Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 12: Collab Stream


<5: 12 pm>


Hmm… I wonder what this dagger is gonna look like. Idea has been pretty confident about the work of this relative of theirs.

Well… Time to unbox! Let’s see here…


…Whoa! What the hell is this?

Looking at what was sent back to me. Seems to be some sort of curved, wavy knife. Its blade is clean, looks like it’s made of silver, and the handle is dark orange.

Of course I am gonna talk about the elephant in the room. Its fancy schmancy design aside, there’s also some sort of… runes? Patterns stretching across the blade itself that’s glowing orange. It definitely looks rather magical. Maybe I’m looking too much into it since, you know, magic. 

…Well. I guess I can actually test what it does tomorrow. For now, let’s prepare other stuff for tomorrow…


<1: 02 pm>


“Checking… and we’re live!” I said to start the stream off.

{Welcome back!}

{Took you a while}

{what the special guest?}

{what’s the surprise?}

{going into the dungeon again?

{no stream snipe so far}

“Hehe! Today, chat. We’re gonna be doing something a bit special. We’re gonna go for the fortieth floor today!” I said with a big grin on me.

{Excuse me?}

{40th!? U crazy}



“You might think I’m crazy, but that’s what you gotta do in this crazy world baby!” I said before showing the special knife I got to the camera. The power from it is basically oozing out. “Look at what I got just for this.”

{cool knife}

{that’s not the dagger from last time?}


“I’m gonna be testing this out. Pretty easy to tell how good this weapon is gonna be, but I am not stupid.” I said to transition into the next point.


{ok sure}

{me when I lie}

“Wha- Hey!” I noticed those comments and can’t help but complain. “Just so you know, I am bringing in the nuclear option here. Come here and say hi to the camera!”

“As you say, princess.” What was that nickname for!? “Hi, chat.”

{The strong lady!?}





“Call me stupid one more time, chat. Try me.” I smugly said before turning to look at her. “So, Wiina here will be my partner for tackling the dungeon today. We’re gonna give it our all and show you all this dungeon has to offer, right?”

“Meh, 95 percent max.” She teasingly replied. You really need to snark like that?


{where the other 5 go?}

“Eh. That’s plenty enough.” I said, not wanna get riled up so easily, especially at her. “Okay then, let’s go, Teach!”

“I hope that name doesn’t stick…” She said as we walked into the dungeon, and first up is the floor with basically no threat in sight.

“Okay then, let me test out this bad boy!” I said, brandishing this new shiny knife and ran at these mooks.

*Slash* *Slice*

“Whoa!” I was actually quite surprised by how good this felt. It’s easy to use and it cuts through these things very easily. “Awesome!”

“Quite a neat piece of metal you got.” Wiina remarked as she walked over and looked at it. “Hmm… Definitely not your average knife. Seems like you find a good dealer, or perhaps a blacksmith.”

{Got that seal of approval}

{where did you find it?}

{got any link or source?}

I don’t really know if I should tell where I got this from. From what Idea said it does seem like this person isn’t exactly one for the limelight. Besides, I really don’t want anyone hounding Idea to find out who this is either. “Pretty lucky to get it, but even I didn’t expect this.”

“Guess there’s a bit of story to it, I won’t pry.” She said as she is now the one leading the charge towards the second floor. Since the last time with Jeff and Jass I haven’t challenged it again. I wonder how it’ll go this time around.


{Still loud as always}

“I think we have been through enough song and dance with this guy.” Wiina remarked as she unsheathed her long rapier.

*Dash* *SLICE*


She just… cuts it in half in no time at all.



{Oops, gotta censor that}

“Now then, as for these little guys.” She then changes her attention to the small monsters.

*Dash* *Slash* *Sprint* *Slice*

And once again, she quickly gets rid of them in what feels like only a second.

“We shouldn’t waste time on such small fries. There is a lot more we should talk about, and for others to be made aware of.” She said as I walked over.


“Hmm… These are rather dull, as rewards go.” She said, picking up two potions with different colors. One is more red in color, the other is sorta orange.

{Another potion type?}

{What are the colors mean?}

“When it comes to potions that appear as rewards in these dungeons. Their effects are dictated by colors, so I hope some of you are taking notes.” Wiina began explaining. This should be the first new info she brings up to the class. “I think it’s pretty clear the red one is a health potion, but in actuality it is closer to boosting regeneration. It cannot instantly heal any wounds you have, only making it heal faster. It’s an important distinction. As for the orange one, this one is basically an energy drink, it’ll reinvigorate you.”

“Huh…” These potions don’t sound all too mystical when she explains it like that. “Are there any other kinds of potions?”

“There are plenty, so it’s best if we only mention it when we come across them. For now, I’ll hold onto them.” She said as she… wait. Where did the potions even go? Should I even ask right now?

“Guess we get going then.” I said, not wanting to ruin the pace of the stream by asking questions at every corner. We still have so much to go through.

“Say, Karra. How has your magic training been?” She asked as we went down the stairs toward the third floor.

“It’s been pretty good, I’d say.” I said, not encountering any unfortunate accident, thankfully.

“Have you been trying other elements aside from fire and lightning?” She further asked, and well…

“Not really. I’ve been keeping my focus on just those two for now.” I honestly answered. I don’t even know what else I would use, really. I also have zero ideas on the limitations of magic in general.

“I see. Theoretically speaking there’s no limit to how much one can learn magic, but like with everything it’s going to take time to understand, and with some subjects you take shorter or longer time to comprehend.” She said… and are we talking about magic or school subjects? “Anyway, we’re here.”

“...So how are we gonna check the traps?” I asked, still having bitter memories about those.

