Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 96 – Oscar Orcus is Back!

Jayr POV - Tortus, Costal City of Erisen - 2013

The day after reviving Meiru Melusine, we all go to Reima's house to hear what Hajime's Group and the Hero Party want to do and learn that they want to spend around six days here to recover from the recent adventure and to spend some more time with Myu, before leaving her here with her mother.

And so, after telling, Hajime about the Labyrinth in the Divine Mountain, as he needs all the 7 Age of Gods Magic to be able to return to his world, we decide to move on our own as I do not want to spend more time than necessary in this world, as I already spent half a year in this Universe, and even with Eri, Freid, and Tio's presence, I miss my family and friend, and of course, I also dearly miss Saori and Seika.

After wishing a happy journey to Hajime's group and the Hero Party, I use the Spatial Magic, Porta (Gate), to travel back to the Reisen Great Labyrinth, more specifically to Miledi's Abode, as it is finally time, to fulfill the promise I made, only in my haste, I forgot something, and I instantly realize my mistake, because as soon as the gate opens in front of me, I do not even have the time to step forward as the gate instantly collapses onto itself.

Seeing that, I scratch my head, look at my companion and say, "Hehe... I forgot that it is impossible to use magic in the Reisen Gorge...", and as soon as I said this, Meiru starts to laugh out loud while pointing at me, she is now wearing an outfit identical from the one she had before she died consisting of a blue and white bikini, a mini skirt in the same colors, and a large belt, she also wears a white jacket that is adorned on her like a cape and a black and white tricorne cap.

At the same time, Eri let out a sigh as she mutters, "Sometimes he can be such a careless baka...", Freid is looking at the horizon in the distance with a cool face, but I also notice the slight grin on his face, while Tio looks at me while her body squirms and says, "Master cute side isn't so bad either... The gap between now and him that ravished me with his pressure yesterday... Aaah~".

After this blunder, I lightly cough and once again cast the Spatial Magic, but this time, the destination is Brooke Town, the closest place to the Labyrinth that is unaffected by the Magic Dispersion of the Reisen Gorge, while at the same time, I think, 'I have to admit that Miledi was smart to create a Magic Dispersion zone around her Labyrinth, it is able to protect her and her Legacy from Ehit and his Apostle intrusion as it greatly diminishes their greatest strength....'.

Once on the outskirt of Brooke Town, I ask Ti to transform into her Dragon Form and carry us to the Reisen Great Labyrinth, and so thanks to her speed, we are able to reach it in only 1 hour, standing in front of the Labyrinth's entrance, and especially seeing the rectangular signboard that is engraved with cuts in the wall, where there are characters carved that are clearly from a female hand that says, "Please come in! Into Miledi Reisen's thrilling Great Labyrinth?", Meiru can't help but smile as she traces her finger over the characters and says, "This is so much Miledi's style...".

Then I say "Let's move, I think that Miledi waited a little too long for this...", and receiving confirmation from the other, I move toward the wall and start to lightly tap the hollow part of the wall that I remember from our last visit, and as expected, the part of the wall that I touched generates a strange sound, and rotates, like a door mechanism inside a ninja's house, sending us to the other side.

But different from our first time here, what awaits us on the other side, isn't darkness and deadly traps, but a clearly illuminated room with only a signboard on the wall standing in front of us that says, "Welcome back to the amazing Reisen Great Labyrinth~ I was waiting for you~", then, with a rumbling sound the wall starts to move, and a long hallway appears, that seems to be leading directly to the deepest part of this Labyrinth.

And without hesitation, Meiru start to move toward the open path with a smile on her face while saying, "I can't wait to see her again", but I feel that something is off, and try to warn Meiru, "Meiru, wait!", but it is too late, as Meiru loudly crashes against the "open path" that is indeed an optical illusion, and falls on the ground holding her face, then a message appears on the wall she just crashed into, "He, he, he... Not everything is as appears in the wonderful Reisen Great Labyrinth~ Watch your steps~", and I realize, 'Seeing all these messages, I'm almost curious of what she would be able to pull off in a Souls game... The grief that she would be able to cause almost scares me...', then another one appears slightly below this one, "This is because you always teased me about my small breast~".

As I read that out loud, Eri moves next to me and says, "Miledi sure knows how to hold a grudge... Even after 2000 years the first thing she does as she sees her just revived friend is to take revenge... How cool...", at the same time, Meiru gets up as if nothing happened and looking at Eri she says with a small laugh, "Hehe. You say this because you too are so flat there that can be mistaken as a kid like her...", then grabbing her own chest she adds, "Not everyone is born with a treasure like this, and you are for sure envious...".

