Beloved at the Door

Chapter 55

Chapter 16

Zhu Yuanjie leaned on his shoulder and said straightforwardly: “If you have a problem, tell your brother, is there any case that bothers you? Or is the clue broken? Brother, I’ll help you look it up.”

Qiu Dan glanced at him and shook his head. “No, it’s just a little tired.”

Bo Yuanjie understands. “It was the case of Master Tian that made you toss you? That case is so big, it involves the queen and the uncle, and even the emperor has a headache. Can we not be tired?”

Qiu Dan didn’t say a word, and Zhu Yuanjie only treated him as a acquiescence, and happily continued: “Why don’t you take a leave, I’ll help you go to Master Di’s place on the job.”

Qiu Dan was stunned and turned to look at Yao Yuanjie. “Leave a leave?”

“Yes, last time Master Di asked you to travel a long distance to investigate the case, didn’t I also temporarily protect him in your position? This time you will take a few days off and I will replace you. I believe Master Di should have no objection.”

Qiu Dan’s eyes were sharply bright, staring directly at Zhu Yuanjie, nodding in deep agreement. “This is a good idea, and it should work.”

“Okay! Then you can talk to Master Di, and I will replace you tomorrow.” Zhu Yuanjie patted his chest, agreeing very readily.

Qiu Dan also stretched out his hand to put his shoulder. “Brother, you are so kind.”

“It’s a trivial matter, what are you polite! Take a good rest for ten and a half days. After you come back, you will be full of energy and you won’t be boring.”

Facing Zhu Yuanjie’s loyalty, Qiu Dan looked at him with emotion, without explaining anything, just patted him on the shoulder, but thought in his heart: Brother, this is your volition, don’t what happened. Blame me!

The next day, Zhu Yuanjie happily came to Yamen, temporarily taking the post of Qiu Dan to take care of Master Di. Master Di looked at him with a smile on his lips. Apart from verbally telling him something, he asked him to take good care of him. Yourself.

Zhu Yuanjie thought, Master Di was also very friendly, and it was said that Master Di had more smiles since he married his wife, which seemed to be true.

It’s no wonder that Master Di is now twenty-four, and finally there is another person beside him who knows the cold and the hot. He sleeps at night and has a sweet wife to hug. If it is him, Yuanjie will laugh when he dreams.

It’s just… Master Shi Caidi’s eyes looked a bit deep in his eyes? You should think more about it, right?

Facts have proved that Zhu Yuanjie didn’t think much about it. The famous catcher’s intuition was sharper than ordinary head catchers. When the governor’s wife saw him, she asked carefully why Qiu Dan hadn’t come? He thought that his wife was caring about the adult’s subordinates, so he said that Qiu Dan was working hard, and he took leave. He would temporarily replace Qiu Dan’s position. After all, the wife only said one thing after listening.

“I’m tired like this? Can you escape for a while, escape for a lifetime?”

What are you running away? Nao Yuanjie was puzzled, but his wife continued to say, “I can find you too, my fist is itchy, let’s practice.”

What to practice? He hadn’t figured it out yet, and his wife’s fist came over. Fortunately, Yuanjie reacted quickly and suddenly grabbed his wife’s fist, but he remembered that the man and woman were not married, so he hurriedly let go. The above still yelled at him–

“Don’t be polite, don’t think of me as a wife, let’s fight and fight, it’s okay to hurt me, I won’t say anything.”

Stop joking, hurt the governor’s wife? How many lives does he have? Master Di loves his wife like a treasure, and specifically asks the emperor to marry him. If he accidentally hurts his wife, he won’t be able to finish eating!

So he also escaped.

Who knows that this is the beginning of a nightmare. After a few days, he was chased by his wife to learn martial arts. No matter where he went, the wife chased him wherever he went.

He finally realized what Qiu Dan was tired, and couldn’t help but curse in his heart: his grandma’s! Don’t tell Lao Tzu early, it’s not righteous!

When this incident reached the Palace of Qinzheng, the emperor who was criticizing the son laughed again.

Di Jing thinks that this is no way to go on. After all, he is a famous catcher for a gold medal. It is not good to play too fiercely. If no one dares to do errands for him in the future, he will lose a lot, so he calls the chief steward of the house , Told me carefully.

In the afternoon of the same day, the chief steward took a thick stack of books to report to his wife. When Shangguan Yan saw the ledger, it was like a cat seeing a fish. He followed the chief steward to discuss matters, and did not find Yuanjie to practice his fists. This matter finally ended. Quit.

After being married for three months, the governor’s wife Shangguan Yan had a very good life. Except for this elder Di, the governor’s wife was the oldest in the mansion.

Before the Chinese New Year, in addition to reporting, reconciliation, settlement, and dividends to various supervisors, a gift list for each family must also be drawn up.

