Batman in the MCU


The doors opened as Batman walked into his Batcave with a swarm of bats flying around. "Hey Bats, another rough night?" Gwen questioned from her work bench where she was running maintenance on her gear.

"So the police turned against me, it was the same when I started out" His suit retracted from his face as he moved to the Bat computer. "At that time it was merely the New York Police Department as of now you've made yourself public enemy number one for almost every government", Kate dropped down from the ceiling drenched in sweat.

As she picked up a towel to clean herself up she turned to Jeff, "So any clues on who the guy who taking up the high tech weapon trade" "They didn't know" Jeff spoke up as he began looking through the information he had collected through out the month.

"The same like all the others"

"It seems this new player learnt from Hammer head's mistakes" Kate was now at his side watching the screen, "They can't remain hidden forever, one of the sellers is bound to crack and give out their supplier" Batman spoke as he leaned back into his chair.

"Six sellers refused to speak after the Batman paid them a visit..." Kate began "What does that say about the guy in charge" Gwen finished Kate's statement causing the Batcave to fall into silence. "Have you been able to get in contact with Eve? There is a high chance she knows who this new player is"

"Sorry master Jeffrey, but I have been unable to reach her for quite some time now. I'll keep trying sir".

"Hopefully we catch this guy before this gets any worse."


Four men stepped out of a jewelry store with their bags filled to the brim with their bounty. There were smiles on all their faces when they placed their bags int the car and hopped in.

Their smiles froze however when they saw the get away driver was completely wrapped up in webs with only his eyes visible. The four was completely confused and terrified as to what was going on until, "erh hem" a fake cough caused them all to look in one direction to see the source.

The voice came from a man who stood before them, the figure was in some red and blue jumper get up with some strange looking goggles atop his head. The fear they had felt for a moment disappeared and was instantly replaced by confusion.

"Now I'm just guessing here but I think those don't belong to you guys"

The strangers words caused their confusion to rapidly shift into anger as they stepped out of their car with weapons at hand. "Just how many of you costumed freaks are there huh? Who even are you supposed to be"

"Me?" the man pointed at himself before popping out his chest, "I'm Spiderman" the pride in his voice evident. The four guys looked amongst themselves before focusing back on Spiderman, "You listen here bug boy or whatever, We're gonna teach you not to meddle in things that don't concern you" The four charged straight for Spiderman once they were one talking.

"Spiderman! Come on how didn't you get that, Its on my chest and everything!" Spiderman yelled as he performed a flip over all four of them, *thwip* one of the men barely saw Spiderman's webs wrap around his crowbar before it was yanked out of his hand.

Spinning around, Spidey sent the crowbar to one the criminals head knocking him out just as Spidey landed on his feet. The three looked to their friend who had just been knocked out and then exchanged looks. "Don't worry he'll be all-" Spidey could not finish the sentence as his Spidey senses went off.

Moving his head to the side he barely avoided a gunshot, "hey not cool". With another quick shot from his web shooter Spiderman sends the gun flying out of the guys hands before dashing in to send his person flying with a drop kick.

Leaping off him he performed a split taking out the remaining two before webbing them all up. Seeing everyone was taking care off Spidey made a quick call to the police with one of the robbers' phones before swinging away.

Unaware to the young budding hero Orphan and Night wing stood atop a building watching everything. "The new guy is not half bad" Night wing was the first to speak up with a smirk on his face. "True" was all Orphan spoke as she turned around to leave, seeing this Night wing quirked a brow.

"Where are you going?"

"To the Batcave, Batman is going to want to hear about the new guy. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'll call it a night. I've got something to do when the sun comes up, tell the old guy I said hi though" his words caused Orphan to scoff before leaving. With Orphan gone Night wing looked at the men below once more before swinging away as well as the sounds of sirens grew louder.

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