Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 220 Establishment of the Association

Storm was arrested and the people of the motherland were ‘sacrificed’.

This is what Kevin said to the outside world after everything was over.

Many people couldn't believe that the powerful people of the motherland would sacrifice themselves in dealing with Storm. The explanation given by Kevin was that Storm insidiously took a serum that disabled superhumans and gave it to the people of the motherland. Got the injection.

Later, a sneak attack on the motherland resulted in the sacrifice of the motherland.

As soon as this explanation came out, the discussion about the No. 5 serum that can make superhumans incapacitated has once again increased.

Kevin took another wave of skill points.

Then comes the finishing work.

Kevin had people blockade the underground facility where the storm was located.

Kevin didn't move the things inside. Before he figured out what was inside, he thought it was better not to move it. If the virus leaked and spread, it would be another trouble for Kevin.

Two days after the incident ended, Kevin finally had time to look at his skill points after having some time off.

But before Kevin could open the skill tree and allocate skill points, he got a resignation letter from Queen Maeve.

"...Are you sure you want to do this?"

Looking at the resignation handed over by Maggie and the application for the No. 5 serum, Kevin asked in surprise.

Maggie, who was wearing regular clothes, had a smile on her face. Her expression was very relaxed, as if she was doing something trivial. She smiled at Kevin and said:

"I've been thinking about it for a long time."

"You can actually think about it again. The people of the motherland are dead, and the threat you pose to Vought no longer exists, and the future Heroes Association needs heroes like you."

Kevin finally exhorts.

Maggie is a member of the Seven, and unlike most other members of the Seven, there is at least some justice left in Maggie's heart.

It's just that she didn't dare to speak out her thoughts because of her motherland. She gradually sealed her heart in a strong iron box and locked it, preventing anyone from approaching or exploring it.

But now that the people of the motherland are dead, she is also a very powerful superhuman, and is an important member of Kevin's plan to be in the future Super League.

Now if Maggie quits, Kevin doesn't know who to look for to take her place.

Kevin's words were sincere, but Maggie just shook her head:

"I'm no longer fit to be a hero, Kevin. I'm grateful that you helped me get rid of the people from my motherland, but I really don't want to stay in the Seven anymore."

"Then you don't have to eliminate your abilities..."

"What does ability bring me?" Before Kevin could finish speaking, Maggie suddenly asked and said to Kevin:

“In the past, it brought me honor and dreams, but after that, ability only brought me pain.

"I often wonder if I wasn't a super human, would I not be what I am now..."

"With ability, you can at least protect yourself and the people around you."

"Isn't that where you are?"

Maggie smiled and asked: "The 'Superhero Association' you plan to form will protect us, won't it?"

"All right……"

Seeing that Maggie had already made up her mind, Kevin could no longer persuade her. He hesitated to make a choice, approved Maggie's serum application form, and handed it to Maggie.

Maggie took the application and looked at the red approval letter above with complicated eyes. After a long time, she stood up and saluted Kevin seriously:


"No need to thank me, we are still colleagues after all. What are you going to do next?"

"I have saved a lot of money over the years, and I plan to...find Elena, my girlfriend, and get back together with her, and then...we may travel together, or we may find a place to open a small shop and live a good life. ”

"Do you need me to arrange some... bodyguards for you?"

Concerned about Maggie, Kevin asked her for advice.

Maggie just shook her head, her smile still relaxed, and said to Kevin:

"Don't worry about me anymore. Although I will lose my abilities, my fighting skills are still there. Ordinary people will not be my opponent, but you. After these things are over, when do you plan to marry Annie?"

"I will get engaged to Anne in a few days. If I want to get married, please wait a little longer. Anne seems to have not had enough fun."

Mentioning Annie, Kevin's face was also full of smiles.

Because this girl met Kevin, her life trajectory became completely different. She is still innocent, still loves to play, and still loves everything in the world.

She also wants to be a superhero and wants to stay that way.

As a boyfriend, Kevin will of course support Annie's dream. Anyway, as superhumans, their lifespans are at least no shorter than those of Storm and Soldier Boy.

They still have a long time to go through their long life.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, I still want to join your wedding party."

"Oh, then you'll have to wait."

The two chatted and laughed for a while before Maggie took the application approved by Kevin and walked towards the experimental center of the Watt Building.

The work of eliminating superhuman abilities is carried out in the special experimental center inside the Watt Building.

There are the best medical staff here, as well as the experimenters who know the most about Compound No. 5.

Once something happens to some superhumans, they can immediately rescue them.

Maggie left with the application form. Kevin ignored the ringing phone on the table, took out his notebook from the side, thought for a while and started writing.

