Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 8 – Death Queen Island

Jayr POV - Greece/Somalia - 1984

Almost 6 hours passed since the start of the flight, and I woke up from my sleep, and looked around, noticing that every other passenger is still asleep, I think it is about 5 in the morning, and since there is no time difference between Greece and Somalia, I do not have to worry about the possible jetlag.

Then I look at the figure next to me still sleeping, looking at her frowning face I think 'She seems still troubled by the bombs I dropped on her... Is taking her with me really a good idea? Or it is just my selfish desire to change things for the better going to put her into unnecessary danger... After all our next destination is a pretty dangerous one... in fact Guilty the guardian of Death Queen Island who was there to keep the prisoner Black Saint in check, is a violent and cruel man, that is training Ikki to become a hate-filled Saint... Well at least he become so after he met with the Pope many years ago... So it is probable that Evil Saga pulled out another of his brainwashing punch, and in reality Guilty was a good man at the beginning... Which is also the reason why it is my first destination'.

As I was in deep thought another hour passed, and we are about to land in Somalia, to be more precise at the International Airport Aden Adde of Mogadishu a city near the coast, where we will be able to buy supplies and a boat for our journey, so I slowly move my hand and putting on Seika's shoulder, I start to lightly shake her to wake her up "Seika... Seika, wake up we are almost there!".

Seika soon wakes up, she yaw, stretches her body, and looks around, while I say "Good morning, did you sleep well?" she looks confused for a few seconds before she remembers everything and replies "Good morning Jayr, not the best sleep, but I slept well enough..." then looking at the porthole she asks "Are we about to land?" and nodding I tell her to fast her belt while asking "By the way, how are you holding up? I know I told you a lot of shocking things, so if you need anything, even only someone to talk to, I'm here for you... Don't keep everything bottled up, as a medic I can guarantee you that it isn't healthy".

Seika looks at me and nods then she says "Right now, I'm still digesting everything you told me... and while I'm relieved that Seiya is ok, I'm also worried about him, and what he is going to face, and I do not know how can I help him... And now that I know about them, my other half-siblings... I'm not Saint, I can't fight like you... So how can I help them?" she finishes with almost glistening eyes.

I smile at her and reply "There are many why to help other than fighting... For example, you can build them a place to return to, a home... Or you can take a more direct approach to support them, like taking care of them when they are hurt or ill... While it's true that we Saints fight to protect humanity, we don't fight alone, we have attendants supporting us, guards and soldiers, and other Saints fighting along sides us, and behind all, the Goddess Athena looking over us, and even helping us in ways we don't even notice... even when she is reincarnated into a child, and she herself is unaware of what she is doing, her Cosmo is guiding and protecting us unnoticed...".

Hearing that Seika nods, with new vigor on her face, then she notices something in my encouraging speech and asks "Wait... Athena reincarnated into a child!?", this time I decide to not explain my slip up and start doing the most obvious thing, I look the other side and starts whistling the Simpsons theme, and unknown to me at that point, a certain Danny Elfman was sitting right behind me, but that is another story, and soon we land on Somalian's soil.

Jayr POV - Somalia - 1984

As soon as we got out of the airport, we went to the nearest bank and exchanged all the drachma for Somali shilling, then I asked around if there is a reliable place to buy a boat, and after a while, we finally found one, and looking at the available ones, I quickly choose the catamaran named Prout Quest, as it has enough room for us to live in it, and it can be driven by only 1 person, and the price it is pretty good too, it is 33.693.000 Somali shelling, in euro, it is 55.000€ or 58.000$ in dollars.

(Image Here - Boat)


After buying the boat, all that is left to do is, choose a name for the boat, buy supplies for our journey that have to last for at least 2 to 3 months, and depart for the Death Queen Island, which is located somewhere near the coasts of Somalia and Ethiopia, the funny thing is that Andromeda Island, is also in the same ocean, only in a different direction, and a little closer to India.

