Blue and White Society

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 – Dream To Follow

Chapter 43 Dreams should follow fate

Mo Poor casually used a bread crumb and shot the sea monster.

It’s just a handy thing, logically, this breadcrumb will disappear, because there is no such creature on the earth.

However, the reality is that the bread crumbs did not disappear, but turned and drifted towards a certain place.

This shocked Mo Poor so much that he almost fell off his chair.

“There really are such creatures on the earth!”

Mo Qiong felt his scalp tingling. Except for such creatures mentioned in myths and legends, who would believe that such creatures really exist?

However, his ability will not deceive him. He is very sure that what he locked just now is not a photo, but an actual giant sea beast that he imagined.

The appearance and physical appearance are all based on the photos provided by Zhang He.

As long as there are no such creatures in the world, then the crumbs he throws should disappear.

However, his ability clearly told him that yes, this kind of creature exists, and it is in the sea.

“You really believe me?” Zhang He said in surprise.

Mo Poor’s expression changed, and he finally calmed down. He smiled and said, “I just think that the world is so big and full of wonders. It’s arrogant to think that things that humans haven’t seen don’t exist.”

“I didn’t believe it at first, but after seeing this picture, I feel that maybe the Kunpeng and Leviathan described by the ancients are not non-existent, and maybe they have a prototype.”

“Maybe some huge marine life from ancient times has survived to the present. This is not impossible, after all, the ocean is too big.”

After hearing Mo Poor’s words, Zhang He was extremely excited.

He nodded as if he had found a bosom friend: “That’s right!”

“You look at the photo, doesn’t it look a lot like a huge, undiscovered pliosaur or mosasaur?”

“Maybe there are dinosaurs alive today.”

Zhang He said so, but his friends were all laughing.

“Even dinosaurs are not so big. Humans can’t build a 1,000-meter aircraft carrier, brother.”

Zhang He was silent, and he didn’t know how to prove it. In fact, he was just hearsay, so he wanted to look for it, hoping to see it himself.

But he didn’t know where it was at all, he only had an approximate range. If it was really that easy to see, then he would have seen many merchant ships.

Mo Poor said: “Zhang He, have you ever thought that even if you firmly believe that Lippi is not lying, why would he admit that it is a rumor?”

Zhang He was stunned and said: “It must be forced by others, because the existence of such a large marine creature will definitely cause panic, or cause countless people to go to sea to find it. Maybe some countries have discovered it long ago, but they have been hiding it, so in here After seeing it by accident, Pi asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement and came forward to clarify that it was a rumor.”

Mo Poor nodded and said: “That’s right, since that’s the case, is it meaningful for you to find him? Like Lippi, you can’t admit that you found the so-called deep-sea giant, and then you won’t get any fame and fortune from it.”

Zhang He shook his head and said, “I know, but it’s not about fame and wealth, it’s about proving yourself!”

“Even if it can’t be made public, at least I saw it with my own eyes, and that’s enough. Exploring the mysterious magnificence of the sea is the pursuit of a navigator with dreams.”

“Whether it exists or not, I firmly believe that it exists and work hard to find it. The day I find it is the day to prove myself.”

Mo Poor smiled, indeed, as his friend said, this guy is very middle school, maybe he was obsessed with many adventure stories and passionate comics since he was a child.

People need to set a goal for themselves and work hard for it, life will have meaning.

However, people are different. Some people, like Zhang He, are willing to pursue a goal that does not exist in the eyes of others.

And some people pursue to stick to reality and focus on reality, which is exactly the case with Zhang He’s friend.

“What is my goal?” Looking at Zhang He’s eyes shining, Mo Poor couldn’t help asking himself.

His goal is simple, to make money, to make a lot of money, to buy whatever he wants, to use whatever he wants, to play whatever he wants.

The whole family has no shortage of money and can enjoy life.

Deep-sea behemoth? Really cool, an ancient species that is probably extinct, rare, precious.

He can find it now, just throw anything and just follow the direction to find it.

But so what? Can I eat it? Can it be exchanged for money? Not only did I find that it was not good for me, but I was approached by people like Napi, asking to clarify the so-called rumors.

Maybe it is because they are afraid that this precious species will be hunted and killed by some unscrupulous country, or maybe they are afraid that civil curious organizations will go to sea to search for it, and they will be hunted and killed by giant beasts when they encounter it.

But no matter what the reason is, judging from Lippi’s reaction, some country must have discovered it and chose to conceal it.

