Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 56 - CH56

This young man with red hair is one of the best children of the Hongfeng family. When he was born, the marquis of Hongfeng got the Shuangfeng collar. Because of this coincidence, he was simply named Shuangye.

However, although he is called Frost Leaf, even if Frost Maple’s collar does not fall on Eagle’s body, it is not his turn.

This is the case with the nobles, and everything must be done with rules. The closest member of the family to the Marquis of Hongfeng is Frost Leaf ’s cousin. Even if it is a waste, but Svege has only two choices to pass the lordship One is for the nephew of Marquis Hongfeng, and the other is for his own nephew.

If strictly follow the tradition of the inheritance system of the nobles of the Asian continent, even the first heir should be Eagle, not the nephew of the Marquis of Hongfeng.

Because the inheritance of the nobility depends on the current blood relationship or relationship.

So the Marquis of Hongfeng gave the title to Mrs. Hongfeng, who took the first place. Mrs. Hongfeng passed away. As her husband, Svegely could get the title. At that time, Mrs. Hongfeng wanted to give the Svege title, and unless he gave up, she would get the Hongfeng family or the rest of the Hongfeng family.

But Mrs. Hong Feng’s family had almost died during the war, and there was no one to choose from.

And now, Svege is already the lord, and the succession must follow the blood relatives of Svege.

This is also the reason why Eagle decided to come to Shuang Fengling, which is almost impossible to happen! Even if the Frost Maple collar does not belong to the Kingdom of Esmea but is on the territory of the Principality of Balster, Iger can say that in this case, he inherited the Frost Maple collar is no problem. Even the people in the Principality of Balster need to find other excuses for his troubles.

Shuangye knew this in his heart, so this time the interception of the Eagle Red Maple family could not help other people in the Principality of Balster. For example, the Red Maple family actually had a good relationship with a certain lord, but this time he would not come. help.

Even if Iger came, it was in accordance with the rules, and the general nobility would not take the initiative to break this rule, otherwise who knew that the title of his own child or wife would be taken away after his death.

They are the natural defenders of this noble inheritance system, and even if the foreigner Eagle came to inherit their Principality’s territory and made them feel uncomfortable, they would not let them intervene in such things.

“Anyway, I will stop you too.” Shuangye took a deep breath and stood on the city wall, letting her red hair fly in the night breeze.

It was already approaching winter at this time, and the Shuangfeng collar was colder than the Lanno collar, and the cold wind blew on his face like a knife.

Looking at the people shivering below, Frost Leaf’s expression gradually became colder.

The last level of the Hongfeng family is nothing special. They just gathered the civilians in the Red Maple City, gave them some crude weapons, and ordered them to protect the Red Maple City.

The Red Maple family in this city has been in business for many years. Before Eagle came, they had spread a rumor throughout the city to let everyone know how terrible and evil this foreigner who might inherit the position of lord.

In order to protect their homeland, these civilians had to take up arms and stood on the wall.

Compared to the well-trained knights, powerful mercenaries, and highly lethal mages, this group of civilians is actually the weakest, but the strongest.

I have to say that the Hongfeng family has sinister intentions. If Iger really wants to break through to kill civilians here, the Hongfeng family will spread the news. This is just a city led by Shuangfeng, and there are six other cities. Shuangye thinks that the Lord of Lanno must be wary no matter what.

The carriage stopped in front of the city wall, and Eagle looked at the scene outside and said annoyingly, “Sure enough, in the end, still use this method.”

Without further ado, Pesen knew what Igle meant at a glance.

“It’s too insidious to let civilians come up.” He looked at Eagle, “Master, we can’t kill all these civilians.”

Eagle said calmly, “I know.”

Although he has never been a qualified lord, but he is not stupid, of course, he knows the calculations of the Hongfeng family.

However, it is also a fool’s dream to let these civilians stop him.

Pei Sen thoughtfully looked at the large gathering of players, “Master, maybe we have another way.”

“Let your people deal with them?” Iger looked over. “They kill no different from me.”

“I can tell them not to kill, or try not to kill.”

Eagle looked at him with some surprise, “is it?”

Payson: “…”

Well, since these days, the fierce image of the players has been too popular. No matter what happens to them, they will rush up and cut it. They have almost no technical content, and they never know “sentiment under their hands.”

Just kidding, players don’t have the habit of letting go of the red name.


