
Chapter 38: ~Just Students.~

“The oldest method of guiding mana, without having to use spells, are runes. The principle behind them is to infuse mana into them, hence forcing the mana to take a certain shape and activating the spell. Runes are able to cast the simplest of all spells. By combining them properly, we can create more complicated effects, but there are limits.

Since the mana has to flow properly between combined runes, we arrive very fast at the limit of what we can do by simply combining runes.

Therefore magic circles were invented. A magic circle is a pre-constructed shell for a bigger set of runes. By redirecting and dispersing the mana throughout the circle, a magician can compensate for the mistakes in a bigger rune set. This results in wasted mana, but increased speed and more complicated spells are made possible.

The final development was made when it was discovered that magical circles can also be interconnected with each other, but since connecting big mana wasting magical circles results in even bigger, more mana wasting circles, a countermeasure had to be found.

Optimizing magical circles into small specialized components is the solution. Since connecting these new efficient building blocks with each other, results in something that doesn't look like a circle at all, it was decided to call the new technique a magical circuit.”

-Papyri magicae.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***

***Adala Colte***

“So we'll see each other tomorrow and you'll guide us through the registration process?” I ask Stella after practising a little small talk. Normally we would've had time to do it right now, but since we need to check out our accommodations I excused us under the pretence that we are tired from the trip.

Stella's tail curls up in a strange manner and she gestures at the mansion. “Of course, have a nice rest.”

The two groups slowly separate from each other and the students from Nict walk their way. I notice that Stella and Azir head towards a fenced area with another big house inside it. Probably their own home.

Our servants managed to get their work done in the meantime and are waiting properly at the entrance of the mansion.

We enter the reception room and Nikita starts talking to Eliot. “Eliot Donocan.” She is holding the golden card in front of her mouth. “This is a test!”

“This is a test!” Her voice echoes from Eliot's pocket. “So cool!” She can't help it and starts jumping on the spot.

“So cool!” Eliot pulls his own artefact from his pocket, startled. “Seems to work really well.” His voice immediately answers from Nikita's card.

Padma claps her hands together and starts talking with a loud and clear voice. “Why don't we all go to sleep, tomorrow is a hard day and the journey was long.” Then she gestures for all of us to be silent and that we are watched.

Even the non-magician operatives who are playing our servants fall out of their roles and freeze.

She holds up her golden card and places it on a commode in the luxurious room. A few hand-signs signal us that we have to do the same, then she pulls out her round spectacles from her pocket and puts them on.

The spectacles are a set of different glasses, which can be exchanged easily by flicking them up and down. Padma may look strange with them, but they are doing their job of letting her see mana.

The techno-mage starts scanning the room. Then she continues through the mansion and we follow in silence, while she inspects everything. Her inner magic is too weak to become a shaman, hence she became a techno-mage who uses artefacts and devices to overcome her restrictions.

Finally she settles down in a big living room and takes off the spectacles. There are two big sofas with a table between them and a beautifully ornamented carpet on the floor. Otherwise the room is empty. After rubbing her eyes she finally shares her results with us. “It's safe to speak freely. The whole house is still filled with lingering magic, but I couldn't find any surveillance spells or enchanted objects. They didn't lie when they said that they built the whole thing with magic.”

“And the ~presents~?” Eliot asks with a doubtful voice.

“I don't know, but they are glowing with activity, even if you don't use them. They are doing something, though I can't tell what. It's better to not have them around while we are talking about something sensitive. Probably this Azir is their version of a techno-mage.”

Nikita shakes her head. “That can't be, they said that he is a Zait. The Zait are their mana manipulators. The report said that they are playing the role of front-line bruisers during battles.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Why not? It doesn't seem like they are forced to learn something which is related to their bloodline magic. That doesn't mean that they aren't all experts at using their clan abilities.”

Eliot nods. “You are right. I worried much more about Saana. Azir suspects her already. I told you that using our true names could become a problem.”

Saana gestures for us to be silent. “It is as it is. Using false names could create other problems later on. The ambassador of Nict knows me, because I already played the role of a servant to spy on her. If I run across her with another name... it would be hard to explain.”

