Beast Studio

Chapter 889 - Whale burst

Liu Wei: “Not all whales will sink to the bottom of the sea and form a whale fall after they die. Some will be pushed to the shore by the sea and stranded and die, and some whales will voluntarily jump ashore and commit suicide!”


“Am I wrong? Whales will commit suicide!”

“The first time I heard!”

“Whales sometimes can’t think about it!”


The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

I am very curious about the term “suicide” of whales.

Liu Wei originally thought that many viewers should have understood this situation. After all, there have been many reports of whale suicide in the world, and it can even be said that it is about to become a common phenomenon.

The suicidal behavior of whales is not only in individuals, but also in mass suicides.

Liu Wei recounted: “Regarding whale suicide, marine biologists have put forward many hypotheses, such as topography, aberrations, guidance, ancestry, etiology, feeding theory, etc.

The basis for these conclusions comes from the study of the body structure and living habits of whales.

And the objective cause of whale suicide I want to mention is ocean pollution.

From the beginning of the century to the present, whale suicides have been found in the low coastal areas of many coastal countries, including our country.

Scientists discovered the same phenomenon when dissecting the whale carcass. The whale carcass was filled with indigestible plastic waste.

Once on the southwest coast of Norway, someone witnessed a whale suicide case, a sperm whale weighing 20 tons.

It repeatedly slapped on the shallows and looked very uncomfortable. It seemed that only a stranded death could end its pain.

Later, scientists dissected the sperm whale and found that its stomach was filled with more than 30 plastic pockets. These plastic pockets could not be digested, and the penetration of chemical ingredients made the sperm whale’s stomach seriously infected.

Can’t vomit, can’t eat, very uncomfortable, you can imagine this feeling! “

“It’s so uncomfortable! Life is better than death!”

“Want to cry!”

“Hey! I don’t know what to say!”

“Can I say sorry for humans?”

“To be honest, in fact, there is no survival conflict between marine life and us!”

All kinds of barrages of indignation and guilt in the live broadcast came up.

Liu Wei’s feelings are consistent with those of the audience, “I hope there will be fewer and fewer news like this!”

I adjusted my emotions and swam to the position of the whale’s abdomen. There are still a few fish and crabs eating the remaining soft tissues, but the internal organs have been hollowed out.

Liu Wei filmed and said: “I just mentioned the fact that Japanese stupid scientists made whale falls artificially. This is a huge systematic scientific experiment.

Generally speaking, whale carcasses that died stranded are used for scientific research or specimen preparation.

The handling of whale carcasses needs to be very careful, because it is very likely to cause a whale explosion! “

It’s another word that the audience hasn’t heard of.

The question mark barrage immediately covered the live broadcast.

Liu Wei explained: “As the name suggests, a whale explosion means that the body of a whale may explode.

After the whale dies, the internal organs and tissues will decay, and the bacteria will spread. After the protein in the body is decomposed, methane, ammonia, hydride and other gases will be produced.

These gases cause the whale’s carcass to expand rapidly, and it may explode at any time.

If the operator doesn’t handle it properly, he can directly dissect the whale’s corpse with a knife. When the knife makes an opening on the whale’s corpse, the gas in the body will be discharged at one time, and the organs that have not been corrupted will also explode. “

“Huh~, there is a picture!”

“Fuck, the movie scene is here!”

“It’s disgusting!”

“The internal organs are flying!”

“Stop talking, I’m eating!”


Liu Wei: “The gas discharged from the corpse is very toxic. It will harm the human body and many living things, and may even poison people to death.

Of course, people who are sensitive to breathing may also be killed by the smell of the explosion.

So if you want to make a whole whale carcass into a complete specimen, you will generally bury it in the ground for a few years first, and wait until the gas in the body dissipates before proceeding to the next process.

In 2004, there was a whale explosion in Wanwan. It was a sperm whale weighing 50 tons. The experts at Wanwan wanted to make it into a whale specimen directly, and called to a trailer to drag the carcass back to the city. When the center was in the center, the whale body suddenly exploded, and the entire city center was enveloped in blood mist. Many people were admitted to the hospital because of this. The smell after the explosion lasted for several months before it dissipated! “

“Puff ~ smile!”

“The experts at Wanwan are so cute!”

“Hahaha, I hate it! Do you know people are most afraid of smelling! Humph~”

“Laugh and cry, the talents upstairs are exactly the same!”

Liu Wei couldn’t help but smile as he watched these actors in the live broadcast.

He turned on the system ventilator and adjusted his breathing.

At the location where he is now, he can hardly receive the sun, and the water around him is very stable. Although he is in the wide sea, it feels like he is in a claustrophobic space.

Without sunlight, no plants can carry out photosynthesis, no hot and cold water flow, no geothermal generated by submarine volcanoes, making the submarine environment very barren.

In this case, the nutrients and energy brought by the more than ten-meter-long sperm whale carcass in front of us are particularly important to the biological community that “lives” on the barren seabed.

It can be said that the effect of a whale corpse that sinks into the seabed on the seabed biota is equivalent to the effect of a fully loaded oil depot on the “Dream” icebreaker!

After Liu Wei exchanged his breath, he went on to preach, “In the beginning we mentioned the first process in the evolution of the whale fall, the mobile scavenger stage.

Let’s talk about the second stage, the opportunist stage.

At this time, the whale’s carcass has only a small amount of soft tissue and giant skeletons, and some invertebrates and crustaceans will move over to live for a long time.

For example: Bone-eating worms, this is an ancient marine creature that eats bones for a living. They burrow holes in the bones of whales and rely on symbiotic bacteria to decompose and absorb bone oil and nutrients! “

“Bone-eating worm, the name sounds like something in a tomb!”

“Same feeling!”

“I’m already thinking of ghost blowing lanterns and the bugs in the grave robbery notes!”

“too horrible!”

“Drilling holes in bones? Intensive phobia collapsed!”

The audience reacted strongly.

Liu Wei said: “These creatures eat the residue while reproducing offspring, and will not leave until the last trace of flesh and blood is eaten away. This process generally lasts about two years!

After this stage is over, the whale fall enters the third stage of evolution, the chemical autotrophic stage, which is also the most important stage in the evolution of the whale fall.

When the whale’s carcass only has its skeleton, the whale fall as a unique survival system in the deep sea is truly revealed.

A large number of anaerobic bacteria will enter the whale bones and other remaining tissues in groups, break down the lipids, and use the sulfate dissolved in the sea as an oxidant to produce hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic gas, but For many deep-sea biota, it is the sunlight on the bottom of the sea! “

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