“Save the civilians in Red Maple City. The evil Red Maple family drove the civilians in the Red Maple City to the outside of the city wall to stop Earl Eagle from entering the Red Maple City. Please use all props to grab and tie the civilians to the Red Maple Castle. Open space ahead. “

“For every Red Maple city civilian caught, the incident contributed +200.”

“Each killing a civilian in Red Maple City, the event contributed -2000.”

Everyone of the players heard this sweet “ding” and looked at the task description. Everyone was stunned.

“I’m not mistaken about killing one, deduct two thousand?”

“Can this contribution be deducted?”

“It’s only 200 to catch one and two thousand to die. It’s too cruel.”

“And the props have to be prepared by myself, where do I need to find the rope !!”

“It doesn’t matter if you catch it, you have to bring people to the Red Maple Castle to add event contribution.”

“This task is too pit …”

“So you don’t do it? If you don’t do it, you step back quickly. Brother and I are ready to catch people. I think the one in the front is good. It’s not easy to die when I look good.”

“go away!”

“Wait a minute, brother, where did you come from, lend me a few.”

“I have no rope.”

“Then how do you tie people?”

“Aren’t you stupid! There is no rope but those people have clothes on them, they can’t tie people by cutting their clothes!”

“Brother, it seems that the weather is very cold now. We still have fur and plush clothes on us. What if you stripped these civilians in case they froze to death?”

Pei Sen saw the intensive discussion of tasks on the forum, and soon the players discussed how to tie people.

Everyone brainstormed, discussed several methods, and finally chose the most reliable one.

“The game probably wants to enhance our autonomy, deliberately arrange tasks like this.”

“Yes, in fact, you can get prop materials nearby.”

“Someone mentioned that the civilians’ clothes were used to make the rope. The feeling is that the system deliberately left us the pit. Now the weather is particularly cold. If we do so, it is likely that some civilians will be directly frozen to death and then deduct our contribution.”

“In addition to that, it is not reliable to ask the npc of Golden Rose Manor for props. Although Pei Sen is a camp businessman, his camp store is not open during the mission. Props. “

“It’s too simple to give the props directly, it doesn’t meet the purpose of the task of the game.”

“Yes, so the most reliable way is to rub the rope by yourself …”

“Brothers, you can really rub the rope. Everyone hasten to try it. I didn’t know how to rub the grass rope, but the random rubbing system reminded me that I realized the life skill” rope making “. The material is hay!”

Pei Sen was surprised when he saw that the task was actually arranged by him, but he also didn’t have a rope, so he let the players find a way to engage in props, er, they didn’t want to pit them and they didn’t think about the rope in advance.

But now it is almost winter, and there are no others around. The yellow grass is everywhere, and it is indeed the easiest prop to get.

“Is the Bix Rubik’s Cube so intimate, I arranged the task so that the player can immediately understand the” rope-making “skills?”

However, after players discovered that they could understand this life skill, they thought that the reason why the system arranged this task, the correct way to play was to run the hay to make rope, and then go to catch people.

They simply wouldn’t realize that this was a temporary mission issued by Payson.

Frost Leaf first saw Eagle’s carriage stopped. Even if this was his purpose, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. If this group of people broke through forcefully, the civilians couldn’t stop each other.

Another glance at the huge number of intrepid swordsmen, Frost Leaf felt heavy.

Even if it is intercepted by civilians, can it be stopped for three days? He didn’t think it was possible, but whether it was a knight, mercenary or mage, the time spent on the other side was too short and too short. He can only hope that it will stop a little longer now.

“I’m afraid he will definitely start killing if he realizes that even if he doesn’t kill civilians, he won’t be the lord.”

Shuangye knows what a noble character is. He died a noble himself. Their Red Maple family drove civilians to the battlefield. To put it bluntly, they wanted to make Eagle fear the lordship, and the people’s hearts would be separated. The civilians in Red Maple City were all killed.

Moreover, do nobles really care so much about civilians? In fact, it may not be. Frost Leaf seemed a little worried, even if the other party killed the civilians arbitrarily, and waited for him to inherit the position of the lord, are those mud-legged civilians still dare to resist the lord?

Even if the Red Maple family spreads more remarks that are not good for him, at most it just annoys him for a while.

Iger had originally thought this way. The Hongfeng family was despicable, but he could just ignore some people and kill some civilians. He came as a foreigner to inherit the lordship. Do he still count on the civilian support of Shuangfeng?

He has no interest in such illusory things!

