Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 51

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Annie’s weirdness

Vigie had a full meal, a Chinese meal she could not eat in a Chinese restaurant before.

In order to satisfy Grace’s appetite, Belloc marinated a large pot of braised pork and fish-flavored eggplant. These two dishes are usually made at home. Because Grace loves to eat, he is already proficient. The key is that these two dishes are very good. The soup is topped with the rice, and it is fragrant and smooth. These two dishes are almost the two dishes that are necessary every day in the homes of all genetically modified townspeople in the town.

As for the other fancy dishes, they were all for coaxing Vigie, and they also relieved their greed by the way.

Served with some greens, cold salad, and after-dinner melons and fruits, Vigie’s stomach was so round when he ate, lying on the sofa immobile.

“Grace, after eating so much, it will take me a long time to lose weight!” Vigie was sad.

“You don’t need to eat it.” Grace said with her teeth.

Comparing the two, Grace looked like an aunt, while Vigie, who was three years older than her, looked like a girl.

Women who have children are different.

“Bellok, your cooking is super delicious, but why hasn’t Grace’s body changed?”

“Grace eats a lot, but digests quickly because he has a lot of strength.”

“Grace, did you have any genetic mutation?”

The Eddie family glanced at each other, and Grace sneered, “Maybe.”

“Grace, don’t you eat anything now without getting fat?”


“Wow , so envious.”

“I have told you several times that I have invited you to move to Taoyuan Town, and you have been **** away…”

“No! What’s good in the countryside? There are few people, underdeveloped commerce, poor communications, and few job opportunities. Perhaps the only thing left is a good environment.”

The Eddie family glanced at each other, and Bellok said, “Vigi, Taoyuan Town is different. Only direct family members or couples who are related by blood can move in when they are invited. Other people, unless they are from government departments, You can’t move in yet. Now you are an immediate family member of Grace. You can move here at the invitation of Grace or Annie.”

“What the **** is this place, what the **** is this policy? How to develop the economy like this? Let me say, you should move out of that place as soon as possible! I can help you find a job.”

Bellok smiled, but Grace was anxious, “Viggy, you don’t understand, Taoyuan Town is very good! It’s just me…just me…”

Grace wanted to express something, but there was a power that prevented her from saying it.

The residents of Taoyuan Town cannot tell others the secrets of Taoyuan Town directly!

They can show it, but they can’t say where it came from.

When Natalie first arrived in Taoyuan Town, it was because of someone…well, god, alright, it just wanted her to say it.

“Grace, I know now that you have a family and children, it is not easy to move out, but do you want to live in a small town for a lifetime? There are better job opportunities in big cities and you can earn more Money, isn’t it good that you can use money to travel?”

“Viggy, no, you don’t understand,…sigh…” Grace frowned.

Viggy thought Belloc was unwilling, so he didn’t persuade him.

Annie just smiled and looked at her aunt with weird eyes.

After tidying up the dishes, the family sat in front of the sofa watching TV and chatting.

“Annie, there is a computer in my aunt’s room, do you want to use it?”

“Yes!” Annie jumped up happily. She has a computer at home, but it’s her father’s laptop. Her father never let her move because there are so many documents on it. If you lose it, the consequences will be serious.

Vigie took Anne to his room, turned on the computer, and instructed her how to operate the computer. He explained some important files in the computer that could not be deleted. Then he returned to the living room and continued to chat with Eddie and his wife. They were separated for several years. The two sisters could not finish talking. The Eddie and his wife talked to her until about 10 o’clock, and then they left Annie’s small bag, bid farewell to Vigie and went to their hotel.

“Annie, what are you looking at?”

“Auntie, I’m looking at some information.”

“What information are you looking at?”

“This is an article on the in-depth analysis of the periodic table of elements.”

“Hey, this is not English. What language is this article?”

“This is written by a German expert. I have read an article written by him before, but it is in abbreviated version. I was in the library in our town and could not see a more detailed explanation. You can find it on the Internet.”

“Annie, can you read German?”

“Understand, it’s not difficult.”

“Oh my god, you’re only 13 years old, do you have another foreign language now?”

“More than that, I have mastered ten languages now.”

“Speaking of a big deal, then tell me what is written in this article.”

Annie started pointing to the screen, explaining the content of this article word by word for her. After it was over, Virginia looked at Annie with disbelief, because she couldn’t understand the words on it, listen. What she said was really serious, and she didn’t know if Annie’s translation was correct.

“Annie, our company has many translators. How about tomorrow I will take you to my company for fun?”

“It’s not fun!”

“Our company has an exhibition hall with many high-tech things. Would you like to see it?”

“No! Why not go shopping, I want to buy some beautiful clothes.”

Vigie was speechless, as if she saw her young self, “Well, tomorrow my aunt will take you to the store first and buy you some beautiful clothes!”

Just tomorrow weekend, in order to let Annie see the bustling metropolis, Vigie decided to take Annie on a shopping spree tomorrow.

Annie smiled happily, “Aunt Vige, you are so kind! Mom only bought one for me in a quarter. I have to walk carefully for fear of staining my clothes.”

“Is Grace a stepmother? What about dad?”

“Dad’s income is all under the control of mom…”

“Oh my God! How could Grace be like this? Wouldn’t Dad quarrel with her?”

Annie shook her head and raised her forehead: “I can’t beat my mother…”

Viggy doesn’t know what to say Because Grace is her sister, she is happy if she is not bullied by a man.

Unexpectedly, the Eddie’s house is the home of feminism, and Belloc lives in dire straits, haha, oh no, can’t laugh!

“Auntie Vigie, can you lend me your cell phone?”

Viggy was taken aback, and said, “Annie, do you want to call your male classmate?”

“Any problem? Aunt Vige.”

“Annie, you are still young, don’t fall in love so early.”

“Aunt Vige, I don’t have a boyfriend yet…”

“Without a boyfriend, what are you doing with your phone?”

“I just called my classmates to ask them something.”

Viggy gave the phone to Annie in doubt.

Annie quickly dialed a number with her mobile phone. After the call was connected, he said, “Eugene, this is my aunt’s mobile phone. Well, it’s me. I used her mobile phone to call you. Have you seen the news? Is it?…Uncle Cervans is in danger, can you organize the people in the town to support them? Their position is about one-third between the news incident and our town, um…that I’m hanging up.”

Annie’s words were very brief, she was speaking Chinese again, and she hung up after speaking.

After listening to her, Vigie felt a little inexplicable. What language was it? Taoyuan?

“Annie, you were just…”

“Aunt Vige, you heard it too. This is another language, Chinese. This is a common language in our town. Just now I told a senior that the other senior is in trouble, so let’s go and help. Don’t tell mom when you fall in love.”

Of course Vigie didn’t believe it. If that’s the case, why don’t you use English? Do you only speak one language when you bully me?

Looking at Annie’s smiling face, she was even more sure of her guess!

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