Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 85

Shu Hanyu didn’t blame Guoguo, but the matter this time made him sink into deep thought.

He couldn’t always be by the little female’s side protecting him. It was very easy for Xiao Ye to encounter danger when going out to play. Fragile lives like females should grow up in a tribe to be safe. Beastmen took turns patrolling in tribe territories. Like this, Xiao Ye wouldn’t get in danger even if he went out to play alone.

Moreover, Xiao Ye also had to find a mate after growing up. He couldn’t be like males and snatch one up, so Xiao Ye should live in a tribe.

But, if they rely on a tribe, Tiantian would have even more males to choose from. Would he continue accompanying him like now? Shu Hanyu’s brows were tightly knitted and his heart was in a struggle.

Xiao Shu Ye finally stopped pooping and soon fell asleep in exhaustion. Shu Jintian covered Shu Ye up with the blanket. Seeing Shu Hanyu seem like he had many worries, he was a little puzzled.

“What’s wrong? The children are fine now, don’t worry.”

“Mn!” Shu Hanyu faintly replied. “It’s late already; you sleep ba!” Shu Hanyu held Shu Jintian and laid down.

Shu Jintian was suspicious, a hand braced against Shu Hanyu to gain some distance and he asked, “Hanyu, are you hiding something from me?”

Shu Hanyu’s expression was inscrutable and he gazed straight at Shu Jintian. Struggle flickered in the depths of his eyes.

Shu Jintian couldn’t help feeling anxious, tugging at Shu Hanyu’s arm and asking, “What in the world is wrong? What happened?”

Shu Hanyu looked into Shu Jintian’s eyes and earnestly asked, “If there are other males who like you, will you always be with me?”

Shu Jintian’s heart trembled and he pulled Shu Hanyu’s arm and nervously asked, “Are there other beastmen here again?”

Shu Jintian unconsciously looked at the sleeping Shu Ye, his heart seizing.

“Don’t think too much Tiantian, it’s not like that.” Shu Hanyu hastily hugged Shu Jintian, his face pressed against Shu Jintian’s forehead and gently rubbing against it.

“Then…?” Shu Jintian lifted his head to look at Shu Hanyu.

Shu Hanyu let out a long breath and said, “I want to join a beastman【tribe】. That place is more suitable for Xiao Ye to grow up, but there are many single males there.”

As he spoke, Shu Hanyu buried his head in the crook of Shu Jintian’s neck.

Shu Hanyu’s face was confused and he looked at Shu Jintian with a tilted head.

Shu Jintian explained, “Are there many people there? They live in tall houses and live very nearby. They can also use many different appliances.”

Shu Hanyu understood. Seeing Shu Jintian this eager, his heart tightened and he deeply said, “Yes, but there are no tall houses. Generally they live in caves like ours. I don’t want to go now. Sleep ba, Tiantian.”

“There really are? That’s great! I want to go! I want to go!” Shu Jintian shot up, pulling at Shu Hanyu. He simply wanted to set out right now.

Shu Hanyu panicked and forcefully pressed Shu Jintian down, a deep darkness filling his eyes.

Shu Hanyu said coldly, “You want to leave?”

“Huh?” Shu Jintian was stunned by Shu Hanyu’s sudden change. Thinking of the big snake’s character, Shu Jintian trembled and promptly explained, “No, Hanyu, I just want to take a look. I’ll still be with you. We’ll be going together, right?”

“You won’t leave me?”

Hearing Shu Hanyu’s question, Shu Jintian suddenly couldn’t quite control his sadness and seamlessly lowered his head, concealing the emotions on his face as he quietly said, “Mn!”

How could he leave big snake? He already loved him so much, so how could he leave him? But when thinking of how the big snake obtained him, Shu Jintian felt a little upset.

Shu Hanyu pressed his head against Shu Jintian’s, rubbing against him in a clingy manner.

“Then we can go ba. I just want to take a look and experience it, I won’t leave you. Moreover, I can’t possibly like other people, so let me go ba!” Shu Jintian leaned against Shu Hanyu’s chest and quietly spoke.

Shu Hanyu did not speak; Shu Jintian was persistent.

“Let’s go ba~ Hanyu~~ The children can’t possibly live in this environment isolated from the rest of the world forever ah, we’ll still have to allow them to see the outside world. Hanyu~” Shu Jintian even had a slightly coquettish tone. He felt his goosebump rise from hearing himself.

But the big snake appeared to have a very twisted taste and liked this play of his very much. Sure enough, Shu Hanyu softened slightly and hesitantly said, “Really? Even if there are many good males there? You won’t leave me?”

Shu Jintian’s eyes brightened and he hastily said, “Of course! Even if you disregard what relationship we have, we even have two children ah. Other beastmen are just feathers to me- no, feathers can still be used, they aren’t even considered feathers. Let’s go ba~~”

Shu Hanyu’s lips rose and he grasped Shu Jintian’s hand while saying, “Alright, then let’s move to the tribe.”

As long as he watched a little closer, Tiantian definitely won’t run off. Shu Hanyu caressed Shu Jintian’s head with an unshakeable deep affection in his eyes.

Yes! Shu Jintian secretly pumped his fist in his heart and excitedly raised his head. But when meeting Shu Hanyu’s deeply affectionate eyes, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

His body made a decision before his mind moved. Shu Jintian suddenly pressed against Shu Hanyu’s lips, sucking the bottom lip and nibbling.

