Bengtie: A five-star character, loved by players

Chapter 75

With popularity, you can do more things.

On the contrary, without popularity, you can’t do anything.

“Star Gods are only in the game Bengtie, they don’t exist in the real world, even if I want to embark on the [mysterious] destiny, I can’t.”

As if he remembered something, Yun Qi suddenly stopped talking and smiled.

“Rather than talking about these, I think you are more interested in my live broadcast of Collapse Star Railway.”

When I opened Collapse Star Railway and entered the game, the moment I saw the character used by Yunqi, the live broadcast room was boiling.

【Yunqi? Brother Qi, did you log in to the wrong account? Did you use the test server as the official server?】

【Doesn’t look like a test server……】

【It doesn’t look like it, it looks like the official server. However, Yunqi, there are still a few days left for version 1.0, where does Yunqi come from?】

“Don’t guess, I logged in to the official server, and I applied for the Yunqi character from Mihoyo. The application process is not convenient to disclose due to the signing of a confidentiality agreement, but the result is that I can experience it a few days in advance.”

Yun Qi had anticipated the reaction from the live broadcast room.

One always has to do something big when he comes to live broadcast. It’s boring to grow slowly and dullly, and there’s no time to wait.

Time is precious, and the less time you use it, the less time you have.

Although he has achieved immortality and the troubles of his demonic body have been gone, as long as he is not killed, his life span is close to infinite.

But it is not worth spending a lot of time on live broadcasts.

Yun Qi’s purpose of live broadcasts is not to make money, but to increase his popularity.

It was for this purpose that he had applied to the system before coming to the live broadcast, hoping to use himself in the live broadcast room of the Collapse Game.

To a certain extent, the system is equivalent to Mihuyou in this world.

Applying to the system is equivalent to applying to Mihuyou.

The application process is that Yun Qi expressed his desire to use it, and the system directly approved it, and no contract had to be signed.

Yun Qi didn’t know how to talk about this process, so for simplicity and convenience, he said that he had signed a confidentiality contract and could not disclose it. As if he knew what the player wanted to see, he opened the character details, clicked on the information, and directly selected the story

【Role Details】

【【The Envoy of Joy, the most dangerous person in the history of the universe, all his past is shrouded in mist.

This text was written by Yunqi after the first simulation.

Since he didn’t know what would happen in the subsequent simulations, he didn’t know whether the specific follow-up needed to be changed, so he deliberately wrote it vaguely to make it look very cool.

After a while, Yunqi turned and clicked on the story.

【Character Story 1】

【The past was nothing more than a few different dramas for him. As he experienced those active or passive dramas, he understood a truth: the universe is ruthless, but joy can eliminate pain, dilute sadness, resist nothingness, and heal trauma.】

【He knows a lot of things, and only when he knows the right things will he resolutely walk on the path of [joy]. By the way, didn’t he embark on the path of [joy] because he was fooled by a certain god of fun? 】

Yun Qi glanced at the story he wrote himself and felt that it was not interesting. What was interesting was watching the comments in the live broadcast room.

【Wow, Brother Qi really treats us as brothers and actually revealed the information of Yunqi’s character in advance】

【Passive, I felt the knife in these two words】

【Did Ah Ha trick me into embarking on the path of [joy]? It was indeed too [joy], worthy of being the [joy] envoy. 】

After watching the comments for a while, Yun Qi continued.

Today he was going to reveal up to story three, but not story four.

The contents of stories one to three were nothing compared to story four.

Sometimes you need to leave a suspense for subsequent developments.

It would be unwise to reveal everything at once.

【Character Story 2】

【Now it was a game for him, and the protagonist of the game was the pioneer. All the information he obtained showed that the pioneer was the protagonist, so he came to Yalilo VI and waited for everything to start.】

【In this game, you need to go with the pioneers, explore the universe together, and wait for the future that”Elliot” said to come.

When writing this paragraph, Yunqi chose to break the fourth wall a little.

