Become An Ancestor In Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 83 Maple Leaf City

Three days later.

A motorcade drove out of Qinghe County and headed south.

The Lin family has a large-scale flying Law Weapon, but Lin Sheng wanted to travel to the great rivers and mountains of Qi State and refused.

Five days later, the convoy arrived at Black Rock City, took a short rest and then continued on the road.

After traveling for another half month, passing through seven or eight mortal towns, large and small, the small convoy of dozens of people expanded into a convoy of thousands. Behind the Lin family's convoy, many caravans followed in the distance.

There were both mortal caravans and monk caravans, and they all had a tacit understanding to follow the Lin family's motorcade to seek shelter. During this period, each caravan was very sensible and offered protection fees, including various mundane treasures and immortal spiritual stones.

Lin Sheng refused all of them. These caravans could follow them if they liked. The Lin family still had some sense, but if something happened on the road, he would not help.

This day.

The brocade curtain of one of the most luxurious carriages in the Lin family's fleet was lifted.

Lin Zhi stretched out her head to look behind the motorcade, then quickly retracted into the carriage.

"Dad, the caravan following us probably has several thousand people."

Lin Sheng was naked from the waist up, leaning against the silk and satin, playing with a purple flame in his right hand.

"We'll reach Maple Leaf City in a hundred miles. Let's rest there for a while. This group of caravans will naturally disperse."

After a pause, Lin Sheng threw the purple fire in his hand into the alchemy furnace beside him.

"When you arrive in Maple Leaf City, you can start trying to refine the Rank Two elixir."

Lin Zhi nodded and carefully put the lid of the alchemy furnace into the storage bag. Along the way, besides playing with Lin Sheng, she was refining alchemy. The purple flame was a kind of spiritual fire that Lin Sheng bought, called "Purple Spirit Flame" ”, you can refine some Rank One elixirs.

The corners of Lin Sheng's mouth raised slightly, showing an evil smile, and he took out an exotic cucumber: "Open your mouth."

Lin Zhi's pretty face turned crimson immediately, and she didn't know what she thought of. She glanced at Lin Sheng affectionately and opened her mouth obediently.

. . .

"Boss, should we take action? These convoys will soon reach the boundaries of Maple Leaf City. If we don't take action, it will be too late."

On a hill, a dozen figures looked at the caravan in the distance, each of them experiencing Qi Refining Late Stage cultivation fluctuations.

"No hurries?"

One of them, a rough and bearded man, looked displeased and said coldly: "Can you find out the origin of the leading convoy?"

"The mountain flag is flying, it should be the Lin family of Dongxuan Peak." Another thin male cultivator said in a deep voice.

"The Lin family of Dongxuan Peak?"

The rugged man frowned when he heard this: "If you are from the Lin family, this convoy will be difficult to intercept."

"Boss, these people are just following the Lin family's convoy and are not protected by the Lin family." Another person reminded in a low voice.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, a few of my brothers have infiltrated the caravan, so the Lin family doesn't charge protection fees from these caravans."

When the rugged man heard the words, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at the brothers beside him: "Inform the brothers below to take action. Remember to avoid the Lin family's convoy."

"What if the Lin family takes action?" A monk asked in a solemn voice.

"No confrontation, retreat immediately."


. . .

When traveling outside, it is common for caravans to encounter robberies. Generally, major caravans hire guards when traveling, and some low-level Independent Cultivators do this.

Mortal caravans are generally not robbed. Rogue Cultivator looks down upon them, and ordinary robbers dare not rob them for fear of being protected by monks.

The caravan of monks is different. They often encounter Rogue Cultivators. The talkative ones spend some spiritual stones to destroy wealth and eliminate disasters. The talkative ones inevitably have to go through a life and death situation.

Monk caravans are different from mortal caravans, consisting of hundreds of people in large cars and small cars. Most of them travel in small groups. The goods of each family are packed in storage bags and will not be displayed openly.

Normally, monks would not let outsiders know when traveling in a caravan, especially if they blended into a group of thousands of people, who would know anyone else.

The rugged man and his group, Rogue Cultivator, had obviously received the news and came for a certain monk caravan.

As soon as the Rogue Cultivator made a move, there was bound to be a huge commotion. Several monks were caught off guard and were killed, and the entire convoy of a thousand people instantly became commotion.

"Fifth brother! Something happened later."

Outside the carriage, the sound of Wu Dao sounded. He was the captain of the Red Snake Demon Hunting Team. He was an eighth-level Qi Refining cultivator and the only Late Stage monk in the entire Red Snake Demon Hunting Team.

"It's okay, don't pay attention. If anyone rushes towards you, just kill them."

Lin Sheng said casually, holding a book on Qi Guozhiyi in his hand and flipping through it.

"My subordinate understands."

Wu Dao, who was riding a tall horse, raised his eyes to look at the commotion behind him, and then said to the people around him: "Be careful of anyone approaching. If anyone comes, no matter whether it is a mortal monk, there is no need to warn, just take action."

"No." Everyone responded in a deep voice and looked around.

In the carriage, Lin Zhi looked worried: "Daddy, are you here for us?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter even if they come for us, they are just a group of low-level monks. They can be destroyed with a backhand." Lin Sheng looked at the book in his hand and said without raising his head.

"What if the Foundation Building is overhauled?" Lin Zhi was still worried.

"If the Foundation Building is being renovated and there is no need to cause riots, we can be easily wiped out by raising your hand."

Lin Sheng said as he put down the book and took out another cucumber: "Open your mouth."

"I, I can't eat anymore." Lin Zhi blushed.

