Blossoming Path

Chapter 105: Tools of the Trade

“You're lucky I reminded you,” Zhi Ruo said, shaking his head.

As we made our way toward the Alchemy Association, I couldn’t help but berate myself internally. Of course there would be a prize for making it to the finals! How could I have been so wrapped up in my own little world that I missed that crucial detail? I had been so consumed with my quest and the intrigue surrounding Jingyu Lian that I had completely overlooked it.

After a quick nap and a hearty breakfast – while Zhi Ruo went home to visit his family – we met up again, ready to face the day. I had even picked up a small, but elegant, ink pot for Guowei Wang. It wouldn't hurt to make connections early in my career, would it?

The Alchemy Association building loomed ahead, its grandeur never failing to impress. The towering structure seemed to touch the sky, its intricate carvings and golden accents glistening in the sunlight. It was almost dizzying despite having come here so many times already.

“Come on, we don’t want to be late,” Zhi Ruo nudged me, snapping me out of my reverie.

As we approached the entrance, I noticed the three other contestants who had made it to the finals. Among them was Jingyu Lian, who was staring at me with an intensity that gave me shivers down my spine.

Before I could muster the courage to ask her if she had a problem, Ma Hualong’s booming voice greeted us.

“Welcome, finalists!”

I glanced at her again; she had finally broken her stare and was now focusing on Ma Hualong. I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something she wanted to say to me, but now wasn’t the time to dwell on it.

We followed Ma Hualong past the familiar face of the clerk and down the grand staircase towards the vault. His presence here was unusual; usually, Guowei Wang handled the distribution of rewards. A sense of anticipation thrummed through me. What was going on?

"I trust you all have rested well?" He inquired, his eyes scanning our faces.

A chorus of affirmations rose from the group, but my own response was a bit delayed. I hadn't slept much, my mind still racing with the possibilities that the Refinement Simulation Technique offered.

"Good," Ma Hualong continued. "I have a question for you all. Why do you think the Gauntlet operates on the model where after every round, those who qualify get prizes, and those who perform at the top of every round gain an advantage that helps them move on to the next round?"

Silence fell over the group as we pondered his question. I kept my thoughts to myself, intrigued by his line of inquiry.

We passed through several heavily guarded doors without an answer. Finally, Ma Hualong broke the silence.

"In alchemy, as in cultivation," he began, his voice echoing in the corridor, "small successes build upon one another, creating momentum that propels the practitioner to greater heights. This mirrors the natural laws of the universe, where energy and effort, once set in motion, tend to amplify over time."

His words resonated with me. Every small victory, every successful concoction, had fueled my confidence and drive to learn more. Each step forward had opened up new possibilities, leading me to where I was today.

"As you advance," Ma Hualong continued, "the challenges grow steeper. The rewards and advantages are not just incentives but essential tools to help you climb higher."

We reached the final door, leading to where Guowei Wang was.

There, the vault keeper sat with a small smile on his face. It widened upon seeing me, and I waved at him.

"For the past four rounds, you've all had the honor of receiving one item from the vault of your choice. This time, however, instead of choosing an ingredient or product, you will each select a tool."

"A tool?" Tian Zhu asked, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of tool?"

"These tools are specially crafted, a collaboration between us and the province's finest artisans. They are designed to accelerate your growth and nurture the field of alchemy. The tools are also encouraged to be used in the final round."

Fang Xiang stepped forward, his voice dripping with eagerness. "So these tools are designed to give us an edge in the finals?"

"Exactly," The man confirmed. "Each tool has unique properties that can enhance your alchemical process. Choose wisely, as the tool you select will assist you in the final round and be a valuable asset in your future endeavors."

Zhi Ruo, always the practical one, asked, "Are these tools tailored to our individual strengths and weaknesses?"

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"Indeed. Each tool here is versatile, but they have features that cater to different alchemical styles and techniques. It's up to you to decide which one aligns best with your approach."

Jingyu Lian, who had been silent up until now, finally spoke up. "How do we know which tool is best for us?"

"Trust your instincts," Ma Hualong advised. "You have all come this far by honing your skills and listening to your inner voice. Let that guide you in making your choice. Guowei Wang and I will be available for questions as you make your choice. Then after, the final round will be explained in detail."

We followed them deeper into the vault. The air grew cooler, and the lighting dimmed as we ventured further. The walls, lined with shelves filled with rare ingredients and precious pills, seemed to pulse with an ancient energy. My heart raced with anticipation as we approached the back of the vault.

Guowei Wang stepped forward. With a swift motion, he retrieved a talisman from his robe and pressed it against a seemingly solid wall. The air shimmered, and an invisible door revealed itself, swinging open to expose a hidden chamber.

We stepped inside, and I couldn't help but gasp at the sight before me. A vast array of top-tier alchemical tools, each more magnificent than the last, was meticulously aligned before us. The room was bathed in a soft, ethereal light that seemed to emanate from the tools themselves.

Ma Hualong gestured for us to explore. "Take your time. Examine each tool carefully. This decision could very well influence the outcome of the final round."

He glanced over to Jingyu Lian, beckoning her over.

"As the top performer in the last round, you will have the benefit of picking first."

She nodded and made a beeline to a separate section of the vault dedicated to hand-held tools.

Zhi Ruo and I gravitated toward the pill furnaces, their imposing forms dominating the chamber's center.

"Pill furnaces are the heart of any alchemist's workshop," The librarian murmured, his eyes scanning the array with scholarly intensity. "I'd wager these are the most sought-after prizes."

But as we delved deeper into the selection, I couldn't help but notice that Tian Zhu and Fang Xiang were conspicuously avoiding the pill furnaces, instead focusing on other, seemingly less significant tools.