The world he is in is just a game to this world, and the characters are game characters.

In this case, if a character knows that he is in a game, how big the impact will be.

Of course, breaking the fourth wall a little bit is enough, but too much is as bad as too little.

After waiting for a while, he moved the mouse again and clicked on Story 3.

【Character Story 3】

【The future is vague, but his future is destined. After the locust plague, the first imperial war, and the second imperial war, another disaster that will sweep across the universe is about to come.】

【Once upon a time, the Star God Nanook [Destruction] launched a war that was supposed to destroy [Joy] from the Star Gods to the Destiny Walkers. The process was changed by the [Mysterious]”Fictional Historian”, and the result was that he was alive.】

【When that day really comes, you will either take up your sword to resist or flee. There is absolutely no other choice. Everything was destined the moment He appeared and cannot be changed.

After opening the third story, Yun Qi did not even read it. He knew everything written on it by heart.

He thought about it for a long time and wrote dozens of drafts before finally submitting this one to the system for review.

He cares more about the opinions of the players than what he writes. What you write is for the players to see. It is useless if you think it is good. That is just you. It is really good if the players think it is good.

It is certainly a good thing to immerse yourself in your own world, but you cannot immerse yourself too much.

【The third story of Yunqi’s character contains a lot of information. First of all, there have been major events in the history of Bengtie, such as the Universal Locust Plague, the First Imperial War, and the Second Imperial War. And Nanook has actually taken action against [Happy]?���

【From the Star God to the Destiny Walker, Nanook is really cruel】

【Story one tells about the past, story two tells about the present, story three tells about the future, and what about story four? What does it tell about?】


Yun Qi saw these curious comments about Story 4, and when he was about to click on Story 4, he suddenly changed direction and clicked Exit.

“The fourth character story can be put aside for now. Anyway, it will enter the card pool in a few days and you can watch it for yourself then.”

Looking at the protests in the barrage, Yunqi himself knew what they were protesting. If Bengtie wanted to see the character story, the corresponding character level had to reach a certain level.

And it just so happened that the fourth character story required the corresponding character to reach level 80. For most players who have just opened the server, it is simply impossible to raise a character to level 80 in a short period of time, so even if you draw it in the game, you can’t see it.

It is only in the game that you can’t see it. If someone raises a character to level 80 elsewhere, it will definitely reveal the fourth character story.

But this has nothing to do with Yunqi. He just wants to keep the suspense for a few days and let these players look forward to it.

A few hours later, leaning on the soft computer chair, Yunqi’s eyes were full of despair, and the whole person was unusually speechless.

He was playing himself in Bengtie. Originally, in order to meet the [joy], the probability of triggering an additional attack each time was 50%.

But after playing for several hours, he didn’t trigger an additional attack once.

After all, when setting the attributes, it was thought that no matter how bad a person’s luck is, it is impossible for him to not be able to trigger even a 50% probability.

“What is happiness? I am happiness.”

When Yunqi heard his own standby voice in the game, he was completely broken.

It was really fun to play the mechanism he designed, but was broken by his own wit. It was really fun. Betting with a 50% probability and not triggering it once for hundreds of times, how bad would that be ?

【Fifty percent probability, it has never been triggered once in hundreds of times, this luck is really against the sky】

【With this incredible luck, it is estimated that there is a 99% chance that it will not trigger a pursuit.】

【Looking at the character description of Yunqi, if he can trigger the pursuit, he is a god, far superior to other five-star characters. If he cannot trigger the pursuit, he is still a five-star character, but it is a five-star character strength under normal circumstances. 】

Remembering something, calling up the personal details panel, and glancing at the basic attribute information he set, Yunqi almost understood why this happened.

The reason is very simple. He is playing version 1.0, and the implementation of [Joyful] Destiny is version 1.1.

Since a new destiny needs to be implemented, some underlying codes of Bengtie will be changed, resulting in the current embarrassing situation.

In other words, it is not effective, and there is no trigger if it is not effective.

