Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 211 Return of Huey

Storm stared at Kevin.

In her pupils was Kevin's figure in a suit.

After staring at Kevin for a while, Feng Feng took a deep breath, calmed down and said:

"…I see."

After saying that, Feng Tian turned around and left. He didn't question loudly in front of Kevin, nor did he vent his anger.

She left the office calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Kevin knew very well why Storm would leave, because Storm knew very well the strength gap between her and Kevin.

That's not a slight difference. In front of Kevin, who can control the blood in Storm's body at any time, once the two really have a dispute, the final result will definitely be Storm's defeat without any suspense.

It's even possible that Storm couldn't even exert her own strength, so Kevin used him as a human bomb to detonate his body.

No matter how strong her body is.

Therefore, even if Feng Feng deeply disagrees with Kevin's decision and what he is doing now, Feng Feng must endure it.

There was nothing she could do but endure.

Kevin was not surprised at all by Feng Feng's departure, but at the same time, his tolerance for Feng Feng was getting lower and lower, and his desire to get rid of Feng Feng became more and more intense.

A dog that only knows how to bark is not scary. What is scary is a dog that stares at you silently and is ready to bite a piece of meat from you at any time.

If Storm continued to promote her superhuman kingdom plan to Kevin, and showed extreme anger at what Kevin did in front of Kevin, to the point of losing his mind, then Kevin would actually be willing to Play with her.

Because this proves that Storm has been pushed to the limit by Kevin, and there will be no other way to achieve her goal except screaming in front of him.

But now that Storm Silence has left, it means that she has other options, and she doesn't have to rely on Kevin.

This will be out of Kevin's control, so it may be time for the Storm to bow out.

"But it would be too easy for her to kill her now."

Kevin squinted his eyes, thinking in his mind.

It was easy to kill Storm. Kevin could have done it at any time, but the reason why he didn't was also explained.

First, as a hero, as a 'national idol' in the world who may be more popular than the people of the motherland, he cannot have any black spots on him.

Otherwise, the public will doubt and resist any policy implemented by Kevin in the future.

Second, letting the storm die like this is somewhat too simplistic.

Before killing Storm, we must let Storm be ruined.

She must fully experience the pain of being rejected and hostile by the world. Only in this way can she be told by those she has harmed.

"But Huey is not here now, who should I turn to to get the dirty information about Storm? Can Butcher do it?"

Huey disappeared, and the plan to investigate the Gathering Church and obtain black information about the storm could only be temporarily stopped.

Kevin wanted to entrust Butcher with it, but it seemed a little impossible for Butcher to get what he wanted without making the matter a big deal.

Kevin didn't want to hear the news the next day that the church's main base was attacked by terrorists.

If it doesn't work, Kevin can only find Shockwave.

This guy is a speedster. If you use coercion and inducement, you might be able to ask him to do something that is inconvenient for Kevin to do.

Kevin was thinking about how to get the information about Storm in the church.

And at this very next moment, with a swish sound, a figure suddenly appeared in Kevin's office.

He wore a peaked cap on his head, a high-collared jacket for camouflage, and sunglasses on his face.

This is Huey who has been missing for several days and cannot be found anywhere!


The moment he saw Huey, Kevin couldn't help but stood up from his seat.

"Oh! I'm back!! Oh my god, I'm really back!!"

As soon as he came back, Huey also made a sound of surprise when he saw Kevin standing behind the desk.

Hearing the unconcealable joy and excitement in Huey's tone, Kevin couldn't help but ask:

"What's going on? Where have you been these past few days? Do you know that you have been missing for three days!"

"Three days!? So the time on both sides is synchronized...?"


Catching a few key words in Huey's words, Kevin immediately thought of something, and he spoke a little faster:

"What's sync? Where the hell have you been?!"

Kevin had a conjecture in his mind, a very incredible conjecture, and it was precisely because this conjecture was so incredible that he kept asking Huey.

"'s a long story. Well...can I have a glass of water first?"

Perhaps Kevin's attitude affected Huey, and Huey's excitement had subsided a lot. He calmed down and pointed to the water glass on Kevin's table and asked.

"Of course. Sit down, drink a glass of water, and let's talk slowly."

Kevin personally handed the water glass to Huey, asked him to sit on the sofa in the office, and started talking with him.

A few minutes later, Huey, who was much calmer, put the empty water glass on the table, organized some words, and began to say to Kevin:

"Do you still remember that after I injected the medicine, afterimages would appear on my body from time to time, as if I was about to be teleported away at any time?"

"Of course, I still remember what you said when you were teleported away...can't control it?"

