Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 3: Jamie

"Alright you lot! Gather around and listen up! Hey, I'm talking to you all!"

Jamie has known Jessie for years at this point. Way before they'd gotten this big break and managed to join Team Rocket, they'd been a team all of their own. The inseparable duo. Jessie had been there for Jamie when no one else was, really. As the only daughter of a pair of millionaires, most would have said Jamie had it pretty good.

She'd grown up in the lap of luxury, with a silver spoon in her mouth and all that rot. But Jamie never asked for any of that. She never asked to be forced to endure high society, or to be taught how to move around and act like a prim and proper lady. There were so many things that she had absolutely no interest in and being upper-class was more of a burden than anything.

More than that, she didn't want to marry the man she was engaged to. Oh sure, early on it had seemed like the best thing in the world, to have her future planned out for her ahead of time. But when she saw how overbearing and controlling her fiancé was, she just couldn't bear to stay.

And so, she'd ran away, and soon after that, she and Jessie had met for the first time. They'd both tried to go to the Pokemon Trainers' school Pokemon Tech… but things hadn't worked out well there. In fact, through a series of unfortunate events that may have been mostly Jamie's fault but were definitely, absolutely in no way Jessie's fault whatsoever, they had both received the lowest scores in the school's history.

Look, Jamie was smarter than most people gave her credit for. Specifically, she was self-aware enough to know she wasn't always the smartest person in the room. She knew she needed a lot of help with things, especially with how the real world worked, because her upbringing had not prepared her for a life outside of a mansion or chateau.

That was where Jessie came in, fortunately. Jessie was the Alpha Female of their little partnership, and part of what made them work so well together was the fact that Jamie had never so much as questioned that. She and Jessie were a team, they were partners, but some partners were more equal than others.

As such, when Jessie had told Jamie on the flight over her plan for getting some early respect among the other Rocket Grunts, Jamie had gone along with it. It had seemed like a good idea to her, after all. By getting to Mt. Moon early, they'd had to stand around in the sun for a couple hours, and given they were wearing all black, that wasn't necessarily fun, per say.

However, it did mean they were pretty much the first ones here, and had been here, looking important, as more and more Grunts trickled in. Now, Jessie was finally making her move, calling all of the other Grunts out and forcing them to gather around.

As the blank-faced Rocket Grunts all turn to look at Jessie and Jamie, moving in closer and staring expectantly, Jamie straightens her back, wondering if Jessie really knows what she's doing. But then, of course she does. Jamie just has to give Jessie a chance. She always comes through for her, after all!

"Right. You're a sorry-looking lot, aren't you? I assume by your presence that all of you managed to get a Flying Pokemon, or you wouldn't be here so fast."

There are slow nods and murmurs at that. So far, it's working. No one is willing to step up and challenge Jessie on her attempt at seeming authoritative and in charge. With any luck, this will cement the two of them as leaders in this new batch of Rocket Grunts! Sure, they might have joined Team Rocket today, but they both had prior experience in criminal activity! They'd both been members of a bicycle gang once upon a time, after all!

As Jessie is doing a lot of talking, while managing to avoid saying anything of real substance, Jamie's eyes catch light upon a new arrival. Winging down from above, flying in with his Spearow… it's Cam! Jamie would recognize that pink hair anywhere, given it's the exact same color as his best friend's. Even with most of his magenta locks hidden under his Grunt cap, Cam is very noticeable as he comes in for a landing, recapturing his Spearow in its Pokeball without a moment's hesitation.

So cool… Jamie can't really put it into words. She'd tried, back when Jessie and her had left the guy behind to go and get her a Flying Pokemon of her own. But Jessie hadn't wanted to hear about it. As far as Jessie was concerned, it was the two of them against the world. Even Team Rocket were just stepping stones.

But there was something about Cam! Something super cool and mysterious! And he was pretty handsome too!

Giving him a broad smile and a nod that's returned with a mostly blank look and an almost imperceptible nod in response, Jamie resists the urge to wave at the other Grunt. That said, she does consider leaning over to Jessie to suggest they call Cam over and have him back them up. After all, a trio is stronger than a duo, right?

Before Jamie can do so however, she looks back to Jessie and the crowd and blinks in surprise. Suddenly, all the other Grunts in front of them are looking a lot more attentive than before? Was it something Jessie said? A glance at her friend shows the magenta-haired woman has noticed the swift change as well, and while pleased, is also a little confused.

"Right, so-!"


All of the sudden, out of nowhere, two open-palmed slaps take Jessie and Jamie across the backs of their heads. Before they can whirl around to face their attacker, those same palms find their way down to their asses with shocking swiftness, sending them both forward a few steps as their hands go to cover their suddenly reddened bottoms, girlish squeaks leaving their lips.

When the two Grunts do finally get a look behind them, it's to see Rocket Admin Petrel glaring at them both.

"The hell do you two think you were doing, huh? I don't recall giving either of you any special orders to rally the troops, now, did I?"

Jessie, short temper that she has, is fuming over the assault. So, Jamie steps in, being a bit of a mediator and what not.

"A-Ah, no sir, we just thought-!"

"I don't remember telling you two to think. I remember telling you all to get a Flying Pokemon, get the HM Fly, get to Mt. Moon… and sit your asses down until I had further orders!"

Jessie finally pipes up, having reined in her anger… mostly.

"But sir-!"

"I don't want to hear it! Get back in line, Grunts! Everyone else, listen the fuck up!"

How embarrassing. Jamie's face is red-hot, as she and Jessie take their positions among the other Rocket Grunts, to some light jeers and quiet snickers from the others in the group. Ugh, their plan had totally backfired! Jessie was totally on the way to building them a reputation of respect and competence among the other recruits, and now it was all ruined!

