Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 40 – Fight Against Poseidon

Jayr POV - Atlantis, Poseidon's Temple - 1987

After dealing with Kanon, and destroying the last Pillar, I regroup with the others in front of the  Temple of Poseidon and quickly notice the presence of some of the Marina General here, they are Baian, who lies unconscious on the ground, his Scale is destroyed and he has burn marks all over his body, but he is still alive, Io who is still trapped inside Juan's Astral Gravitation, and despise some damage on his Scale he is mostly fine, 'If you ignore the clear damage his ego received...', and the Kraken girl, who also lies on the ground with Tethis next to her taking care of her wounds, 'Damn she got hit hard... Scale destroyed, burn marks of both lightning and frost, with a lot of frost still covering many parts of her body, and many broken bones... Isaak is really an advocate of gender equality!'.

Then I look over at my fellow Saints, they are mostly fine, Juan and Agol are fine, in fact, I'm sure that their opponents weren't even able to touch them as they were the weakest of the 7 Generals, while Rigel and Isaak suffered some damage, on Rigel's body and Cloth, many clean cuts can be seen but they are all shallow ones, while Isaak situation is a little more serious, he has some of the same damage that the Kraken Marina has only on much less severe degree, his Cloth is mostly intact spare some frost and burn marks, and the same can be said of his body, the one with the worst damage is Georg, his Cloth is full of cracks, and from how his body twitch from time to time it seems that he also has some cracked bones and torn muscles.

After greeting and checking on them, I quickly move and give first aid to everyone, and at the same time, I say "Now that we are all here, there is only one thing left to do... We have to stand against Poseidon... And even if right now all he can use is only 1/10 of his true power, I'm sure it will be our toughest fight yet, but remember our priority is not to defeat him... It is to free Athena from the Mainstay!".

Hearing what I said, everyone nods with a serious expression on their face as they steel their resolve, and at the same time, Tethis says "Wait! Lord Julian... Is no longer a mortal, like Athena, he is a God now if you raise your hand against a god... Terrible things will happen, I can't guarantee you'll survive the wrath of a God...", I turn to her and say "Thanks for your concern... But we have to do this if we don't free Athena and stop him all life on earth will be lost!".

And after saying this we all rush inside the temple together, as we are moving through the temple's halls, Juan says "This place is devoid of life... It's creepie...", and Rigel replies "Well this right now Poseidon is in the temple...And he doesn't need protection...", and I add "Moreover, Sorrento took control of the rankless Marinas, and told them to evacuate, the only one in Atlantis right now is us... Now, let's hurry I feel Athena's Cosmo weakening!".

Soon we reach the throne hall and finally meet face to face with the host of Poseidon, Julian Solo, calmly sitting on his throne, and feeling his immense Cosmo and a hint of dread runs through my being 'Shit, such massive Cosmo even when he is half asleep, no wonder he is one of the Big 3!', at the same time, Julian notices us and with an emotionless gaze, he says "Who are you? Answer me!", and at the same time he unleashes his Cosmo, and we are hit by a strong force, that pushes our bodies back, and pressures us so much that our Cloths starts creaking.

And as I ignite my own Cosmo to counter this, he says "You are the Saints of Athena who came here to rescue her, yes?", and before I could reply the wall behind him raises, showing the Mainstay behind the temple and he adds "That is the Mainstay, Athena is inside", Georg quickly moves forward and run toward Julian who calmly says "Fool, you dare confront a God?", and all of the sudden Georg stops in place unable to move, and Julian says "Begone! This is no place for the likes of you, if you don't leave, I shall take your life".

Then, still sitting on his throne, Julian releases another wave of Cosmo, but before it could hit Georg, Juan steps forward and makes his Cosmo explode while he points with his right hand extended in the direction of Georg to create a gravitational barrier around him and yells "Astral Gravition!!", the barrier barely protects him from Julian's Cosmo as now is distorted and seems about to collapse, at the same time, Georg, who is able to move once again, concentrates all his Cosmo to create an aura of electric energy around his body, after which he raises his left arm in the direction of Julian, and yelling "Geistig Blitz!!" releases in front of him several electric beams by extending his hand in that direction.

