Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 111

The air was thick with tension as Hanatarō desperately worked to stabilize Takeshi, who lay motionless on the ground. Yuichi, gravely injured himself, struggled to remain standing. His zanpakutō was cracked and chipped, and his hands were covered in his own blood. The once serene night had transformed into a nightmarish scene, with a few lifeless bodies scattered around and Mei lying unconscious, blood pooling beneath her.


In a raspy voice, Yuichi tried to speak, "Hanatarō, focus on Takeshi. He's in worse shape than me."


Hanatarō nodded, his hands glowing with healing energy. He worked frantically to mend Takeshi's injuries, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The severity of the wounds indicated that time was of the essence.


As Hanatarō struggled to stabilize Takeshi, Yuichi attempted to rise to his feet. His body, however, betrayed him, and he fell to his knees. Coughing up blood, he managed to glance at Mei's unconscious form, his expression a mix of concern and regret.


The figure responsible for the devastation loomed in the shadows, a malevolent presence that seemed to revel in the chaos. Yuichi's eyes locked onto the silhouette, his gaze filled with anger. With great effort, Yuichi forced himself to stand, his zanpakutō slipping from his grasp. He staggered towards the figure, his steps unsteady but resolute. An ominous hollow emerged from the shadows, revealing a sinister mask with it mouth shaped like a grin.


"You've meddled in our affairs and killed my subordinates, Soul Reapers. As such it’s only right I take lives and devoure you to make up for my losses," the hollow taunted, a mocking tone underlying the words.


Yuichi, defiant despite his weakened state, clenched his fists. As he glared at the hollow he felt the poison he had been afflicted with further damaging his body causing his vision to blur as he cough up more blood.


The figure chuckled, revealing little. "Ah it seems you three are ready to been eaten now."


As Yuichi strained to maintain his footing, the figure raised a hand, and the air seemed to thicken with malevolence. A surge of spiritual pressure overwhelmed Yuichi and Hanatarō, causing them to collapse to the ground.


In the midst of all this, Hanatarō kept releasing his healing kido, trying to stabilize Takeshi to some extent. The figure's laughter echoed through the night, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of those present. "You stay to allow a few to run away but it’s okay. After a meal, a bit of exercise is needed after all."


As Yuichi coughed up more blood, his vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to fade. He couldn’t help but lament how things had gone so wrong. Everything had been just fine a few hours ago.


A few hours earlier, the night air was calm, and the makeshift campsite resonated with a mix of exhaustion and relief. The group of thirteen students, led by Mei, had successfully located their missing classmates and fended off a series of hollow attacks. The camp buzzed with subdued conversation as the students regrouped, tending to injuries and sharing stories of their encounters.


Niko, a skilled Kido practitioner among the students, worked diligently along with a few others to maintain a protective barrier around the campsite. The barrier was a crucial defense against any lingering hollow threats, ensuring the safety of those within its confines.


As the injured students rested, Mei, the group's leader and strategist, sat with Yuichi and Takeshi, discussing their next steps. The camaraderie among the students was nearly palpable, a testament to the bonds forged in the face of danger.


"It's fortunate we found so many people. If we keep this up we may find more," Mei remarked, her eyes scanning the group. "We should be safe until the Soul Society sends reinforcements. The non-fighters will remain safe within the barrier. Since we’ve found so many I think we should focus on eliminating all hollows in the area. Once that’s done we should have an easier time searching."


Yuichi nodded in agreement, “Yeah it been a few days now and whenever we go out we’re almost attacked by hollows. At first, we only met a few of these weird hollows now they’re all we see as if something is infecting all the hollows in the area.”


Takeshi, who had been injured during one of the encounters, sat nearby, receiving treatment from a fellow student skilled in healing Kido. “Yes, and it seems they're getting even more mindless and savage as time goes on. Four members almost died in their last attack. I vote for abandoning this place. Even if this is the area where we appeared, there’s no evidence that help will arrive here. It’s getting too dangerous so let’s leave.”


As the night progressed and the three discussed what action to take, the other students took turns keeping watch, ensuring that the barrier remained intact and vigilant against any potential threats. However unbeknownst to them, in the shadows beyond the barrier, a sinister figure observed their every move. The malevolent presence, hidden from sight, bided its time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The campsite, bathed in the soft glow of the campfire, seemed to be an unwitting stage for the unfolding tragedy that awaited them.


Hours passed, and fatigue began to set in. The students rotated shifts to maintain the barrier, ensuring that no one was caught off guard. Despite the constant weariness, they believed that the Soul Society, alerted to their situation, would soon dispatch reinforcements to bring them home safely.


As the night wore on, the hollow in the shadows readied itself. It hid in the darkness, drawn to the spiritual energy emanating from the students. As it patiently observed them a moment when their vigilance waned arrived, it seized the opportunity to strike, stirring the other mindless hollows to attack as a way to test the strength of the barrier.


Each hollow attack was met with a coordinated defense from the students. However, the figure in the shadows, obscured by the darkness, patiently waited carefully taking in how they fought. As it watched it made a list of who was strong and who was weak. The weak would most likely die in the beginning of its assault so it needed to kill the strong first.

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