Everyone, goodbye!”

“Brother Qian has a good journey!”

The well-heeled businessmen in Yuezhou City bowed neatly to see off, stood up straight, and everyone looked high-spirited, looking at the small households around who couldn’t even send money, filled with a sense of superiority.

When Big Brother Qian comes back, his property will be even more beyond your reach!

Gu Mai

Wa hahaha……

It’s so satisfying, so happy, so worth looking forward to!

Qian Dashan’s motorcade dashed forward, laughing constantly along the way.

It’s just that these properties are transported away, and it will be difficult for Yuezhou to recover its vitality in the future, at least for more than ten years. I’m afraid that the merchants went out to buy grain and didn’t have much money left.

Further, it will become a big problem for the common people to eat in the future: if you have money, you can’t buy anything.

Because the merchants are running out of money.

If a city with a huge population density such as Yuezhou City only relies on small retail businesses to support and maintain it, it is simply unrealistic.

Even if the imperial court urgently allocates supplies, it still needs some help from the self-rescue forces here to receive the arrival of living supplies!

Well, this time Qian Wanjin not only swept away the life savings of the vast majority of merchants in Yuezhou City, but also the property of Yuezhou City officials… Even the more clean ones were collected in Qian Wanjin’s carriage. .

The ones I really can’t take away are those huge silver lumps.

But that thing… hey, let’s not talk about it.

Qian Wanjin waited for dozens of miles, but he further accelerated his travel speed, galloping with his horse, and galloping all the way, and then those servants, women, old and weak, accountants and others who couldn’t keep up directly dig a hole in the secret place, and threw them like killing chickens with one knife and one knife. go in and bury it.

The job was done neatly.

Many people died without knowing what happened.

Why did Qian Dashan suddenly become like this? Something happened?

The masters who had been waiting here for a long time were dispatched one by one, carrying the boxes and running away, hiding in the deep mountain caves that had been prepared for a long time, and then transporting them away when it was safe.

At the right time, thousands of people in black appeared like ghosts, it was Bai Yixiu and the others.

“Where’s my brother?”

Bai Yixiu was very nervous.

“Master Bai didn’t act with us, he left alone.”

“Going alone?”

Bai Yixiu was stunned for a while, how did the long-appointed thing suddenly change?

This is not in line with my brother’s usual style of making plans to move later and take the initiative step by step.

“Master Bai said that there must be changes in our trip, and we must be more careful. Well, he also asked me to bring a letter.”

When Qian Wanjin said this, there was a look of respect on his face, but he was very disapproving in his heart.

Lord Bai is too cautious.

This way out, smooth sailing, how can there be any danger at all?

All the wealth of the merchants in the city are in my hands, and they keep thanking me, let them wait, wait for a few days, wait for a few days, until the end of the world, never see you again!

After this great feat, after returning to China, the title of nobility should not be a problem…

Bai Yixiu took the letter and opened it with a frown.

The earth in the distance was shaking, and the dust was flying.

On the other side, farther away, there are thousands of horses galloping, smoke and dust, but it is Dayan’s cavalry, moving towards another road.

The two sides seem to be coming towards each other, but in fact Wang Sanyuan’s army just staggered the marching route of the opposite Dayan army.

In other words… as long as the opponent’s army does not actively deviate from the established trajectory, it is destined to perfectly avoid Wang Sanyuan’s belongings, drive straight in, and reach the city of Yuezhou!

Here, although Bai Yixiu instinctively felt something was wrong, everything was clearly going according to plan.

After opening his brother’s letter, the first sentence above made Bai Yixiu’s face change greatly.

“If you see this letter smoothly and safely, then you must have fallen into the enemy’s encirclement, run away!”

This is Bai Yiwen’s first sentence.

Bai Yixiu suddenly felt a chill in her heart. Her elder brother was far-sighted, and his words were right. At this moment, he even used the word “run away”, which means that the situation is extremely serious.

“Rainbow Tianyi has already locked the target of Qian Wanjin, and once wanted to act, but I don’t know why the action was canceled in the middle… Then today’s event will definitely attract them to come, this is the trap they set up! Run away! Run away!”

The letter is very short.

Just a few words.

But how could Bai Yixiu not be shocked and horrified after using “Quick Escape” three times before and after.

“Take the things, separate a team, and send them back! Let’s go immediately!”

“Everyone is ready to deal with possible ambush and take strict precautions!”

Bai Yixiu ordered, although she was dubious, she still ordered.

“Take out your shields!”

Hundreds of flying wings and black feathers around them didn’t take it seriously, but they didn’t dare to openly disobey the order. One by one, they took out heavy shields and put them in their hands…

Right at this moment.