And so, I and Seika go together to buy everything we need for our journey, from everyday necessities, like toilet paper and toothpaste, to necessities like canned food, gasoline, water, etc., we also brought a fishing rod and some bait, and for Seika immense shame also a few pack of pads, I was the only one she could ask as she doesn't speak any of the languages needed in this country, Somali, Arabic, English, and Italian, while I'm proficient in three of them, English and Italian are basically my mother languages, one for my previous life, and the other for this one, while I learned Arabic at the Sanctuary.

After the shopping spree, that cut in half my reserves but it was worth it, we moved everything inside the Prout Quest, now named Athena's Bidoof, and when Seika asked what is a Bidoof, I reply "He is a godly animal capable od doing almost everything, cutting trees, lightning your way, break, move and climb rocks, swim in the water and rising up a waterfall, clears a whirlpool, and move underwater... Pratically, the only thing unable to do is to fly and dispel fogs... Truly puts its life at the service of others...", then we went on the boat and while I started the engine, Seika went inside to put in order everything, and soon after we left starting our journey toward the Death Queen Island that it should take more or less 3 weeks.

Jayr POV - Indian Ocean - 1984 *(Lemons, be careful)

A week passed since we departed from the Port of Mogadishu, and we are still searching for the Death Queen Island, this island isn't on any map even the Sanctuary doesn't have it, but the general location is known, it is located in the South Pacific, just below the Equator, and it is said to be an inferno of scorching heat where it rains fire all year round, but even while knowing the general direction is hard to find such a small island, but we shouldn't be too far from it now, I feel it.

Nothing much happened this past week, I drive the boat during the day, then we take turns preparing lunch, then in the afternoon we relax a little under the sun and I also teach Seika the basics of medicine, after my little encouragement speech, she decided to accept my offer to learn about medicine, then the night I stop the boat and we go to sleep.

On the third day something happened, we were attacked by Somali pirates, but I was easily able to knock them out, after that, I put them in a state of suspended death where they won't need to sleep and eat, and sent them and their boat toward the nearest port with evidence of their crime in it, when they will wake up and a distress signal on, so that they are taken care by the competent authorities.

Then we didn't have any more incidents, but now things are getting kinda difficult, one week, alone on a boat on the vast and calm sea, with a beautiful girl, let's just say that my adolescent hormones are having a field day, and I'm finding more and more difficult to tear my gaze away from Seika, even more so when I'm teaching her at such close distance in the cozy space of my cabin, and if you add the fact that it seems that Seika is going through the same, as many time I felt her gaze linger on me.

And today, when I was teaching her how to identify and take care of the various kind of fractures something happened, I find myself staring right into Seika's charming dark brown eyes, and stopped holding back and starts lightily kissing her on the mouth, as soon as it happens my heads clear up, and I'm about to distance myself and apologize, but the next second I feel Seika responding my kiss, and all the rest doesn't matter anymore.

Continuing the kiss, I pull her body closer to me, and my hands start lightly moving around her body, massaging hidden erogenous zones on her body making her stop the kiss and unconsciously let out a low sensual moan, then I start slowly kiss her neck, while my hand move and undress her, leaving her only in her panties.

I continue lowering my kisses, reaching down her collarbone, then her chest, and her breast, then I start attacking her nipple, while my hand reaches down her panties, and I start massaging her pandora box, as her moan grows louder "Ah... Ah... Yes...Jayr!", and an obivious wet patch forms on her panties.

Going for the finish, I send a minuscule amount of Cosmo into her slit through my hand, and the effect is immediate, Seika let out a loud moan, and a copious amount of fluid sprouts out of her pandora box, while her body continues to quiver as a result of her orgasm, next I slowly lie Seika on my bed, and then I undress, and by the lust filled gaze that she is sending me, I think that she appreciates what she is seeing.

Then as she lowers her gaze and looks at my rock-hard little brother, I hear her whisper "...Big...", at the same time, I once again kiss her on her mouth and remove her now drenched panties, and pointing the tip at her pandora box, I slowly move it up and down, then in a moment of clarity I look at Seika in the eyes and ask "Seika, are you really sure? We are still in time to stop... If we continue... There is no going back..." but she smiles and replies "Go on Jayr... I'm sure...".