But Eri snorts and calmly replies, "Hmpf, I don't need that useless fat, Jayr still loves me as I'm, so much that every time we do it he doesn't let me go until- Mphf!", but I quickly stop Eri from speaking further and escalate the situation, at the same time, I yell, "Miledi, now that you had your little revenge, can you open a path to your location? We not only have Meiru here, but we also brought Oscar's skeleton, so we can also revive him, but maybe we need you to convince-".

I do not even have the time to finish speaking when another loud rumbling sound is heard all over the Labyrinth, then all of a sudden, the floor under our feet disappears, and we all start sliding down a really long and twisting slipway at an ever-increasing speed, and finally after a few minutes, we reach the end of this slipway, and the next moment, we find ourselves falling from the ceiling of a familiar white room, the room where we learned Gravity Magic.

Seeing this, I quickly grab Eri and holding her in a princess carry, I easily land on the ground, followed by Tio, Freid, and Meiru, then I hear a familiar voice behind me, "Woohoo! Jayr, Eri, long time no see~!", I turn around and look at the small Miledi Golem walking toward us, and greet back, "Hello there, how have you been?", but before she could reply, Meiru makes her move, and start running toward Miledi, then she embrace the small golem and says in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry! In the end, I have left you alone all these years...".

Miledi in her golem form hugs back Meiru and says, "There, there... If all my suffering means that Ehit will be defeated, then they will be worth it... Moreover, thanks to Jayr and Eri we have a chance to be together again...", hearing that, Meiru nods and let go of Miledi's body, and seeing that they are done with their reunion, I decide to speak, "Miledi, is there a place where we can use magic here? After all, we need to use it to summon Oscar's soul...".

Hearing my question, Miledi nods and says, "Mn, follow me...", and leads us toward the set of doors on the opposite side of the magic formation, where I think her abode is, and indeed, on the other side of the door there is an environment similar to Oscar's abode, a big, wide room that simulates the outside world, with a big light on the ceiling that simulates the sun, the ground is full of bright green grass, with trees and flowers all over the place, and in the middle of all this there is a cozy wooden house, all extremely pleasing to the eye, and the atmosphere is quite peaceful and tranquil.

Once in this place, Miledi turns around and says, "Here you can use all the magic you need without a problem, this room was specifically built to screen the effects of the Magic Dispersion, so that I can recharge the golem's cores, and control the Labyrinth...", hearing that I nod, and without hesitation, I open the swirling black portal to my Soulbound Territory and from it, I pull out Oscar's skeleton, and at the same time, I hear Miledi mutters, "Oscar...", with clear longing and sadness in her voice.

Hearing that, I realize, 'Even after 2000 years her feelings for him are still so strong... If that isn't true love, I don't know what it is. They deserve their happy ending, and I'll do anything in my considerable power to make it happen!', at the same time, I notice that Eri realized the same as she is looking at Miledi with a very gentle gaze, then we look at each other and nod.

Quickly Eri moves forward and says, "I'll now summon his soul using the body as a conduit... Miledi-san, I'll leave convincing him to you, after all, both Gruen and Laus didn't want to be revived because all they hold dear died living their lives to the fullest...", Miledi nod and says with clear confidence, "Leave it to me!", then Eri, without hesitation starts to use her Spirit Magic to summon Oscar Orcus' soul and start a long chant.

Soon, Oscar's skeleton starts to be enveloped in black light, and the next moment, from it, the translucent soul of Oscar starts to float above it with his eyes closed, then as Eri's chant ends, Oscar's soul opens his eyes with a sudden jerk and starts to cautiously look around while muttering, "This is... Laus' Spirit Magic! Did someone conquer his Labyrinth and summoned me? But to do that, they need at least something of mine or touched by my magic... Wait that's my body over there! That means that someone was able to conquer my Labyrinth and pull out my body from it! But how much time has passed, and why did they summ-", but he is soon interrupted by Miledi's yell, "O-kun shut up and let yourself be revived like Merumeru!".

It seems that he was totally ignoring everything around him, hell he threw a quick glance at me and Eri then ignored everyone else and started going over everything, something that totally annoyed Miledi as she quickly made her move, and caused him to stand still in silence as he now looks at Meiru and Miledi with clear surprise in his eyes.

Seeing that he isn't fighting against her magic power, Eri quickly makes her move and puts his soul into a stasis-like state, then I say, "Now let's move, it is better to do the other step in another place where the rules of this Universe are at its weakest...", and again I open the portal leading to my Soulbond Territory and invite everyone inside while taking with me Oscar's skeleton.

Once inside, I do not wait for another second and quickly put my hand on Oscar's body and start to burn my Cosmo to use the Dark Resurrection technique, and soon the gruesome sight of the organs reforming themselves followed by the muscles, nerves, skin, and everything else appears once again, at the same time, I hear Meiru behind me as she says, "Is this how he made my body? It looks similar to my Restoration Magic... But it doesn't look like he is controlling the power of time to do this...".