Jang Hyuk wants to find it, but just wants to satisfy his inner desire and realize his self-worth.

But why is Mo Poor looking for it? To realize self-worth, you must first satisfy your desire for life. He is not a rich second generation, so let’s talk about making money first.

This is the case before having the ability, and it is the same after having the ability.

You don’t need to have a lot of fame and fortune, and you don’t need to have so much money that can affect a country’s economy, because too much money is just a number, and too much money also has social responsibilities attached.

As long as you have enough money, you can have it again after you spend it. This kind of life is easier and happier than those so-called richest people.

However, now that he has the ability, this goal seems to be within reach.

Without pressure, is this really a pursuit?

Mo Poor doesn’t know, maybe after he has money, he will have other ideas, but after all, there is no money.

Looking at the noise outside, blowing the yacht and drifting all the way, Mo Poor felt concerned.

The sea is fickle, and the storm blew them off course all the way.

Stayed until the next morning, when everyone got up from their rooms, they found that it was calm outside.

The storm has gone away, but Zhang He’s yacht turned off the engine, and it was blown to an unknown sea area at this moment.

He held the chart for a while, and Mo Poor appeared from behind and asked, “Where is this?”

Zhang He looked at it for a while and said: “We have reached the Philippine Sea and deviated from the route…My God, why are we so far away?”

I saw that his ship had actually entered Filubin’s exclusive economic zone.

Mo Poor took a look and said with a smile: “It’s okay, you are not a military ship, we are qualified to sail.”

“That’s right, but we have to go further if we want to go back to China.” Zhang He said.

Mo Poor said: “What’s the hurry, I’m not in a hurry to go back anyway. I can’t find the sea monster this time, but everyone’s interest can’t be lost. Since we’re here, why don’t we find a place to dive?”

His proposal was immediately supported by Zhang He’s friends.

After all, the so-called “finding sea monsters” in their minds is equivalent to “going to sea to play”, and it is really disappointing to go back so early because of a collision with a boat.

No way, if Mo Poor’s boat hits, he will definitely be sent back.

But Mo Poor offered to play more and not go back in a hurry, so everyone was naturally very happy.

Zhang He didn’t care, he saw clearly last night that his friends didn’t believe him.

The so-called finding sea monsters this time is a joke at all. If he wants to do it for real, he has to work **** his own. This time it is just for fun.

“Zhang He, you have a lot of pursuits, but the real pursuit cannot be achieved in a day, and it will take a long time.” Mo Qiong smiled.

Zhang He also smiled and said: “I know, anyway, after bumping into your boat, I plan to return, so I won’t look for it now. Since you are not in a hurry, then I don’t care, everyone can play if they want, and I won’t force you. “

“That’s right! We went out to sea just for fun. There is no specific place for what you want to find, and we won’t hit you. Dream about this thing, let it go.” His friends said one after another.

Zhang He smiled and said: “Fate! We were blown here by the wind and waves, it is fate, what do you want to do.”

“Little Mo, you are free to eat and drink, take whatever you want.”

As he spoke, he asked everyone to discuss, while he went to check whether the hull was damaged.

Mo Poor nodded, poured a glass of water casually, and went on the deck.

He lay on the railing, blowing the warm sea breeze, spit out some water casually, and saw the water turning and floating, heading east.

Photographed it casually, and basically confirmed that the current direction of the yacht is contrary to the direction of the sea monster.

The ship is heading southwest, and the sea monster is heading northeast.

Philupin Sea is the largest and deepest sea area in the world. Most of it is international high seas, and a small part is the territorial sea or exclusive economic zone of a group of surrounding countries.

The big pearl that Mo Poong is looking for is in the exclusive economic zone of Filubin, close to the territorial waters. In theory, foreign ships need permission from the coastal state to mine and fish.

Last night, after experiencing a severe storm, the yacht turned off its engine and drifted with the current.

Mo Poor saw that the yacht was drifting south, so he added more force.

He found a place in the hold to blow air, the speed was not fast, but not slow either.

Let the air in the cabin accelerate against the offset of the hull and float here. The storm originally blew the ship south, but he just brought the ship west.

Although the air is easy to run away, but I have to get up halfway to adjust the direction, and occasionally take another breath, and take advantage of the wind and waves to bring the boat to the vicinity of the big pearl.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a mining license. There will be no supervision on the vast sea. As long as it’s not fishing in large quantities, or taking precious mining proceeds to make fun of it.

Except for themselves, no one will know and pursue it.

(end of this chapter)

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