Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 135

As Yuichi continued to circulate the reishi through his body, his mind slowly slipped into a state of deep meditation. The repetitive motion of drawing in energy and channeling it into his zanpakutō allowed his thoughts to drift, his consciousness gradually descending into a more profound and serene state. Unbeknownst to him, this deep meditative state carried him away from the physical world and into his inner world.


When Yuichi opened his eyes, he found himself standing in a place of ethereal beauty, a world that always left him awestruck no matter how many times he visited. His inner world was a breathtakingly beautiful realm, a place where the laws of reality seemed to bend to the whims of his soul.


Endless mirrors and reflective surfaces stretched out as far as the eye could see, reflecting the brilliant blue sky above. The ground beneath his feet was smooth and pristine, a vast white surface that seemed to glow with an inner light. The air was filled with the gentle tinkling of glass, the soft sound of mirrors breaking in the distance, and the occasional whoosh of wind that carried a faint melody.


In the center of this world stood a magnificent palace, a structure so grand and intricate that it defied description. The palace was made entirely of mirrors, its walls and towers reflecting the surrounding landscape in a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. Each level of the palace was more ornate and elaborate than the last, with delicate carvings and intricate designs that seemed to shimmer and shift as Yuichi’s gaze moved over them. The main entrance was a grand gate, crafted from delicate mirrors that swayed gently in the wind, creating a mesmerizing ripple effect that made it seem as though the entire structure was alive.


The last time Yuichi had been here, the skies had been overcast, and the world around him had been drenched in a relentless downpour, a reflection of his turbulent emotional state at the time. But now, the sky was clear and bright, with the sun casting a warm, golden light over everything. A gentle breeze whispered through the air, carrying with it a sense of calm and peace.


As he took in the serene beauty of his inner world, Yuichi saw a figure emerge from the palace. Kagami no Jotei, his zanpakutō spirit, walked toward him with her usual grace. She was a vision of elegance, her waist-length violet hair tied into a ponytail that fell behind her shoulders, with a few strands framing her crystal-like crimson eyes. Her pale skin stood in stark contrast to the deep red kimono she wore, the separate large sleeves revealing her delicate shoulders. The kimono had a long hem, and a pink obi with a floral fractal design was wrapped around her waist, tied into a large, pale purple bow on her back. In her hands, she carried an ō katana, its black sheath covered in begonias, adding a touch of beauty to the weapon's deadly purpose.


As she approached, Yuichi noticed the mirror-like mask that covered her face, a symbol of the enigmatic nature of his zanpakutō. The mask reflected the light, distorting it in a way that made her appear both present and distant, as if she were a part of the very fabric of this reflective world. Her presence was as commanding as ever, yet there was a softness to her expression as she approached him, a warmth that belied her usually stern demeanor.


“It’s been a while since you’ve come here,” Kagami no Jotei said, her voice smooth and resonant, carrying an air of regal authority.


Yuichi smiled as she approached, a sense of familiarity and comfort washing over him. “Yes, it has. I’ve been… busy.”


Kagami no Jotei closed the distance between them, her movements graceful and fluid, as if she were gliding over the ground. She reached out with one hand, placing it gently on Yuichi’s chest, just beneath his garments. Her touch was cool and calming, and as she made contact, Yuichi could feel her presence more acutely, a deep connection that resonated within his soul.


“You’ve grown stronger since last we met,” she observed, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assessed him. There was a note of approval in her voice, though it was tempered with caution.


Yuichi’s smile widened, though there was a hint of weariness in his expression. “I’ve experienced much since then. Learned a lot. But… it’s still not enough.”


Kagami no Jotei withdrew her hand, folding it back into the flowing sleeves of her robe. “You’ve come far, Yuichi. But you must be careful not to overreach. Strength and power come with time and steady progress. If you grasp for too much too soon, you risk losing everything.”


Yuichi nodded, understanding the weight of her words. “I know. But the situation is becoming more dangerous by the day. I don’t have the luxury of time anymore. I need to be ready for whatever comes next, or I’ll be crushed by it.”


The Empress of Mirrors regarded him silently for a moment, her expression unreadable due to her mask. Then, with a slow, deliberate movement, she turned and began walking towards the palace. Yuichi followed her, knowing that she had more to say.


They ascended the steps leading to the palace entrance, the mirrors around them reflecting their images from a thousand different angles, creating an illusion of countless Yuichis and Kagami no Joteis walking together. The effect was disorienting, but Yuichi had grown used to it over time. It was a reminder of the complex and multifaceted nature of his zanpakutō spirit, a being of endless depth and reflection.


As they reached the grand gate, Kagami no Jotei paused, turning to face Yuichi once more. “You are driven by necessity, and that is understandable. But do not let desperation cloud your judgment. There is a fine line between ambition and recklessness. You must find balance in your pursuit of power.”


Yuichi sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s hard to find that balance when every day feels like a race against time. I can’t afford to be cautious, not with my life at stake.”


Kagami no Jotei’s body language softened, and for the first time since their conversation began, there was a hint of empathy in her eyes. “I know the burden you carry, Yuichi. But remember, the strength of a warrior is not measured by how much power they gain quickly, but rather by how well they are able to use it. You have potential, more so than you seem to realize. But if you rush this process, you may miss the opportunity to fully harness it or worse yet damage your own strength in the process.”


Yuichi looked down, the weight of her words sinking in. He had been pushing himself relentlessly, driven by the fear of being caught off guard, of not being strong enough when the time came. But he realized that all his mistakes had always been made in haste. When he first unlocked his power he could not wield it well due to the fact that he did not understand it. Only after training with Urahara did he start to understand how and when he should use them.


“I understand,” he finally said, his voice subdued. “I’ll try to be more mindful of that.”


Kagami no Jotei nodded, satisfied with his response. “Good. Take your time, Yuichi. Let your strength build gradually, and when the time comes, you will be ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Even those you fear in the future. Remember this with me in hand we shall cut down all who wish to do you harm.”


Yuichi felt a sense of calm settle over him, the tension in his body easing. He knew that Kagami no Jotei was right, and though the path ahead was still uncertain, he felt more centered, more focused on the task at hand.


“Thank you,” he said quietly, meeting her gaze.


The Empress of Mirrors shifted her mask up revealing her mouth and smiled. It was a rare and fleeting expression that Yuichi had never seen but it only lasted for but a moment before she adjusted the mask back to its normal position. “You are welcome, Yuichi. Now, return to your training, and remember what I have told you. You have the strength within you, but it must be cultivated with care.”


With that, Kagami no Jotei turned and walked back into the palace, her form gradually fading into the shimmering reflections as she disappeared from view. Yuichi stood there for a moment longer, taking in the beauty of his inner world, before closing his eyes and allowing himself to slip back into the physical realm.


When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his dorm room, the familiar surroundings grounding him in reality. The pain from his earlier training still lingered, but it was muted now, overshadowed by the sense of clarity that Kagami no Jotei had instilled in him.


Yuichi took a deep breath, feeling the reishi flow through his body with renewed vigor. He resumed his meditation, continuing the process of circulating reishi into his zanpakutō, but this time with a calmer mind and a more measured pace. The reishi flowed faster and stronger now that he wasn’t forcing it but rather following the flow of it.

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