“There are plenty of tells. Like the odd pattern in the ground.” She said, pointing at the floor with her rapier, moving forward and tapping down. “Like here, for example.”

…Okay, so once you look past the natural pattern stone brick floor and see a clear square in the ground, that is it. How did I not see that before?

{wow that’s actually quite clear}


{crazy that these will be a near instant death}

“Are there any monsters on this floor or…” I asked, since I can see that making navigating really difficult even if it’s only those fuzzy guys.

“None on this floor, but there are lower floors that are also occupied by both monsters and traps.” She clarified as we carefully walked around the hidden trap door. “Here we are, let’s not waste any time and go down.”

“Right.” I responded as we finally walked down towards the fourth floor.

“Grrr…” I can hear a loud growl once we finally reach the fourth floor. Bunch of green humanoids, quite tall, long nose, sharp ears… and also horns. Are they goblins or onis?

{It’s not quite goblins…}

{What are these not-quites…}

“These are definitely stronger than those monsters on the first and second floor, aside from that wolf, of course.” She explained. I can guess that much. “Anyway, want to take a swing at them?”

“Um. Sure!” I said, not wanting to seem weak in front of the chat and definitely not her.

*Dash* *Slash* *Swing* *Evade*

The moment I ran in and took a shot at one of these creatures they quickly tried to swarm me!

“[Fire Wall]!” I shouted in panic.




{can’t see}

Okay, that’s gonna give me some breathing room, keeping this up and pushing these ugly things away.



“Seems like this level is already a bit much for you. By your lonesome, I mean.” When I finally put down the wall of fire, Wiina has already cut down every single one of these green men. Again, it was so fast considering I haven’t even maintained the spell for that long. “I think I should’ve left one for you to fight by your lonesome, at least.”

It would be cool if I can actually strut my stuff a bit more, so I would like that.

“Anyway…” She said before walking near the path down to the fifth floor.


More drops… Green and blue potions? What will those be?

“Antidote and mana potion…” Wiina muttered as she picked them up. “There will be some damage that a health potion cannot recover, so this green one is what you’re supposed to use. As for this blue one, you can have it.”

“Huh?” She suddenly handed it to me while keeping the green potion to herself.

“You have already spent some mana already, and unlike me you clearly aren’t strong enough to rely on your physical prowess alone. You need this way more than I do.” She told me her reasoning.

“Alright, if you say so.” She’s been quite a charity case so far, but it’s not like she’s been struggling, so she doesn’t feel the need to use any of these things.

I took the lead down this time as we descended to the fifth floor, which has… A box?

“It’s a rather frail-looking golem, and not that fast, but it’s otherwise rather tough.” Wiina commented. Its body looks like it’s about to fall apart, being a stone square with floating limbs made of rocks, and in the middle of that body is a large red glowing eye that is staring at us.

Compared to the one I saw on that eight floor, it’s way bigger, but otherwise doesn’t look that intimidating.

“Why is it not attacking us yet?” I asked, confused as to its passivity.

“Like most dungeon monsters, it doesn’t really attack unless you get in its proximity. In this case, there is a gimmick to it. Try walking close to it.” …That sounds kinda dumb to do, right?

{Bait time}

{go in}

{No balls}

These guys don’t help either…

“Fine…” I begrudgingly said before slowly walking over…

*Beep* *Beep*

Suddenly an alarm sound goes off and suddenly rocks pour out of the holes in the walls and form into more golems!

{wth is this lmao}

{ambush spawn!}


“Goddammit!” I shouted out and unsheathed my knife upon seeing it suddenly summoning a bunch of mooks for me to go through.

*Slash* *Slice* *Dice*

“Now that said demonstration is finally over, time for you to fight this thing one-on-one.” Wiina said, having quickly dismantled the lesser golems before I could even move.

“Uhh… Right!” I said before staring at the crumbling cube golem.

*Dash* *Slash* *Dash* *Slash*

I do a few hit-and-runs to see what it’s gonna do as I keep poking at it. With this knife I managed to do some damage to its body, but it’s definitely not enough on its own.

*Swing* *Evade*

“Whoa!” This thing’s attack range is definitely way bigger than expected. Its floating limbs made up of rocks can extend quite far. It might not be very mobile but it does have a few things to compensate. “[Fire Blast]!”


“How do you like that!” I said more for the viewers than this thing that probably can’t even hear let alone talk.

{i don’t think that’s eno9ugh chief}


“I know that’s not enough! Here’s something that might!” I said before channeling more power into both of my arms, clasping my hands together, then opening them up and aiming it right at the golem that is staring at me with its bright red eye. “[Plasma Cannon]!!!”


“Ugh!!!” Damn! It also launched a beam attack of its own, probably noticing what I am going to do… but… “Argh!”

{A beam struggle!?}

{Holy mother of all anime!}


{Don’t give up!}

{believe in yourself!}

“HAAAAA!!!” I screamed at the top of my lunge as I put all the power I could muster into this attack!


“Haa… Haa…” Damn… That got me… kinda tired. “Phew!”

“Congratulations. I’m impressed you made so much progress compared to your last stream… five days ago, I believe.” Wiina said as she walked over, clapping. “Of course, there is a lot more to go through, so drink that mana potion, will you?”

“Right… *Gulp*” Taste kinda… inscrutable. Whatevs.

“Take this while you’re at it.” She said, giving me the energy potion.

“*Gulp* Haaa…” Yeah. I think I’m now close to hundred percent again.

{That was awesome!}


{legit GOAT}

“Hehe…” I can’t help but be smug upon hearing those compliments from the chat.

“You did good.” Wiina said as she patted me on my shoulder.

“Oh! Um. Thanks.” I awkwardly replied.



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