Storms and people from the motherland died one after another, Maggie withdrew from the Seven, and the number of members of the Seven instantly dropped to four.

And Kevin is about to quit the seven-man team. In the end, this seven-man team will only become three people.

Coupled with Kevin's plan to reduce the number of superheroes and superhumans, it is not certain whether the Seven will be able to fill up in the future.

Therefore, Kevin planned to take the opportunity to cancel the establishment of the seven-man team and start the trial operation of the 'Super League Association' within the Watt Group.

The United Nations has not yet agreed to Kevin's proposal to form a Super-English Association. Of course, they cannot agree. After all, this is a major matter related to world dominance.

But Kevin...actually doesn't need their consent.

After writing a lot of things that needed to be done in his notebook, Kevin stopped writing as evening approached and let out a long sigh of relief as he looked at the dense fonts on it.

"Next, let's hold a press conference."

The next day, Kevin asked the Walter Group to prepare everything, and stood in front of the camera with Annie and Xuanshi.

Shockwave, the unlucky guy, was almost burned to death by the storm. Now he is lying in the hospital recovering from his injuries and cannot appear.

Among the remaining seven-member team members, only Annie and Black were able to hold the press conference with Kevin.

This will also be the last press conference held by the Seven.

"First of all, I am here to express my deepest condolences to the people of the motherland. The people of the motherland are a great and noble people. As the leader of the seven-man team, he has led the seven-man team to solve one problem after another. Difficulties, overcoming countless difficulties.

"He has saved countless people, and of course, he has also hurt many people in the process, but in conclusion, his merits outweigh his faults, and he deserves the title of hero.

"Now, he has sacrificed his life as a hero to protect everyone. We should mourn for him... Now, let us observe three minutes of silence for him."

At the press conference, Kevin first served as a representative to mourn the passing of the motherland.

His acting skills are pretty good, but he really acted quite sad.

Even Anne was like that.

The reporters who attended the press conference and the fans who loved the motherland in front of the audience also stood up at Kevin's call to observe a moment of silence for the motherland.

After about three minutes, Kevin raised his head and continued:

"We made a great sacrifice to deal with the storm this time. The people of our motherland were harmed by the storm and lost their lives. Queen Maeve also decided to withdraw from the seven-man team because of this.

“And together with me, who also plans to quit the Sevens, there are only three people left in the Sevens… a group that was once full of honor.

“This is a loss for the Vought Group, and even more so for human society!

"But the seven-man team with only three people left is no longer enough to shoulder all the superhero responsibilities, so I made a decision here to cancel the seven-man team starting from today!"

As soon as Kevin said this, the reporters below suddenly exclaimed.

The entire venue became noisy because of Kevin's words. The flashlight kept flashing and the shutter clicked one after another.

Before the reporters could ask Kevin, Kevin continued:

"But superheroes will not be cancelled. Walt will still cultivate superheroes to protect everyone and protect everyone among us. Therefore... I announce that the first 'Superhero Association' will be officially established here!

"The members of the first Super League Association will be composed of me, Starlight, Black, and Shockwave, the former members of the Seven, as well as the retired Lamplighter, the new hero Wonder Boy, the veteran hero Titan Knight... and the above.

"The association adopts a parliamentary system. I will temporarily serve as the president, Xingguang will be the vice president, and Black will be responsible for the hero review within the hero association. At the same time, a regulatory department will be established within the association to supervise the superheroes who enter the association. and evaluation.

“Once a superhero does something that is not in compliance with the rules of the association, even I will be immediately expelled from the association, and my abilities will be temporarily weakened and handed over to the judicial department.

"Strive to prevent superheroes from abusing their abilities and powers to the greatest extent possible."

Kevin tells the camera about his arrangement.

It can be seen that he has thought about it for a long time and already has a basic prototype of the association's system.

And no one could stop him from establishing an association.

After Kevin said these words, the establishment of the Super Hero Association was already a certainty. At least in the minds of the people, they already had the most basic concept of the 'Super Hero Association', an emerging hero organization.

After Kevin said this, he nodded to the camera and left the press conference.

He will not care about the rest of the matter, and Ashley will help answer reporters' questions.

He was only responsible for the important matter of announcing the establishment of the Premier League Association.

After the press conference, various news about Kevin once again appeared on the homepages of major news websites and the headlines of major newspapers.

Congress called Kevin again, and it was trying to blow up the phone.

They want to invite Kevin to discuss the Premier League and the recent No. 5 serum.

This time Kevin did not refuse and agreed to their invitation.

Because if Serum No. 5 is to be promoted to the whole world, it really needs the help of this group of politicians.

At least on the surface, they are indeed needed.

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