"You don't want to eat this? Then eat something else, so that you won't make your chirping annoying."

. . .

"Who are you? You dare to intercept my Li family! My ancestor of the Li family will never let you go!" A middle-aged monk had a gloomy face.

"Li family?" The Rogue Cultivator who was taking action was filled with astonishment. Why did he intercept the Li family?

"Fellow Daoist had better let me go, otherwise even if you run to the ends of the earth, my Li family..."

Before the middle-aged monk could finish speaking, a sword pierced his body from behind.

The rugged man glared at Rogue Cultivator with a displeased look on his face and retracted his flying sword: "What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to die?"

"Boss, he said he is from the Li family. We robbed the Li family." Rogue Cultivator said with a look of fear on his face.

"There are many people named Li in the world, are they all from Lijiabao?" The rough man said this and rushed to the next battlefield.

"Huh?" Rogue Cultivator looked stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing. He couldn't help but blush. He was frightened by someone's words, so he used his flying sword to cut the corpse on the ground into several pieces to vent his hatred.

The battle broke out suddenly and ended quickly. During the tea time, the rugged man led a group of Rogue Cultivators and disappeared into the forest while carrying the bodies of their companions.

Seeing Rogue Cultivator retreating, Wu Dao looked slightly relaxed, retracted his gaze, and loosened his grip on the handle of the knife.

The convoy returned to calm again, but after this incident, there were only about a hundred people left behind the Lin family's convoy.

Not long after Rogue Cultivator and his party left, five figures flew from the horizon, all wearing Maple Leaf robes. At a glance, they knew they were the law enforcement disciples of Maple Leaf City.

Wu Dao withdrew his gaze without the slightest intention of saying hello. Many of the team members also looked away after a quick glance.

"Brother, look at the mountain flag on the carriage, it belongs to the Lin family of Dongxuan Peak." One of the law enforcement disciples reminded in a low voice that as disciples of the alliance, they were all familiar with the flags of the major families.

Especially the Lin family who stepped on the Li family, they were thunderous, and they were filled with admiration and envy in their hearts. They recognized the cyan flag with Dongxuan Peak at a glance.

"Don't the Lin family have a spirit boat? Why did they drive a carriage instead of a spirit boat? Is it a fake?" The leading law enforcement disciple showed a trace of doubt on his face and glanced at the Red Snake Demon Hunting Team.

His heart trembled slightly, and his doubts disappeared immediately. More than thirty physical practitioners with great qi and blood skills were not something that ordinary cultivating families could afford.

At that moment, the five of them did not dare to go down to inquire. They flew directly past the Lin family's motorcade and landed in the caravan behind them.

"What just happened here?"

Facing the sudden appearance of the Immortal Master, the mortals looked at each other in shock, and no one dared to speak. It is said that mortals will suffer when the Immortal Master fights. If someone speaks ill of the Immortal Master behind his back, the whole family may be sacrificed to the flag.

Finally, the monk mixed in the crowd spoke up to explain, and the law enforcement disciples figured out the situation.

"This group of Rogue Cultivators dare to plunder our territory in Maple Leaf City. They don't take our Alliance of Hundreds of Races seriously at all." The leader of the law enforcement disciples said coldly, his eyes scanning the crowd, and no one dared to look at them.

"Brother, this place doesn't belong to Maple Leaf City yet. It only counts after passing Maple Leaf Forest." A disciple reminded in a low voice.

"That makes it even more abominable. Killing people right at the door. It's so rampant. It must be the group of Rogue Cultivators who came from the Kingdom of Zhao."

"Captain, I see the battle here has just ended. Why don't we go and catch up?"

"Chasing? Just the five of us?" The leading disciple glared at the proposing disciple and said solemnly: "I can't handle this matter, so I can only report it."

"Yes, I agree with the captain's opinion."

"Me too!"

The five people stood up with their swords in hand, came in a hurry, and left in a hurry, leaving all the mortals at a loss and speechless.

After passing through the Maple Leaf Forest, the convoy traveled for more than an hour, and Maple Leaf City gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

Now that they have arrived at the boundary of Maple Leaf City, everyone who followed the Lin family's motorcade has dispersed. Some rushed to the surrounding small villages, while others continued southward and did not enter Maple Leaf City.

When the convoy arrived at the city gate, they did not queue up and drove directly to the city gate in a grand manner. The monks in the queue got out of the way and no one dared to stop them.

Regardless of the mountain flags fluttering in the wind on the carriage, no ordinary monk would dare to stop the thirty physical cultivators who had reached that station.

Naturally, you have to collect spiritual stones when entering the city. No matter who you are or which force you come from, the Alliance of Hundred Clans will treat them equally.

However, when the Lin family's motorcade drove into the city gate, the Alliance disciples did not dare to come up to collect the money. They looked at each other with wandering eyes. No one wanted to be the one who stood out and allowed the motorcade to drive into the city.

"Whose fleet is this? So overbearing? These vampires don't dare to go up and collect money?"

"I know that flag, it should be the Lin family of Dongxuan Peak."

"The Lin family of Dongxuan Peak? Is it the family that rescued Gold Core's ancestor's beloved daughter?"

"That's right, it's him. Thirty bloody Chengdu physical practitioners, each one is comparable to the Qi Refining Late Stage. It's really a big deal."

"Sigh, I don't know when my Li family will be able to have such a grand scene."

"Huh? Li family? Which Li family?"

"Li's butcher shop on East Street!"

"Oh... I'm at Tieqi Ye's house on Xiabei Street. Nice to meet you!"

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