Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 722

Chapter 722 2 High Level Monsters

After arriving at the Nanfang Timber Base, Ye Qiong and Dian Dian had a lunch together. The wood in the surrounding area on the Nanfang Timber Base was almost cut down.

Ye Qiong had actually already thought of which tribe it was. The distance was about 150 kilometers away from the mountain base, and it was right near the tribe that Ye Qiong flew over last time on a thunderbolt.

After leaving the southern timber base, Ye Qiong rode back to the central tribe at the fastest speed.

Arriving in front of the soldiers who were guarding the periphery, Ye Qiong briefly understood the situation.

Frontline Soldiers!

For high-level beasts with a body size of more than three meters, the weight is also calculated by tons. If you kill one, the warriors in the tribe can eat for a long time.

Now the troops of the central tribe are already very strong.

Now Ye Qiong is leading the warriors of the Ye Qiong tribe!

And the 50 female soldiers in charge of logistics.

On the central tribe’s side, Ye Tianlong had already mobilized the tribe’s large troops and was ready to travel far.

On the central tribe’s side, Yaoyao and Rourou have grown a lot, and they can follow Ran Ran to hunt around the central tribe.

Ye Qiong would take Yang Ergan and them to form a vanguard of 200 people and rush to the rock pile base at the fastest speed.

After rushing over a high slope, I immediately saw the small team that the soldiers said.

So this time, the troops were divided into two waves.

Demons below the low level are relatively common in the wild in spring and summer, but monsters above the high level, including the guard level, are relatively rare.

Last year, it was the big tribe who took pots and pans and various rafts and ran over slowly. It took about a week just on the road.

Ye Qiong didn’t want them to suffer any casualties. The population was precious and could not be wasted.

Judging from the current overall strength of this team, if you encounter a maddened crowd of hundreds of people, you can face it!

A team of fifty people, hunting down two high-level monsters, is generally not a big problem, but if there are no powerful warriors who can sit in the town, there may still be casualties.

Duan’s speed was extremely fast, and after rushing to the half, the soldiers on the opposite side were obviously a little flustered.

And blew a warning whistle, the low-level kind, indicating that people from other tribes were found around.

After all, a guard-level Warcraft, after being hunted and cut into jerky, is enough for a small tribe to spend many days in winter.

The next time is to prepare to travel immediately.

At this point in time, it is still relatively obvious, and in a week or so, it is estimated that it will not be able to distinguish.

The number of people is really small. It looks like there are more than fifty people hunting two high-level magical beasts. It is about three kilometers away from where Ye Qiong and the others are now.

Early the next morning, the large troop began to gather. The team of nearly 600 people, together with the Snow Region Demon Wolf, had already reached a large scale.

And the team led by Ye Tianling walked towards Ximen, only half of the snow wolves, so the remaining half of the soldiers had to walk, and they had to pass from the canyon base.

Seeing that the other party came alone and did not bring an entourage, the middle-aged soldier in charge of the command here was thinking on the bright side.

After seeing this scene, Ye Qiong called the person in charge of the Southern Timber Base, and asked the soldiers to cut wood in different areas as much as possible. In summer, they could go to a deeper area within the dense forest. .

There are more than 500 fighters that can be drawn from this expedition, including more than 300 first-line fighters and more than 200 second-line fighters.

He guessed right, Ye Qiong suddenly took down the bone crystal longbow from behind after entering their encirclement a hundred meters away…

If two powerful tribes discover a guard-level beast at the same time in the wild, there is a possibility of conflict.

To the southeast, the warriors saw a small team of human tribes and ran back.

Ye Qiong’s purpose is actually very simple. He just wants to do a favor. Judging from their current appearance, Ye Qiong knows that hunting these two high-level monsters is risky. If something goes wrong, it won’t be long before you become a warrior of your own tribe.

The soldiers also hunted down a few monsters wandering around.

When Duan Deng returned a larger low-level monster, the low-level monster in front had already been cleaned up by the soldiers, and it was already steaming in the cauldron.

Seeing the somewhat lame formation of the fighters on the opposite side, Ye Qiong patted his dumb head and rushed up, leaving the fighters in place at the same time.