Julian calmly looks at the coming electric beams and says "You cannot lay a finger on me, I am a God", and as his eyes flash full of Divine Cosmo, Georg's beam stops in place and quickly move back and attack Georg, destroying the weakened barrier and sending him flying with cracks and burn marks all over his Cloth, then as Georg who lies on the ground slowly get up, Julian says "Didn't I tell you? I am a God, if you spit at the heavens, they will fall upon you, and if you raise your fist against a god, your blow will rain back on you... It's all over for you".

And while we move to reach Georg, Julian adds "It's too late, the interior of the Pillar is almost completely flooded, you are going to lose what you swore to protect, now leave", hearing that I ignite my Cosmo even more, and get ready to attack while saying "Saori isn't so weak that she'd easily die here! I know that she is alive... And we'll rescue her!", at the same time, Rigel and the other gather around me, and Agol says "We are the Silver Saint of Athena, and it is our sacred duty to protect her with our body and our Cloths!", and point the Medusa Shield, with her eyes fully open, at him.

But Julian, who is unaffected by it, looks at us with his eyes devoid of any emotion and says "Then allow me to blast your Cloth away for you...", I understand what he means and yell "Juan!!", and at the same time, Juan, raises his Cosmo, once more, while holding the shield on his left arm with his right hand, which he places in front of him, and then raises a gravitational barrier around us, but then Poseidon's wave of Cosmo came and easily destroyed the barrier, and at the same time broke all our Cloths into many pieces, while also sending us crashing into the temple's wall.

A little stunned by the strong impact, I blackout for a few moments, but I quickly regain my senses as I feel Saori's Cosmo calling for me and so I get up and look around me and see that the others are fine and getting up too, but our Cloths are all destroyed, broke in pieces 'Damn!! Even the reinforced Crateris Cloth can't withstand Poseidon's Divine Cosmo... And isn't even fucking serious!!'.

Mu POV - Greece, Sanctuary - 1987

I and my fellow Gold Saint are all together, at the foot of the Gold Zodiac, waiting for the result of Athena's fight with the God Poseidon, and I'm growing more worried as more time pass, the rain is still falling, and I clearly feel Athena's Cosmo weakening.

And it seems that I'm not the only one, as Aiolia all of the sudden says "I can't loiter around anymore! I'm going to help Jayr and the Silver Saints!", but I stop him and say "How many times must I tell you, Aiolia? Athena has ordered us to not leave the Sanctuary", Aiolia doesn't calm down and replies "I can't obey an order that will kill not just the Silver Saints, but Athena herself! They are alone against a God!".

Left with no other choice I say "If you insist on going, I shall have to execute you for treason against Athena", that surprises him as he asks "Wh-what? You'd really kill me, Mu?", at the same time some unrest can be seen among the other Gold Saints, but before I could answer, Saga comes down and says "Calm down!! Do you really have so little faith in Athena and your fellow Saints!? You guys are too young, so you probably forgot a little simple truth about Athena and her Saints... We never truly fight alone!".

And just as he said this a strong Cosmo can be felt from the Sagittarius Temple, then some kind of meteor can be seen flying from it, in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, then I hear Saga says "See... Athena isn't the only one watching over us, the spirits of our fellow Saints also watches over us ready to lend a hand in the moment of need!".

Jayr POV - Atlantis, Poseidon's Temple - 1987

"Argh!!", I and the other are once again hit, but another of Julian's Cosmo waves, no matter how much I try, my technique can't reach him, right now I feel that all the bones in my body are cracked, and the pain is so strong that I'm about to blackout once again, but I use all my will to ignite my Cosmo once again and start to heal my body to get up once again, 'Why didn't I choose the easy way and followed the original plot? No, if I did that then I'll end up relying on that forever and when the true monster comes after my life, the ending could be worse that my current suffering... There is no way I'll give up now, if I give up not only will Saori die, but Seika, Geist, Shaina, mom, dad, grandpa, and the others too!!'.