Shit, was it Jamie's fault? Should she have been on the lookout for Petrel, and warned Jessie when the Admin arrived? Ah, dang it…

"Right! With that out of the way, it's time for your first mission, Grunts!"

Perking up, Jamie refocuses on the matter at hand, as Jessie and all the others, Cam included, do the same. Their first ever REAL mission! This was so exciting!

"We've been informed by a well-trusted source at the Pewter City Museum that some particularly rare Pokemon Fossils have been spotted inside this here cave at the base of Mt. Moon."

Glancing back at the mountain for a moment, Petrel nods before looking to all of them, his eyes flinty and his face serious.

"We believe that these fossils, once acquired, will be of great use to Team Rocket."

Suddenly smirking, Petrel looks them all up and down, though his eyes specifically linger on Jessie, as if he knows Jamie's friend is angry about what he did.

"Why? Well, that's not really your concern, now, is it?"

Jessie's sharp exhale tells Jamie how upset that makes her, though thankfully the other Grunts also mutter and grumble at being called out as basically nobodies. Still, it's not like they can backtalk Petrel. He can drum them out of Team Rocket in a heartbeat, if he wants to. In the end, there's nothing they can do but let him have his little power play.

After pausing for a moment to give them a chance to trip of their own feet, Petrel's smirk dims a bit, and he nods with begrudging approval.

"Now, we've hired a particular Super Nerd to help find and identify these fossils. He is currently making his way through the cave, along with some other new recruits. Your mission today is to assist in the search in any way you can."

Petrel pauses for a moment, either to take in a breath or add gravity to his next words.

"That means: Scavenging every nook and cranny of this damn hole, fending off any Trainers who have gotten their own big ideas about collecting a fossil of their own, and reporting any and all sightings directly to me. Do I make myself clear?"

He doesn't wait for responses, snapping his fingers and half-smirking, half-sneering at the lot of them.

"Of course I do! Now get moving, kids!"

And with that, they're off to the races. Jamie would have liked to stop and maybe talk to Cam some more, but Jessie immediately grabs her by the wrist and drags her inside. Given the way some of their fellow Rocket Grunts are looking at them with mocking grins, she supposes she can understand why. Sure, the cave might be infested with Zubats and enemy Trainers, but its better than being seen lollygagging outside.

"Ugh! Jamie, you were supposed to be on the look out for Petrel!"

Jessie's grumbling makes Jamie flush in embarrassment, as they make their way deeper into Mt. Moon. Ah damn, it was just like she'd thought, this was all her fault.

"Sorry, really! I didn't… well, I guess I got distracted!"

"Yeah, looking at that one recruit again. Don't think I missed you making googly eyes at him, Jamie. That Cam kid is a distraction of the worst kind for you, isn't he?"

Ah! Caught out, just like that! Jamie sputters, not sure how to respond nor how to react. It was just… well… she…


Saved! Jamie perks up right alongside Jessie at the sound of a shouting voice. Either it was a Rocket Grunt like them, or it was a Trainer being an utter idiot. Either way, Petrel's orders were quite clear, weren't they?

"Over here, Jamie! I think it came from down this ladder! Let's check it out!"


Hurrying down the ladder, the two Grunts are greeted by the voice of what is unmistakably one of their comrades, at this point.

"Have a look at this, guys! Am I gonna get promoted now or what?"

Jamie and Jessie exchange a glance at that, and Jamie can see it in her eyes right then and there. If Jessie has to browbeat and intimidate this guy into submission, she damn sure will if it means securing a real life fossil to give to Admin Petrel. But first… Jessie can do sweet. She just doesn't like to.

"Oh wow, can you show us it? That sounds like, super cool~"

Following Jessie's lead, Jamie also puts on a girlish giggle as she saunters over with her friend.

"Yeah! Like, oh my god… a fossil! Already?!"

Puffing his chest up, the random Rocket Grunt grins and gestures down at his feet.

"Look at this and tell me it isn't the rarest-looking fossil you've ever seen! I can't wait to see the look on Petrel's face when he sees-!"

"You idiot!"

Jamie blinks, as Jessie goes from sickeningly sweet and seductive to abrasive and angry in an instant flat. She doesn't understand what's going on, until her friend explains.

"THIS is what you got us all worked up about? That's just a Moon Stone, for crying out loud! It's not rare and it's certainly NOT a Pokemon Fossil!"

Jamie watches as Jessie reaches down and scoops the Moon Stone up off the ground, shoving it in the guy's face while she angrily makes her point, leaving the nameless Grunt stammering and stuttering and sputtering. The guy is so off his game that he doesn't even notice Jessie slipping the Moon Stone into her cleavage without so much as a 'by your leave'. Jamie does though, and she perks up as Jessie's berating finally gets to be too much, prompting their fellow Grunt to run away not quite sobbing, but certainly sniffling.

Once he's gone, Jamie turns to Jessie, eyes sparkling.

"So? Is it really super good, or something?!"

Jessie just scoffs and shakes her head.

"Nah, Moon Stones are… fine. Not anything to go bother that asshat Petrel about, but… eh, it'll sell for a pretty penny to the right vendor."

Aha. Of course. Jamie could always count on Jessie to have a good eye for these sorts of things. This was why Jessie took the lead in their partnership, and Jamie happily followed along.

"Anyways, it's good for us, but not worth anything where the mission is concerned. Which means we need to get back to it. We're going to be the ones to find those Pokemon Fossils, Jamie. I'm not going to let anyone else steal our glory. And once we go back to Petrel with his precious fossils in hand, he'll HAVE to acknowledge our success."

"Right! Let's do it!"

Jessie's confidence was honestly quite infectious. Always had been. Jamie knew one thing for sure… so long as she and Jessie were together, anything was possible!


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