Then I slowly move my hip and push it inside, instantily feeling her thigness, then as I feel I slight resitence originating from a thin wall, I stop but soon Seika hugs me and says "Come..." and kissing her, I push forward breaking through that thin wall and reaching the end, now fully inside her, as a trickle of blood comes out of her pandora box.

After a few seconds, I feel her body relaxing, so I whisper in her ear "I'm going to move now..." and as she nods, I slowly start pistoning, moving back and forth, and as her moans start getting louder and louder, I start increasing my pace, and soon with another loud moan, Seika reaches another peak, and her body starts trembling as she has another orgasm.

For the next hour, I and Seika keep going at it, as the slapping sound of flesh can be heard everywhere on the boat, changing positions from time to time, and after making her orgasm another 3 times, I finally reach my limit and says "S-Seika, I'm about to..." and panting she replies "Ah...Me too... It's fine... Ah... Safe day...Ahh" and as she reaches another peak and the tightness of her hole once again increase, at the same time with one last push I hit her deepest part, and release everything inside.

After a few seconds, I recover from my orgasm and look at the panting Seika, I hear her whisper "...That was amazing..." but she stops mid-sentence as she feels my little brother still hard inside her, and the next moment, in a slightly nervous tone I ask her "...Round 2...?" and as she shyly nods, we once again go at it, until two hours later, we stop as Seika couldn't continue any longer, and we go to sleep hugging each other.

Jayr POV - Indian Ocean - 1984

I woke up to the beautiful sight of Seika's naked body enveloped in my embrace, and on instinct, I check on her situation and think 'I really lost control yesterday, what the Holy Elyson happened?... No matter how much I'm attracted to someone, I usually would'have never lost my control like that even when I was a horny teen in my previous life, I could still control myself, but now just a week alone with her and I lost reason?... Could this be another effect of my blessing!? She is totally exhausted... I pushed her too much...' and quickly use my Cosmo to relieve her of any discomfort she could feel, like numbness and soreness.

The effect is immediate, as I fell her muscles relax, and soon after, her eyes flutter and she wake up, at fist she seemed confused, but the next instant she notices my presence, and remembering what happened she shyly says "G-Good morning, Jayr...", finding her too cute, I quickly kiss her on the mouth and say "Good morning Seika... Now stay on the bed and rest while I prepare the breakfast to help you recover...".

And after she nods I give her another peck on her forehead and get up, go out of my cabin, go to the kitchen, and start preparing the breakfast, deciding to think later about the hidden effects of my blessing, I opt for something more fruity, to be more precise, a fruit salad, with some yogurt and milk, as fruits are great food before and after sex, it helps a lot as many fruits contain helpful vitamins and other elements that relax and condition your body.

After breakfast, I help Seika wash and after being barely able to hold myself back, I once again put her on my bed telling her to rest, and then I start driving Athena's Bidoof in my search for Death Queen Island, who now I think is very close, maybe a day of travel from my position, as the temperature is quickly rising as I'm moving forward, and as a hellish volcanic island that hides the Phoenix Cloth, the Death Queen Island is one of the hottest places of the world.

Jayr POV - Death Queen Island - 1984

The next day, we can finally see the Death Queen Island in the distance, the island is a real hell on Earth, it burns with fire all year round due to volcanoes, and this volcanic activity makes the whole ground always hot, the earth burns like the sun and burns the feet, all year rain of fire that corrodes the skin falls on the island, vegetation is practically non-existent and animals do not live long.

Even worse without trees, the sun beats down with full force on the ground, both day and night the heat is unbearable, making living conditions terrible, even from this distance we can feel the heat that is concentrated on the island.

(Image Here -Death Queen Island)


Quickly we found a small port and a village on the coast of the island, but before we dock our bout, I turn to Seika and says "Seika, while anything on this island doesn't poses a danger to me, it isn't the same for, so stay always close to me, this place is not only hazardous but also full of dangerous people, ok?" Seika nods then she lean on me as I drive the Athena's Bidoof and dock into the port.

