Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 136

Episode 117 Mikorin Princess

The Ottawa Group rescue operation came to a successful conclusion.

Fortunately, there was no loss on the saint’s side, and it seemed reassuring that the colors begged the orchid for a wish.

It seems that the Oto boys were tricked by the succubus and tailed at the shop at night, keeping it a secret from the other boys.

They can do it if they want, and they don’t bother to expose it from the orchid’s mouth.

I don’t intend to reveal it from the orchid’s mouth, but since I saw the returning otako boy with the smiley face of Aihara Saki, who I love rumors, I have serious doubts whether I can hide it in the thin common life of the wall.

– Nevertheless, it is.

At the very least, the Ottawa group returned to their classmates alive, without missing a single face.

The point is to save lives. It’s no big deal, and if the orchids hadn’t raided the succubus hall, they would literally have never returned.

Kenjiro Odagawa and Shinzo Kawasaki both expressed great gratitude to the five people who named themselves after the rescue operation.

Even Hideichi Gagane, who is deeply committed, still feels their indifference to this incident.

Though it was a blunt gesture, it eventually conveyed gratitude to the orchid.

“It’s okay. Shayaka and Kanami – and of course Aya, they all came back safely. I’m glad nothing happened.”

Such was the orchid’s response to it.

It is a gentle convergence to the ears. Yes, it’s too mild.

Even though it eventually broke into a request for colour, the unrelated orchids – even Kanami and Sayaka – were involved, putting their lives at risk.

One of disgust and irony, of course. It is no wonder that this gratitude is swelled up like a balloon and chewed away forever.

In fact, that’s all I did. Because once he abandoned the orchid, he saved his life.

–Yes, Kirishima Orchid could not have closed with exemplary answers, such as “I’m glad we’re all safe.”

Congratulations. You should keep that word a little longer.

In the hallway in front of the women’s room, the Ota boys, including Ryuzaki wings, sat down side by side.

Break your knees and put your butt on. It is a seat of honour. My spine is not stretched, and it feels like a cat’s back.

He opened his fists for a minute and hung his head at almost the same angle.

I’m not being made to reflect.


The feeling of a hard, cold floor builds a feeling of frustration.

However, the factors that scratched Ryuzaki’s mind were different from the imposition of his miserable posture.

Sometimes you hear sweet voices leaking. The nasty, charming voice was heard from the walls of the room in front of Ryuzaki and the others.

When you think of the Lord of Voices, your brain is about to numb. The bouncing current runs through the spinal cord, making noise without exposing the core of the body to intense emotional rain.

“… ah, uhnnh! Ahhhhhhh! Hey, hey, hey!

The young body tries to show a commensurate response to the charming voice that scorches the male instinct.

But that’s not enough.

After some trouble, Ryuzaki continued desperately to reject the impulse while disturbing his exhalation.

–If you get erect in your seat, you’ll be next door ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Looking at his companions while wearing them sideways, they all swallowed their teeth and swayed their whole bodies.

I think the same thing. His rough nose is disgusting, but so is Ryuzaki. I’m not in a position to say anything about others.

Hideichi Gagane shook her neck with a spicy look. He shouted as if he had won for a moment, but began to take a deep breath trembling with a faint voice.

What now? You’ve seen more embarrassing faces in front of the girls. Though he was about to throw up such a malice, Ryuzaki turned it off with a short sigh.

Besides, this is different. What makes you erect here is like throwing away your pride as a man.

What makes you sad and excited about this situation?

With that in mind, I saw that the crotch of the Mita River was swollen.

It seems that I was worried about the small and short penis as it looks, but I can tell if it is hard on the boulder.

“… you’re getting hard in this situation.”

“N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n Mikorin, uuu….”

As Ryuzaki pointed out, the Mida River looked shy. I hold my groin with my hands, but it doesn’t seem that my erection has subsided.

It may be because of his unexpected sex habit.

“It’s tougher than I thought….”

“Tough fat… I feel like I’ve been buried in the ground from the neck down, with food in front of me….”

Still, it smells delicious, so I’m still hungry.

“That’s what I’m talking about…. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After this incident, Ryuzaki was able to reconcile with the women.

What a ridiculous thing to think back at the beginning of the fight. Misunagane mistook the words of Okoshi Aya for a confession, and Ryuzaki, who had truly received the sole, distanced himself from them with jealousy.

Ryuzaki was isolated because it could not be retracted as it was. Pride did not allow him to offer to reconcile, and he continued to run away – behaving as if he wanted to be alone.

