Big Time 1958

Chapter 28

Chapter 27: More Than Just A Monastery Wall

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. There is no written information that is more practical than what one can see with one’s own eyes. Although the eyes cannot guarantee that what they see is correct, they can be recorded in their minds as direct evidence, and witnesses are the most important evidence in any case.

West Berlin has a population of 1.2 million and occupies more than half of the Greater Berlin urban area. The urban area is 62% of the entire Greater Berlin. West Berlin has a delegation in the Federal Republic of Germany to express its political demands, but it does not No right to vote. It has its own municipal government, but it is under the supervision of the occupying forces of the United States, Britain and France.

“The opposite side of this road is the area of West Berlin?” Shelov saw that there was a warning sign on the opposite street, and the soldiers on both sides were facing each other from a distance.

“Yes, Comrade Serov, West Berlin in the Three Kingdoms Occupation Zone uses West Germany’s currency, and the US dollar can also be used as currency!” The speaker was Serov’s comrade, Adalbert, head of the German Stasi Technical Supervision Office. However, this person’s real identity is an investigator in East Germany of the Advisory Department of the First General Directorate of the KGB. His nationality is the Soviet Union, but he is a minority in the Soviet Union, the Volga Germans.

“Really? This is really a terrible thing!” Shelov looked at the opposite with his eyes uncertain, any apparent confrontation can be prevented, but this invisible penetration is the most terrifying. This West Berlin, which is located in the GDR, is a cancer in Serov’s eyes. It absorbs the nutrition of the GDR and even Eastern Europe. Over time, it will cause malnutrition in Eastern European countries.

At present, the Berlin Wall does not exist. There is nothing to stop Serov from looking at the opposite side. The cars with the flags of the United States, Britain and France appear and disappear from time to time. This is also very normal. The recent Berlin crisis is also partly caused by the three countries. I hope that my army can retain the right to patrol the whole of Berlin.

“Today, I took a closer look at the outposts around West Berlin. By the way, is the People’s Army or the People’s Armed Police Force patrolling?” Serov, who was sitting in the back of the car waiting for departure, asked.

“It’s the People’s Armed Police Force under the Ministry of Internal Affairs!” Adalbet motioned for the driver in front to drive, while introducing, “Even if we patrol day and night, we still can’t organize East Germans to flee, which makes us very uncomfortable when facing each other. Embarrassing…”

“Who made the Americans rich? There is no other way. Who made the main battlefield of World War II in Europe? The United States won the world war with the death of 400,000 soldiers, and even Azerbaijan paid more casualties than the United States! If it makes sense , the Iron Curtain Speech should not have appeared! Now because of the Berlin crisis, the motherland is being scolded by those mouthpieces every day, and those heads full of **** can’t think about who in the end ignored the demands of the Soviet Union and couldn’t wait to set up the Federal Republic of Germany When we established the GDR defensively, we turned into ignoring the feelings of the German people?” Serov said these words with a playful tone, “If we really want to be reasonable, our relationship with the Americans will not be like this. So this time I’m not going to make sense…”

Serov spent three days walking through all the checkpoints, followed by not only the KGB members brought from home, but also the military staff members of the Soviet Red Army’s western cluster in Germany. After all, he is not a professional soldier, and he still needs these professionals. Only talents can make correct judgments.

“There are two reservoirs within the jurisdiction of West Berlin. The rivers Spree and Havel were intercepted by dykes!” said the Red Army staff officer who followed Serov with a high-powered telescope. Thousands of people drink it!”

“Is the sewer and electricity in the whole of Berlin still one?” Serov asked meaningfully.

“Yes, after all, it is a whole city, and we have not divided it with the United States, Britain and France!” Shelov’s question was answered affirmatively by the Western Cluster staff.

That’s it! Shelov said with an unpredictable smile, “Okay, today’s inspection is over here! I also have to go back to the station to find a way. Thank you, the Red Army comrades, for hanging out with me for a day today…”

The inspections in the past few days were not fruitless. Shelov saw some unusual things, that is, a lot of building materials were piled up in some places, including masonry, steel bars and barbed wire! This shows that Serov’s German counterparts are making some preparations behind the back of the Soviet Union. As long as the situation develops to the point where the Soviet Union cannot sit still, the GDR waits for the Soviet Union to nod and approve, and the historical Berlin Wall can be quickly built in a short period of time.

In fact, Khrushchev was also surprised by the rapid construction of the Berlin Wall in history. It only took such a short time to complete such a large project, which shows that the GDR was already well prepared in this regard.

Shelov took a cold-eyed attitude towards the development of this matter. The Germans themselves can make up their minds. He is a Soviet man who has no stake in him. Naturally, it doesn’t matter. If it’s not good, it will help to add fuel to the flames. When Serov comes to Berlin, he is not only a head contractor, but if he comes to build the wall, he can do it. He only needs to make a suggestion, and he doesn’t need to come in person at all.

People’s needs are nothing more than food, clothing, housing, and transportation. The reason why the Soviet Union was in a difficult position during the Cold War was because the Soviet Union was far from its pre-war strength just after the end of World War II. I have to face the battle, and there is no time to develop the economy but also to maintain a confrontational situation. Even the Soviet Union, the big brother of socialism, is fighting while developing, not to mention a brother country that was hit hard during World War II.

As for the situation on the Berlin side, the wealthy US used the Marshall Plan to support the recovery of these countries, allowing those countries whose foundations were much stronger than Eastern Europe to recover quickly, creating a contrast with the Soviet Union.

In the subsequent results of the Cold War, people often talk about the victory of capitalism over socialism, but ignore the fact that the battle was unfair from the very beginning, and the result was not that capitalism defeated socialism, but that a group of countries that were originally imperialist powers defeated A Soviet Union and a group of poor countries, barely considered poor.

That night, on Serov’s desk, there appeared a circuit network diagram and a city sewer network diagram of Berlin, a statistical map of Berlin’s annual rainfall, and a map of the rivers around Berlin. “It’s too easy to build a wall, I want to make West Berlin a dead city. , become a stronghold that makes the opponent lose blood, and if you want to continue to occupy, you must pay several times the price now…”

West Berlin is like something that should not appear in a GDR. It can be compared to a nail house in an architectural planning area. What Serov has to do is cut off water and electricity, divert the two rivers flowing through Berlin, and re-plan. Berlin’s electrical network, reconstruction of underground waterways, not just a monastery wall.

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