"Curious," I remarked to Zhi Ruo, a hint of puzzlement in my voice. "Why do you think they're ignoring the furnaces?"

Zhi Ruo shrugged, his brows furrowed in thought. "Perhaps they have a specific strategy in mind," he offered. "Or maybe..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a voice chimed in from behind us, causing him to jump in surprise. "They already have their own pill furnaces," Guowei Wang explained, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "The children of wealthy clans often inherit centuries-old furnaces, imbued with the qi of countless refinements. These treasures are far more potent than anything we could offer here."

"Really?" I asked, my eyes widening in astonishment. "I knew pill furnaces improved with use, but I had no idea they could become that powerful."

Realizing this was my chance, I pulled out the ink pot I had brought and held it out to him. "Before I forget, Guowei, I brought this for you as a token of appreciation. You've been crucial in helping me pick out the treasures I wanted from here."

Guowei Wang's eyes widened in surprise. He took the ink pot, examining it with a soft smile. "Thank you, Kai. This is a very thoughtful gift. An ink pot?"

I nodded. "I don't live here, so it'll be hard to keep in touch. I figured to buy you an ink pot so we can send letters back and forth!"

He bowed slightly, clearly touched by the gesture.

I nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction. It was nice to see my small token of appreciation received so warmly. Guowei Wang continued his explanation, his tone warm and informative.

"Now, as I was saying, those who already have powerful pill furnaces see no need to select another. They prefer to choose tools that complement their existing equipment. For those of you who are..."

"Commoners?" Zhi Ruo said, seeing the older man struggle to find the appropriate words to describe us.

"Well, yes. Those who do not have a pill furnace to inherit would benefit the most from here."

I exchanged a glance with Zhi Ruo and couldn’t help but chuckle. "Well, Zhi, it seems we're at a disadvantage without our own ancient, family-heirloom pill furnaces."

Zhi Ruo laughed, shaking his head. "Indeed. We mere commoners have to make do with what we can get."

"Kai LIu!" Ma Hualong said from the other end of the vault. "You're next! Take your pick."

Guowei Wang joined us as we began to peruse the pill furnaces. His deep knowledge of each one became evident as he guided us through the selection, stopping at each furnace to explain its unique properties and the styles they suited best.

"This one here," he said, pointing to a sleek, silver furnace with delicate engravings, "is ideal for those who focus on precision and control. The internal structure allows for fine adjustments to the temperature and qi infusion, making it perfect for refining delicate elixirs."

I nodded, taking in his words as we moved on to the next one. Each furnace had its own story, its own strengths and weaknesses. It was fascinating to see how varied they were, and how each was designed with a specific alchemical approach in mind.

Guowei Wang stopped in front of a larger, sturdier furnace, its exterior adorned with runes that seemed to pulse with latent energy. "This one is for those who deal with large batches or more robust concoctions. The reinforced structure and enhanced qi channels can handle higher volumes and more potent ingredients without compromising the stability of the process."

I could see the appeal of each one, but none of them felt quite right for me.

We continued down the line, and my eyes fell on a pill furnace at the very end.

It was much more complex than the rest, with a wide, round vase-like appearance. The lid was styled like a pagoda roof with two-tiered levels and a finial knob at the very top. Intricate mechanisms adorned its sides, and I could see various controls that seemed almost overwhelming at first glance.

Guowei Wang noticed my interest and walked over. "Ah, this one. It's a complicated item with a dark past. It was created by an artisan who over-engineered it with the intent of making it a gift for an official's son to help him become an alchemist. Unfortunately, the pill furnace is ridiculously complicated, requiring fine controls along the sides to give the user unparalleled control over the process. Each layer of the roof can undertake a different alchemical process."

He paused, letting the weight of his words settle in. "The politician was angered by its complexity, leading to a feud with the artisan. The man ended up being hanged, and this pill furnace was his last remaining work. It remained here as it is far too unwieldy even for most alchemists despite the quality."

I stared at the furnace, feeling a strange connection to it. Its complexity, its potential for precision and control—it felt tailor-made for my Refinement Simulation Technique. "Can you show me how the controls work?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Guowei Wang nodded, his eyes gleaming with approval. He showed us the basic controls but emphasized that there were more nuances to it that couldn't be shown in just one demonstration. Instead of discouraging me, it only served to motivate me even more. The more complex and demanding the furnace, the better it would synergize with my skills. This pill furnace, with its unparalleled control and multi-layered functionality, had the highest ceiling for long-term gains.

"I'll choose this one," I declared.

With my choice made, the rest of the selections followed quickly. Fang Xiang picked a brush designed to aid in the creation of alchemy arrays, its bristles made from the tail hairs of a spirit fox. Tian Zhu selected a pair of gloves that apparently enhanced one's dexterity. Zhi Ruo, after some contemplation, chose a simpler, yet finely-crafted pill furnace that matched his steady and methodical approach to alchemy.

As we all gathered back in line, I noticed Jingyu Lian holding a glass case containing a set of golden needles. The sight reminded me of Elder Zhu's acupuncture needles, and curiosity got the better of me.

"Jingyu Lian," I began, trying to sound casual, "why did you choose the golden acupuncture needles as your tools?"

She looked at me oddly, but there was no trace of arrogance or hostility in her eyes. Instead, she addressed me respectfully. "...These needles allow me to infuse qi into my ingredients directly, bringing about new and various side-effects. Additionally, they can be used for acupuncture, which is a skill I've been honing for years."

Her answer was straightforward, and I found myself respecting her dedication. Before I could say anything else, Ma Hualong's voice cut through the room.

"Now that everyone has selected their tools, I will explain the final round: the Crucible of the Five Elements."

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