"Yes, I couldn't control it! I couldn't control my enhanced abilities at all at that time! My ability... it seemed to be affected by something and was not controlled by my consciousness at all, and then... I activated my ability ”

"You disappeared from my eyes. We have been looking for you for a long time, Huey. Where did you go?"

Kevin asked with a frown.

The search for Huey has used a lot of Walt's resources in the past few days. Kevin thought something had really happened to Huey, but he didn't expect this guy to suddenly appear in front of him today.

Under Kevin's questioning, Huey spoke a little faster.

He began to answer:

"That's what I'm going to say! I was teleported away and suddenly appeared outside the park of the Watt Building. It's the park outside... where you arranged the Flight 37 survivors' appreciation meeting before."

When Huey said this, Kevin did not continue to ask.

He knew Huey wasn't done yet.

Sure enough, Huey continued without any pause in his words.

"At that time, I thought I was teleported from the Watt Building to the outside, because my abilities were out of control at that time, but when I wanted to teleport back, I abilities couldn't be used at all!"

"Can't use it?"

"That's right! It seemed like it had failed. I couldn't teleport at all. I was scared at the time. Do you know? I thought it was a side effect of your strengthening potion that made me lose my ability. As you said, The strengthening potion may cause me to lose my superpowers for a short period of time.

"Then I started experimenting with whether visual teleportation was possible, and found that yes! My ability can still be used, but I don't know why I can't return to the office where I communicated with you before!

"Normally, this is nothing, right? Since I can't use my ability to return to your office, I will walk back by myself. Anyway, I know the location of your office. That's what I thought, and I did it. but--!"

Huey suddenly raised his voice a little higher and deliberately asked Kevin in a disguised manner:

"At this time, I saw someone, guess who I saw?"

"Huey, I'm not in the mood to play guessing games with you right now."

Kevin frowned.

"Um..." Seeing that Kevin was indeed not in a good mood, Huey stopped going around in circles and said directly:

"I saw the locomotive! The locomotive that was supposed to be dead!!"

After Huey finished speaking, he stopped talking and raised his head to look expectantly at Kevin's reaction.

As soon as I looked up, I found that Kevin didn't look frightened at all. Instead, he fell into deep thought and asked him in turn:

"In other words, you ran to a parallel world?"


Huey's expression changed wonderfully at that moment.

what's the situation?

He stayed in another world for a whole day before finally, with the help of another Butcher, he understood what happened and where he had gone.

How come Kevin now understands what he went through just after hearing a general outline?

Kevin understood everything so quickly, making Huey feel like a fool.

Especially when he thought about how excited he had just been, as if he had discovered some big secret, Huey felt even stupider.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Seeing Huey's expression as if he was sharing an interesting video with a friend and found out that his friend had already seen it, Kevin had a weird look on his face.

"...No, it's's just that you guessed it so quickly, it makes me look...forget it, it doesn't matter."

Huey's remaining excitement completely cooled down. His tone was soothing, no longer as eager as before, and he said:

"Yes, I went to the parallel world, and what I saw was the locomotive in that world."

"Then what? How did you come back?"

"After I discovered the locomotive, I first felt something was wrong, because how could a dead person be resurrected? So I did not enter the Watt Building, but went to investigate first, and found...

"Oh my god, I'm a wanted criminal in the world over there! All of us, Butcher, French, Marvin... are all wanted, and I even heard that there is a superhuman criminal among us. Killed a lot of people!"

"You believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it!"

Huey's voice rose again, and then he suddenly sighed in frustration:

"Well, actually I kind of believed it, after all Butcher... We all know what kind of person Butcher is, but I didn't believe I would continue to follow Butcher in that situation, so I found them ”

"You met the black-robed team over there."

"In other words, I only met Butcher alone. He recognized me and wondered why I was looking for him. It wasn't until I showed my ability and told him that I was not the Huey he knew that we... Peace down."

When Huey talked about Butcher, his words were completely calm, even a little sad.

Obviously what happened between him and Butcher was not as simple as what he said.

Kevin saw at a glance his experience with Butcher in another world, and asked with a smile:

"Did you hit him?"

"It can't be said to be a fight, just... there was a slight conflict. Of course, the conflict was resolved peacefully in the end..."

Huey still wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Kevin:

"That is to say, you did hit him. How was it? Did it feel good?"


"I'm asking, does it feel good to beat up someone you couldn't muster the courage to beat before?"

"Uh..." Huey was silent. After a while, he couldn't hold his mouth and covered his face:

"...To be honest, it's a bit refreshing."

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