Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 675

Chapter 665: End Of The Year

Chapter 665 End of the Year

Liu Qing’s third child, Liu Ping’an, was born very close to the second child, Liu Ming.

Liu Ming was born on January 8th, and Liu Ping An was born on January 9th, only one day apart.

This makes Zhen Tian have some regrets.

She has worked very hard, but she still hasn’t let this son be born a few hours earlier.

If I could be born on the same day as Su Qi’s child a few hours in the morning, it would have an additional layer of origin, and it would undoubtedly be better for the child’s future.

But she can’t control this either.

Liu Ming’s first birthday celebration was held on the 28th. It was the birthday of the lunar calendar, and it was quite grand.

Whether to give their children a calendar birthday or a lunar birthday, their attitude is more flexible, and it depends on when it is more suitable.

This time the birthday is held on the lunar calendar, because I am afraid that Zhen Tian will meet Zhen Tian and give birth to a child at the time of the birthday, so it will be a bit of a collision.

On Liu Ming’s birthday, Zhen Tian also gave him a gift. Although it was not expensive, it was more than 10,000 yuan, which was a bit of a gift.

This time Zhen Tian gave birth to a child and also received gifts from several sisters – all for the child.

But apart from the few at home, I didn’t receive any gifts outside.

Several colleagues gave gifts, and Mo Xiaodie followed her and came to visit her in the hospital.

None of the former classmates knew about this.

My relatives and friends in my hometown don’t even know a single one.

This matter must be kept secret and not let the people in my hometown know.

Naturally, no relatives or friends from her hometown will come to visit her.

This made Zhen Tian feel a little depressed.

Everything has a side and a gain. In order to get the 1% of the shares, and at the same time, she doesn’t want to let her parents lose face, she has to give them up.

Sometimes there is a little regret – is it worth it?

But every time I think about the value of the 1% of the shares, I feel that it is worth it.

Some people go to work in dark mines in order to make their family lives better. Not only are they tired, but they also take great risks.

When I earn money, I just send it home. No matter how much I miss my family, I have to work on the construction site, and I am reluctant to spend the toll.

The reward that    can get is less than 1/10,000 of what she can get.

For the sake of others, she made such a sacrifice for more reward, why is it not worth it?

After a few days in the hospital, he was discharged and returned home.

For her child, the family hired another nanny.

Anyway, there are many houses in the family, so there is a place to settle it.

Having one more child did not affect the life of the family.

Ding Yun asked Zhen Tian if she planned to have another child like Su Qi.

Zhen Tian couldn’t give a definite answer for a while, she could only say that she would consider it.

But at least, she doesn’t want to get pregnant again within half a year.

Giving birth is really hard work. During pregnancy, she almost got depressed.

Even if you want to have a second or third child, you have to take your breath away. You have to restore your body to a healthy state and your spirit to a positive and healthy state.

Even whether or not to have a second child, she also has some entanglements.

Having an extra child and taking an extra 1% of the shares will naturally be fragrant.

But having a child is really troublesome, especially for someone like her who gave birth out of wedlock. Just pointing at others is enough to eat a pot.

This child has found a plausible excuse, and she doesn’t know what kind of excuse to find for the next child.

She was even a little depressed – why can’t polygamy be implemented in China? In this way, she can be with Liu Qing in an upright manner and have a baby in an upright manner.

After giving birth to this child, Zhen Tian can clearly feel that her status in this family has been improved.

But no matter how much you improve, you still can’t improve to the level of Su Qi.

She knew this, and she didn’t have that unrealistic idea.

Zhen Tian’s childbirth delayed Liu Qing for a few days, skipped a few days of work, and then he started to work normally again.

The end of the year has arrived, and what we need to do is to make a year-end summary and an outlook for the coming year.

For those employees, the most important thing is how much year-end bonus they can get.

For shareholders, it is whether to distribute dividends at the end of the year, and how much profit to take out to distribute dividends.

Growth companies generally do not give out too much money to distribute dividends, but continue to invest their profits to obtain more profits.

Tianyuan Group has not paid dividends for several years.

Last year, he made a lot of money, but he distributed dividends, which made those shareholders happy, even the chairman Ding Yun, who became a real rich man with hundreds of millions of cash.

I made more money this year than last year and, of course, invested more than last year.

Whether or not to distribute dividends, those shareholders have no idea.

It is Liu Qing and his family who can really make a decision.

The three major shareholders own a total of 60% of the shares. Basically, they can do whatever they want.

Liu Qing and Su Qi discussed it and decided to take out a portion of the profits to distribute dividends to shareholders.

They are not short of money, but shareholders are not necessarily short of money.

Those shareholders basically have other investments. The economic situation is not so good these days, and they may not be able to make money, and may even lose money.

As far as they know, there are shareholders who have lost a lot of money and have already sought to sell their houses to solve their predicament.

At this time, giving them a little cash dividend can also gain their favor.

– The dividend was originally what they deserved.

This year’s performance is relatively good, and the year-end bonus will be higher than in previous years.

Those who have worked in the company for more than one year will receive a year-end bonus of more than 100,000.

In contrast, many companies’ year-end bonuses this year are much lower than in previous years, and some have even cancelled their year-end bonuses.

As for the company’s development in the next year, it has to be said that it mainly revolves around the investment project of New World Biopharmaceuticals.

Investment in other projects is suspended, unless it is a project that is sure to have a large profit, otherwise do not invest.

Keep your money on the biopharmaceutical project.

In the future, we will not only make that medicine, but also other original research medicines.

As long as there is enough money to support it, it is not impossible for Chinese people to make their own original research drugs.

And that medicine can bring them enough money to support them in this direction.

And this biopharmaceutical company is not invested by Tianyuan Group alone, but is jointly invested by more than a dozen companies with technology and capital.

