Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 413

Chapter 397: Enemies Meet

“Found Kenneth.” On the streets of the port area, Cass, the creator of life, received a report.

“Where is he?”

“Near the port, people who are following us.” The subordinate reported.

“Very good, it just so happens that our purpose is also here, let’s go now!”

Cass said, leading his own popularity to swiftly walk over.

At this time, they were not far from the port, and soon came to the back of the port near the warehouse and office building.

From a distance, I happened to see Kenneth in ordinary clothes suddenly stepping forward, grabbing the two level 25 superhumans in front of him, knocking them unconscious, and then going in through the back door on the side.

He seemed to be in a hurry, and the door didn’t close.

Cass sneered: “Let’s go!”

Then, more than a dozen people rushed in at an extremely fast speed.

When they rushed in through the back door, something suddenly felt wrong.

At this time, they entered a huge warehouse, and the warehouse seemed to be empty at this time, only two corpses, and Kenneth with a calm face.

Cass looked around cautiously and found that there was no ambush here, and whispered: “Does Kenneth still know me?”

Kenneth here nodded with a smile: “How come I don’t know each other? This is Lord Cass, Hand of Steel! Isn’t my arm thanks to you?”

“I have never forgotten your “kindness”, and I have been thinking about how to repay you.”

At this time, Cass’s arm gradually swelled, and he could see the two metal tentacles gradually run wild, turning his arm into a huge arm with a length of three meters.

For a time, the terrifying atmosphere of the legendary superhuman continued to rage in the entire factory.

And Kenneth here doesn’t seem to have any plans to resist, he said with a smile: “Don’t worry, Lord Cass, I said I came here to repay my gratitude, don’t you plan to see the gift I gave you?”

“Oh? What gift?” Cass asked grimly.

Kenneth smiled and said, “I heard that you have been looking for a man named Kos, and I happened to know him, so I brought him here to meet you.”

“Kos!?” Hearing this, Cass’s eyes suddenly flashed for a while, and the other life creators also became excited.

They came this time for these two purposes. If both of them got it, they would have no interest in continuing to follow the command of that group of army lackeys.

Kenneth said with a smile, “I know you’re very happy just by looking at you, so next, leave it to Mr. Coase!”

Kenneth turned slightly sideways, and then a tall figure with pale skin suddenly appeared behind Kenneth.

“Mr. Coase, it’s up to you, I have other tasks,” Kenneth said.

At this time, Coase’s eyes were full of intimidating eyes, staring at Cass and the others and nodded slightly: “Go.”

Cass didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem here. At this time, his arm suddenly soared, reaching a full ten meters long, and swept directly towards the two of them.

With a wave of Kos’s hand, Cas’s arm was instantly torn apart, and the body fluids and parts in it were scattered all over the place.

Kenneth didn’t even look back, but calmly opened the door and left.

Here, with the hideous flesh-and-blood knife in his hand, Coase stared at the card and said hideously, “I know you, and you were one of the people who blasphemed my mother back then.”

Cass had already faintly felt that something was wrong at this time, and said in a low voice, “I really regret now that I didn’t kill you directly and let you escape.”

When Coase was not born, his mother died, and Coase was discovered during an autopsy of the body by the creators of life.

After confirming that this guy was still alive, the group of guys were overjoyed, and first took advantage of the fact that he was just born and had no fighting power. When Kos was weak, he carried out various experiments and specimen preservation.

He was then put on a collar of various restraints and imprisoned.

It’s a pity that they miscalculated and didn’t calculate that there was another existence in Kos’s body, that is Kos’s brother, that flesh-and-blood sword.

Two months after he was born, Coase quickly fled after finding the opportunity to cut open the surveillance collar with a knife of flesh.

Kos took a step forward, his back gradually floated like wings, and his arms were gradually filled with lightning and said, “Unfortunately, it’s too late!”

In an instant, the powerful aura of the sixty-ninth level burst out.

“This…impossible!” Feeling such a terrifying aura, many of the life creators knelt on the ground powerlessly.

At this time, Kos, who was standing in front of them, was twice as powerful as the two demigods before!

“This… how is this possible! How is this possible!? When we examined you, we said that most of your body was completely necrotic, and even the divine blood in your body had been depleted! You… how could you grow up? So fast!?”

You know, since Coase was born, he has only been fifteen years old.

Kos said grimly: “How can a foolish human understand the greatness and wonder of the gods? I have experienced nine transformations in my growth, and those necrotic tissues are just the shell that I used to deceive you by instinct, when I first transformed. It’s time to slough off.”

When Cass heard this, his heart kept shaking and his forehead was full of sweat.

No matter how crazy the creators of their lives are, they still have some sanity, and he is very aware of the huge gap between the two.

Even in the face of this absolute oppression those irrational lunatics will feel instinctive fear.


The terrifying thunder continued to sound, and the flesh-and-blood knife in Kos’s hand smashed the two people directly into meat sauce.

Before Cass could regain his senses, Coase stepped forward and pinched his neck. At this time, the sunken eye socket was full of lightning.

“I won’t let you die so easily, then I’ll dig out your brain, figure out your lair, and kill all of you despicable thieves!”

“No! No! Aaaah!”


Ten minutes later, Coase’s voice sounded on the public channel: “The pier is done, the creator of life, destroy it all.”

Then he asked, “Is Seth there?”

Soon Seth’s voice sounded: “What do you need help with?”

“I have a high-level life creator here, and I want all his memories.”

“No problem, keep the brain intact, without any damage, and preferably alive.”

“no problem.”

At this time, Morsi’s voice sounded: “The enemies of Arkham’s invasion have been dealt with, and all the invaders except Manggs are wiped out.”

On the side of the city hall, Lilith’s calm voice sounded: “The Red Emperor has been dismantled by me, notify the relevant staff to come back.”

“It’s a pity that many tables, chairs, benches and documents were damaged.”

“Miskatonic University is in touch with the Eye of Insight.”

“The police department is in contact with the Brotherhood of the King in Yellow.”


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