And as my Cosmo repairs the damage done to my body, I feel another warn and caring Cosmo calling for me, and restoring my strengths, at the same time, I hear Julian says "Are you still alive in there? Very well, go on praying, for the people of the Earth who are drowning... For your Saints who risked death to rescue you... And rest in peace my dear Athena", I then get up and see him looking at the Mainstay, then I say "Move aside Julian! I have to rescue Saori! As long as my Cosmo burns I'll stand up as many time as it takes to save her!", at the same time I give a quick look at the others and notice that they too are slowly recovering thanks to Saori's Cosmo.

He turns around and says "You are such an eyesore, let me get rid of you... Begone!", but before he could release his Cosmo, a bright flash of gold light appears in front of me, and I'm stunned by what is in front of me, 'It's the first literal plot armor of this world, the Sagittarius Gold Cloth!!', that soon disassemble itself and equips on my body, making me feel for the first time the strength and power behind the Gold Cloths, 'This is amazing... It is totally different from the Crateris Cloth... The way it enhances my Cosmo and protects my body is unbelievable! With this, I can do it!!'.

I take the golden bow and arrow of the Sagittarius Cloth, and aim at Julian, at the same time, I ignite my Cosmo more than ever before and start to pull the string while gathering as much Cosmo as possible into the arrow, meanwhile, Julian stand still, and looks at me unperturbed while he repeats "If you raise your fist against a God, your blow will rain back on you, you ought to know that by now... If you shoot that arrow, it may pierce you instead, but if that doesn't worry you, go ahead".

As I'm pointing the arrow at him, I feel the restraints that Kanon put on him slowly losen, as Poseidon's will, is slowly awakening, and I think 'While the situation is dire... Everything is still going well, if this arrow hits come true, I'm sure he will wake up for sure, I have to use that little opening to free Saori, then together we can negotiate with Poseidon and put his soul into the urn once again!'.   

Just as I'm about to release my arrow, I hear Rigel's voice "W-wait...!", I look at him, and see that he is slowly getting up, then he places his hand on my back and says "Remember Jayr... You are facing a God... Your Cosmo alone won't be able to overcome his... Take mine...", and at the same time, I feel his Cosmo joining mine and merging together, then Agol and Juan move in front of me and shield my body with their own, the first to speak is Juan who says "Take my Cosmo too... and if you fail don't worry, as the Scutum Saint, I'll block the blow with my body", and Agol adds "You have to do this the lives of everyone we hold dear is at stake her... No matter how many times you fail... Get up and try again!", and once again their Cosmos joins mine, then I feel another pat on my back, and hear Georg says "We will support you... Just focus on your target!", and another one and Isaak says "Show him the strength of a Saint of Athena!".

Feeling their Cosmo joins mine and supporting me, I trust them and focus on only one thing, hitting Poseidon, then I say "Here it comes... Poseidon!!", and Julian stands still, full of confidence, and says "I'm telling you, one of you will die from the next arrow, if that's acceptable to you go ahead and shoot", and without waiting for another moment, I let go of the string and release the Golden Arrow.

Surrounded by a golden aura, the arrow quickly moves toward his target, then I feel Julian once again release his Cosmo to reflect back the arrow, but our combined Cosmos fight against his Divine Will, and I hear his surprised shout "Absurd!! The arrow doesn't respond to my will!", and the next instant I see the arrow pierce the Poseidon Scale helm, blowing away and causing a light wound on his forehead, as blood comes out of it.

At the same time, Poseidon's Cosmo disappears, but I know that this is only momentary, so I say "Quickly! Let's take advantage of this moment to move toward the Mainstay, we have to free Athena as soon as possible!", and so we rush past the stunned Julian, as we run toward the Mainstay, the biggest Pillar that supports all the oceans, and this whole realm, it is also known as the Main Breadwinner.