But there is an exception, where it can take effect.

Enter the simulated universe, select [Joyful] Destiny, and then Yunqi finally sees himself in the game triggering an additional attack, adding an”aftertaste” effect to the place.

Sure enough, there is a problem with the underlying code, not his own problem.

Yunqi thinks that he is pretty good, and not much worse.

“As you can see, this is not my problem, it’s a bug of Bengtie. However, I will report it to Mihoyo later to add a guarantee for the additional attack to avoid my situation again.”

After finishing speaking, Yun Qi talked for a while and chose to go offline.

There were still a few hours before he could go back, but he really didn’t want to broadcast live.

In the end, the effect of the live broadcast was so good that it was exaggerated. It was enough to improve his popularity.

Think about it, a voice actor plays the character he dubbed, and there is a 50% probability that it has not been triggered once for hundreds of times. In the end, it is found that it is not his own problem, but a problem with the game. Going to the simulated universe will restore to normal.

It is obviously a small matter, but it can have many twists and turns, and finally even a direct reversal. The drama is enough and there is no need to continue.

Besides, it is midnight according to the time of this world. He doesn’t need to sleep while others have to sleep, and then go to work as a cow or a horse… ahem, go to work and school.

Yun Qi should not continue the live broadcast for both emotional and logical reasons.

Lying on the familiar bed, Yun Qi took out his mobile phone and began to browse Bilibili.

Now the difference in the speed of time in the two worlds can be extremely large. First, project a day in this world, and after returning, it may only be a few hours. 473

And it is not easy to come to this world once, so you have to stay a little longer.

Not long after, he found an interesting video again

《The most dangerous and mysterious person in the universe thinks about his own [happy] destiny! How many crimes are there?! [Character Analysis of Collapse Star Railway – Yunqi】》

“Since the public beta of Collapse, version 1.0 is about to end. According to the information obtained from the 1.1 preview live broadcast, it can be judged that Yunqi will have a lot of roles in version 1.1.”

“As it happens, I haven’t had any good topics to write recently. After thinking about it, I decided to do an analysis of Yunqi’s character. The content of the analysis is as the title says, what does [Joy] make Yunqi think about his fate, and how many crimes has he committed.”

Staring at the screen of his mobile phone, Yunqi is very interested.

He interprets the plot, creates PVs for animated characters, and participates in preview live broadcasts.

All for the purpose of increasing popularity and seeing what players think of his performance, whether it is good or bad.

Yunqi is not afraid of being scolded by others, but afraid of no one scolding him.

If there is no one scolding him, doesn’t it prove that no one is watching?

“Based on the information I have collected, I can be sure of one thing: Yunqi will embark on the path of [Joy] and become its messenger is completely a coincidence.”

“He will embark on the path of”joy” because the”joy” star god Aha personally finds him and invites him to join the”tavern” and become the”masked fool”.」”

“From Yunqi’s animation”The Story of the Immortal Boat”, we can learn that Ah Ha was rejected when he first approached Yunqi, and only agreed the second time.”

“The reason for agreeing may be that Yunqi believes that the people of Xianzhou will fall into the evil spirit body, which is partly his responsibility, so he wants to find a way to cure the evil spirit body. Ah Ha said that he can, but he needs Yunqi to perform for him.”

“The performance content is a continuation of the Light Cone”A Star-studded���In”Satisfactory Drama”, he killed almost all the senior leaders of Xianzhou in a dramatic way, just to perform for Ah Ha.”

“It should be after this performance that Yunqi embarked on the path of [Joy] and became a messenger, and left the Immortal Boat.”

After seeing this, Yunqi felt a little excited, and he looked forward to the subsequent plot to bring him more joy.

If the prediction is right, he will feel joy.

If the prediction is wrong, he will still feel joy. Right or wrong is not important at all, the most important thing is to be interesting.

Anyway, he can use the system simulation function to continue to fill in the past. Even things that he himself does not know, can these speculation videos predict it?

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