Hearing that I explain, "Indeed, I'm not turning back the time on his body... I'm using a medical technique to regenerate his body to its full health, the difference is that in your case if something is dead you can't bring it back to life, while with my technique if someone is dead as long as the deceased's soul still exists and not too much time passed, I can bring him back to life without problem, even if his body is totally destroyed. Of course, if too much time passes, I just need the support of Spirit Magic to bind the soul back to the body".

At the same time my explanation ends, Oscar's body finishes its regeneration, and looking at the result and feeling the slow but steady heartbeat and light breathing, I say, "Good, everything works as it should, and luckily he already has clothes on his body. Now we only need to rebind Oscar's soul with his body...", then look at Eri and ask, "Are you ready?", to which she simply nods, and says, "Yes! This time my magic power is full, but I think that I'll still need your help to complete the spell...".

Hearing that, I move behind Eri and put my hand on her back ready to inject my magic power into her as soon as it is needed, then we once again start the relatively long and draining process of binding the deceased soul to its body, and as expected, halfway through the process I once again have to support Eri with my magic power to allow the spell to complete its course.

While this is happening, I notice the figure of Miledy walking back and forth in front of Oscar's body, which is enveloped in shining black light, clearly showing her current agitated and nervous mood, so much that not even her current golem body can't inhibit such instinctive and strong reactions, meanwhile, Meiru is a lot more relaxed, after all, she went through the same experience just yesterday, and she fully trusts us to be able to do the same now.

And indeed, a few seconds later, a flash of light signs us that the spell was successful and Eri again collapse into my arms exhausted, and soon after, Oscar stands up with a start and starts to clench and unclench his hand while muttering, "They really did it! They were really able to revive me after 2000 years... Moreover my body is exactly how I remember- Gah!", but his mumbling is interrupted by a little golem shaped missile that tackles him down while letting out crying sounds.

Oscar instinctually recognizes her and says, "Miledy... I told you that one way or another, we'll meet again... while this isn't the way I thought it would happen, I'm happy it happened nonetheless", before embracing the little golem into his arms, seeing this scene, I decide to give them some time and space to settle their feeling, and give a signal to Tio, Freid, and Meiru to follow me, but before I could even open a portal outside, Meiru ignores my signal, and moves closer to the silently embracing Oscar and Miledi and with a charming and gentle smile, she says, "Ara, ara... It seems that love is finally in the air for my little sister, I'm so happy for her! Good for you! Oscar-kun is quite a catch...".

The effect is instantaneous, Miledi finally remembers our presence and immediately let go of Oscar's body while yelling, "Meru-nee!!", at the same time, I notice Oscar's heavy blush, while Miledi golem seems about to overheat, if that is even possible, as steam is coming out from her head, and soon Meiru starts to mess with them even more.

Seeing that beautiful reunion ruined, I let out a sigh and moving closer to the Liberator group, I decide to speak before Miledi snaps and decides to try to kill everyone in embarrassment, so I'm about to catch their attention with a fake cough copyrighted by the pink frog from hell, but then change my mind as only thinking about it makes me feel dirty, so I decide to take a page from Johnny Lawrence and yell with the most authority I can muster, "QUIET!!", and I have to admit that it works quite well, as everyone wince at the same time, and stand in silence looking at me.

I move my gaze to all three of them, then I let out another sigh and say, "First of all, Oscar welcome back to the world of living. I hope that you will take a few moments to reacquaint yourself with your body once again, after all, 2000 years passed since you last use it... I can tell you that you will find some movements quite difficult, even Meiru still has to completely recover, but I think that for someone like you guys a few days are enough to make a complete recovery...".

Hearing my words both Oscar and Meiru nods with a serious expression on their faces, then I look at Miledi and continue, "Second, Miledi, are you ready to regain your body? Because after Eri recovers you are the next", and as soon as she understands the meaning behind my words, I notice that her golem body stiffen for a moment, then she gazes at Meiru and Oscar that look back at her with a small smile on their faces, and with a tone full of confidence she replies, "Yes!".

After that, I decide to leave the three Liberators alone so that they can properly reunite and move Eri back to the Athena's Bidoof's cabin, where I once again give her a Cosmo-infused massage, then I let her rest and recover.

Coming out of the small boat, I look at it and my surroundings and mutter, "While I made many fond memories in the Athena's Bidoof, it isn't the best place to rest and recover... I really need to build a home here, especially since now there is quite a lot of space for it, I can build a small and cozy mansion, in fact, if I ask for Oscar's help it shouldn't even take too much time... Transmutation Magic is just that much of a cheat when it comes to creating things... but that is for later, now the most pressing things are reviving Miledi, conquering the remaining 2 Great Labyrinth, and kick some godly ass...".

