Big Time 1958

Chapter 15

Chapter 14: Conscience Capitalist

Some scumbags always think that some food problems will only occur in socialist countries. These cerebral palsy patients who should be admitted to mental hospitals for recuperation usually subconsciously ignore a very basic common sense, that is, Sudanese red gutter oil. Things that usually don’t exist when state-owned enterprises dominate food production, and the source is precisely in those very shiny capitalist countries.

You can criticize the astonishing waste in the production process of state-owned enterprises, and you can also criticize state-owned enterprises for their bad attitude and rigid system. These reasons are all on point, but it is necessary to let a state-owned enterprise abandon its own principles. It is not so easy for the people to endanger things. Even if it is really successful, don’t underestimate your competitors who will turn a blind eye and let you go.

In Serov’s view, the first condition for food problems is that manufacturers start to pursue profits. In order to pursue profits, they start to reduce costs. Only then will the use of chemical knowledge to synthesize artificial materials instead of natural materials. The current Soviet Union will naturally not have such problems. Fifty or sixty The Soviet state-owned enterprises of the 1990s did not do so.

However, this kind of state-owned enterprises lacking competition cannot survive on the support of the state. Sooner or later, these state-owned enterprises in the Soviet Union will face competition from American capital, “Can you sell to foreigners instead of domestic people? Why do you get the same treatment as the people of your own country?” Serov thought while rubbing his chin.

It is not that there is no conscientious capitalist in this era, at least the Gilbert Uranium 238 Atomic Energy Laboratory toys issued by the United States can definitely be called works of conscience, which include: Geiger-Mueller counter, used to measure radioactivity; Electrical appliances, used to measure the charge of objects; scintillators, used to observe radioactive decay; Wilson cloud chamber, used to observe particle trajectories; radioactive sources lead 210 and polonium 210, radioactive sources ruthenium 106, radioactive sources zinc 65; 4 uranium mines Specimen; Particle Model; Uranium Exploration Manual; 3 Shelf Cells; and Instructions. Toys made entirely based on atomic experiments have complete authenticity, which naturally includes mere nuclear radiation. I believe that children who have played with this kind of toys will definitely be grateful for their lives when they grow up, as long as they don’t die.

“Cold…” After eating the ice cream, Valiya looked pitiful, her pale cheeks shrunk into her coat, and Yeliana next to her did the same, with a charming temperament, but this was not what touched Serov. reason.

Why didn’t you think it was cold when you were eating? Feeling cold after eating? Shelov held his head high and looked like he was ignoring him. This cold look lasted for a second, and he quickly knelt down, “I told you to wear more clothes, you will pay for your greed! Go and wait. !” Skillfully took out the gasoline blowtorch from the trunk, kept telling the two women to wait in a shop, and started to bake the car again in front of the public. At this time, Serov was already thankful for the degree of secrecy of the KGB, fortunately no one was there. It can recognize itself at a temperature where the bolt can’t be pulled.

Serov, who was pouting, lowered his head, and directly regarded the people walking around as air, panting and grilling the fuel tank, restoring the car to a running load.

“Valia, this man is so kind to us, I really want to get to know him sooner!” Looking through the window not far away, Serov was lying on the ground roasting the car, covering his ears and yawning from time to time, Yeliana spoke. The voices have changed.

“Well, Yuri is really nice to women, he doesn’t look like a Soviet man!” Valiya’s language was full of happiness, and she said from the bottom of her heart, “This guy has a good temper sometimes, a little bit. I don’t even want the rumored Caspian tiger…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Serov outside felt that it was alright. He set the car on fire and waved to the two women waiting in the store. After the two women came out shivering, they sat in the back seat.

“It won’t be cold as soon as you get home, Yuri!” Looking at the man who had shrunk into a ball, Valia said very gently.

“What’s this, I’m a man, is this kind of dirty work still let you women do it?” Sheloff rubbed his hands tremblingly, and still had a happy smile on his red face, “You **** me. Still reluctant to…”

This man! Valiya shook her head secretly. In comparison, Yeliana in the back seat was more serious. She directly stretched out a warm little hand to cover Serov’s ears, comforting the man’s heart with practical actions, “I’ll give you a gift in a few days!” Sheloff smirked and made a wish to the beauty without any scruples.

“What a gift, we are living well, we don’t need to spend any money!” Valiya said thoughtfully while driving.

“What is money? What do you call a waste for your own woman, and I don’t embezzle!” As the car drove, Serov also recovered from the rigid state just now, and his words full of blood and resurrection were full of chatter, ” As long as I make a move, I can completely rob the capitalist country and go bankrupt…”

“We believe in you!” Valya winked mischievously at the rearview mirror. Sheloff once said that in a state of boasting, no matter how unreliable what he said, the audience next to him should do it. With a convincing look, to satisfy the vanity of the client, Valia obviously listened to it, and now it is practiced on her man.

For Serov, in the Soviet Union, a country where supply and demand are not very developed, with an absolutely high-level salary, how to spend it is a big problem. Personally speaking, he has no desire, and he is not picky about food and clothing. There is no environment for play, and the only pursuit, apart from socialism, is to make my woman happy.

Sable is the most expensive type of mink coat. Sable is just a name, it does not mean that the fur is purple. Shelov is no stranger to sable, because he lives in the coldest area in China, and often in winter. Saw people hanging out in mink coats. Slightly different from the situation in China, most of the Soviet Union is the habitat of sable, so it does not have the rarity of later generations.

As early as a few years ago, Serov sent a telegram to the General Administration of Internal Affairs in Siberia, hoping to get a batch of sable skins and send them to Italy to make sable skins for their women to wear. At present, they have been sent to the General Administration of Military Administration. Since it’s made in Italy, the cost has skyrocketed, but it doesn’t matter! Serov is quite open about this point. In his eyes, rubles are no different from waste paper. He doesn’t feel bad about spending half a year’s salary at a time, isn’t it just four mink coats.

When Serov took the mink coat back two days later and put it on the two women himself, what he gained from the two women was far more than moving, “Why don’t you buy one for yourself! Don’t freeze yourself. It’s broken…” Valya, who was leaning against Serov, said sweetly.

“Why am I a spy dressed so well? I don’t have the demeanor of a soldier!” Serov put his **** on the side of the proletariat righteously. Tears flowed in his heart before he said a word. To put it bluntly, he had no money…

[Suddenly remembered that today is Christmas Eve, I wish all book friends a happy Christmas Eve, this chapter is what I temporarily wrote about revenge, revenge, society, and society. I wish you all singles to get married today next year…]

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