Black Sky

Chapter 99

Chapter 98 track

After leaving from Moncaminfi, the luck of Chus and Sae Young suddenly improved, as if the eternal restaurant and the galaxy and sunshine in it had added a blessing to them.

The road after that went smoothly a little unexpectedly. Every time and space zone passed by was very suitable for them. They didn’t have to worry about money or food, and the shuttle car had enough energy. They hadn’t even seen the avenue checkpoints a few times. When the two arrived at the junction of West City and West City, the space-time zone they entered was 5662.

In 5662, late autumn, evening.

The place where the industrial park is located is very partial, so the autumn wind here swept unscrupulously. They watched as a slightly thin tree was cut by the autumn wind brutally.

Truss and Sae Young, who are still wearing summer clothes in the car: “…”

The sky was still bright, and rushing into the industrial park at this time was basically looking for death. After all, the two of them didn’t have any weapons to take advantage of. They wanted to get something, but with this seventeen or eighteen-year-old appearance, even if they had money, they would have to go to the black market and even find the vagrants.

Then you have to make a big turn. It would be better to tie two hapless guards on the industrial park side.

“So why have you maintained this appearance…” Chus put his chin on, complaining.

On the bridge of his nose, he has Moss glasses that he bought halfway through, which integrates eye protection, bulletproof and telephoto microscopy, but at first glance they are no different from ordinary glasses. The glasses were adjusted to telephoto mode, and the hair of the guard at the west gate of the industrial park could be clearly seen from the hidden place of the car.

“Who knows, God loves to make jokes like this.” Sae Janze also supports his chin, but he spends less time watching the guards and more time watching Chus.

So much so that Chus had to squeeze his chin and turn his face away after a while, “Have you fed the dogs all the latent content of the military academy lessons? Who taught you to do both?”

Saer Young was teasing him, letting him be at his mercy, and he looked back soon after he turned away obediently, lazily like a big cat lying next to him.

“It’s fine if you don’t do serious things, don’t interfere with the only people who do serious things.” Truth said.

Sae Young chuckled, “In fact, there is no need to keep staring at it like this. There will be a group of guards in this industrial park around 8 pm, and the replaced guards will go back to the guard base in the park from there. The journey takes about 5 minutes. Just catch two during that time.”

Chuss: “……………………”

He was silent for a moment, and turned his head blankly: “How do you know?”

“The first task I received from the training camp was near here. I have a good memory.” Sae Young said.

“Excuse me, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“Because you think it’s very attractive, sir, to stare indifferently with your glasses on. I plan to appreciate it later.”

“…I can still throw my glasses on your face with indifference, do you want to appreciate it?” Chus said in an angry manner.

The two were arguing one after another, and suddenly there were a few more people at the gate of the originally peaceful industrial park. Truss turned his head and looked over, slightly adjusted the parameters of the spectacle lenses, and the slightly blurred figure quickly became clear–

It was an elderly man with gray-blue eyes and a crooked nose and deep statutory lines. He has short and medium silver hair combed to the back of his head meticulously, iron-grey striped shirt and trousers, covering the white coat of a researcher commonly seen in industrial parks, and a famous brand on his chest.

That is……

“Mund Hollis,” Chus patted the people around him, and pointed his finger in the direction of the door, “Saer, Dragon Pillar designer Mond Hollis.”

In fact, it is not surprising that Mond Hollis appeared in this industrial park. After all, he is an important research and designer in military industry. This industrial park is dedicated to manufacturing the most sophisticated military equipment. I saw him here. Normal. If you happen to be in charge of a military project, it is very possible to spend a few years here.

But people are always like this. Once you know who is involved in the conspiracy, you will subconsciously feel that his every move has a different motive.

Truth thought he was not a person who was out of the world, so now looking at this big bull who once stomped a foot in the industry, how do you think he is planning something.

Saer Young took off Chus’s glasses and took a look, lowered his head and started to start the shuttle.


“The old man is in a posture that he is going out, anyway, there are still more than three hours before the eight o’clock shift, keep up and see.” Sae Young replied.

Truth heard the words and put on his glasses again. As expected, he saw Mond Hollis saying a few words to the guard at the door, and a scooter slid to the door silently, and he waved his hand at the guard. , Got into the car, and the car quickly sprinted along the road in front of the industrial park.

“What else did he say?” Sae Young quickly adjusted his driving parameters, and the shuttle slid out silently, and quickly mentioned high gear, following the road that was basically parallel to the park road. Drive up.

Truth just read Hollis’ lips, “He said to buy a bunch of begonias at the Orchid Center Square next door in the West City. His wife’s death day.”

Saer Young knew it, and immediately adjusted the car’s speed to almost take off. Instead of chasing Hollis’ car from the junction in front of him, he chose another road on the map and went straight to Xixi City.

A person like Mond Hollis, who has not been discovered for many years, must be very cautious. Even if he really wants to take the opportunity of the industrial park to do something, he will be covered in a veil. So as long as he said he was going to the Orchid Central Plaza, he would definitely go.

Although the Orchid Center Square in West West City has the word “center”, the actual geographical location is very biased. It is located on the northern border of West West City and is a place that people in the industrial park love to go to. So Mond Hollis came It’s very normal here.