Then I take my Pandora Box and as we land on the firm soil for the first time in more then a week, I quickly spread my Cosmo to protect Seika from the heat coming from this island, and ignore the wary gaze coming from the villagers, remembering the details that these guys to survive here, are forced to sell as a slave all the girl at the age of 7.

Then with Seika holding my hand, I calmly walk toward, the aggressive and full of hate Cosmo that I feel in the distance sure, that is of the guardian of this place, Guilty.

And after walking for a few kilometers of desolation, we finally arrive at our destination and Seika quickly gasp at the scene of a man with a tall stature, with a developed musculature and good build, with white hair, skin color in a shade of brown with a body full of scars, wearing a red tribal mask, and only some green traing pants and green bandage on both arms, beating up a young man of about 13 years old, of rough and serious appearance, with short blue hair, as well as his eyes wearing only some training pants with greek boots and white bandages on both arms, they are Guilty the guardian of Death Queen Island and Ikki his disciple and future Phoenix Bronze Saint.

(Image Here - Guilty, Ikki)


And as Ikki spits a mouthfull of blood Guilty yells "Ikki, how many years have you been on Death Queen Island!?" but he doesn't wait for an answer and continues "Four years and you still haven't figured out what you lack to become strong!! It's hate! You must hate your enemy in order to defeat him!! The Japanese Kobudu you learned is preventing you from realizing your true potential! Forget that I'm your master! Forget about gratitude and compassion! Think only of killing your enemy!!".

Ikki stubbornly get's up and as he bows he says "Th-Thank you for your lesson, Master", enraged Guilty yells "I just told you that's useless!!" and move to kick Ikki to knock him out for good, but I quickly move and stands in front of him and simply raining my hand, a grab Guilty's leg and stop his kick saying "That is enough mister Guilty... It seems that you need to re-evaluate your teaching method...".

Guilty is shocked by my presence, and as he tries to pull back his leg but is unable to do so he warily asks "Who are you? You don't have any right to interferee with my teaching method..." and with a smile, I reply "That is true... But has the best Healer of the Sanctuary the health of all the Saint, trainee, and their Masters is of my concern...".

And thanks to the contact with his leg, I send some Cosmo into his body and start checking his situation 'Uhmm... his body is more or less fine, while the damage for some previous injuries remains, with his Cosmo, he won't have any problems with it... The problem is his brain... As I feared in his brain there is a malignant Cosmo holding on to his will... this is Saga's Demon Illusion Fist! But even in this state, he is struggling against Saga's Cosmo influence, he's got a strong will!'.

As I was checking on him, Guilty keeps powerless struggling to free himself from my vice, and as he yells "You bastard...!" he tries to kick me with his other legs at the same time he is burning his Cosmo to enhance the power and speed behind his blow that reaches the supersonic level, but I easily dodge the kick, and with a simple movement I slam him into the ground 'He is barely at the Silver Saint Level...'.

Taking advantage of his stunned state, I quickly press various pressure points on his body, removing his senses of touch, taste, sight, and hearing, I only left him his sense of smell, and leaving him wriggling on the floor, I turn to the stunned Ikki that is barely standing and says "Nice to meet you... I'm Crateris Jayr, Saint of Athena and maybe one of the best healer currently in this world... I'm sorry for what has happened to you during your training, but your master is currentily under the influence of an evil force... And I'm here to help him".

Then I give Ikki a quick check-up 'He's got bruises all over his body, and it is at the limit of his endurance, but Guilty didn't break any of his bones, nor did he do irreversible damages... Well if you ignore the fact that he is pushing him into using hatred as a fuel to burn and guide his Cosmo, and it isn't so wrong, Ikki's Cosmo is already full of hatred, anger, incredible aggression and power, but undernath all that there is his deep love and loyalty for his younger brother... And while he can use his hatred to bring out his Cosmo, he needs his love to guide it... Guilty under Saga's influence is only doing the first part... that while it will give him great power, he will quickly lose himself in it'.