Just when Bai Yixiu’s order was just exported, she suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

A sudden change appeared, and the first seven-color rainbow appeared in the sky, which represented the arrival of the most unwelcome guests!

On the high mountains on both sides of the valley, the hands of Rainbow Tianyi were all over the place in an instant.

Tsing Yi is the least.

Most bloody.

On the two ends of the canyon, there is a person standing on each side, with the usual big sleeves fluttering, Yuanding Yuezhi.

Why go here, there is… Kong Gaohan.


Why go to an order: “Don’t stay alive!”

brush brush…

Countless strong bows and arrows, like a torrential rain, covered the sky.

At this moment, looking up at the sky, the sky is dark.

The bows and arrows used by these high-level warriors are all specially made. Not only are the materials far superior to ordinary ones, but their lethality is even stronger, and they are extremely fast.

At this time, it is even more condescending and cheap. !

The screams sounded one after another in an instant.

Fortunately, the shields of Feiyi Heiyu were already in their hands, and they instinctively raised their shields to cover. The first wave of losses was not too big, but the others were miserable. Hundreds of people instantly turned into hedgehogs and fell down. Dust and blood flow.

The sound of bang bang bang bang continues…

It was the sound of countless sharp arrows being shot on the shield, and the powerful impact that came in an endless stream made everyone in Feiyi Heiyu change their faces.

This is by no means an ordinary army bow and arrow!

With such a continuous burst of fire, even if everyone on the side is covered by a shield, how long can they support it?

However, the situation continued to develop in a direction that was not conducive to the Kuroha crowd.

But a loud shout came from above.


Followed by barrels of massive amounts of kerosene, rumbled down from the valley.

More archers bend their bows and shoot arrows, the arrows have kerosene cotton yarn, and the other person lights…

With a whoosh sound, the rocket mixed with flames rushed straight into the valley.

With a loud bang, the entire valley quickly burst into flames.

The flying wings and the black feathers screamed one by one. As the heat wave evaporated and the smoke billowed, countless people were already on fire.

Qian Wanjin and other people who came out of Yuezhou, by now, are already ten to seven or eight. At this level, the black feathers are too busy to take care of themselves, where is there any spare energy to take care of them?

More than 200 arrows were inserted into Qian Wanjin’s plump body, and the whole person was like a huge hedgehog. His eyes were staring at the sky, and he had already died.

He probably never imagined that he had swindled the entire city of Yuezhou, and when he was at his most complacent, he would encounter such a disaster.

There are so many arrows all over the body, it is shocking.

It’s no wonder that the archers are targeting him. The goal of Qian Wanjin is too big. With the weight of five hundred kilograms, even shooting wild boars is not as big as this goal!

So many archers subconsciously aimed at him first.

In fact, Qian Wanjin’s own cultivation is really not low, but… let’s not talk about it; after all, more than 200 people are aiming at one person, or a special bow and crossbow, and there are many bonuses. No matter how awesome this person is, he will die. !

In the valley at the moment, the eyes are full of flames rising, silver light flickering, all kinds of light, all kinds of hidden weapons, even if you don’t need money, you seem to greet them.

The voice of He Nei rang loudly: “Don’t rush down, keep the commanding heights, as long as someone rushes out, kill them immediately; don’t rush in to form a mix of enemies and ourselves, and don’t give them a chance to fight, that’s the most beneficial strategy at present!”

“Follow the order!”

The kerosene was still poured into the valley in buckets; the terrain of this valley was too secretive.

Even if someone passes by from the outside, it is difficult to find its existence.

However, the more this kind of place is, the more commanding heights are generally occupied, and after forming a natural ambush site, it is necessary to answer the sentence that it is difficult to fly!

in flames.

Bai Yixiu was hit by an arrow in the shoulder, her pretty face was pale, and she hid in the cave with hundreds of subordinates. All the treasure boxes had already been thrown out and piled up at the entrance of the cave to block the fire. Stack them with new boxes.

Burn it again, push it out again.

Use these repetitions in exchange for a little breathable air, and try to maintain it.

Some carry-on water bags, as well as a jar of fine wine, were placed in the safest place at the back. Everyone covered their mouth and nose with a wet towel. Those who didn’t have a towel simply soaked it in the clothes of the dead.

“This… Here I have seen the terrain when I came in, the cave here is the closest to the outside, hurry up and dig it, that will be our last escape route!”

As soon as Bai Yixiu entered the cave, she gave an order: “Don’t dig through, stop when you dig until there is a layer of skin left, we have to create surprises, and only by surprises can you improve your chances of escaping a little…”


There was a power outage last night, it was almost eleven o’clock when the call came, and I was left to work until three-thirty. I was mad. 】

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