In the Asian continent, there is no popular story in the history of “the water can carry the boat and the boat can be overturned” in the memory of Pessen. Most nobles do not care too much about these low-ranking civilians. They may be better than slaves, but not much better.

The harsh exploitation of the nobles made most of the civilians living in poverty and poverty, far more numb than the civilians in the largest Eastern country in the history books.

Because the strict hierarchical system is extremely difficult to cross, there is almost no large-scale rebellion against the nobles on the Asian continent. The mainstream idea here is that the blood of the nobility is noble and the civilians and slaves are naturally low.

However, since Pei Sen opened his mouth, Eagle would be willing to give his people some time.

“Before dawn, I have to reach the Red Maple Castle.” Iger said, he didn’t want to delay too much time here.

Pei Sen smiled, “Come on, Master, enough.”

Players are far more efficient in doing tasks than expected. In a short period of time, some people have already rubbed out a lot of ropes, because they have to take people to the Red Maple Castle. It’s a headache.

Especially after catching people and tying them up, some civilians fainted directly because they were too scared, scaring the players who caught him.

“I’m going to buddy, you can’t die!” If you die, you should deduct the contribution value, even if the person is not killed by him, how can he know whether the system will be counted on his head!

However, what is worrying is that the person is dizzy, how can he be taken to the Red Maple Castle, he can carry one person, there is no way to resist one, 200 contributions per person!

In addition, there are other headaches. For example, some civilians are dizzy, are they dizzy, crying or too scared, making it difficult for them to walk, because most of their legs are soft, they are really soft, Civilians have no place in this world. They do not know how they will be treated when they become captives.

Will it be sold as a slave?

It is not that they did not deliberately leave, but they really did not move.

Pei Sen also began to regret it. He knew that it would be good for them to catch people, and let them take them to Hongfeng Castle.

“It’s always the way people think.” The designer stood up and pointed to the wood next to it. “I remember, many people have learned that life skill.”

The nearby trees were also cut down, and a life skill under construction was used to “make doors”, which was originally used to make house door panels. A player who can learn this skill made a few door panels under the designer’s instructions. Three fans were left, and the rest were sold to other players.

Pei Sen looked at it in surprise, seeing that he ran and grabbed the people and tied them up, and then arranged them on the wide door panel, of course, lying sideways, so that he could lie down more The people finally tied these people and the door panel with a rope as a whole, so this group of captured civilians showed a strange state, no matter whether you are dizzy or crying or crying, you wo n’t have to go anyway.

The player grabbed 15 civilians in Red Maple City. Five were lying on one door. He pulled it with a rope and moved forward proudly.

When Iger took a break to look at the group of Bix, they saw that they were dragging more or less one or two or even three door panels, and used a strange and ridiculous method to move those civilians. All tied up, dragging directly forward.

Some of them did not buy the door panel, annoyedly carrying one or two civilians. They looked very depressed. They were saddening that they could not get more contributions.

There are still a handful of people who have n’t even been able to grab one. At this time, they are fighting with the people who have caught much, and they are quite endless.

“This is what you think?”

Payson: “…”

He did not expect the players to be so genius. In the end, the civilians were not enough. The Hongfeng family drove the civilians out of the city to a total of less than 20,000. Some greedy guys caught too much, resulting in A few players can’t grab people at all, so the reason for the chaos is not because of the civilians who blocked the road, but because there are too few civilians in Hongfeng City, they are not enough to catch.

Eagle said inexplicably, “Why would they fight other people because they didn’t catch someone?”

The civilians in front are gone, and players are quietly discussing whether to sneak into the Red Maple City and catch a few civilians who have not come out.

Pei Sen sighed and couldn’t laugh or cry. He could only tell Eagle seriously, “They all want to make more contributions for you, Master.”

Eagle grudgingly understood, “Let’s go, go to the Red Maple Castle.” He glanced over at the Bix, “They are going to take all these civilians?”

“Yes, let them know that the real sinister heart is the Hongfeng family, the young master did not want to hurt them.”

Eagle said indifferently, “It’s actually unnecessary, they won’t understand.”

In the hearts of nobles, civilians have always been stupid, and there is no need to care about their feelings.

“Besides, I will push down the Red Maple City in the future, and they will still be scared or even disgusted by me.”