(Image Here - Main Breadwinner)


Julian? POV - Atlantis, Poseidon's Temple -1987

I felt some sharp pain on my forehead and look around me confused, nothing seems familiar, and I have no idea of where and who I am, 'Wh-Where... Where in the world am I? And what in the world am I doing here?', then I notice what I'm wearing and some memories return, 'Th-That's right, the night of my 16th birthday... I was brought here by that woman... And this Scale was put on me, and then... I don't remember anything... What have I been doing here? I... Who am I?'.

I feel the answer on the point of my tongue, so I keep asking myself 'Who... Am I? Who in the world... AM I? I feel like I've been asleep... for a very long time... Who am I?', Then I feel something beckoning me, I look at it and see a Trident standing tall next to a throne, and I finally realize 'Th-That's right, now I remember... I awoke from my long slumber to cleanse this world of evil! I am a God!! I am the Sea God Poseidon!!'.

I grab my Trident, and look at the Saints as they run toward the Main Breadwinner 'It's time to punish them for raising their hands against a God!'.

Jayr POV - Atlantis, Main Breadwinner - 1987

As the Main Breadwinner grows closer, all of the sudden, I feel a titanic Cosmo behind us, and I have only the time to think 'Shi...' before we are hit by a powerful lightning bolt, that sends us all sprawling on the floor in pain, then I hear Isaak says "Urgh... Wh-what was that... That lightning bolt? Th-this huge Cosmo behind us... D-don't tell me...", and Rigel finish with "Yeah... That is Poseidon himself... He awoke...", and Juan adds "Holy shit...It's like he's a different person... His Cosmo is hundreds of times bigger!".

Luckily the Gold Cloth was able to withstand his attack, so I once again stand up, and gather my Cosmo looking at the Main Breadwinner in the distance, unsure if I should focus on it or on Poseidon behind us, 'Shit! I hope that I could have enough time to make my Cosmo explode to the max possible and destroy it, but he recovered too fast!!', while I was thinking this, Poseidon releases another lightning bolt from his Trident, and I notice that he aimed at me, but just as I prepare to receive it, Isaak stands in front of me and take it in my place "Argh!!".

Even after taking that powerful lightning bolt, Isaak stands tall, then he says "Jayr... I thought we told you that... We will be your shield and support you... Don't mind him... Just focus on rescue Athena... Even if I die I won't fall, I'll be your shield, now hurry!" and as he is hit by another lightning bolt he yells "Save Athena!", as the third one is about to hit him once again, but Poseidon's attack is blocked by the Aquarius Gold Cloth, that appears in front of Isaak, then equips itself on his body.

Seeing the Cloth on his body Isaak comments "Jayr... It seems that Master Camus has lent us some strength too", then he once again stands in front of me and yells "Now go! I'll hold the fort here! You head straight for the mainstay!", then Isaak makes his Cosmo explode to the max level possible, raises his two arms up in a triangular position and begins to concentrate his Cosmo, at the same time, the image of a swordfish appears behind him, then he lowers his arms, placing them horizontally, open his hands and create a small sphere of electric and ice Cosmo in each of them, finally, joins his hands at chest height and joins both spheres creating a bigger one, "Aurora Borealis!!", and release all the energy gathered, into a deadly tornado of ice and electricity.

Poseidon's lightning bolt and Isaak's Aurora Borealis, clash against one other, and for a few moments it looks like they are in a stall, but soon, Poseidon's bolt, slowly starts to push it back, 'Shit! If this continues we'll be hit by the combined might of Poseidon and Isaak's techniques!!', and as I'm about to make my move to redirect this deadly combination, Juan, Georg, and Agol move in front of us to block the blow, and I notice that in Agol and Juan's hand there are the Libra Shields, while Georg behind them is twirling the Libra Three-section Staff, and with their joint effort, we are able to withstand this blow.

