Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 6

Episode 6 I’ll only show you.

“… ah, that’s where Cat Yama-san was. Where have you been?”

Toranomo Nobunaga, who was on a turning night tour, called out to Mizuki Katayama as she slowly walked down the dark corridor.

A beauty bell that walks to the wall, relying on candle lights.

The hair is moist and damp, and the smell of the banquet that would have come on during the meal has been completely removed.

Izumo Toranaga, who suspected that she had been exposed to hot water somewhere in the world, laid his hand on Mizuki’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong with taking a bath at night? Maybe you’re thinking of having your first experience with me…”


The Tiger’s raw hand on his shoulder flew with no expression.

He glanced at the boring things with his eyes and walked straight to the women’s room with candles.

Tiger student accidentally loses his words to his unfeminine behavior.

I wonder what happened.

I wonder if I’ve been tired since this morning.

Tiger Raw beat Kirishima orchids out of class to avoid placing a burden on the bell that behaved gently towards everyone.

I had no choice.

Because I was worried that the bell would be removed if it stayed that way.

Kirishima Orchid doesn’t know what he’s thinking.

A funny guy who plays a lonely wolf without being tied to the Ota group at the bottom of the curst.

I thought if he didn’t have a good friend, nobody would object if he tried to kick him out.

After that, the Kintetsu Knight and some students tried to pull back Kirishima orchids, but Tiger student desperately stopped them.

The disturbance, using speech and skill, gradually shredded the classmates’ consciousness.

I knew the relationship between Tiger Raw and Mizuki, and the presence of Niigataki, Tiger Raw’s best friend, would have been great.

Kanami Inugami, a Kendo member, praised Shinagaki for thinking the same thing as Toru, and agreed to expel Kirishima Orchid.

Shinagaki’s skill is the ability to bounce back hostilities from the outside with an invisible wall called the Great Defensive Wall (Mirror Force).

A classmate who knew the ability did not try to defy Shinagaki.

Tiger himself, not just his attitude, but his knees.

Togashi and Shinagaki teamed up to somehow determine the direction of the class.

Not only Yawayakuyama Mizuki and Kanami Inugami, but also the beautiful girls in the class will become their own.

Then let’s build Harlem, defeat the Demon King, and return to the original world.

When you get back, you’ll have all you can choose.

“In order to do that, it’s important to have combat training first.”

Mizuki and I will meet again tomorrow at the training ground.

At that time, let’s take care of the beautiful bell and treat it gently even in shape.

Beauty bells don’t make you angry or moan when you talk to other women while you’re dating them.

Easy to handle, I’m a girl student. She is.

While delusional about the healthy and cute girl student dyeing her own color, Tiger Shigemitsu went back to the boys’ room to take turns.

But ever since.

Of course Toru Shinshin.

The boy student, healed by the smile of his sweet cat mountain bell, never showed up alone.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Hah… It felt so good today too.”

While removing the cloudy liquid from the groin hole, Mizuki Katayama turned around in a pleasant way.

Beauty bells were disgusted with the daily training in magic and combat techniques.

Though brave men of other worlds, the current position of the bells is a military weapon of the country.

An important fighter. If you don’t want to go on a journey of demon king crusade with a half-life feeling, you will be allowed to continue your combat training until late every day.

It feels like all classes have become physical education.

Beauty bells also like to exercise, but I can’t lose my body if I keep doing this for days.

No, because our classmates use each other’s healing skills, it would be a bad idea to say that they have no body.

The energy and motivation are shredded.

It is not a status fatigue that can be repaired with Reinforced Healing.

The greenhouse-grown bells gradually began to make noise in the reality that they were forced to train in trouble every day.

“Looks like we’re all under stress. The other day, Ms. Gagane-kun made a little noise to Shinagaki-kun, and it turned into a huge fight.”

In that regard, since Mizuki visits Orchid every night, her depressed mood is almost relieved.

If you work hard on this training for a day, the orchids will hold you.

If you endure this time, you can kiss lots of orchids.

Say that every day, you sneak out of the royal palace in the middle of the night and let the orchids adore you.

I have been going on every night, but lately the bell became more sensitive, and the pain I felt at first almost disappeared.

Now all you have to do is drown in the pleasure in front of you.

orchids understand that, so they’ve been playing pretty hard over the last few days.

Today, for example, I decorated the body of Beauty Bell with plenty of semen.

“If you don’t wash your body quickly, you won’t be able to smell it”

“… nh, maybe that’s good too. I might feel Ran-chan’s smell all day.”