After passing through the Gaoshan base, it seems that there is still a way, but the ground is covered with green grass, which is the trace left from the past when I went to pick up the children at the rock pile base last time.

After reaching the Gaoshan base, Ye Qiong did not let the soldiers stop, and continued to move forward.

Seeing that Dian Dian still wanted to run out and continue catching the monsters, Ye Qiong waved his hand to stop it, and he had to go after dinner.

After putting down the low-level demon beast, Duan still had no idea what to do, and immediately turned around and ran out again…

The scale of nearly 600 people, coupled with the overall strength of the Ye Qiong tribal warriors, has improved a lot after they were equipped with the weapons, armor and longbow that were brought over from the waterfall cave.

This summer, the planned long trip is still twice.

In fact, the preparations for the long trip had already been done, and they were waiting for Ye Qiong to return.

To know……

Try to coordinate as much as possible, otherwise, the southern timber base will have a feeling of being isolated, and it will be no different from ordinary bases.

What tribes were around, and how large they were, Ye Qiong already had a bottom line in his heart.

After the beginning of spring, there is no threat of beast tides and mad crowds. As long as human tribes do not fight among themselves, there will be relatively few conflicts in normal times.

With the passage of time, either the base must be moved to the dense forest as a whole, or more manpower and material resources must be consumed when transporting wood.

The team of nearly 600 people can completely compete with the troops of the scale of thousands of other tribes.

The food they carry with them is emergency, so the warriors need to hunt monsters to make food after they leave the tribe. Now there are many small beasts on the ground, and there is no shortage of food.

In the small tribe, the meat of monsters is eaten by the soldiers, and the main food of ordinary clansmen is those dried small beasts.

Although the hardness is similar to the surrounding ground, the wolf claw marks that can be seen are the road, but it can guide Ye Qiong and the soldiers in the direction of progress, just follow it directly.

Speeding all the way, the distance of 30 kilometers is less than half an hour for the snow wolf.

After arriving at the rock pile base, Ye Qiong will come back first with Duan after completing the basic defense. The matter of the golden eagle in the wind at the waterfall base is more important, and the Ye Qiong tribe marches far away. The current scale is enough to protect itself.

This time, it was a little different from last year.

But they are not stupid. They saw that there are humans on the back of this guard beast. If they are rushing over by themselves now, they will probably run away.

When they flew past their tribe, they scared a lot of children, and it was a compensation!

Compared with the rafts and carriages on the ground, the advantages of water transportation are obvious. After the expansion and reinforcement of the two large ships, they are now very large. The upper and lower floors can carry a lot of cargo. supplies and food.

And now, while I was nervous in my heart, I was thinking about the purpose of the other party’s riding on the guardian beast.

Just as Ye Qiong and the soldiers were having lunch, a few soldiers who were in charge of vigilance at the periphery came running over on the snow wolf.

There are more than a dozen poor warriors inside. Such a team, not to mention the small tribal team that hunts outside, the tribe of thousands of people, can pass through.

So after hearing this kind of warning whistle, Ye Qiong didn’t let the soldiers enter the fighting state, mainly because it was unnecessary, just continue to eat.

Three hours later, the Snow Region Demonic Wolf was tired from running, and the soldiers also needed to rest.

High-level magical beasts are quite precious to small tribes, and within a month, few of them are encountered.

In the summer when the canyon has a channel, all the soldiers need to do is pull the boat to the rubble base.

This time is rather wasted.

It also happened to be an empty boat when it was pulled over, which was lighter, and when it came back, it was fully loaded with supplies and food, and no manpower was needed to pull it.

After the hundreds of snow demon wolves stepped on it, the vegetation on the ground grew a little slower than the surrounding area.

The goal is the mountain base, and I will pass by. .

So after finding a suitable place, Ye Qiong asked the soldiers to stop and set up a few cauldrons.

As for Ye Qiong, within a hundred miles, there is no human tribe that can threaten him. Even if Ye Tianling and the soldiers are not there, just himself and Dian Dian, Ye Qiong is not afraid of those small human teams who are hunting in the wild. .

