Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 417

Chapter 401: Sun And Moon Goddess

Naturally, Minissa couldn’t understand what Ross said. At this time, she only felt that this thing was very dangerous, and even risked destroying the world.

“Mayor, what should we do with this?” Minissa asked.

Ross said, “Wait.”

“Wait? Waiting for what?” Minissa blinked.

“Goddess of the Sun and Moon.”

As soon as the voice fell, a familiar figure walked out of the fog.

It was a slender middle-aged man wearing a decent dress, and at first glance he looked like a very decent gentleman.

“Uncle Carrington?” Seeing this middle-aged man, Ross’s eyes suddenly lit up.

But the next second, when Ross saw Carrington’s eyes clearly, his expression changed immediately.

“You’re not the uncle Carrington I know. You should be the goddess of the sun and the moon who sealed the ancient gods, right?”

At this time, Carrington opened his mouth and made a strange neutral voice: “Los Arkham, the destroyer of this planet’s civilization, the invader of another world.”

Ross was a little surprised to hear this: “It seems that you know me quite well.”

“I’ve noticed you since you first came to this world.” “Carrington” walked over and said indifferently.

Ross looked at the other party and said, “A goddess actually occupies the body of a middle-aged man, don’t you think it’s nondescript?”

The other person replied indifferently: “The so-called men and women are just wishful thinking of human beings. For gods, there is no so-called gender.”

“Stupid humans have always been like this, always taking what they imagined as reality, and what they imagined as truth.”

When he spoke, Carrington’s body changed rapidly, and immediately turned into a muscular woman with a height of two meters, a strong body, and an ordinary appearance.

“Even if it is transformed into a form that humans can understand, the goddess I understand should be like this. However, you humans are more willing to believe that a female like her is a goddess.”

The muscular woman said, looking up at Minissa.

Although she couldn’t understand the things about the world, fuel, restart, and black holes just now, she could hear the conversation just now.

The goddess of the sun and the moon is now possessing Carrington’s body, and this **** is gender-neutral. Even if she becomes a woman, she is still a muscular giantess.

Looking at the other party’s arm, which is thicker than her waist and full of explosive muscles, Minissa’s three views were completely destroyed at this moment: “The woman revered by countless powerful organizations, actually… grow up like this!?”

In an instant, Minissa’s understanding and cognition of the word goddess completely collapsed.

Ross looked at the muscle goddess and smiled: “Humans really like this. Isn’t this a process that a race must go through?”

At this time, the muscle goddess changed again, gradually turning into a ball with a faint glow: “Invader from another world, what do you want to do when you come here with a silver spoon in hand?”

“Naturally, I want to know the truth of this world.”

Ross immediately asked, “You just said that you knew when I came to this world, so why didn’t you do anything to me at that time?”

The goddess of the sun and the moon still said in a cold tone: “This world is not just you, an invader from another world. Although they are all kinds, they will eventually join my eyes of insight and become my reincarnations.”

“Reincarnator? Oh, it’s a familiar name.” Ross laughed.

The goddess of the sun and the moon continued: “But you have a problem, you have his breath in your body, and then you actually completed the sacrifice to him, obtained his powerful knowledge and his protection.”

“Since then, I have lost control over you, and you have become the only variable in the world for me.” New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

At this time, Ross keenly heard the name of the goddess of the sun and the moon for Yog-Sothoth, and asked, “You seem to be very familiar with Yog-Sothoth, and you are very afraid of his existence.”

The goddess of the sun and the moon replied directly: “He helped me come to this planet from my planet, and it was also the ancient **** who helped me seal this world, and it was He who gave me the seed of this world.” Genius for a second Remember 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

“The seed of the world…” Minissa turned her head and looked around. At this time, she had gradually understood that a whole new world was bred here.

Ross looked at the other party and asked, “Why did he do this?”

The goddess of the sun and the moon explained, “He didn’t say it, but after so many years of development, I understand what he meant. The whole universe will experience a reincarnation every few years, and that’s when the group is right.”

“When the right time for the stars happens, all the Old Ones will wake up, and then there will be countless planets turned into cosmic dust.”

“And the only way to avoid this kind of destruction is to restart the entire planet and make it a primitive form without any civilization, so that you can avoid the attacks of those crazy gods.”

After hearing this, Ross sighed, “It really is because of this.”

“You’re not surprised,” said the goddess of the sun and moon.

Ross nodded: “Yes, because I know this very well.”

“So your purpose here is to help me restart the world?” asked the goddess of the sun and moon.

Ross shook his head directly: “On the contrary, I am preventing you from restarting the world.”

“You really are the destroyer of civilization, you not only want to destroy civilization, but also destroy this planet.” At this time, the tone of the goddess of the sun and the moon showed some ups and said bluntly: “This is It is a real world, it can even be said that this is a world created from me, then this world will belong to me.”

“As long as the end of the world doesn’t come, I won’t restart the world ahead of schedule, because I don’t like a world without humans.”

“Today’s Arkham, my subordinates, my friends, and my citizens are all real, and I don’t allow them to disappear like this.”

“This group of bugs will only take a few more years to appear again,” said the goddess of the sun and the moon.

After listening to Ross, he sneered: “You are not human, so you don’t understand such feelings.”

The voice of the goddess of the sun and the moon gradually became sharper: “You are not human either! Although you used to be human, you are no longer!”

Ross said with a smile: “The condition that determines whether a person is human is not the body, but the will and thinking of the self.”

“Although my thinking has some fluctuations due to the change in shape, I still like groups such as humans. The world will be very boring without them.”

Some tentacles gradually appeared on the light ball of the goddess of the sun and the moon: “Then it seems that before restarting the world, I have to deal with you first.”

Ross picked up the silver spoon: “Don’t get excited, not to mention whether you can solve me now, there is no irreconcilable conflict between us, right?”

“You want to protect this planet, and I want to protect it too, so compared to rebooting, how about my plan?”

: . : m.x

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