By assuming that a group of people is a shameful existence, they defend themselves from the shame of loneliness.

Ultimately, Ryuzaki’s inability to grow up was probably the reason for the lack of reconciliation.

I see my friends again.

If Ryuzaki hadn’t taken a step like this, he might never have seen them again.

Even so, Ryuzaki would not have regretted it. –Correctly, you wouldn’t have admitted remorse.

Keep your eyes permanently distracted from the black holes in your chest. Such a future might have been frustrating.

“The world is a causal thing…..”

It is ironic that Kirishima Orchid, which is nothing else, saved such friends from the brink of death.

It is extremely unintentional, but that alone is unacceptable. I really, really, really, really don’t mean it.

“–uhhh! Yan, ahn, ahn, ahn, ahn, ahn!

A tall voice. A moaning voice from across the wall distracts you from thinking.

A nasal choking voice. Intermittent on irregular rhythms, Sole was enough to tell inexperienced geeks what was going on.

I don’t like it, but I imagine it. On the other side of the wall, I’m sure…

“Mikorin. Ah, ah. Mikorin, Mikorin!

“Seriously, why are you so excited about this situation?”

“… cum. Bedtime… uugh, don’t just let them sleep. Even the only healing is Hell, deprived by the rear charging…!

“Even the driftstone oils can’t understand only depression…!

Oto boys holding their heads and blocking their ears – screaming with grief.

Though humiliating, Ryuzaki was unexpectedly calm.

Someone to share the pain with. That alone made it difficult for me to stand up for you.

We have company. Whatever it is, it may not be that bad to have someone to spend the same time with.

Ryuzaki thought that perhaps we should be honestly delighted to be together in this way.

◇ ◇ ◇

The orchids that seated the Oto boys in the hallway were alone in the room with colors.

Other girls are asked to go out.

Aya and Orchid, just the two of you. But the atmosphere was far removed from the romantic atmosphere from anywhere.

Firstly, it is a position of two people.

Regardless of the orchid with its nickel and a meaningful smile, the colors lay on the floor, with both wrists tied behind her head.

The underwear was peeled off and the socks were scattered on the floor. I mean, no bra and no pan.

The skirt was also slipped down and hooked around the knee. From the rolled sailor clothes, his face was covered with milky milk.

“… if that’s all you have to do, you can take it all off.”

“No, no, it’s my uniform, so I’m more excited to take it off.”

Incidentally, the wrist is fixed by the skill of Megumi Maiden Saki – Tentacle Restraint (Violence Exclusion).

When I asked you to make sure you couldn’t solve it, you did what you said with a strange face.

My ankle is also fixed with a sole so I can’t move.

After confirming that you can’t twist and move, the color looks a little good.

“What a surprise. I never thought Kirishima had such a hobby.”

“What kind of hobby is this?

“This is a one-sided play that prevents a girl from moving…. because I told you I don’t like forcing girls to rape me.”

“It’s called punishment.” I was wondering if this would create an atmosphere. ”

“Kirishima’s mouth made me feel strange when I told you to punish me. Excited.”

Punishment – is there something wrong?

The saints did not suffer a loss in the recent attack on the succubus hall.

But it’s nothing more than that it ended up safe.

It was true that Shayaka and Kanami were afraid, and if they were one step wrong, they might not be able to recover it.

Therefore, the attack on the succubus hall, that is, the Ota boy’s request for rescue, is about to take responsibility for it.

“Well, that’s like an excuse, just because there was a play I wanted to try.”

It is an orchid that does not hesitate to alter its character if it is to preserve itself, but it is a sweet man for the family.

It was not a big deal to punish, but to force a little abnormal play.

“Fine. I don’t hate this kind of thing, and if you’re dealing with Kirishima, you might be interested in this kind of thing, too. I can’t believe it.”

She looks like a strong bad gal, but she also has a cute side. He doesn’t even hate being laid down by a boy he likes.

Speaking of which, I was just talking to someone in the hallway.

“Oh, I need to talk to Ryuzaki and the others.”

Tilt your neck with a neat face. I don’t see why orchids voluntarily want to engage with male students.

Without answering the question of color, the orchid began caressing her body.

Brush your thighs, rub your hips, and kiss each other. While tied up, the colour stuck to the orchid’s lips in a fascination.

I’m shaking my limbs and shaking them even harder. When she breathed under her rounded armpit, she made a sweet, ticklish voice.

Crawl your tongue on a smooth arm and lick it up. Aren’t you excited by the obvious courtship behavior? The colors spontaneously said “ahn” and Octave shouted high.