While I was thinking that out loud, I sense Oscar's presence behind me, so I turn around and quickly notice that he needs something, so without beating around, I ask, "How can I help you?", and without hesitation, he says, "I heard from Meiru that you can use Spatial Magic to open a portal to every place you have been before, right?", to which I nod and say, "Yes, what about it...", and he continues, "Well there is a place I'd like you to take me, it is in the Kingdom of Velka...".

Hearing that, I scratch my head and say, "Uhm... There isn't a Kingdom of Velka anymore, in fact, I have never heard of it, and do not even know where it was...", but still calm, Oscar says, "That's not a problem, my Labyrinth was built nearby the Kingdom, so if you have been there, you can easily bring me to it...", to which I nod and without hesitation, I open a portal to get out of my Soulbond Territory, and once outside, I use the magic Porta (Gate) to open a gate that leads to the outskirt of the town of Horaud.

Once there, Oscars start to look around and mutters, "Everything changed... This makes me truly realize that 2000 years passed... luckily, using the Labyrinth as starting point I can easily locate the place I'm looking for...", and so he starts to walk into the town and curious I follow him, once inside, he looks at around for a few moments then he decisively walks toward his destination, from time to time, he stops to reassess his position, and he also asks me to confirm the Labyrinth position a few times, until we reach a really old looking cathedral of the Holy Church.

Oscar looks at the cathedral with disgust and mutters, "Tch, this place is still here even if everything else changed... but at least that makes it easier to find it...", and without hesitation, he turns left and starts walking with a clear goal in his mind, now, it seems that he doesn't need any more help to find his way, his footsteps are firm, and after walking a few minutes, we stop in front of what looks like an orphanage, as many kids are running around and playing in the surroundings of this building while a kind-looking old lady watches over them.

I move next to Oscar and notice a small smile on his face, but I also notice the sadness hidden behind that smile, then he walks around the perimeter until we reach the back of the building, and after making sure that there isn't anyone around, he touches the ground with his hand and starts to input his magic power into the ground, and to my surprise, a magic formation appears under our feet and start to shine in bright blinding crimson light, the next moment, I feel the familiar sensation that comes with teleportation and as the light fades away, I find that my surroundings change to what looks like an underground warehouse.

As soon as Oscar steps inside the ceiling lights up in a familiar green light, illuminating everything, at the same time, Oscar explains, "This is a place I built under my old home, the Moorin Orphanage to hide my personal items and more dangerous artifacts, after all, I couldn't be sure of what kind of person would be able to conquer my Labyrinth, so the only things I left behind is knowledge, some materials, and some prototypes... but the true treasury is here, inaccessible to anyone but me, as it needs my unique magic signature plus Creation Magic and Transmutation Magic to activate the hidden magic formation behind the orphanage...".

Then he moves with a clear objective and searches through some boxes, he finally finds what he is looking for a small black oval case, then without hesitation, he opens the case and from it, he pulls out a pair of simple-looking glasses, then he put it on his eyes and says while caressing with them with a perverted smile on his face, "Ahh, my Obsidian Spectacles! How much I missed you!! Now I finally feel complete...".

Seeing this scene, I can't help but think, 'Oookay... I admit that I have a little glasses fetish especially if they are on cute girls... But this guy take it to totally another level!', then Oscar starts to pull out many other artifacts, from the various box, a black coat, and a black umbrella, then he finally pulls out a ring with quite a familiar design yelling, "Found it!", it is a ring-shaped artifact that had small 1-centimeter ruby set in its center, he puts it on his finger then he stores all the content of the warehouse into it and says, "Good old Treasure Trove, those replicas I made can't hold a candle to you!".

Then he looks at me and says, "Thanks Jayr, I have everything I need, now we can go back...", and so without hesitation, I once again open the portal to my Soulbound Territory, but before we walk through it, Oscar asks, "Wait a moment! Tomorrow you will reform Miledi's body right?", to which I simply nod not understanding why he is asking me this, then he continues, "Then how will her body appear?", and I tilt my head in confusion, and say, "How? I will use her soul as the blueprint and regenerate her body using my Cosmo, the energy that birthed my entire Universe-", but Oscar stops me and says, "Not that! I mean will she be dressed or...".

Hearing that I finally understand, his worry and reply, "She will be naked, but do not worry if that is your concern I can easily close my eyes or even cut off my senses until Eri or Meiru cover her body if that makes you uncomfortable...", hearing that, he let out a sigh and says, "I appreciate...", then we both walk through the portal.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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