Bizarre Fate: An Urban Crime Xianxia

Chapter 50: Let's Go (CORRECT VERSION)

I couldn’t exactly scramble back into the bushes to meet up with everyone after I helped Fukui drop off the kid at their gate. So, I made a big show of walking down the road, right up until I was out of view and could safely tuck myself in the undergrowth. I reached the bikes. The whole crew was there.

The first to react was Suzaki—who ran up and slammed a halo on my head. After an unexpected and intense bout of envy—the halo broke.

Everything in me felt beat, but my head was on straight. At this point, my body was feeling wobbly. I was unsure how I’d hold up if we were to confront Tristan. I hated to admit it, but I was running on fumes. Suzaki’s healing might have patched me up, but the penalty was high. I’d have to stop by a store and buy a can of Pure Heavenly Energy for some much-needed caffeine on the way back to keep going.

But we’d gotten the big guy. Bruno had a dumb grin on his face and some thick iron manacles on his wrists. He threw his arms over me anyway, pulling me into a bear hug I couldn’t escape. “Luca! I was worried about you!”

“Yea, glad you’re fine too, big guy.” I winced, and eventually, he freed me. Which let me back away and break out my comb to fix my hair; that fight had left it a fucking mess.

“Well! Now that I see you’re safe with my own eyes—wish me luck with this duel? Hahaha! I can’t wait to bash his face again; this time, I get him all to myself! I will thrive as a champion in this battle and spill his blood all over the Getsu Sect—“

“What the fuck are ya going on about?” I needed to cut this shit off; that big grin on his face told me that his dumb ass would be walking down the road right to their gate again in two minutes.

“Why, tomorrow is my thrilling duel. I’ve been challenged to test my might against a worthy enemy, my tale will be told through the ages!”

“Bruno, ya aint fighting that psycho fuck again.” I tried, only to receive a slow shake of his head. Based on the rest of the group’s expressions, this conversation had gone around in circles a couple of times already. Fuck, I’d worried about this.

“…We need your help,” Kayson said with a sigh.

“Nonsense! You’ll all get by! Each of you is a capable warrior in your own right, and while I appreciate my friends going to such lengths to show me their love and affection, there are some things a man of honor must do.” Bruno flexed his bicep and gave us a wink like there was a camera filming us, and he was starring in a goddamn Cultivation movie.

Eve covered her face. “He’s been going on like this since the moment we found him locked in one of their rooms. We only talked him into coming out by saying we’d found you, and that you wanted a word.”

“I always come when my friends call for me! Hahaha! But like I said, this is a manly matter. I will not back down to a duel. I will force him to submit before my might once more. Word of my victory will flood the Brass Kings and beyond—my legend will grow from here and perhaps will lead to even stronger enemies approaching me! Would that not be glorious!?”

I stared at the overly animated man. My day so far left me tired, mentally exhausted, and still haunted by phantom pain. But here Bruno was, practically bouncing up and down with excitement like a puppy. This was a major problem; something was seriously wrong in that thick skull of his. I’d try reason, just once more. “Bruno, he aint gonna fight ya on fair terms, and if ya lose, he’ll ruin ya.”

“There is no need to fear loss. A giant does not consider losing to the ant they crush underfoot. So too, does his killing intent mean next to nothing to me, but there is much to gain by testing my mettle against his. This is a man I’ve deemed a worthy opponent!” Bruno gave a vigorous nod, ignoring our various expressions of disbelief. “I will return to the Sect, and then in a couple of days, I will return victorious!” He even completed the statement with an arm pump.

“D-don’t do this. My healing o-only fixes physical injuries… he’ll target your Soul.” Suzaki tugged at his sleeve.

The big guy set a hand on his chest, frowning at us. “You’ve wounded my heart! I am aware of his intent, and I have heard your cries of concern. But you, out of everyone, doubting my abilities? Suzaki! I cannot lose! They will write poems in their Sect of my magnificent victory against—“

“I forbid this. There’s nothing to gain by interacting with Sects. They only bring pain, Bruno.” Kayson winced, and I could’ve sworn something was lingering there for a moment.

“You’ve always told me that we are free to do as we will. You swore that you would never stand in our paths to power, you swore that your only goal was to help us and provide guidance. I see clearly, Kayson; This is my path. I feel it in my chest.” Bruno pounded a fist against where his Soul Seed sat. “Luca broke through by following his instincts. Mine points here, and I must follow it to get stronger.”

