Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 72

Vol 2 Chapter 64: Premium Braised Pork

The Eddie’s husband and wife are not tall things either. They are the braised pork, braised eggs, and braised sausages that Belloc usually cooks for Grace, plus a fish-flavored eggplant. The characteristics of these things are: fragrant, delicious, and economical. Food, can control the fullness.

In order to entertain Williams, Bellok also prepared a few side dishes, one of which is braised chicken feet, which is a perfect match with some beer.

If the sales of pancakes and fruits were not good, change it to the preparation materials of the barbecue stall. Bamboo skewers, cumin, paprika and other barbecue materials also came in handy. Grace went to the nearby supermarket to buy some fresh and beef The chicken wings still had charcoal, and when she came back, she found a few circles in front of the stall.

“Bellock, what’s the matter?” After finally squeezing in without hurting the crowd, Grace asked Bellock anxiously.

Bellok said dubiously: “It was all attracted by the fragrance, and Mr. Williams has also stopped production.”

“Okay, let’s get out of here, now it is Mr. Williams who has taken care of all the business of this car. The people in other studios will get out first? The people in Williams studio will stay and eat when the time is up. , Mr. Williams treats you today.”

There was cheering around   , and there was also a reluctant shout, but most of the crowd dispersed.

There are about 30 people in Williams’ crew. Belloc’s small dining car has some folding tables and chairs, but it can only be used by a dozen people when fully expanded. Fortunately, the crew ran into the studio for a while. Just moved out a bunch of tables and chairs, everyone was waiting to eat, Williams also came out after a while.

This morning, he was in poor condition. The actors, crew, including him were all in frequent condition. Just smelling the fragrance, these guys actually took leave and ran out, so he simply let it go.

He couldn’t hold back the fragrance, his stomach urged him desperately to get to the fragrance source to get something to eat, otherwise he would just set your posture.

He packed up his things and went outside the studio, and found that the crew were there. These guys actually smiled and greeted him, so that he finally discovered what he had overlooked in the recent period.

“Director, thank you for your lunch!” Many people said to him.

He went to the dining car and asked Bellock what was going on, and Bellock told him the truth.

“Eddie, thank you. I just realized it just now. Recently, my condition is actually very bad. I may need to take a good rest for a few days.”

“Yes, now the meal is almost the same, I’m ready, you can announce the meal, these things taste good, we usually eat every day at home, but the amount is enough!”

“Thank you Eddie, you helped me a lot. Also, that herbal tea is very useful. My teeth are swollen now. It really works, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Williams, you also helped me a lot.”

The cauldron that was constantly wafting fragrance finally ceased fire. Everyone’s eyes turned green. They have been tortured for almost half an hour. It’s like a year!

Belloc began to use disposable lunch boxes to fill them with food. Everyone could be divided into three pieces of three-layer braised pork, two braised eggs, some chopped sausages, and a pot of vegetables just fried by Belloc. Pour some marinade. The green vegetables were fried out of his hands, and the one was called Verdant, which made people appetite.

The scent drifted not far away, and those who were eating the box lunch looked at these happy people with gloomy eyes.

Everyone can’t wait to grab a disposable plastic fork and dry it immediately.

And Bellok set up a small table for Williams over there, beer, barbecue, marinade, and a few small seafood, which can be regarded as rich.

“It looks delicious, this is your kid? What is it called?”

“Jodie Eddie.”

“Hi, little Jody! Eddie, your little Jodi’s eyes are too bright! I think he might be a little genius in the future.” The old Ms are not happy to meet the gift set, otherwise it should be a gift or red envelope at this time Hand it over.

“Thank you, I hope so, Mr. Williams, do you have any children? How old?”

“There is one, he is 16 years old, and he is now in a period of rebellion.”

Bellok understood in an instant, and quickly changed the subject: “Come on, Williams, let’s eat while drinking, do you need some staple food?”

“No, no, such a delicious table, I don’t want the staple food to occupy my stomach, come on, teach me how to eat them, lest I be embarrassed.”

Then Eddie and his wife began to teach him how to use chopsticks, use bowls, serve bowls, pick vegetables, gnaw chicken feet, and grill rice.

Williams is also a person who is willing to try new things, and learning that is a joy.

“The Chinese restaurants I used to go to didn’t teach people this. I felt fooled.”

The two couples laughed, and after three rounds of drinking, they talked more and more.

“Eddie, you have to collect your book. When the time is right, if my status reaches that stage, I also hope you will invite me. Which director does not have a dream of a big production? There are also many people in the book, but I can turn the book to the end in one breath. At present, you are the only one. Your skill is very deep, but your book is born at an untimely time. UU reading should be in you. It is the most wonderful when you are successful, and everything will happen when you are successful, and it will definitely leave a strong mark on the history of film.”

“Thank you.” These words made Belloc feel like he has found a confidant.

“Eddie, what are your plans next?”

“I plan to make another notebook, the cost should be reduced a lot.”

“Remember to show me the book at that time. My film will be completed in August, which is about the middle of next month.”

“Thank you, I will.”

“Eddie, if you can do it, how about I give you all the dinner of the crew? The premise is that you have to clean up the hygiene. If something goes wrong, the people from the union will kill me. ”

“Okay!” Bellok himself also joined the screenwriters’ union. He knew the urination of the union’s gang.

Seeing Belloc’s promise, he quickly got up and ran to the crew to announce his decision, which caused a rapturous applause from the other side, and the momentary estrangement was mostly resolved.

Williams came back with a man with him, “Eddie, this is Occam Daller, my field affairs, Eddie, you will find him every day to get the money. Daller, this is Eddie, Bey Rock Eddie, you have tasted his craft.”

Bellok and him met each other and added a mobile phone number. In the next month or so, their contact will be more frequent.

The four of them sat down again, Bellok drank him a drink, ate and drank together, and chatted about the crew. It wasn’t until almost two o’clock when it was time for them to go to work. Williams said to Bellock when he left: For a table, I want to invite two of my leading actors to eat together. The place is in the small office in the shed. Oh, yes, and my herbal tea! I’m going to rely on it now!”

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