Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 100

Mei's strike however proved to be insufficient enough to deliver a fatal blow, the last remaining enhanced hollow, whether fueled by desperation and survival instincts, managed to evade further attacks. With a nimble leap, it distanced itself from Mei and swiftly retreated into the shadows. Yuichi, quick to react, attempted to restrain the creature with kidō, but the hollow, displaying newfound agility, eluded the spiritual bindings and disappeared into the night.


Mei, drained and battered, collapsed to her knees, the weight of exhaustion and injuries pressing upon her. Yuichi hurried to her side, offering support as they made their way over to where Niko and Hanatarō were stationed. The scene was one of weariness and uncertainty, the toll of the battle evident on each of their faces.


Hanatarō, his reiryoku depleted from the earlier attack, assessed Mei's injuries. Shallow cuts adorned her body, and the large wound on her back had been aggravated, causing a concerning amount of bleeding. Aware of his limited resources, Hanatarō focused on basic first aid, pulling out a salve and bandages from his meager medical supplies.


Mei winced as Hanatarō tended to her wounds, the salve stinging against the raw edges of torn flesh. Despite the pain, she maintained a stoic composure, her eyes reflecting fatigue. Yuichi, standing by her side, observed with a sense of concern, since he could hurt the hollow if Mei was incapacitated then they'd be in trouble.


With a gentle touch, Hanatarō wrapped bandages around Mei's injuries, providing a makeshift form of support and protection. The dim glow of the sakura tree overhead cast a somber ambiance, the delicate petals falling.


Niko, recovering from her earlier injuries, observed the scene with a guarded expression. Hanatarō, though limited in his ability to fully heal Mei, did his best to alleviate the immediate threats posed by the wounds. Mei, once the initial first aid was complete, leaned against the sakura tree, fatigue evident in her posture.


Hanatarō, realizing the gravity of their situation, spoke with a measured tone. "Mei, you need rest. These wounds won't fully heal without proper treatment, but for now, this is the best I can do. We should find a safer place to regroup and plan our next move."


Niko, who had been silently observing, interjected, "Hanatarō is right. We can't afford to stay in one place for too long, especially if there are any more of those weird hollows roaming around. The best strategy for us right now is to retreat and recuperate."


The group, enveloped in the quiet melancholy of the sakura tree's falling petals, started their cautious retreat. Mei, supported by Yuichi, took slow and deliberate steps, each movement a testament as she winced in pain with practically every step. Hanatarō followed closely, glancing around with a heightened sense of awareness. Niko, her gaze sharp and vigilant, remained on the lookout for any signs of approaching danger.


In Hueco Mundo, a desolate realm teeming with formidable hollows, Instructors Kensei Muguruma, Gengorō Ōnabara, and Rin Tsubokura found themselves in the midst of chaos. Surrounded by Menos and Adjuchas-class hollows, the instructors were on a mission to locate and protect the scattered students who had arrived in this treacherous realm.


Kensei, a seasoned warrior with a fierce demeanor, unleashed the power of his Bankai, Tekken Tachikaze (鐵拳断風, Iron Fist Severing Wind). A pair of large knuckle blades which Kensei holds in each hand. Both blades had a curved silver edge, which tapered off to an outward point on either side. Segmented purple bands wrap around the entirety of his arms, much like armor, while a thicker purple band arches behind him, over his head, with its ends protruding from under his shoulders.


The massive iron gauntlets that adorned his fists crackled with reiatsu as he delivered devastating blows, each strike creating a powerful shockwave that swept through the multitude of hollows. The Menos and Adjuchas, faced with the overwhelming force of Kensei's Bankai, found themselves slowly diminishing in number.


Meanwhile, Gengorō, agile and perceptive, navigated through the chaos with precision. His zanpakutō at the ready, he sought out students in need, rescuing them from the clutches of the ravenous hollows. With swift movements, he skillfully cut down any hollows that dared to approach the students, ensuring their safety as he led them to Rin.


Rin Tsubokura, a somewhat skilled kidō practitioner, took charge of securing the students within a protective barrier. The air hummed with spiritual energy as Rin cast a complex kidō spell, creating a transparent shield that enveloped the students. The barrier served as a haven, shielding them from the relentless onslaught of the hollows.


As Rin maintained the protective barrier, he also focused on opening a gateway back to the Soul Society. The process was delicate and required concentration amidst the chaotic surroundings. The echoes of battle, the roars of hollows, and the clash of reiatsu-filled the air, making the task even more challenging.


Instructor Kensei, amidst the whirlwind of his relentless attacks, shouted over the cacophony. "Gengorō, keep an eye out for any stragglers! Rin, we need that gateway open soon so hurry it up I can’t keep this up forever!"


Rin, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he maintained the barrier and worked on the gateway, responded, "Shut up I'm doing my best here, Kensei! The barrier won't hold forever, and we need to get these students out of here!"


As the battle raged on, the combined might of the seemingly endless and relentless hollows began to take a toll on the instructors. Kensei, was breathing hard, and with each blow, his move became more and more sluggish.


Gengorō, returned with a group of five students as he yelled, “If you guys have time to chat then you’re not working hard enough. Kensei you’re exhausted switch with me!”


Gengorō's sharp reprimand cut through the chaos, jolting Kensei back to the urgency of the situation. Nodding in acknowledgment, Kensei, though reluctant to relinquish the frontline, understood the necessity of a swift rotation. With a seamless exchange, Gengorō and Kensei switched positions.


Gengorō, fueled by a surge of energy, swiftly engaged the encroaching hollows. He pointed his zanpakutō at them and yelled “Bankai Yashin no Hakoniwa (野心の箱庭, Ambition's Garden)!” This transformed the desert-like sand of the surrounding area into a vast and lush forest, with towering trees and dense underbrush.

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