Saer Young drove the Land Shuttle in the same way as a starship, but he went around the other road before he got to West West City first. He parked the car in the above-ground parking lot of Orchid Central Plaza 2 and chose the most extreme position.

Here, Truss can see the entrance to the city avenue of Xixi City with those glasses, and the crowds at the entrance of the central square can be seen even without glasses.

For trained people like them, it has almost become instinct to quickly find the best perspective in a strange place.

After waiting in the car for less than three minutes, Chus picked his chin in the direction of the avenue into the city, “coming.”

The silver-gray shuttle by Mond Hollis quickly entered the city and turned towards the entrance of Orchid Central Plaza as they expected.

“Go.” Chus adjusted his glasses to a more suitable distance parameter, urging Sae Young to get out of the car.

In 5662, Chu Si had already lived with his adoptive father Jiang Qi. He knew that Jiang Qi would transfer enough money to his personal fingerprint account, but in fact he rarely went out alone, so the place to spend money was not. Many, I didn’t even notice how much balance I had in my account.

But no matter how much, it must be enough for him and Sae Young to wander around the square here.

Chus strolled with Sae Young to stand in front of a hot drink shop and ordered two cups of hot chocolate. Yu Guangli, Mond Hollis was walking to a flower shop not far away, accompanied by two guards.

Generally speaking, as in the early days of the planet, around fourteen is the fastest growing period for young people. By seventeen or eighteen, their height is only one step away from adulthood, and it will last for more than ten years. , The changes are actually very subtle, more psychological and temperamental, only the voice becomes slower.

There is a hint of youth in appearances like Chus and Sae Young, but the temperament is combined with the calm and calm temperament that has been tempered all the year round, which is particularly pleasing to the eye. So even though they were standing at the hot drink shop and waiting for the eager time to be staring at people, the girl who settled the bill behind the bar did not notice anything unusual about the behavior of these two people, because her attention was focused on these two people the whole time. Face.

“I also found an interesting person.” Sae Young lifted his chin in the terrace seating area of ​​a coffee shop next to the flower shop, reminding Chus in a low voice.

Truth was able to see very clearly with his glasses—a middle-aged man in the terrace seating area was always looking at the flower shop. After Mond Hollis entered the shop, the man briefly retracted his gaze and turned to himself Coffee cup in hand.

But this did not surprise him. What surprised him was the middle-aged man he knew.

He frowned, and seemed to finally understand what was going on, and said to Sae Young: “…I can be sure that they are in the same group.”


“I know him. He is the deputy dean of the Xixicheng City Orphanage. He specializes in the dean. He is a competent dogleg.” Chu Si thought of the orphanage he had stayed in, and his expression was a little cold and clear. A touch of disgust.

After he joined the Security Building, he filed an investigation into the Xixicheng City Orphanage. However, due to the different division of powers, the investigation finally entered the jurisdiction of the general government. The final conclusion was that the city orphanage was involved in embezzlement of aid funds. After several allegations, there were also problems with the abuse of young children. Finally, the detention and the fines that should be taken into custody were cleaned up before the orphanage continued to open.

At that time, he didn’t know about time experiments and the like, so he didn’t question the result too much.

But when I think about it again, I think it’s not that simple, or it seems too obvious nowadays—the orphanage is also involved in the experiment of time.

Truth and Sae Young continued to pretend to be passers-by, with the convenience of perspective and the pair of glasses, Truth could clearly see Mond Hollis in the store picking up a bunch of begonias and asking the clerk to wrap it up. Then he reached out and took it from the clerk, and calmly took the two guards out of the shop and walked towards the parking place.

After a while, the silver-gray shuttle car turned onto the Avenue into the city and returned to the original road. It seemed that it was really just coming out to buy a bunch of flowers.

“Chasing it?” Sae Young asked.

“What do you mean?” The vice-president of the orphanage sitting in the Chong Chong coffee shop quietly lifted his chin.

Unexpectedly, the deputy dean sat for a while, and after drinking the last sip of coffee, he arranged his clothes and walked into the flower shop calmly.

“I guess that old man just gave him something.” Sae Young said.

Truth thought for a while, and waved at him, “Go, go in and take a look.”

“Just go in?” Sae Young raised his eyebrows.

“What’s the problem with shopping?” Chus said, patted Sae Young’s cheek again, and said, “Please cooperate later, and pull your face to the length of a donkey. It’s better to have a little temper. .”

A few seconds later, the clerk of the flower shop was picking flowers for the middle-aged deputy dean. He looked up and saw two handsome young men with tall and long legs entering the shop. He was cold, and the one half a step behind was frowned and unhappy, and glanced at people, all revealing a sense of arrogance mixed with impatience.

It was Truth and Sae Young who was forced to put on a bad face.

The clerk was taken aback, glanced at the deputy dean quickly, and smiled at the new customer: “Is there anything you need?”

“Huh?” Chus responded to the clerk, and while scanning the flowers and plants in the store, he said to the clerk: “Do you have any flowers and plants like catnip? Just lick it and you will be soft and not irritable.”

There was obviously a nasty run in his tone. The clerk was a little confused when he heard it, and subconsciously said, “Feed the cat?”

Chus glanced at Sae Young indifferently, and said to the clerk: “No, hey boyfriend.”

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