“I’m glad, but it’s not good! If they find out we’re seeing each other every night, they might never see us again.”

“Nyah!? That’s a problem!

With semen all over her body, Mizuki stood up.

Remove the towel from the skirt, use water magic to make wet towels, and then wipe your body.

It’s a stunning, feminine proposition with no waste of meat, yet soft.

Although I’ve seen it many times, it’s great to be able to observe your classmates naked like this.

Naked classmate, Mt. Cat Beauty Bell.

Kirishima Orchid is the only boy student who has ever stared at it so carefully.

Even if you think about it, it swells when your desires swell up.

“Nh, is it getting louder again?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s okay. I’ll handle it myself.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll give you a blowjob, so I want you to relax and sit there.”

Sweet words, open your crotch and lower your hips on the spot.

While shaking the black hair of the bobcut, Mizuki gently swallows the orchid and licks it.

It may not be what you say while you blow it off, but you have a little time until you cum.

Grab the bra that fell beside you, take it to the tip of your nose, and take a deep breath.

The smell of sweat and milk drizzles.

When I stretched out my tongue to see what the taste was like, I was punched around my thighs.

“Don’t lick it in weird places!

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

“… well, you can smoke it directly, so I don’t want you to do that with your underwear or your uniform.”

When I let go of my mouth, which was hard on Gingin, Mizuki pressed it against the orchid’s face with her modest chest.

A bud sticking out loudly tickles my cheeks and feels strange.

Since it is difficult, I will not hesitate to receive it.

“… nh, nh, ufu. Now, don’t lick your toes like that…”

Beauty bells pounding on the head of pokapoka and orchids while twitching your body.

You can’t tempt me and tell me to stop if I’m embarrassed.

Slowly crawl your tongue, slowly ravaging Mizuki’s modest tits.

Sometimes you try sucking on your cute, hard nipples, or on the contrary, gently lick around your nipples and tease them without touching the body of the protrusion.

The beauty bell’s tits standing in the bottle are superb touch comfort due to their softness and firmness.

Speaking of lust, if I could lick both my left and right tits at the same time, I’d think I’d be happier.

“Nh, nnh! It’s just tits, it’s sloppy….”

“Okay. Are you satisfied with this?

“Nh… Ah, uhh, haahn!

I had a rough inner crotch, so I tried to insert my finger into the secret part of the bell.

Mizuki’s honey is overflowing instantly.

He’s a really wet kid.

Even though it’s such a pleasant body, it’s pathetic if it’s just a finger.

“… yeah, why are you stopping both?

Release your mouth from your pinned tits and get your hands out of your groin as well.

A beautiful bell staring at an orchid.

You don’t have to look like that.

Fuki came to the upright bell and turned her arm around her waist showing soft curved beauty.

Bury your face on the navel and rub your cheeks on the flat bell.

Hmm, it feels so soft and smooth and pleasant.

As I stroked my hips and navel like a tease, I drew my mouth closer to the hole in my groin where the honey was dripping, and breathed.

Beauty bells that twist your hips and pinch your toes.

Stick out your tongue and lick the honey of the bell that still hangs.

With her tongue crawling around her thighs and secret areas, the pretty voice of the bell pours down from above her head.

“Oh, no…… Wait, I haven’t wiped it properly yet…!

Crawl your tongue and bury your face in Mizuki’s crotch.

Breathing deeply as much as possible, the liquid spilled out of the honey pot.

I stretched out my tongue thinking that it would not come out well, and when I took it, a strange bitter taste spread over my tongue.

“… hm, hmm?

“Ah, it’s already… Ran-chan’s birthday. That’s not mine….”

This is it.

A cloudy species of life that the orchid desperately poured into the vagina of the bell just now.

It’s a crystal of love between two people, mixed with orchid semen and bell love fluid.

Nevertheless, even the Orchid doesn’t want to swallow his own semen.

But I can’t help it if I keep it on my tongue.

“Mhh… Come on, don’t move.”

While twitching the hole in her crotch, Mizuki bent to the spot and gently put her hand on the orchid’s cheek.

As he lay his lips together, he licked the orchid’s tongue without hesitation and sent the semen that had accumulated in his mouth into Mizuki’s own mouth.

A beautiful bell that snorts its throat and opens its mouth with a smile.

The mouth is empty.

Are you okay? Drink that. ”

“It’s okay. There is also enhanced recovery if it is necessary, and… I must drink all the sperm Orchid gave me…..”

He smiled lightly while showing his teeth.

