Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 399

Chapter 383: Stallion Red King

After listening to Minissa’s words, Ross said very casually and calmly, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

After hearing this, Minisha suddenly trembled in her heart, and in a trance she recalled the first official meeting between herself and the mayor.

At that time, she was caught by the people of the Father God’s Redemption Society. When she was on the verge of despair, the great mayor fell from the sky, hugged her body and protected her to death.

At that moment, she, who had never seen her parents and had never been protected by others, felt an indescribable sense of security.

It is a pity that she has rarely had the opportunity to be alone with the mayor since then.

And this time, after hearing the familiar words, Minissa’s tense nerves instantly relaxed.

Yes, with the mayor here, what should I be afraid of?

When Minissa was enjoying a rare sense of security, Ross’s heart moved, and the lens on the rearview mirror on the driver’s side gradually wriggled, and then turned into an eyeball the size of two normal human fists.

The eyeball stared at the back of the car, and soon some images appeared on the center control screen, and a group of people could be seen secretly following the two people at this time, but they did not drive to hide their eyes and ears, but ran wildly all the way.

One of them was wearing a red dress, and a big fat man looked very conspicuous.

“You know him?” Ross asked.

Minissa looked at the fat man with disgust in his eyes, and whispered: “He is the Red King, the descendant of the Alchemy God, a disgusting **** whose brain is stuffed with sperm.”

Ross looked down at the fat man, and he could see the greed and desire in his eyes from such a distance.

“Is this guy a stallion? Why does it feel like he always wants to mate?” Ross asked with a frown.

He hates this kind of person very much.

Minissa said in a low voice, “The Red King’s duty is to sow the horses. Since the blood of the alchemy **** is too powerful, only a very small chance of giving birth to a child can have a trace of blood, and his responsibility is to keep breeding and breeding. child.”

Hearing this, Ross asked: “What about the child without blood?”

Minissa clenched her fists: “Those who are gifted stay as believers, and those who are not gifted will be killed directly to become nutrition for other bloodline children.”

“Because they are all children of the Red King, all the organizations that the children have with each other can be transformed and absorbed.”

“Actually, these ordinary children are pretty good, but the ones who are really miserable are those with some bloodlines.”

Ross was stunned: “What do you mean?”

Minissa said: “Those children with a trace of blood are directly raised after birth, and the nourishment is the blood of those killed children.”

“These children are so nourished that it’s possible that the blood vessels are further strengthened as they age, and then by three years old, these children are simply drained of their blood.”

“The group of lunatics will draw the blood of the gods from these bloods, the fanatics will accumulate it and prepare to dedicate it to the gods, and the more greedy people will stay and let them absorb and use it, which is regarded as a means to strengthen themselves. ”

When Ross heard this, his eyes gradually became cold and he said, “It seems that the Father God’s Redemption Society no longer needs to exist.”

These news actually had no impact or fluctuations on Ross, and he didn’t even feel that he cared about it.

But at a deeper level, the worldview and values he grew up in a normal society from a young age still played a role in Ross’s attitude, making him gradually angry in his heart.

“The Red King is like this, what about you? The White Queen?” Ross asked back.

Minissa said: “I am the container. I just said that fanatical believers will accumulate the blood of God.”

“These accumulated bloodlines will be reinjected into the Red King’s body and then wait for the time to mature. When the bloodline of the gods continues to be sufficient, I must have **** with the Red King, and all the bloodlines of the gods accumulated at that time will be into my body, and in my body the perfect Son of God is brewed.”

Speaking of this, Minissa’s face was very pale, her hands instinctively clasped her arms, and she was very scared.

Ross smiled softly, reached out and touched her loose ponytail: “Don’t be afraid, everything has passed.”

“As long as I’m here, no one in this world can hurt you, and those guys naturally can’t.”

Feeling the warmth of Rose’s palm, Minissa suddenly felt her heartbeat speed up for a while, then she pursed her lips, turned slightly to rub Rose’s arm with her tender and clean face, closed her eyes gently and said, “Thank you , Mayor. With you around… I’m not afraid of anything.”

This suddenly made Ross a little dazed. The charm and temptation shown by Minesa now is completely different from that shown by Lilith.

Especially this tender skin that can be squeezed out of water at any time, the face alone already has such an amazing touch, if it is replaced by other larger and softer places… This suddenly makes Ross feel hot.

“You’re a living vixen, no wonder so many people covet you.” Ross said with a smile, reaching out and pinching her face.

When Minissa heard Ross’s words and actions, she felt a burst of joy in her heart: “Mr. Laila! I succeeded!”

Although the fear just now came from the heart, there was still a lot of performance in it.

And all of this is to pave the way for Minissa to approach Ross with her face.

But now, hearing the mayor’s words, Minissa felt relieved, because she knew that the mayor… is still interested in herself.

“Minisha! Work harder! Don’t lose to that ugly woman Lilith! It’s time to show yourself!”

Minissa kept cheering herself up, and then began to plan her next move.

At the same time, a distance of about five kilometers behind the two people.

“You can get Los Arkham and Minnesa have officially left Arkham, and we are tracking them.” It was not the manic red king fat man who took the lead, but another A relatively calm middle-aged man.

And the Red King, who was following him, was running fast and panting heavily at the same time: “Minisha! I can’t wait! Minisha!”

The middle-aged man here continued: “I haven’t seen the master leave Arkham yet, but judging from Arkham’s actions, it is very likely that he has reached some kind of agreement with the master and the black pharaoh, and neither side can make a move. That’s why he leaves Arkham.”

On the other side, in the base of the Eye of Insight, after Manggs had contacted the middle-aged man, he told everyone about the situation.

When everyone heard this, they were completely relieved.

Lieutenant General Ax took a deep breath: “Then, the operation can begin, let’s plan one last time.”

Then everyone spent another half an hour checking the plans and steps.

“Then, Arkham crash plan, start!”

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