Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 128

Yuichi’s heart pounded as he sprinted out of Urahara's mansion, grabbing the newly released Miel along the way. The tiny creature looked utterly traumatized from being locked away for so long, her delicate body trembling as she clung to Yuichi’s shoulder. He wanted to reassure her but didn’t know how to go about it. Though for now the most important thing on his mind was one thing: getting to class as quickly as possible. His body, still aching and bruised from the relentless training sessions, protested with every step, but he pushed through the pain, using his shunpo to cover as much distance as he could.


The strain of his recent injuries made it impossible to maintain a constant speed. Every few minutes, Yuichi was forced to stop, leaning against a wall or crouching down in pain to catch his breath. His lungs burned, and his legs felt like they could give out at any moment, but he couldn’t afford to waste time. After each brief rest, he launched himself forward again, determined to make it back to his dorm before the academy’s morning classes started.


Fortunately, most of the other students had already left for class, leaving the pathways clear as Yuichi raced through the academy grounds. After all his reiryoku was low and he didn’t have enough to use any kido to hide Miel. He finally reached his dorm, panting heavily as he shoved open the door. The room was quiet and still, a stark contrast to his time at Urahara’s place. He carefully placed Miel on his bed, but the traumatized creature immediately scurried under his pillow, seeking refuge in the small, dark space.


Yuichi hesitated, wanting to comfort her, but he knew there was no time to spare. He couldn’t afford to be late on top of everything else. Grabbing a towel, he quickly poured water over it and began wiping away the blood, dust, and ash that clung to his skin. His movements were frantic, and he winced every time the towel brushed against a fresh bruise or scrape, but he had to make himself presentable. The last thing he needed was to draw more attention to himself.


Once he was as clean as he could manage, Yuichi donned his blue shihakushō uniform, adjusting it hastily in the mirror. His reflection stared back at him, still looking worn and battered despite his best efforts. His eyes, however, looked sharp so he didn’t look too bad. He had survived Urahara’s brutal training, and he wasn’t about to let a little exhaustion stop him now.


Without another glance at the mirror, Yuichi dashed out of his dorm. His legs were shaky, and his breath came in ragged gasps, but he pushed forward, set on making it to class as quickly as possible. The corridors seemed longer than usual, every step echoing in his ears as time slipped away. Finally, he reached the door to his classroom, the faint hum of voices on the other side signaling that the lesson had already begun.


Taking a deep breath, Yuichi steeled himself and pushed open the door. He entered with his head bowed, his voice barely above a whisper as he apologized for his tardiness. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to him, and Yuichi could feel the weight of their stares. His heart raced even faster, a mix of nerves as he hoped he wouldn’t be in too much trouble.


“Hmmm, you're Yuichi Toshikyo, correct?” The voice was calm, almost soothing, yet it sent a chill down Yuichi’s spine. He looked up, his eyes widening in shock as he saw none other than Sōsuke Aizen standing at the front of the class. The man’s gentle smile and soft-spoken manner belied the aura of authority and power that radiated from him.


Yuichi’s mind went blank for a moment, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to form a coherent response. Aizen’s presence was completely unexpected, and Yuichi’s exhaustion made it even harder to process the situation. His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to find the right words, but nothing came out.


Aizen’s smile never wavered as he walked over to Yuichi, his movements graceful and deliberate. He placed a hand on Yuichi’s shoulder, the touch light yet firm. “Why were you late, Yuichi?” he asked, his tone gentle but with an undercurrent of curiosity.


The question hung in the air, and Yuichi’s mind raced. How could he possibly explain the last few days? The grueling training with Urahara, the barely contained panic as he rushed to make it to class on time, the lingering pain that still throbbed in his body—it all seemed impossible to sum up in a simple answer. Yuichi could make up a half-truth but under Aizen’s calm gaze, Yuichi found himself utterly speechless.


Aizen’s smile widened slightly, it even reached his eyes. If one didn’t know about him they would definitely fall for the deception. “No need to worry,” he said, his voice soothing as he gave Yuichi’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Go take a seat. We can discuss your tardiness after the lesson.”


Yuichi nodded mutely, his legs feeling like they might give out as he walked to his seat. His classmates’ eyes followed him, the room still unnervingly quiet. Yuichi could feel the weight of their curiosity, their judgment, but he forced himself to keep his expression neutral. Inside, however, he was anything but calm. The shock of seeing Aizen, coupled with his exhaustion, left him feeling like he was teetering on the edge of collapsing.


As he sat down, Yuichi tried to push his feelings of unease aside. He focused on the lesson, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Aizen. Why was he here, of all places? And what would he say to Yuichi after class? The thought made his stomach churn with anxiety, but he forced himself to keep his head down, taking notes as best he could.


Aizen resumed the lesson, his voice smooth and commanding as he explained why kido techniques were more powerful when the incantation was used. Despite Yuichi’s efforts to concentrate, his mind kept wandering. Every now and then, he would glance up at Aizen, who seemed completely absorbed in the lesson.


Time seemed to stretch on forever, the minutes ticking by at an agonizingly slow pace. Yuichi’s heart pounded in his chest, his nerves frayed as he waited for class to end. What would Aizen say to him? Would this draw Aizen’s gaze towards him? The uncertainty gnawed at Yuichi, making it impossible to focus.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the lesson came to an end. Aizen dismissed the class with his usual calm demeanor, his eyes flicking briefly to Yuichi as the students began to file out.

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