It’s not the smile I made to make you feel good.

It’s a wonderful smile that makes you feel really happy.

Beauty bells are really the type to do everything.

“Ehehe, when Ran-chan is happy, I’m happy too!”

Mizuki’s ability to train his family is probably not the only thing that will do with his whole body.

Originally, Mizuki liked to dedicate herself wholeheartedly to her favorite boy.

The spear turned into an orchid.

Wipe your body again, put on underwear, put on a skirt, and tuck away your sailor clothes.

Raise the zipper on the hem and the back of the scarf and rotate half a turn on the spot.

Well then, it’s time to go back. If it’s too late, you’ll get suspicious!

“Ah, good luck with your combat training tomorrow. At night, you can sweeten as much as you like.”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it! Ran-kun, I love you.”

Throwing a kiss like a child, Mizuki rushed to the royal palace.

Until he lost his back, the orchid waved his hand to his chest.

Eventually, when she lost sight of the bell, the orchid placed her hand on her chin with a thoughtful mind.

“Girl root, did you give Shinagaki a little tease…?”

I can’t imagine that woman who acquired the only hassle skill “appraisal” softened something to the top of the class castle.

The orchid doesn’t remember exactly what skills Shinagaki had.

I think it was the ability to bounce back whether it was a physical attack or a magical phenomenon.

Even though the stress was accumulated, would you put your hand out to an opponent that is unrivalled in terms of popularity, strength, and motor nerves?

Mizuki said yes, but isn’t it actually different?

Rather than harassing Shinagaki directly, she indirectly…

“Well, I don’t care.”

It has nothing to do with the orchid today.

The orchid only has to worry about not being found by the guardian knights or servants (I don’t know if they are here) – that’s all.

Someone must have stopped the search suggestion somewhere before anyone came looking for it.

The orchid is the air that rises to the bottom of the castle, but perhaps a well-informed man has noticed.

The orchid’s ability is an important force if it is used correctly.

That way, one of them would suggest to his classmates to bring back the orchids.

Somehow, I will plan to put the bastard who manipulates family training in his original place.

But orchids were no longer meant to fit into that class.

I do not intend to bend my will, whether my head is lowered or hungry in front of my eyes.

Tiger Sheng – Tiger Shengmao Nobu insulted orchids in front of his classmates who thought they were his buddies.

Speak up when you abuse your skills to reach out to your classmate’s girl.

Even though the result is that the words are true, there are so many things in this world that you must not say.

How many girl students thought orchids were a pervert of bad taste because of that remark?

“… how many days will the bells stay in the royal palace?”

At the end of the training period, the bells will depart from the Royal Palace for the adventure of defeating the Devil King.

It won’t be a safe journey.

I don’t want to think about it, but maybe I won’t be able to see Beauty Bell forever.

I don’t like that.

“But if it stays like this, I’ll be sure to take Mizuki anyway.”

Even if Mizuki complains that she will stay here, her classmates – especially Tiger Raw – will never admit it.

But what if it wasn’t just Beauty Bells?

The orchid twisted its mouth.

Beauty bells alone will force them to take you.

But besides Beauty Bells – no, for example, if all the girls except Beauty Bells say they don’t want to leave.

This situation is where cheat skills are acquired without distinction between men and women.

Even if there is a break, violence does not mean that men will prevail.

It’s impossible to force them to take you.

“We need more slaves.”

A girl student with a beautiful appearance and overwhelming force when dancing.

Turn them into companions – submissive slaves.

For some reason, we can intercept orchids (by force) in our Classmate Exodus to some extent.


“We had a lot of cute kids in our class.”

Besides Mizuki, for example, Kanami Inugami of Kendo.

Speaking of which, there was a fellow group of women who liked the dog god.

Well, now is a good time.

I got a little tired this evening because my vagina was filled with beauty bells.

Let’s hope the Knights never find us again today and get to the floor.

When he called out to me and shook out his right hand, a yellow chick like a fried butterfly stuck to the orchid’s fingertips.

As I recently learned, this is not an insect but a kind of monster.

Because of its beautiful appearance, it seems to be occasionally hunted for decoration in the royal palace.

“I’m going to sleep until after noon, so if the Kintetsu Knight or anyone comes by the cave, wake me up right away.”

Ageha said, “Roger! However, when the feathers were shaken, they stuck in a nearby branch after dancing around.

I don’t rely on visuals at all, but they are surprisingly good monsters.

The orchid disappeared into a sleeping cave after checking the security provided by Ageha.

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