Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 74

Vol 2 Chapter 66: Beauty bag

Everyone looked at her blankly, and saw that she walked to the place where the iron frame and the prop cart were intersected, waved the axe, and shouted.

“哐!” “Tear it ”

There was a loud noise, and the iron skeleton with a cross section of 30 by 30 cm made her cut in half with an axe.

She looked at the axe, she was okay, she nodded her head, the fire axe is still reliable.

Another axe came, and the iron frame let her chop neatly into two pieces, just like chopping wood. Because of the point she chose, it happened to be towered on a prop car. When there was a fulcrum, it didn’t. Affect the three people who were suppressed over there.

She walked to the side of the three of them and said to the pierced group performer: “Brother, hold the iron frame, hold it hard!”

The man nodded and hugged the iron frame. Grace dropped the fire axe, then grabbed the iron frame with both hands and slowly lifted it up.

The remaining iron frame is estimated to have three or four hundred gallons, but it was so light and like a bubble that she lifted it lightly, “You two can come out now, Percy! Don’t be stunned, come out quickly. !”

Percy hurriedly came out of the scaffolding iron frame. After the two of them came out, Grace asked someone to bring a soft cushion over and put it on the injured group performer, and then slowly put the iron frame down. After coming down, everyone understood what she meant, and hurriedly placed a wooden chair on the other side to support the iron frame.

“Okay, you can relax. I will try to remove this one separately.” Grace pointed to the angle railroad that was stuck in his thigh.

The man paled and nodded, closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth.

This is a 45-degree reinforced angle iron. It may be because the welding of this one is not well welded. When it falls down due to the deformation of the iron frame, the solder joints are broken. In his thigh.

There are many angle irons on the iron frame that are disconnected like this. It seems that this iron frame is a novice welding. She held the angle iron in one hand, and slowly pulled the iron frame with the other hand…


With a sound, the angle iron separated from the iron frame, and Grace let go of the angle iron, and then took the iron frame to the side and put it down.

“Hurry up and take him to the hospital!” At Williams’s orders, everyone hurriedly carried him outside. Someone drove over and then carefully carried the car and rushed to the hospital for treatment.

“Grace, thank you!” Williams hurriedly thanked her before leaving and drove to the hospital.

After they left, it took a long time for the remaining people to breathe a sigh of relief and thank Grace.

“Small things, I have a lot of strength, and now I am considered a colleague, so I should.”

Percy still hugged her in tears to express her gratitude. She was frightened just now. When the thing fell, she felt that she was dead this time. Unexpectedly, the two group actors would protect her and save her. . She usually joked with them a few words, but she didn’t expect them to save her with their bodies!

This incident gave her a great touch.

Because this matter was delayed for a few days, Percy personally took time to see the group perform three times. Fortunately, the person was sent for treatment in time. The doctor said that there was nothing serious, as long as he had a good rest, he would be able to recover in a few months. This gave everyone a sigh of relief.

The subsequent shooting progress did not affect the progress, but faster, but everyone was more careful. Grace became the superwoman in everyone’s mouth. Everyone didn’t call her the name, but directly called her Superwoman. When she was cooking, She has to be appointed to fight, saying that this meal is Superman’s meal, maybe after eating it can become Superman, Grace can’t laugh or cry.

In the end, the crew still ended nearly a week earlier than expected. On the first weekend after the end, Williams invited the Eddie family to his home for dinner, which was the beginning of a formal friendship-style relationship.

Knowing that both Eddie and his wife can speak five or six languages proficiently with the studio base, people from all over the world have barrier-free communication, he not only looked at Eddie’s family as ordinary screenwriters and even It was the chef who came to look at it.

The so-called good mentor and helpful friend, wise friend refers to people like Eddie and his wife.

They are talented, but they are also able to do ordinary business, just for a dream. Such people are worthy of admiration. He also believes that they will succeed sooner or later.

Besides, the husband and wife helped him a lot!

It was supposed to be the William’s family that was entertaining the Eddie’s house, but Mrs. William’s craftsmanship was obviously not good, so in the end Belloc did the cooking herself and made another table of good dishes. The two families ate and drank late before leaving.

Their air tickets are in the afternoon of the next day. Because Xiao Anni is about to start school, her parents or guardians need to be present to sign. Xiao Anni and Pepper are now living in Taoyuan Township. They have been living for a week, just to wait for them to return. The town handles transfers.

has become a citizen of Taoyuan town. After the initial shock, Pepper, who has lived for a week, has fully understood why the cousin’s family can’t speak, and why the family can speak ten languages.

Now Taoyuan Town has a rapid increase in the number of construction workers, and the number of languages has increased to 23. Pepper can be said to be a language expert at this time. In addition to Taoyuan Town, there are a few people in the world who can learn 20 Multiple languages? It’s already a genius to learn six or seven sects This is a nice town, coupled with the blessing of Taoyuan system, and there are many magical rewards, if it weren’t for the infrastructure construction everywhere in Taoyuan Town, she might live Come down.

But at the recent stage, unless necessary, almost all young people are driven out of town by Peach to make a living.

Pepper is only in his thirties, and he is still far from the qualifications of an elderly person, so he is also among the evicted crowd.

After they have completed the transfer procedures, they will leave Taoyuan Town. The transfer procedures are required by the noble school, and they are waiting for Eddie and his wife to return.

While waiting, Pepper naturally wanted to explore this Taoyuan system. In the historical data, after she saw that there was a beauty package for rejuvenating and even changing her appearance, she couldn’t move her legs!

How can I get this gift pack?

She waited patiently, looked at these past posts, and found that their tasks were strange and they weren’t a fixed task, which meant that they had no practical reference.

And the only thing they have in common is that they have made great contributions to Taoyuan Town.

This kind of task is issued by the system, she can’t do anything if she wants to take the initiative…

“Daddy Tao, all right, I need a beauty bag! Give me a beauty bag! Let me do anything! Give me a task…”

Other super brains or something, she only knows that they are good things, but the good thing is that there is no intuitive feeling, but there is a beauty package, because you can know from the name, this is a magical beauty effect, will it be worse?

There is also the Guyan Pack, which, from the text, just fixes the appearance.

Amazing place! Here comes the right place!

“ding “

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