Dakui is still on the side of the cave defense line, it can’t walk away, but it doesn’t delay Dakui’s hunting there. Now Dakui can catch a lot of monsters every day, and temporarily store them on the side of the coal mine base.

Ye Qiong rode dumbly, and immediately took more than two hundred pioneer tribes, carrying the most basic materials and food, and rushed out of the gate of the northern stone city wall.

As for Guoguo, Ye Qiong is going to take it to the Rocky Pile Base this time, and together with Dian Dian, hunt and kill the Lie Lin Weasel at the Rocky Pile Base.

Ye Qiong found a big boulder and climbed it directly. Duan also ran for more than three hours, but the speed of the demon wolf in the snow is a warm-up for Duan. After Ye Qiong jumped off Dian Dian’s back, he didn’t give Dian Dian any task. The guy ran out on his own. After about ten minutes, he came back with a low-level monster in his mouth.

The reason for going to the Alpine base is that there is already a road between the Alpine base and the central tribe, and the speed of the snow wolf running on it will be faster.

With Ye Qiong and staying at it, the construction of fortifications at the Rock Pile Base can begin immediately, as well as the gathering of materials and the hunting of monsters in the surrounding area.

The field of vision has broadened a lot, but in the long run, it does not seem to be a good thing.

For tribes with plenty of food, the snow wolf will not starve, but for most small tribes, the snow wolf will lose a lot of weight after winter.

After Ye Qiong let the soldiers continue to eat, he called Dawn over, and brought a few poor soldiers to greet him.

So at this position, you can probably judge how many people you can deal with.

The warriors gathered on the west side of the central tribe. This time, Ye Qiong would follow along, but Ye Qiong would return during this time, and Ye Tianling was the main leader.

So there was no hesitation, and he shot directly, but it surprised the other party.

The soldiers immediately put down the meat in their hands and picked up the weapons, but Ye Qiong looked at the soldiers who came over, so that the soldiers don’t need to panic and continue to eat first.

Looking at those human warriors who cooperated closely, they were planning to surround the two high-level monsters for strangulation. The two high-level monsters had already inserted some arrows, but they were not very deep, and they belonged to the skin trauma. kind.

From their point of view, 80% felt that Ye Qiong and the others were here to take part.

Leaving aside Ye Qiong’s own strength, how to say Duodao now has the strength of a king, and the average human team is not enough for Duan to be active.

This thing not only supports the rations of various Warcraft in summer, but also the main source of food for human tribes, which is a bit like dry meat.

As for coming back, it can be floated back directly, and the water flow will provide enough power.

Ye Qiong rode on Dawn’s back. He didn’t mean to let the soldiers pass by. He just watched from a distance. The other party didn’t dare to step forward because of Dawn’s existence. The meaning of Warcraft is still maintaining the formation of hunting.

To pull the two large ships, and some other things, such as the giant crossbow…

Ye Qiong took more than 200 cavalry warriors and galloped all the way to the north. The tribe’s snow wolves, after being reared for a winter, are now very strong and strong, and they follow their tribe. The snow wolf of the central tribe has also grown a lot in size.

The rest of the team, let Ye Tianling lead slowly forward, mainly to bring the vehicle and some necessary living materials to the rock pile base, and the two ships!

Those warriors in the distance were a little panicked when they saw the long-tailed bear galloping over. After all, their strength was not enough to compete with the guard-level Warcraft. From the perspective of body size, it was still a Guardian-level monster.

So now if you look at it from a high altitude, the surroundings of the southern timber base are already a little empty.

If it was the same force, if Ye Qiong had recruited fifty soldiers, the two high-level beasts would have fallen long ago.

After a few cauldrons cooked the meat, the warriors began to eat, and the internal organs of the few demon beasts and some small beasts were handed over to the Snow Region Demon Wolf for processing.

When Ye Qiong looked at them, the other party also noticed those figures on the high slope.

Therefore, it is more suitable for the overall situation of the Ye Qiong tribe to let the timber base develop steadily and not to cut down all the surrounding trees.

Riding dumbly, Ye Qiong led the soldiers to meet him.

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