Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 631

Chapter 631: Proposal

Chapter 631 Proposal

On the day when the college entrance examination results came out, Shen Lingxi’s name undoubtedly exploded the entire internet.

The top student in the college entrance examination, with a total score of 742 bare points, shocked everyone.

【Except for a damn, I don’t know what to say anymore. 】

[Although it is not the first time that she has been shocked by Mr. Shen, I still want to kneel for her. 742 points, a score that I would not dare to dream of. 】

[Feeling the unevenness of the world, the dog stayed in the soil and dared not speak. 】

From the time of the score, there have been people calling Shen Lingxi.

They were all calls from major colleges and universities, but unfortunately, the parties directly threw the mobile phone to Xie Feng.

Because today, she has to do something more important than breaking the school.

“What are you looking at furtively?”

After the college entrance examination, Xie Feng lived directly with Xie An, because he was afraid that he would be too boring, so he came to live with him specially, in fact, he helped Shen Lingxi watch him.

Lest she accidentally discover her proposal.

Xie Feng bit his finger nervously: “No way, I’m just thinking, how should I fill in the volunteer.”

“As far as you are concerned, there are not many schools in Beijing for you to choose.”

Xie Feng: “…”

艹, really heartbreaking.

What can be done? Although he scored more than 500 points in the test, he is at the bottom of the food chain in their family with a high IQ.

In those days, Xie An got full marks in the direct competition and was recommended to Qingda University.

Xie Zhen got a score of 700 and went to the military academy. He is the only one who did not take the college entrance examination in China, and is also a graduate student of one of the top universities abroad.

He used his milk strength to get more than 500 points in the exam, and he really couldn’t get it at home.

But he also blamed himself. He was frivolous and didn’t read when he was young. If it weren’t for Shao Heng and Shen Lingxi, they would have broken his head and filled him with knowledge to give him tuition, not to mention five percent, four percent to him. Disaster.

6:30 pm.

Xie Feng died and begged Bailai to take Xie An out to eat, saying that it was to celebrate his college entrance examination with more than 500 points.

Since the restaurant is very stylish, they need to change their clothes and go out.

Xie Feng’s lame reason was undoubtedly rejected by his brother.

Xie Feng: Let me tell you, I have suffered more scorn during this period than I have suffered in the past ten years.

Shao Heng couldn’t help laughing: It’s almost a success, hold on.

Said to go to the restaurant, but Xie Feng took people to the resort.

Across the distance, I can see the lights are bright, and the stars are hanging on the trees, as if the stars in the sky are falling on the treetops, which is beautiful.

Xie Jun glanced at Xie Feng suspiciously, and his eyes indicated what happened to him.

Xie Feng waved his hand: “You’ll know when you go in.”

Walking along the path, the lights on the side of the road lit up as he walked, illuminating the road under his feet.

Walking into the courtyard of the manor, Xie An was stunned.

Shen Lingxi was wearing a white wedding dress and a crown set with 1259 diamonds, standing in the center.

Her wedding dress was covered with a lot of roses, and the breeze blew, bringing bursts of floral fragrance.

Xie An was about to walk over when she was stopped.

“do not move!”

Shen Lingxi looked at her with a gentle expression: “You used to walk to me, but today you stand in place and let me walk to you, okay?”

Xie An nodded: “Okay.”

Shen Lingxi held a lamb doll in his hand, with a necklace around the neck of the lamb doll.

There are two rings on the necklace, the same style that Shen Lingxi customized according to their wedding rings.

In the real world, it was the same when Xie An proposed to her.

He held the lamb with the ring and necklace and walked towards him step by step.

(end of this chapter)

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