“… chu, chumu, ahah. Don’t be so excited that you can’t move.”

“My face is red. It’s cute when it’s colored.”

“Oh, don’t look at me like that. It’s embarrassing.”

Say so in your mouth, but blush with joy.

The orchid kisses his kissing face many times. Neck, cheeks, ears – and lips. The orchid whispers in a low voice in a color that makes your face melt with pleasure.

“… let me tell you something more exciting about color.”

“Nh, fufu…. what are you talking about? I’m already in Kirishima. Just because you’re so cute, my pussy’s going to ache.”

He leans back and begs for sex.

Sweet bites of the red earlobes, and the orchid whispers a horrible thing.

“Actually, there are Ryuzaki and the others behind the wall.”

“… to…?

Words that fall far from the bounds of understanding don’t seem to keep up with the spin of your head.

The orchid keeps its mouth close to its ear because it’s not going to get caught in the smoke.

“Of course, there are boys outside of Ryuzaki…. they’re the only ones in the Ottawa Group.”

“Wait, Kirishima. Wait a minute.”

“There was a time when a woman came to the front of the room when she was wearing colors.”

Your colored ears are turning red.

“It was like I was asleep, and I was really excited…. and it seemed like my boyfriend was moaning and excited.”

“… no, wait a minute! That’s why, why!

“Because Aya asked me to, I went to raid the Sucubus Hall with my life at stake. I saved the Otako boys for the sake of color, so you can do this much, right?

The color was black-and-white with eyes.

Wake up, look down and smile.

She looked at it, and then suddenly her understanding suddenly approached her, her throat twitching and her screaming.

“Ki, yaaaaaa! Nooooooooo!!!

Tie your legs and stick them tight.

However, the restraint tied by the tentacles was not blurry, and the satin could not move while lying on his back.

“Ki, Kiki, Kirishima, Kirishima! You are, you are!”

Tighten your lips and stare at them with teasing eyes.

The excitement of a defective girl is a messy thing. But the orchid was not afraid, and pardoned with a slender smile.

“You enjoyed the colors. Friendly male friends (…) were moaning and getting excited, right?

“… well, that’s not true.”

“Besides, I saw the colors after them, so I wonder if they’re each other.”

To the white orchid, Aya immediately attempts to oppose it.

But there was someone who was upset before Aya.

“Ah, that’s force majeure! I lost my eye right away!… I’m not the only one who saw it.”

I get upset. The propagated sole is likened to a solid reality as a soft whisper.

You can’t get a clear picture of a secret story that’s caught between walls. Still, I knew the air in the hallway had changed.

Your joy rises with a thrill.

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the superiority of sleeping. The orchid embraces vigorously the colour that no longer resists.

Heated limbs are soft and warm. Breathe in your red ears and lick your neck. The colorful body bounced.


Colour that swallows your teeth and suppresses your voice. Even though you moaned a lot just now, the colors were enduring to cry out.

The orchid’s hand stretches to your breasts. Tickle your fingertips and caress your lower milk. Caress your hips with your other hand and bury your face in your rounded armpit.

The smell of intense sweat burns your emotions. The colorful body reacted with a twinkle.

Breathing deliberately deeply, the color screams out loud. The reaction was so cute that the orchid was obsessed with the smell of the colored armpit.

“… that smells so good under my armpit.”


When I heard my thoughts in a loud voice that would have been heard outside the room, the colors screamed with a bright red face.

I’m sure the boys outside imagine the smell of colored armpits. From now on, you must be delusional about the smell of the personal part of the color and how the sweat feels every time it is done near the color.

The colors twist your hips and mojimoji to the feeling of nowhere to go. Though I screamed, I don’t really seem to dislike it.

The colorful angry face seeps with a bit of emotion.

When I lifted up my undressed uniform, my colorful nobra tits came out.

Healthy upward boobs with slightly brown skin. Looks like you’re waiting for your nipples to be touched.

“–ufu, ahh”

When I touched him, the color shouted up.

I twist myself and try to keep my voice down. Looking down at that color, the orchid caresses the limbs of color.

Gently rub the soft flesh of color.

The exhalation of color is causing a fever. Because you are enduring your voice very hard, or you are turning around more often than usual.

“… nnh, fuuu. Ahfu… fuuu, ahhhh!

The sound of rubbing your clothes irritates you asexually. A colour that frowned and desperately endured the cry.

In the orchid, a slight mood of sadness rises. I put my mouth around my ear and chewed my red earlobes.

“Aya’s holding back her voice. I’m sure they’ll notice.”