At the same time, I notice the nearby panting Kiki with the empty Libra Pandora Box on his shoulders, exhausted as he teleported here one last time to give us his support and that the rest of the Libra Cloth, equipped itself on Rigel's body, and as he moves next to me and Isaak, he says "Master Dohko, I gratefully accept your loan of the Libra Cloth... Jayr, Isaak... I think it is better that we focus on Poseidon while, Agol, Juan, and Georg go and free Athena from the Main Breadwinner...", I nod and say "I agree... He is too strong... Any of us alone would be quickly overwhelmed, but the three of us with the support of the Gold Cloths can do something".

Hearing that, Agol, Juan, and Georg nod and quickly move toward the Main Breadwinner taking with them all the Libra Weapons, as I focus all my attention back on Poseidon, at the same time, Isaak says "Let's pool all our strongest moves together... I don't believe that together we'll be unable to at least make him falter...", Rigel nods and says "This may be our last chance to slow him down... I'll hit him with everything I've got left!".

And so Isaak once again makes his Cosmo explode and yells "Pierce through the sea, Dorado! Aurora Borealis!!", and once again releases a deadly tornado of ice and electricity, meanwhile, Rigel, makes his Cosmo explode and creates a flame of blue fire in his left hand, and a flame of black fire in his right hand, and as he joins the two together, he yells "Hunt him down, Orion! Cosmic Inferno Supernova!!", and releases a huge ball of mixed blue and black fire, at the same time, I gather my Cosmo between my extended hands, and yell "Show him his fate, Crateris! Hundred Roaring Ice Fangs!!", I twist my arm and release all Cosmo yelling, and generate a powerful and turbulent wave-like vortex of Cosmo with countless ice spears within, all of them with the temperature at the absolute zero, then we yell at the same time "Our Cosmos, become a single arrow! Take Poseidon down!".

I look as our techniques seem to listen to our plea as they easily join together without interfering with one other, becoming a huge rainbow-colored Cosmo beam, its combined might is so strong that even the space and time are being torn and distorted in its passage, meanwhile, I hear Poseidon yells "You fools, if you three want to become one, I shall grant your wish, I shall skewer you together on my Trident! Die!!", but before he could attack, our Cosmo beam, suddenly accelerates and hits Poseidon generating an explosion so strong that the whole world starts shaking, while cracks in the space-time appear all around us, at the same time the blast sends Poseidon crashing into the ground, knocking him down.

I look at him laying on the ground, and notice that he still seems fine, his Scale is still undamaged, and the only wound on his body is the one he received from the Golden Arrow, 'Holy... The Gods of this universe are walking cheats... all that power and we were able to only lightly knock him out...', I snap out of my thoughts and say "Let's hurry and join the others, he won't stay down for long...".

In hurry, we quickly reach the Main Breadwinner and see Agol, Juan, and Georg on the ground with despair on their face, around them there are the cracked Libra Weapons, Juan looks at us and says "It's impossible, none of the weapons work on it, It is indestructible..." before they could say another thing I yell "Don't give up!! The whole world rests on our shoulders...", but Agol says "But the Libra Weapons are useless...", I nod and says "Then we just have to hit harder... Juan create a barrier around me... while Georg, Agol, Isaak, and Rigel use your techniques to throw me at the Mainstay...".

Hearing that Georg interrupts me and says "Do you have a death wish, Jayr?", and Isaak adds "If we do that, you'll be smashed to bits against the Pillar!", and Juan says his piece too "That's right, look at how the Libra Weapons, that can crush starts, ended up... if you hit it with your body... even with my barrier, you'll...", but I stop them and say "Have you all forgotten, All matter on this world is composed of atoms, and when we Saints destroy something, we basically crush the atom within them... and no matter how solid the Mainstay is, it is made of atoms too... Please lend me your strength and help me rescue her!".

Have A Nice Day, Ciao!

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