Blooming America

Chapter 1149: Playing with fire

Mitchell moved his hand, and it's okay now.

"It seems that the senses are normal, let's start testing now!"

Van Hill checked the howling snow wolf on the titanium alloy plate, and then nodded.

"it is good."

Mitchell began to put on this suit.

Mitchell, this Vietnam veteran... No, maybe it's a deserter or something.

During the Vietnam War, Mitchell was active on the battlefield as a sniper, but during the war, Mitchell was caught by people over there.

The large-scale use of biological and chemical weapons such as defoliants by the United States in Vietnam has led to a large number of terrible phenomena in Vietnam-not only death, but also the inability to survive and death.

Vietnam’s hatred for the United States is more vented on Mitchell. He is forced to be injected with drugs that he does not know where he was found every day, and then tortured.

At that time, Mitchell also began to lose muscles. After that, Mitchell learned that the medicines these people gave themselves were poisonous and estrogen!

When Mitchell was rescued a year later, he was already looking like a man and a ghost, and the withdrawal reaction brought by drugs made him unable to survive and die.

To make matters worse, because of his later appearance, after being rescued, Mitchell was constantly insulted and violated by the soldiers.

At this time, Mitchell relied on his perseverance to quit drugs. Then, on a thunderstorm night, he killed the soldiers who violated him. Then, he carried a gun and lurked like a cheetah. Around those Vietnamese, kill the guerrillas who imprisoned them back then!

From then on, Mitchell lived in Vietnam as a half bounty hunter and half mercenary...until he saw the children who were mutilated by the defoliant.

These newly born children are born deformed because of the influence of biological and chemical weapons. Life is miserable.

Mitchell was deeply shocked at that time.

After that, Mitchell surrendered to the army.

Unexpectedly, Mitchell was diagnosed with "war syndrome" and had psychological problems. In the end, although he could not be said to be acquitted, he did not encounter any major incidents.

After returning to China, Mitchell's muscle wasting symptoms intensified, so he went on parole for medical treatment. And then. He signed up to participate in military medical experiments...

"Although the muscles are atrophy, the response nerves are very good, which is very helpful for our experiments, and the less the impact of our own body. The smaller the error for our experiments."

This is what Van Hill said.

"All in all, after doing this experiment, you are ready to let me participate in the next experiment that can restore my muscle function, right?"

Mitchell is dismissive of this kind of machine. In Mitchell's view, this kind of product will make people lose flexibility, and there is no way to defend and dodge the upcoming bullets, except for running that can be told. Apart from moving, there is no other ability at all. I really don't know why this Poseidon laboratory wants to do these things.

Mitchell certainly didn't know that this was because of the tempered carbon nanotube fiber material.

The current titanium alloy. Naturally, it doesn't work, but if you switch to tempered carbon nanotube fiber material, the situation is completely different-the extremely small weight of tempered carbon nanotube fiber material, even in the face of bullets, there is no pressure...

"Miss White is also very concerned about your condition. It is not muscle dystrophy, but muscle atrophy caused by drugs. This situation is indeed a bit strange. Of course, the next research will continue, but it is specific. , It still depends on whether you cooperate."

Mitchell ignored the opponent, but quickly stripped himself, and then began to wear armor.

The mini version of Howling Snow Wolf does not require as much power as the tank version, but correspondingly, this body is like armor. It's more troublesome to wear.

"Okay, the next machine will start."

Van Hill said so, and then, the biological eyeball transmitted vision to Mitchell's body, and then the neural circuit expanded Mitchell's nerves to the mechanical body.

But even though it extended to the mechanical body, Mitchell felt it. It's just a feeling of "I'm controlling my own limbs". In fact, because the external titanium alloy can't transmit the senses, Mitchell at this time is equivalent to isolating the skin. The receptors are the same.

"How are you feeling now? This is the first time a neural circuit has been connected. If there is something weird in your body, just tell it."

"Not yet."

There is a miniature microphone inside the front face mask, which can transmit the sound inside.

Van Hill nodded.

The neural circuit is actually very simple. After being inspired by Jenny, Van Hill’s current neural circuit is actually a way to simulate the sensations of the limbs into signals and then transmit them to the body. For Mitchell, he At this time, his brain had a cognitive illusion and "recognized wrong" his limbs.