“─ Hmm, nnhh!

When I picked my nipples, the colour shouted high in octave.

In an attempt to move the restrained limbs, Mozomozo twists his body. With such a hug on her, the orchid gradually lowers the area to be caressed.

Yawakoshi Lower Breast. Cute and fragile. Sweet curved waist. And…

“… fufufu”

“Aya-no-pussy × Ko, guchuchuchu nippling…..”

Stir up the dark barley fields and stretch your fingers to the dark spot. The stretched colorful legs let loose your strength.

The colorful look of the eyes was the look of a completely ecstatic female.

“… Kirishima”

Still, I try to endure only my voice.

“Don’t you want them to ask you?

“… I don’t want to, but…”

With his furious face, the color whispered with a mosquito-like voice that could not be heard outside.

“… because it’s embarrassing.”

“If you don’t want the colors, you can stop.”

Malignantly, I shook my head when the color sifted.



“Aren’t you ashamed?… even if someone else asks me about my sex.”

“Rather, colors are more exciting as men than cute voices.”

I’m going to let the men who are angry with an unproductive feeling hear a lot of the moans of the miss. The more Zokkon the opponent is, the more his emotions burst. A rather distorted sexual habit, but orchids are not the kind of man who cares.

Seeing such orchids, the colour rang “Nku”. Just as the stuffed stuff was released, a slight looseness sprinkled across the color.

With your ankles restrained, open your crotch and expose your precious parts. Staring at the orchid with a slimy face.

He smiled back at his weak eyes and the orchid hit his boobs. A sweet voice echoes from Aya’s throat.

A tall voice that makes you feel good. The colour seems to have completely abandoned the patience of his voice.

“… I’m fine.”

You shake your hips and seduce them. The orchid with its boobs all the way set a goal for another erogenous zone.

The most precious part of the woman is a round color with a buckle. The orchid buried his face on his sock, while displeasing his uncomplicated manners.

“–ahn! Kirishima, kirishima-fuhn. Kirishima, kirishima!”

Suck up the overflowing love juice and lick up the stinging part with your tongue.

When she applied her lips to sensitive areas, the colour shook her hips for a moment.

“… color. Me too.”

Drag the painfully hard sole out of your steamy pants.

The dark male smell drifted, and the colour rang his throat easily.

“Kirishima… uhh, ahh, ahhhhh! Oh, no. Suddenly, all of a sudden…!

Guguttoro’s pussy swallows the orchid pex.

Turn your back and scream with a tall voice. Octave’s high-colored voice, unlike the usual strong voice, is that of a completely torn female.

“Kirishima, ahn! Kirishima, I love you- I love you!

“… I like it, too. I love you so much about Aya.”

Cover yourself and embrace the colour of immobility. When I kissed her, I tangled my tongue.

Chupu, chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

It feels like you’re deliberately making a noise to a fierce manners all the time. Even though I don’t like it, I’m feeling really excited.

Nevertheless, Ayame is also a girl. A high school girl with a flower would not be able to say if her mouth was ripped apart, such as a boy in her class moaning and being greedy.

That is why the orchid draws on her intentions, and deliberately speaks loudly, saying,

“Come on, how does it feel to have a princess raped on your own across the wall! Hey, you can hear me, right?

The original orchid character did not resemble the original orange tone, but in this situation, it is quite memorable.

“A-ahh! Hey, don’t say princess! Ahhhh! That’s embarrassing…!

To the dishonorable title of Princess Others, whose face turned bright red and shouted.

Speaking of which, it is a strange relationship to think carefully that poor girls are surrounded by dark nerds.

I think it’s a distant existence, but what about it? I don’t know about orchids.

Are nerds and gals surprisingly affinity high?

“That’s good. Ayahime. Isn’t it cute?”

“… wow!? Oh, my God!

Did you relax a lot because you raised your voice?

The slightly restrained voice also turned into a completely melted sweet voice.

“Kiri… nnh, nnh, nnh! Shh, shh, ahh! Down to the back!

“Oh no… Today’s colors look even cuter…..”

Swing your hips wide and stick them out. I embraced the color with a passion so that I wouldn’t miss the rising lust.

The colors of the limbs, which are not free, are still being used at the orchid’s pace.

Point your tearful eyes at the orchid. Saliva was dripping from the weakened and half-opened mouth.

When I wiped it with my fingers, the colored tongue stretched to the orchid’s hand. Hot, sticky tongue. Crawl your tongue as you seek and catch orchids with a passionate eye.

“… color”

“─ Ha, ahhhhn!

