Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 10 - arrival

“That’s Wang Hao … Wang Hao is here …”

“Is that Ma Ye saved?”

As Wang Hao gradually came out of the mountain forest, he climbed up the mountain again again quickly. The reason why Caoshan Mountain is called Caoshan Mountain is because there are not many trees covering the mountain, and Wang Hao rushed out of the mountain forest at a very fast speed. When moving up the grassy hill, the students in his class slowly discovered that it was Wang Hao.

“Come .. press and hold.” Wang Hao counted the time. At this time, Ma Ye estimated that the blood was already surging. A little careless handling may cause immeasurable consequences.

“This is too fast …”

“Wang Hao’s physical fitness is so good?”

After Wang Hao emerged from the mountain forest, it was originally a small figure, but the rapid speed suddenly made the students in Wang Hao’s class look dumbfounded. Wang Hao’s speed was too fast. Because he was in the mountain forest, There are trees blocking it, and the speed is not clearly understood, but after appearing from the mountain forest, Wang Hao’s speed allows them to see at a glance, and they came to the top of the grassy hills, which shocked them.

Even if they are far away, they can feel the ease of Wang Hao’s movement.

“This …” Ma Ling’s eyes revealed a disbelief, she and Wang Hao were not in the same class on the first day, but this was the first time she saw Wang Hao’s movement speed.

Teacher Zhou was the teacher who led the team this time, and was also the head teacher of Wang Hao ’s class. She did n’t dare to know Wang Hao well, but she started taking Wang Hao from the first grade .. But she never thought that Wang Hao actually There is such a terrible speed.

“Don’t Wang Hao prepare to take a sports exam? But I haven’t heard of taking the exam.” Teacher Zhou looked at Wang Hao’s terrifying speed and connected the college entrance examination as soon as possible, but in her impression Wang Hao didn’t seem to participate in sports. Exam.

“Hao brother … Come on … I can’t stand it anymore …” Fang Bing felt his hands were numb. He had insisted for half an hour. The force of his fingers made his arms numb, but Not afraid to let go.

Wang Hao’s speed is very fast. It may take half an hour or even an hour for others to climb up from the grass hill, but he ran all the way and climbed from the foot of the hill to the top of the hill in about ten minutes.

He glanced at the top of the grass hill, and without further ado, he quickly moved towards the horse leaf surrounded by several people.

“Don’t let go first …” Wang Hao immediately pressed up on Ma Ye’s body. The pressed positions were all above the acupoints.

Ma Ling did not stop at this time, because Wang Hao said on the phone before, and the speed that Wang Hao showed when she appeared, so that she could not find any reason to stop, and she was inexplicable to Wang Hao at this time. The various things that showed up made her realize that Wang Hao was not as simple as she thought.

At this time, Teacher Zhou also looked at Wang Hao with emotion. She found that she suddenly could not recognize that this was the student she had taken for three years, because after discovering Wang Hao’s different things, she recalled how she got along with Wang Hao. In retrospect, she remembered the unusualness of Wang Hao.

She had an understanding of Wang Hao’s life experience, originally thought it was lonely, but now she wants to come that is mature, she just preconceived that it is lonely.

“Okay … Bingye, you can let go …” Wang Hao said to Fang Bing after a seemingly messy shot on Ma Ye.

Fang Bing Wenyan slowly released his tightly pressed fingers. The other students were all looking at Ma Ye. At this time, Ma Ye ’s back was already large black, but as Fang Bing let go, the black did not actually appear again. diffusion.

“Hao brother … or your cow …” Fang Bing gave a thumbs-up to Wang Hao. After Wang Hao came, he let Ma Ye’s toxins not spread, but he didn’t feel the accident, Wang Hao originally In his heart, he is almost a person who knows everything, and there is nothing that can embarrass Wang Hao.

“Where is that snake?” Wang Hao smiled and said softly.

“Here …” Fang Bing’s hand pointed. He just threw the snake on the grass just now, and no one else moved at this time.

Wang Hao picked up the green skinny snake that was killed by Fang Bing and looked closely. A dignified face appeared on his face, glancing at the direction when he came.

“Hao brother … what happened.” Fang Bing also found something wrong and said.

“This is the Green Skinny King Snake. The toxin is far stronger than the ordinary Green Skinny Snake. If it is not resolved in time, the consequences will be unimaginable.” Wang Hao took the dead Green Skinny Snake in his hand and looked at the obvious trauma. He had some Surprisingly continued,

“Bingye .. The technique has grown a lot .. Actually he will pinch seven inches.” Wang Hao nodded and said.

“Hao brother, that’s not what you taught …” Fang Bing heard Wang Hao’s words, and he smiled, his face showing pride.

But instead of talking to Fang Bing, Wang Hao pulled out his phone and pulled it out. UU reading

“Lan Wei, you are going to hurry up .. This is a green skinny king snake.” Wang Hao said with a phone.

“Okay …” The blue and white complexions on the other end of the phone were slightly tightened and suddenly accelerated a lot of speed. Wang Hao’s words were clearly audible in this quiet mountain forest, and all the other four Zhang Zhang heard.

“Come on .. don’t delay things …” Father Zhang said seriously.

“En.” Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan nodded and gritted their teeth. Now the sky slowly dimmed, and it became even darker in the mountains. There was already a gloomy feeling, making both of them want to leave here as soon as possible.


“Wang .. Hao, is Ma Ye okay?” Ma Ling hesitated and said, Wang Hao’s rapid ascent from the bottom of the mountain still echoed in her mind, and a series of actions after the top of the mountain made her mind. Inexplicably convinced.

But her face was still so abominable. She originally thought that the other party really did not participate in class activities, but now it seems to be an excuse at all, but she does n’t want to interact with the class activities .. She dare to say that Wang Hao is the most uncomfortable in her life man of.

The teacher Zhou led his eyes to look at Wang Hao unexpectedly. Wang Hao was not paid attention in school. The only impression was that his grades were passable and belonged to the upper level. This is what most teachers think of Wang Hao. impression.

Even if it was Teacher Zhou, who had been Wang Hao’s head teacher for three years, at this time, looking at the confidence revealed in the calm face, Teacher Zhou felt that he had never really understood Wang Hao.

“Brother Wei is back?… This university seems to have been on summer vacation.” Fang Bing lowered his head and thought for a while, thinking that when they were in the college entrance examination, it was close to the summer vacation.

Some universities will return early after the holidays.

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