“Idiot,” Eve said while jumping on her motorcycle. “If he’s going to be stubborn, there’s nothing we can do. None of us can force him to come if he doesn’t want to.”

Kayson gave the big guy a long stare before sighing and walking to his bike. “This is dumb, but you’re right. I did promise you. Bruno, this is a mistake. But I’m not about to force you out of your own choices; my hands are tied. You better win. Luca, I promise I’ll figure something else out.”

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing? Did they just actually give up? What in the fuck?

Suzaki didn’t budge. Glaring up at the big guy, but even against his gaze, Bruno stood his ground with crossed arms. This wasn’t a game, the motherfucker would get himself busted up enough that even Suzaki worried about patching him up.

“Bruno, the fuck do ya think you’re doing?”

“My friend, sometimes we must make difficult decisions in the name of our path. You know my Soul; my heart beats like a war drum—it demands conflict, my road is bordered by flame, and I must walk it regardless of the pain it may bring. We’re kindred spirits since we both share this fate. Our strength grows by strife.”

I fought off the reluctant appreciation of the insane dedication. It hit me differently seeing someone else I cared about throwing risk to the wind and approaching the world the same way I used to. “Bruno—“

“I will hear no more! Leave me with your friendship and respect; trust in me, and I’ll pay it back.”

“Bruno—fuck, just know this man. Ya can make your own fate, the soul in you don’t predefine your path, alright?” I shook my head. Fuck it. He asked me to let him do this as a friend, and I wouldn’t pull him from what he saw as an essential part of his cultivation to help me with the issues I’d caused walking mine. I wasn’t the person that got to tell him not to be selfish. “Kick his fucking face in, alright?” Bruno grinned, and I hopped on my bike.

As our bikes kicked to life, I ran a hand through my hair. Worry knit tightly in my chest, both for my situation and Bruno’s near future. All I could do was try my best and hope to twist things in our favor, and if I managed to live, maybe I could show up and support Bruno’s fight too.

Suzaki still hadn’t moved. When I looked back, his eyes were locked on Bruno—driving the man to the point of uncomfort. Bruno kicked at his feet, looking anywhere but at Suzaki.

“T-this isn’t right, Bruno.”

“This is how it must be! If I’m to grow and become the strongest, I must not shy from facing those stronger!”

“W-we need you. That’s how you find real strength—lending your p-power to those that need it. Not this. You’re wrong, Bruno, and part of you knows it. That’s why you refuse to meet my eyes. D-do you know why we went this far?”

“Because I am glorious, and you wished to witness me in all my might before I claim another victory!”

“N-no stop with that,” Suzaki straightened his back, and I felt unease with the unnatural situation. I could not reconcile my image of a weak kid with the fire I saw in Suzaki now; I’d caught a glimpse of it before in the lantern district—but this shocked me. “W-we came because we cared, and we’re worried about you. Now that we know you’re safe, we need you and your power to fight. D-don’t waste your life on a pointless duel when your friends are relying on you. There’s no g-glory in that.”

“It’s not like that! This is a matter of honor, Suzaki, someone like you wouldn’t understand! I cannot back down from an issued challenge!”

“Y-you’re right. I don’t understand. I’m not like you, and I’m not like Luca, I don’t throw myself around and get into problems at every chance I can. I-I look after the rest of you, my needs come second. Do you know why? B-because it breaks my heart to see any of you hurt. I’m here to keep you all standing because you’re my friends.”

Bruno worked his jaw, folding his arms over his chest and still staring at his feet. Suzaki got in his face, forcing the big guy to look down at him.

“T-Tristan took Luca’s brother. W-we need you to get him back. Call it prideful, call it dumb, but he’s not g-gonna admit that to you. I’m neither of those things. Your help would go a long way. Do you know why Eve left? She stormed off so quickly because she cares and can’t stand to watch you hurt yourself, and neither can I. I can’t stand by and watch a friend do that.” A tear ran down Suzaki’s face, he began to shake.

Bruno softened; a long held breath escaped him as he deflated. “I concede.”

“W-what?” Suzaki asked, desperately trying to wipe away the tear.

“I shall accompany you all on your mission. Let us be off.” He set a big palm on Suzaki’s shoulder, giving him a thumbs up and a smile. “Because, of course, I am glorious and needed by my friends! What kind of man ignores such a plea!”

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