As long as the cooperation on this project is successful enough, they can also pool their resources and start another promising project.

If the strength of one family cannot support it, it is not impossible to gather the strength of many people.

Although the assets of Tianyuan Group are large, none of the holding companies has core technology, and it looks like a company from the last century.

New World Biopharmaceutical is a company with core technology controlled by them.

In the future, cutting-edge technology will be pinned on this company.

The future is not just one year, in three to five years, their investment theme will be New World Biopharmaceuticals.

Tianyuan Media is also here, the year-end awards for the company’s employees are set quite high.

Some of   ’s excellent anchors also rewarded cars.

Ye Mo’s achievements were the most outstanding, and the company specially rewarded him with a million-dollar luxury car.

This year, Ye Mo achieved another brilliant record in the Battle of the Storms, becoming the champion of the 75kg category. At the same time, he defeated several other kilogram champions in the Fighting King competition and won the title of Fighting King. , successfully defended the title.

He also won the title of Fighting King last year, but it was not easy to get that Fighting King last year.

In the end, he was able to ascend to the throne of the Fighting King, most of which depended on luck, and only a small half was his true strength.

But this year, he was a fighting king without any suspense.

A few games, not by points, but by KO opponents.

This is his last match in the final match.

In this arena, he has no rivals.

In the new year, he will compete in the UFC arena.

This is already determined.

His coaching team also has such confidence that he can go to that ring to fight.

The reward of Fighting King this year is still a 10 million advertising endorsement.

But this time, we changed a title company, and the endorsement brand also changed.

Last year, he signed into Tianyuan Media, and he made a lot of money personally, but the company lost a lot of money.

In order to cultivate him, the company invested too much money in him.

But in 2021, Ye Mo has made more money for the company than the company invested in him.

In this year, he has recorded several of the most popular variety shows in the light of endorsement brands. Although each show only appeared for one episode, it also brought him a lot of popularity.

His biggest advantage is not how good his fighting skills are, but his good looks, which attracts a lot of brainless fans.

His current traffic is already top-notch, and he is not inferior to those traffic stars.

Also, he has an edge over the stream stars – he has the title of King of Fighters and has in-ring victories to prop up his reputation.

And those traffic stars, apart from an androgynous face, have nothing else to support their fame.

– Don’t talk about film and television works and songs, that is not a plus point for those traffic stars, but a minus point.

has a solid record of support, his fans have a sense of superiority, and the fan circle team building is also very successful. It is a very cohesive brain-dead team.

With the help of those idiots, Ye Mo’s delivery data is quite eye-catching.

It can be said that he alone accounted for one-third of Tianyuan’s profit.

——His sales did not account for one-third of Tianyuan Preferred’s sales, almost one-fifth, but the products he sold were more profitable, and the commissions were also higher. Fei’s pit fee, so the money earned is more.

In addition, there is another important source of income, that is, when the live broadcast is started, the rewards from those brain-dead fans.

He doesn’t even need to play PK with others, so he has a lot of brainless fans to give him empty gifts.

Investing in Ye Mo was also a very successful investment by Tianyuan Media.

has made so much money for the company, and Ye Mo made more money himself.

Although the personal income tax payment is a bit painful, but being able to pay so much personal income tax also proves that he can earn more money.

The money in Ye Mo’s bank account is enough for him to live happily ever after.

The profit brought to the company by    is no longer a money loser, and it also gives Ye Mo more confidence in himself.

——I used to feel some guilt before. I felt that the company invested so much in myself, but did not bring corresponding benefits to the company. I was so embarrassed to face Liu Qing, a cheap brother-in-law.

Not so now.

Now he has brought huge profits to the company. He has not let the company lose money on his investment. The two parties are mutual achievements, not unilateral output.

In front of Liu Qing, there is more confidence.

summed up in one sentence, that is – I don’t owe you anything.

Of course, he also knew that without Liu Qing’s investment in him, he would not have achieved what he is today.

When facing Liu Qing, he just said that he had the confidence, and he didn’t always feel like he couldn’t lift his head like before, but he didn’t feel arrogant and domineering in front of him.

His relationship with Mo Xiaodie is almost the same now. Although he has made a clear romantic relationship, he only meets every once in a while and chats on WeChat every day.

The most intimate time, that is, walking together holding hands, and giving a hug when we are apart.

is like a love in the 1980s, so simple that people want to put an accelerator on them.

It’s not that they have no ideas in their hearts.

are normal people, it is impossible to say that there are no other thoughts.

It’s just that putting this thought on the other side will make them feel a little blasphemous.

Ye Mo felt that this girl was pure and kind, as clear as pure water that had been filtered many times. He should not have such thoughts.

Mo Xiaodie also had similar thoughts, and felt that she should not have unclean thoughts towards this young man.

Ye Wanrong felt tired looking at it, but she couldn’t say anything about it.

can only comfort himself: “They are still young, don’t worry, when they grow up a few years old, they will have different ideas.”

Qin Kun also knew that the two anchors under his banner were a bit interesting. He had no other requirements. He only asked them not to announce to the outside that they were already in love.

If you want to announce it, you have to announce it after they have signed a contract with the company.

During the contract period, this secret must be strictly kept.

——Most of the brainless fans that Ye Mo attracted are girlfriend fans or wife fans. If they were told that Ye Mo had a girlfriend, most of them would turn into black fans, and they would turn to black fans.

With the fighting power of those brainless fans, it will be an extremely terrifying picture to get rid of the fans and step back.

And Mo Xiaodie will be the first to be hit, there will be no shortage of abuse and reports, and the anchor profession will definitely not be able to continue.

By preventing them from releasing such information, they are protecting the interests of the company, and they are indeed protecting themselves.

(end of this chapter)

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