After a moment of surprise, Shu Hanyu obediently parted his lips, extending his forked tongue to coil around Shu Jintian’s tongue.

Shu Jintian crazily kissed Shu Hanyu, the ecstasy in his heart released this way. Not long after, the two’s breathing grew heavier. Shu Jintian released Shu Hanyu, whose lips were already slightly swollen. The usual faint pink lips had also turned bright-coloured and glistening.

The purple night pearl was covered by the clothes Shu Jintian had taken off, and the bed instantly darkened.

Shu Jintian pushed Shu Hanyu down and smoothly pressed him down, saying with soft gasps, “This time I’ll take the initiative, you just lie down and enjoy it.”

Shu Hanyu raised his brows, looking at Shu Jintian with a smile in his eyes, then stretched his body with great fanfare, acting like he was allowing him to have his fill.


Shu Jintian leaned against Shu Hanyu’s chest and licked his fingers wet before reaching back to loosen his entrance. After a while, he felt that it wasn’t slick enough, but by now his fingers were already dirty so he didn’t want to lick it again.

The back of his hand brushed against Shu Hanyu’s dick; that part had already let out a lot of warm fluids. Shu Jintian supported Shu Hanyu’s member with a hand and rubbed it against his entrance, wetting it before continuing to open it up.

Shu Hanyu’s breathing abruptly stopped as the desire in his eyes gradually grew stronger. He couldn’t help raising his hips and rubbing against it, but Shu Jintian pressed down his middle almost immediately.

“Don’t move Hanyu, it’s almost done.” Shu Jintian took out his fingers, a hand holding Shu Hanyu’s member and slowly grinded it against his entrance, stretching apart the final trace of obstruction.

Shu Hanyu’s body immediately stiffened, a barely restrained moan spilling out of his mouth.

The huge and imposing thing in Shu Jintian’s hand became even stiffer, pulsating and throbbing in Shu Jintian’s palm and making him blush.

Even more fluids emerged from the tip and completely soaked Shu Jintian’s hand. When Shu Jintian moved, his lower body produced a clear squelch.

With a heated face, Shu Jintian controlled his strength and slowly sat down, his moist entrance easily parting for the throbbing penis.

Shu Hanyu couldn’t help letting out a low groan, his hands grabbing Shu Jintian’s waist as he thrusted upwards.

“Ah~~” Shu Jintian trembled, the pleasure from a certain place in his guts sweeping over and spreading all over his body and bones as if blotting out the sky and earth. The intense pleasure made Shu Jintian unable to stop his toes from curling up.

Shu Jintian pulled apart Shu Hanyu’s hands and pressed them on either side of Shu Hanyu’s body.

“I said I’ll do it. Don’t move.” While speaking, Shu Jintian repeatedly bounced his hips. The place they were connected created squelching sounds. Shu Jintian felt his ears buzz from the noise but seemed calm on the surface, his movements regular and methodical.

“Okay!” Shu Hanyu’s voice was deep and he raised his head with forced restraint, sticking up his somewhat pointed chin and stretching his long neck. His fragile throat was exposed and rolling slightly.

Shu Jintian couldn’t help staring blankly and being subject to the enticement. He couldn’t help leaning over, licking and biting Shu Hanyu’s jaw as he hoarsely said, “You’re really handsome.”

After speaking, Shu Jintian felt the member in him swell in size, and the heat was even more scalding. Shu Jintian contentedly quickened the pace, forcefully rocking his waist. His hands were also pressed against Shu Hanyu’s, not allowing him to move about.

Xiao Shu Ye slept very peacefully but was suddenly kicked, and his tiny body took a tumble.

Shu Ye looked at his fathers sleepily and then was stunned, his mouth opening with a smack. There was even a sparkling and translucent fluid stuck at the corner of his lip.

Female father is so fierce, he’s unexpectedly beating male father!

For a peaceful sleep, Xiao Shu Ye stumbled out of the bed and fell down close to the side of the bed. Not long after, a small crack appeared in the tightly closed bed curtains. A fair little hand extended in, groping about for a while, then pulled on a white comforter and dragged it out.

Xiao Shu Ye hugged his comforter and let out a huge yawn, then rolled up in the comforter and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The two in ‘fierce battle’ did not notice the departure of their children and were unrelentingly moving rhythmically.

But as time passed, Shu Jintian’s speed and strength both grew weaker. Shu Hanyu patiently grasped Shu Jintian’s hand; it was clear that Shu Jintian’s activeness wasn’t able to satisfy him.

“Hah~ Hah~ You do it~~” Shu Jintian panted like a dog, weakly falling onto Shu Hanyu’s body.

The disparity in physical strength was truly sorrowful. He already came four times yet Shu Hanyu only came once, and this was him deliberately doing so. The outrageous endurance simply made Shu Jintian envious and jealous; wanting to make Shu Hanyu come again wouldn’t be so easy.

Hearing this, Shu Hanyu could no longer restrain himself. He suddenly hugged Shu Jintian’s waist and rolled to the side, flipping over and pressing him down.

Shu Hanyu clearly broke from holding back, and his following thrusts were like a raging rainstorm. The smacking sound of ‘papapa’ constantly rang out, and pounded Shu Jintian’s butt into aching as he moaned and cried repeatedly. His member that found it really hard to shoot anything out also stood up falteringly…

The night was still long, and Shu Jintian still needed to pay the price of an entire night for courting his death.

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