I turn my attention on Guilty once again, while Seika comes next to me and asks "So... Can you help him...?" and interested Ikki too slowly comes close as I explain "He was hit by a technique called Demon Illusion Fist, that in a few words sends the Cosmo directly inside the brain of your opponent and give you the ability to control his will, from what I know... There are two ways to release this technique, first the one afflicted has to see someone killed before himself, the second is to use a similar technique to make both of them cancel each other... Making the second technique an antidote so to speak... Of course, I'm going to use the second method!".

And crouching down next to Guilty, I put my hand on his head and carefully start injecting my Cosmo into his brain, and as soon as my Cosmo starts encroaching on his brain, it collides with Saga's Cosmo and soon the two dispel each other freeing Guilty from Saga's mind control.

Then pressing into his pressure points once again I restore all his senses, and he quickly stood up, but now the Cosmo he is emanating is different, while still full of rage and hatred, now it feels guided by a strong sense of justice, and the first words he says are "Thank you for freeing me... But why would a Saint from the Sanctuary come here and help me, when the Pope himself put me into this state?".

And I quickly answer his question, briefly explaining the fact that the real Pope was killed many years ago by the Gemini Gold Saint that then took his place, how my Cloth allowed me to find out about this and the coming threat, hearing till this point enrage Guilty so much that his Cosmo started increasing the temperature of the surrouindings, but I quickly continue explaining that also the Gold Saint is a victim of Hades's plot who is making preparations for his returns for the next Holy War.

Then to explain my presence, I told him that I saw brief instances of Ikki's future, how he was trained, how he succumbed to hatred once a blond girl was killed during one of his practices, and at this point, Ikki yelled "What!? Esmeralda died!!?" and soon his Cosmo his fully unleashed and behind him a faint image of a phoenix appeared, his Cosmo is so aggressive that it was about to hurt Seaika near me, but before I could act, Guilty moves and punch Ikki in the face yelling "Stupid!! It's good to use your hatred to burn your Cosmo but don't be controlled by it!! You need to find your anchor to keep yourself always steady... If not you could become what you hate the most and will hurt the ones you love!!! And now calm down she is still alive!".

Spitting another mouthful of blood, Ikki once again stands up and says "T-Thank you for your teaching, master..." then Guilty crossing his arms turns to me and says "Please continue your story...", and I continue explaining how I saw Ikki defeating the Blak Saints hidden here and gaining the Phoenix Bronze Cloth and the Black Saints services, how he full of hatred attacked the Graad Foundation Tournament to steal the Sagittarius Gold Cloth, and how he was defeated by the other Bronze Saint, and regained his Sanity.

Then I say "I'll stop here because talking too much about the future cloud lead to unforeseen consequences... That is also why I want to make Ikki follow a similar script... The others Bronze Saints will need the threat that is Ikki and the Black Saint to grow stronger... those five are essential in the fight against Poisedon and Hades...".

Hearing my story Guilty nods and says "Yes... Playing with time is dangerous, one missed step and everything goes to hell... So why are you doing this?" and I reply "Because even if we barely won... Athena and the Sanctuary lost too much... I want to save as many people as possible, and with Athena's blessing give them a better tomorrow...".

Hearing my answer Guilty nods and says "Very well, I'll help you in your endeavor..." then he looks at Ikki and says "Ikki for now go to rest, tomorrow we'll start your real training... But be prepared it will be even harder than before... If you survive I'll help you free that slave girl... If you slack off I'll kill her!!" and with a resolute gaze full of hatred Ikki says "Yes, Master", as I feel his Cosmo spike once again, but he control himself and retreats.

Once Ikki is away Guilty let out a sigh and says "It's better that I go and buy that girl from her owner before it's too late... and put him under my Demonic Illusion Fist, to mantain the facade... Once again thank you for freeing me and for warning me, See you, Crateris Jayr!", after saying goodbye he too leaves in the direction of the village.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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