“I don't even understand why they decided to send you, Grandmother. It's a major error by the Great Shaman to handle the situation like that.” Padma grumbles, while cleaning her spectacles.

Saana shrugs her shoulders. “The war with the northern tribes binds all our resources. The Great Shaman can't afford to send youngsters like you alone on this mission. An old cranky hag like me is the only thing he could give you as an aide.”

I walk over to Saana, who sat down on the sofa. Placing a hand on her shoulder, I try to comfort her. “You aren't just an aide. In many ways you are the head of our mission. We have to find out if the rumours about Nict's mobilization and their new weapons are true. Our allies from the southern countries seem to be convinced that their information is true.”

One of the operatives, who are playing our servants, snorts. “Yeah, sure. Even listening to those barbarians is wrong.” Then he shrugs. “As if it would matter. We have our hands full with the northern tribes. If Nict chooses to attack us we are done for. The whole issue is a political game to cause an incident.”

Saana closes her eyes and sighs. “You are right, but by being here we can influence Nict's decision. One way or the other, our countries have been in a state of cold war for very long. The leaders of our nation started to take that for granted, but with the possibility of a war on two fronts they got cold feet.”

She pounds her fist onto her knee. “It's of utter importance that Nict doesn't find out about the war and our weakened state. Luckily the war is contained to our northern borders. Furthermore we have to show them that we are capable people and not weaklings. If our presence here demonstrates strength, then their decision regarding us might be influenced in our favour.”

“If the rumours are true...” I add with a grim expression.

“If the rumours are true.” Saana confirms. “But our presence fulfils its purpose, even if we only make them hesitate.”

Eliot leans against the wall next to the entrance. “Wasn't it bad to thwart their listening attempt with the cards then? We could've talked about how powerful we are and fed them some false information.”

Saana smiles warmly. “That was a good thing to do. They surely suspect that we aren't just what we claim to be. It's a little game between our countries. By not outright destroying their presents and leaving them behind, we sent them a message. Now they know that we aren't stupid and won't trust anything we say in the presence of the cards. It's the old game of testing one's muscles one by one against the opponent.”

Eliot tilts his head. After a while he nods, admitting that showing them our capability isn't a bad thing. Then his face distorts into a lecherous expression. “But did you take a look at their formidable weapons?” He forms cups with both of his hands like holding two really heavy objects. “Those sisters and Louise are playing in another league than you guys. Their points of interest are just at the right height! I might like it here. All those exotic beauties! And their tails! They were much longer than the ones of a Dwemer woman, I wonder what they can do with them.”

Everyone places a look of contempt on Eliot and I simply have to warn the pervert. Pointing my tail at him I start my speech. “If I were you, I wouldn't try. They all belong to families with prestige, so don't create a diplomatic incident. You won't get away with doing them and running off. Despite that I doubt that you could satisfy them.”

“You dare to doubt me?! My stamina is legendary. I made all my girls scream up until now.” He places a hand on his chest and looks at me with confidence. “Do you want to try?”

I cross my arms in front of my chest and grin. “I don't doubt that you have the needed stamina.” My eyes wander between his legs. “But I think that you lack the needed size. Those women surely expect a weapon which is up to their standards.”

His expression drops and his right hand wanders between his legs. “You are so cruel!”

Nikita ignores him and goes on. “So what do you guys think of them? Huge monsters, aren't they? I heard stories about them, but now I realize that the real thing is different.”

“Capable people, we have to watch out what we say in front of them.” I conclude. Nikita is exaggerating, they are people just like us. They only look a little different.

Padma plays nervously with her spectacles. “I want to take a look at Azir's laboratory. These golden cards are bugging me, I want to take one apart. They are slimmer and smaller than I would expect from their function. Not only that making such a device at all requires high skill, the level of miniaturisation is beyond my knowledge.”

Saana chuckles. “I think that except for Azir and the sisters, all of them are normal students. I don't mean that in a bad way, they are exceptional individuals from what I heard. But the others are still kids.”

I tilt my head and focus Saana. “And the other three are not?”

The old woman frowns. “I am not sure about the sisters, but at least Azir has killed people in cold blood. You are able to see it in someone's eyes, you know? I bet he could slit your throat and walk away without batting an eyelid.”


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