Pei Sen also thinks about it, “Master, even now, I hope you have won the Hongfeng family in all aspects. We can win a little more beauty. Now, is n’t it? The Hongfeng family drove civilians to stop us. They did n’t kill, they all lived well. “

Eagle took another look at the ridiculous group of Bix, and bent his lips. He thought the picture was too interesting. “It’s the same thing.”

Frost Leaf felt bad when the group of swordsmen rushed up, he couldn’t help but took two steps back, thought that this Lord of Lanno was so impatient? How long did it take to decide to start killing civilians?

However, the next scene made him stunned!

This group of swordsmen did not take the sword, but instead took out a rope by themselves, and like the sheep and horses, took the civilians one by one!

Not only that, they tied people at an unbelievably fast speed, did not know where to get a large piece of wood, and tied those civilians side by side firmly on the wood.

“This … what do they do to catch civilians, do they want to be sold as slaves?” Shuang Ye suddenly had a very unknown hunch.

For a while, crying, screaming, and begging for mercy beneath the floor, in fact, the other party did not hurt the killer. Until now, no civilian has died, but they have all been caught and tied up, close to 20,000 Civilians, a large crowd of black people, in a very short period of time, fewer and fewer people … The rest of them want to escape back to the city, but Frost Leaf did not order to open the door, they simply cannot come back, they can only seem weak. The same lamb was caught by the other party and finally tied up.

“Why are they so fast?” Shuang Ye felt very puzzled. “Twenty thousand people are not twenty thousand heads of sheep. Even if they are captives, do they take a while?”

The movements of this group of swordsmen are really too fast. None of them are lazy. They are all too diligent and hard to say, and this also includes the time wasted between their own people in order to rob others.

Even Frost Leaf watched as two swordsmen fought to fight for a civilian, one of them stabbed the other without hesitation.

They did not kill the civilians in Hongfeng City, they began to kill each other for the civilians in Hongfeng City.

Standing clearly on the high city wall, Frost Leaf still couldn’t help shivering.

Along the way, he saw the strange swordsmen shot three times.

For the first time, they flooded the group of knights and mercenaries directly like a tide.

The second time, they attacked the Master’s position with fearlessness, and bones filled the hillside.

The third time, they captured civilians for the lord, and even killed more of their comrades and companions for their own sake.

Who are they?

“Made, whoever robs me to contribute don’t blame me!”

“You are too greedy, three doors? You are not afraid to die! Brothers, cut him, grab contributions!”

“Do you still have a conscience in the trough, who will you sell to you?”

“There is only business between us, no relationship.”

“The girl over there didn’t **** someone, why don’t you divide her into two brothers?”

“The Emperor’s Guild is assembled, everyone put the door panel in the middle, beware of others’ contributions!”

“Nima doesn’t have a guild at the moment, the guild is a fart!”

“Anyway, I want to open it. Those who promised to come to my place are all brothers. We help guard the door and make sure that they will not be robbed by others.”


Twenty thousand civilians in Red Maple City are simply not enough to snatch.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Pei Sen quickly said to Eagle, “Let’s go quickly and go to Hongfeng Castle.”

If it goes on like this, the players are afraid to fight for the civilians in these Red Maple City.

Eagle nodded and looked at the city wall, “Aken, Jaco, Ikabod, you have done nothing all the way, now it’s up to you.”

“Yes, young master.”

The black-pressed civilians under the city were replaced by black-pressed Lanno-collared swordsmen, and Frost Leaf felt desperate. At this time, several masters of the other party obviously began to climb the city wall, but Frost Leaf had no way.

There are several guardians around him, but the **** level of this lord Lord Lanno is obviously higher than that of a normal border lord.

“Master … too many.” Shuang Ye murmured.

In the third interception, I lost quite quickly, and lost somehow.

Late at night, the city gate of Red Maple City was opened, and Eagle’s carriage entered, heading towards the Red Maple Castle not far away.

The players finally ended their infighting, and dragged the door to catch up quickly. They were left behind and couldn’t get their contribution. Finally, they might get it.

As a result, a strange scene appeared on the streets of Hongfeng City. The gorgeous carriage was in front, and the guards riding the horse were around the guard, followed by a large number of people who were like soldiers. They dragged wooden boards, wooden boards and streets. The collision sound of the road surface ping pong.

Looking closely, it was the civilians who were deported outside the city that lay on the board.

At this time there were still many old and weak people left in the Red Maple City. They shivered and looked quietly from the crack of the door, their faces full of fear.

What does the new lord want to do?

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