Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 126

Yuichi collapsed onto the ground, his body finally giving in to the exhaustion. As he drifted into a restless sleep, his mind replayed the lessons of the day. He knew that Urahara's training was preparing him for something much greater, and he was determined to be ready for whatever came next.


The next morning, Yuichi woke to find Urahara already waiting for him, a fresh plate of food by his side. "Eat up," Urahara said with a smile. "Today's training will be even tougher."


Yuichi groaned but couldn't help but smile. He had a long way to go, but with Urahara's guidance, he knew he was on the right path. He ate quickly, feeling the energy return to his body, and prepared himself for another grueling day of training. Activating his shikai Yuichi took his stance.


Urahara's expression turned serious as he looked at Yuichi. "It's time to step up the intensity, Yuichi. Come at me with the intention to kill, or you'll die."


Yuichi's eyes widened, the weight of Urahara's words sinking in. He had felt the intensity of the training so far, but now it seemed they were entering a new, even more dangerous phase. Swallowing his apprehension, Yuichi nodded, gripping his zanpakutō tightly.


"Hadō #31. Shakkahō!" Urahara called out, his palm glowing with a high-temperature flame ball.


Yuichi's instincts kicked in, and he dodged to the side, barely evading the concussive blast that erupted where he had stood moments before. The heat singed his skin, and the force of the explosion sent him tumbling.


Urahara wasted no time. "Hadō #4. Byakurai!" A concentrated bolt of lightning shot from his finger, aimed directly at Yuichi.


Yuichi twisted his body mid-air, the bolt grazing his shoulder and leaving a painful burn. He landed on his feet, albeit unsteadily, and charged at Urahara, his zanpakutō gleaming in the dim light of the underground chamber.


Urahara moved with fluid grace, effortlessly dodging Yuichi's attack and countering with a spell. "Bakudō #9. Geki!" A red energy engulfed Yuichi, paralyzing him completely.


Panic surged through Yuichi as his muscles locked, his mind racing. He focused his reiatsu, fighting against the paralysis with all his might. Slowly, painfully, he broke free, his body trembling from the exertion.


Urahara was relentless. "Hadō #31. Shakkahō!" Another flame ball hurtled toward Yuichi, who managed to deflect it slightly with a desperate swing of his zanpakuto causing it to explode near him. The blast sent him skidding back, his arms aching from the impact.


"Come on, Yuichi," Urahara urged, his tone almost taunting. "If you don't push harder, you won't survive this. I won’t stop until I see an adequate amount of improvement."


Gritting his teeth, Yuichi pushed himself to his feet. He knew he had to change his strategy. He couldn't rely solely on defense; he needed to be aggressive and unpredictable. Taking a deep breath, he centered himself, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Urahara.


With a burst of speed, Yuichi dashed forward, his movements more calculated. He swung his zanpakutō in a wide arc, aiming for Urahara's midsection. Urahara sidestepped, but Yuichi was ready. He pivoted on his heel, bringing his blade around for another strike.


"Bakudō #8. Seki," Urahara incanted, generating a light blue orb on his arm that repelled Yuichi's attack. The force of the repulsion sent Yuichi sprawling, but he quickly rolled to his feet, undeterred.


"Hadō #4. Byakurai!" Urahara fired another lightning bolt, but this time Yuichi was prepared. He used Kagami no Jotei's ability, timing his reflection perfectly. The bolt was deflected back toward Urahara, who merely smiled and sidestepped it.


"Good, Yuichi. You're learning," Urahara said, his voice carrying a note of approval. "Your timing is better. But you need to be faster, more precise, and after you reflect an attack don’t just stand there. Always follow up with an attack to try to keep your enemy off balance."


Yuichi's muscles burned, his body bruised and battered from the relentless assault. But he refused to back down. He knew that Urahara's training was pushing him to his limits, forcing him to grow stronger.


He charged again, his movements a blur with his use of shunpo (瞬歩, Flash Steps). He struck high, then low, his attacks a flurry of precise blows. Urahara dodged and countered with a fluidity that seemed almost effortless, each spell and movement perfectly timed.


"Hadō #31. Shakkahō!" The flame ball exploded in front of Yuichi, the heat and force knocking him back. He landed hard, gasping for breath as the pain radiated through his body.


Urahara pressed the attack, giving Yuichi no time to recover. "Bakudō #9. Geki!" The red energy engulfed him again, but this time Yuichi was ready. He poured his reiatsu into breaking free, shattering the paralysis faster than before.


He lunged at Urahara, his zanpakutō a blur. Urahara blocked and countered with a swift strike of his own, the blade just missing Yuichi's side. Yuichi twisted away, using the momentum to launch a counterattack.


"Hadō #4. Byakurai!" The lightning bolt struck Yuichi's leg, the pain was intense but manageable. He forced himself to keep moving, knowing that slowing down meant defeat.


Urahara's movements were a blur as he cast another spell. "Bakudō #8. Seki!" The repulsion sent Yuichi flying back, but he used the momentum to roll into a crouch, his eyes locked on Urahara.


"You're improving, Yuichi," Urahara said, a hint of pride in his voice. "But you need to push even harder. Don't hold back."


Yuichi's body screamed in protest, but he dug deep, finding the strength to continue. He knew that this training was about more than just physical endurance; it was about honing his instincts, refining his abilities, and pushing past his limits.


He charged again, his movements more fluid, his attacks more precise. He struck with a combination of high and low blows, forcing Urahara to constantly adjust his defense. Urahara countered with a series of spells, each one testing Yuichi's ability to adapt and react.


"Hadō #31. Shakkahō!" The flame ball exploded near Yuichi, but he managed to deflect it with his zanpakutō, the force of the blast pushing him back but not down.


"Bakudō #9. Geki!" The red energy tried to paralyze him again, but Yuichi broke free with a surge of reiatsu, his determination unyielding.


"Hadō #4. Byakurai!" The lightning bolt struck his arm, the pain intense but manageable. He gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain as he launched a counterattack.


Urahara dodged and countered with another spell. "Bakudō #8. Seki!" The repulsion sent Yuichi flying, but he landed on his feet, he looked fiercely at Urahara before it seemed his body had enough causing him to pass out.

“Hmmm, I guess that’s enough for now. I’ll let him rest for an hour and have someone heal him before continuing,” said Urahara as he leisurely stretched and went up the ladder leading out of the training room.

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