"Okay, let's continue..."

Van Hill is very happy to continue the next experiment.


On the other side, Catherine, who heard the news, pouted.

"Reagan is playing with fire..."

When Catherine knew that Reagan had come up with a series of policies, Catherine couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Catherine also knew what the "Deregulation of Depository Institutions and Currency Control Act" was.

The Reagan era was a time when minority groups were extremely wealthy and working families made little profit. He himself broke the long-standing practice of prudent budgeting. From the end of World War II to 1978, the share of federal debt in GDP fell sharply, but it began to rise during the Reagan era.

It can be seen that this is just the beginning.

Just like in history.

-Subprime mortgage crisis.

This crisis caused by non-performing assets later evolved into a global financial crisis. In the 21st century, I am afraid that no one knows and no one knows.

Investigating the source of this disaster, you will find that the turning point that led to the crisis was the beginning of the 1980s during Reagan's tenure.

Originally, Catherine thought that the butterfly effect would change all of this, but did not expect that Reagan would still make the same choice as in history.

——But this is actually a sign because of Reagan’s new economic policy before. It has already increased a series of burdens on the United States. At this time, the other side's further strategy is just to go from the 100-meter cliff edge to the 101-meter cliff edge god, and the essence is the same.

But for Catherine, she suddenly realized that this was an opportunity.

Just like in history.

The Reagan era was a time when minority groups were extremely wealthy and working families made little profit. He himself broke the long-standing practice of prudent budgeting. From the end of World War II to 1980, the share of federal debt in GDP fell sharply. But it began to rise during the Reagan era. By the time of Clinton, the proportion of debt fell again and rose for the second time during the Bush administration. It is the fiscal deficit that keeps us at a loss for the current financial crisis.

The laissez-faire financial regulation is the greatest harm of the Reagan era. Since then, financial institutions have started gambling with taxpayers' money. In addition. Legislation during the Reagan era basically ended the restrictions imposed by Roosevelt's New Deal on mortgage loans, especially the provisions that allowed families to buy houses without large mortgages. Consumer credit is also unfrozen at the same time as the loan standard, which has also led to a huge change in American consumer behavior.

In the past, Americans used 10% of their income to save, but after Reagan's deregulation, diligence and frugality faded from the American way of life and rose to zero savings before the subprime mortgage crisis.

It was the debt explosion in the past 25 years that made the US economy fragile, which led to the 2008 financial crisis.

But...this era, will it be 2008?

Catherine was thinking carefully.

In a short time. Americans’ savings policies will inevitably change. For Catherine, this is definitely a good opportunity to grab money. A series of entertainment products will be sold to those Americans who no longer save or even consume tomorrow.

For the United States, what are the consequences?

In Catherine's view. Reagan's strategy was a series of "self-destruction" strategies, which were used to defeat the Soviet Union.

But what if the Soviet Union did not collapse in 1991?

It was precisely because of the dividends of the disintegration of the Soviet Union that the United States gradually slowed down. Otherwise, the crisis might have already erupted at that time.

Later, when the real estate crisis broke out again. The United States cleverly transferred it to the Internet, hyped the Internet and high-tech, and then burst the bubble, Li Daitao stiffened.

But what if... neither of these two things happened?

In other words...Is it wrong when it happened?

It is undeniable that the "Financial Act" is a cardiotonic, but once Reagan's strategy is really implemented, then this cardiotonic will function. I'm afraid it's not enough.

...If...just if...

If one day, this crisis broke out under the noses of the Soviets... What would happen?

Maybe it will be fun, right?

However, it seems that the Soviets took advantage of the fire and robbed it at this time...

It's not in my own interest...

Catherine wanted to watch the but wanted to protect her own interests. For a while, she struggled...

"Never mind! We are still filming now! Filming and filming!"

Catherine patted her cheek.

I have been cheated all the way, and now it is better to finalize this "Journey to the West". When the filming officially starts, the feeling will be much better. It is better than continuing to be cheated...

Although Catherine was given special treatment because of Catherine's special contribution, it did not make Catherine easier.

She has had enough...


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