When he pushed it up again, the colour raised his voice without a backlash.

The folds in the back of your vagina tangle and squeak.

A lewd hole that sucks into your squeeze. The flesh of color seeks the genes of orchids.

My instincts were high. He repeatedly kissed his moaning lips. Even the dripping saliva seems to be releasing lewd pheromones.

“Kirikyun. Poke it in the back! Seriously, ahn! Dexter. Seriously, this is really big….!

Colors that shake your hair and become like a beast can’t retreat the brown hair stuck to your mouth.

My cheeks were hot and cheeky when I removed the hair that hid my face.

“Seriously… If you cum inside like that, you’re going to have to cum…”

“Don’t you like the color of my baby?

When I made a sad face as much as I could and asked, the colors shook my neck to the left and right.

“That’s not true! That’s not true – fu, ahhhn! That was, uhh. Let’s just say… ah!

The color gazed at with wet eyes continued with a more rubby voice.

“If you’re a kid with Kirishima, I want as much as I want…! I want so much, so much!

Me too. –Aya ”

As soon as you reply to her, the semen bursts deep inside your vagina.

The thick semen that has been exhaled is swallowed into the colorful uterus without any excess.

“I love you, I love you… color”

“… uhh, fufufu!

Late overnight, the colors twitched and turned his body upside down.

The contracted vagina walls tighten as if they were squeezing away. With a distressing voice, the color stretched out the limbs while still being restrained, and eventually weakened.

“… fufufu, hehe. Kirishima’s semen… is filling your womb (stomach).”

The orchid gently embraced the color whispering happily from the bottom of his heart.

◇ ◇ ◇

“… ah, uuuu. Mikorinka. Mikorin’s voice is so cute…!

Kenjiro Odagawa, who was listening to the whole thing between the walls, shook his hips at the same time as the climax of color, and eventually made a carefree voice with a satisfied appearance.

Has your instinct as a male been shaken by the charming sweet voice of a stubborn, defective girl?

Or was it because you knew, without your knowledge, that Princess Wanting Circle had unilaterally seen the massive and crude genitalia of the complex?

Did you get excited when you slept with the princess in front of you? I’m not sure. Apparently, the Mita River was sitting in the hallway, causing an outburst of desire.

“Hey, are you serious? Midagawa!?

Hideichi Gigane, who noticed that her friend had ejaculated just next door, looked at the side of the Mita River with a half-expressed expression of surprise.

Should I laugh at you or leave you alone? I seem to be wondering which is the right response as a friend.

“… yes, that was a little fat.”

In the opposite neighborhood, Shinzo Kawasaki’s face shifted as if it were illuminated.

I never leaked my emotions like the Mita River, but it still seems to have stimulated my masculinity by the color reaction on the verge of reaching it.

“The honeymoon play of the ex-girlfriend with plenty of practice…. No, no, no! I can’t wake up when I’m still asleep…!

Ryuzaki was also in Ryuzaki and seemed to be conflicted by strange tokoro.

I don’t think Kai Goshiba has ever been the girlfriend of Ryuzaki Wings, but I can’t pursue this.

“Well, it certainly was a cute voice because it’s only normal….”

If you ask Octave if he didn’t feel anything sexy moaning in a loud voice, you can’t deny it.

However, Hideichi Gigane did not understand the excitement of a man in this situation, as the sole was known to hate sex with Kirishima Orchid.

They can take away the woman they like and show off the sole. It seems that being greedy with video letter play (although it was a live one this time) was too advanced for Hideichi Gigane.

◇ ◇ ◇

In his arms, the color was shaking with a pull.

Soon after climax, the color is a lewd, disturbed appearance, biting your lips.

“… I was asked. My voice, all of me… They asked me everything…!

All the Ototoks that could be carried over the wall were barrels.

It seems that it has worked in a bad direction to make a strangely good voice when you talk to me normally.

Regardless, I am satisfied with orchids. Once again, we were able to show them who was worthy of Princess of Others, and by forcing a little embarrassing behavior, we were able to punish Sakai.

Orchids are corrupt because of their sexual roots, but they don’t have a hobby of hurting and rejoicing their loved ones.

If Aya really hated it, she could stop at any time, but apparently she didn’t have to worry about it.

“Great, Aya.”

Speak to your hot ears and whisper love.

But the colors remain silent. Is it illuminated?

The orchid repeated further words in the colour of silence.

“It was really, really good…. let’s play like this again.”

“Absolutely not!!!

With his hands and feet tied, the color bounced like a fish.

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