This gift list alone is a college question. On the one hand, it must be calculated carefully, and on the other hand, it must take care of the appearance. It cannot be delivered too cheaply.

For three months, she found that Master Di in her family is good at everything. The only drawback is that she has two sleeves. Over the years, she has gone to various places to conduct errand investigations and made a lot of great achievements, but she didn’t save any silver. Most of the valuables are porcelain, calligraphy, etc. which can only be seen and cannot be used.

She once curiously asked Di Jing if she knew how much wealth she had, but he naturally replied “I didn’t think about it.”

She asked how to give gifts in previous years? He gave her another jaw-dropping answer-Qiu Dan handled this.

Dare to love Qiu Dan besides being Lord Di’s personal guard, or his accountant? So she called Qiu Dan to ask, and then she knew what was going on.

There are not many monthly routines for civilian officials. Just relying on that little silver, rewarding people, giving red envelopes, etc., is gone. Now Di Jing has been promoted to the governor. The mansion is given by the court, and the gift gold cloth is given by the court. The imperial court made up for the insufficient monthly statutes and annual gifts for guards and servants, and even his life was protected by the emperor.

In other words, Master Di of her family is only responsible for handling errands, and he doesn’t even know how much money and income he has, and he doesn’t even care about it.

She felt incredible, and asked Qiu Dan again, the emperor would always reward some gold ingots, right? Unexpectedly, Qiu Dan sighed. This sigh made Shangguan Yan’s heart tighten, and his nerves tightened and listened carefully.

It turned out that the emperor would also reward Master Di with some silver and jewelry at the beginning, but Master Di was too serious in handling errands and often changed places to live. One year of famine, the people were displaced, and there were endless incidents of home and house robbery. Master Di handled cases in the local area and saw that the refugees were pitiful. He bought rice grains and distributed them to the refugees with his own silver.

But the most exaggerated thing is the loss. If you say it, no one will believe that Master Di is just moving, and the silver couple is gone. The emperor checked and found out that Master Di forgot to ask the servant to take away the property when he moved. The hungry, cold, and homeless people saw that the house was empty, so they hid in and lived there. As a result, they found the lost silver and jewels. For them, this was a gift from God. Those silver coins were snatched by the refugees, and because there were too many snatchers, it was impossible to find out.

The emperor was so angry that he gave Master Di a severe lesson, and said that he would not reward him with anything in the future. Who knows Master Di actually said yes, and finally forced the emperor to have no choice but to get angry, and he felt sorry for the courtier, so he gave the order. Qiu Dan took over and helped Master Di save the bank notes in the bank, and Qiu Dan was responsible for the money every time there was a use.

Take the servants in the mansion as an example. If Master Di said, a few servants would be enough, but the emperor was not satisfied. He thought that the majestic imperial servants were not even enough to use them? Qiu Dan bought servants to enter the door according to the emperor’s will. After that, Di Jing was promoted to the second-rank governor. The emperor ordered him to buy more servants, so now there will be so many servants waiting in the mansion, and since this is the emperor’s Meaning, of course, the emperor is also responsible for the monthly rules of the servants.

Shangguan Yan was stunned. Her family’s Master Di was like a **** in investigating cases, he was quick to think, and was good at planning. I didn’t expect such a clever person to be a flowery idiot!

It’s no wonder that he gave her the power to manage the affairs of the mansion so freely. He threw this hot potato to her. He didn’t want to touch silver at all. Those valuable jade articles and famous paintings were awarded by the emperor, so he could only make a good offering. Now, it can’t be used to exchange money!

What’s the use of only looking at treasures that cannot be eaten?

Shangguan Yan laughed angrily. When Di Jing returned from the governor’s office, she pointed to him and asked. He actually admitted it readily, and said to her affectionately.

“You are so capable and an expert in business. You will only have more money in your hands. I am responsible for supporting you behind your back. Whoever dares to bully you, I will do it. In short, we will be rich in the future. No matter it’s gold, silver, jewelry or shop property, including my monthly bill, I won’t take anything, I will give it all to you.”

Hear how sincere and beautiful this is said! Who says Master Di can’t speak sweet words, he just doesn’t say anything.

Knowing that there is a swindle behind this, she listened to it very usefully. She tried to catch him but didn’t get the braids. Instead, he was coaxed to soften her body, her words were like honey, sweet in her heart, and she couldn’t get angry at all.

What women are most afraid of is losing their heart, no matter how good you are, once you give your heart, the grandson monkey who has turned three thousand li can’t escape the Wuzhishan of the Tathagata Buddha.

Master Di knows how to please his wife. Everything belongs to her, and she belongs to him. After comforting her, what else can’t be discussed? It turns out that Di Da is the smartest talent. Marrying a royal merchant girl is equivalent to sitting on a gold mine. What does he want to do with troublesome gold and silver jewelry?

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