Barrier of Light

Chapter 283 Hypnosis Seed

It was very windy and snowy.

A small airship was hovering over the huge wall of Luoyin City Fortress. Wild Dog in the operation cabin looked at the floating projection screen in front of him, quietly waiting for a response... After a long time, the arc light slowly pieced together a desk table. The scene before.

"Lord Zhuxue."

In front of the desk is a man with a soft and handsome face, wearing a big cloak, recording something with a quill... This is of course a relic of the old times, but the items that can be used by Grand Duke Zhuxue are definitely not vulgar objects. .

"Everything is done."

Wild Dog said: "The guy you asked has been thrown into the Luoyin City Fortress by me... In order to ensure his safety, I will personally take care of him for a period of time."

After hearing this, the man sitting at the table just hummed softly.

Grand Duke Zhuxue didn't even raise his head: "No need."

The wild dog was slightly startled.

He is responsible for garrisoning the Luoyin City Fortress, which is the top three heavyweight fortresses on the western flank of the Beizhou Front. There are many things to take care of every day... so Wild Dog doesn't know much about matters outside of Beizhou. , partly because of his personality, partly because he is just too busy.

But even so, he still knew... the identity of this guy who had been brought back from Dongzhou all the way.

The only son of Huazhi Zhao family.

Looking at the five continents, they are all top-notch young masters.

Perhaps because of his noble birth and pampered upbringing, this guy didn't seem to know what kind of living environment he was about to face. He asked many questions and made many requests along the way, such as food, water, and accommodation. Wait... Because he was the "person" that Grand Duke Zhuxue specially asked to bring back to Beizhou, he was as brief and rough as a wild dog. He also kept an idea in mind. He went northward and gave the other party enough patience until he threw the Zhao weapon into the trap. Silver City Fortress breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking one person is more troublesome than fighting a battle.

"Just throw it anywhere." Grand Duke Zhuxue was still bent over his desk and repeated softly: "Don't waste your time, and don't give him any help... or even attention."

Wild Dog never expected that Lord Zhuxue would have such an attitude.

"What... do you think I invited him here for a vacation?" Zhuxue slowly raised his head, looked calmly at the wild dog in the airship, and said: "I do owe Zhao Xilai a favor... but after Huazhi violated After the bill agreement with the Lin family, we owe nothing to each other. By accepting Zhao Qi, he is doing me a favor. Unfortunately, a dead person cannot return a favor. I have no obligation to help him take care of his son."

"But... what should we ask him to do?" Wild Dog had a headache and said, "Master Zhuxue, this is a complete waste."

"There are so many things he can do... look after the gate, clean the toilets, collect the trash."

Zhuxue said expressionlessly: "Just look at the arrangement. In short, Beizhou does not raise useless people, nor does it accept mud... If he can't stand it, let him go back to Dadu, but no one will pick him up. He You need to walk back from Beizhou step by step."

The wild dog's expression was a little complicated.

He rubbed his brows and said with a wry smile: "You arranged it this way...I suddenly thought of a guy."

Identity code CN021... Many people in the fortress have heard of this code, and the title "Mountain Breeze" corresponding to the code.

At the Beizhou Fortress defense line, few people have seen the mountain breeze.

There are even fewer people who have never heard of mountain breeze.

In Beizhou... this is a living legend. It took him eight years to start from the bottom step by step, and finally became the adjutant of General Rusty Bones. General Rusty Bones bluntly said that this would be someone more powerful than himself. Great leader.

CN021, there are no more than five fingers of people in the fortress who know his true identity.

And the wild dogs have only heard their names but not seen their faces, which is really a pity.

But he knew that the entry of CN021 into Beizhou was also arranged by Grand Duke Zhuxue... However, the one who was responsible for bringing CN021 to Beizhou was not him, but the "Tengu" who was the head of the three dogs.

"you think too much."

The other side of the screen.

Grand Duke Zhuxue narrowed his eyes, knowing that his subordinates might have some misunderstandings.

"Compared with CN021, the other geniuses in the fortress are like the stars and the bright moon..." Grand Duke Zhuxue said softly: "It only took eight years for that guy to prove his talent and his hard work. But you The one who took over is probably the shit on the ground. Don’t compare him with CN021, it will be ridiculous.”

The wild dog shut up silently.

He rarely heard such indecent words coming from Master Zhuxue.

But during the period of contact with Zhao Qi, he thought this word was very appropriate.

"Let him guard the gate of Luo Yincheng Fortress. From today on, don't report news about this guy to me... In eight years, if he can advance to this position by one level, Zhao Xilai should be able to laugh underground Come on." Grand Duke Zhuxue waved his hand, and then asked: "How did you go about the other thing I gave you?"

Wild Dog was dejected for a second. He originally thought that Master Zhuxue mobilized an army to send him to Dongzhou, and he would bring back a genius with extraordinary talents like CN021. Even if it is a mess now, as long as the master believes that the other party has potential, then he Also admitted. But I never thought that what I picked up was really garbage.

Tengu picked up CN021.

He took Zhao Qi back by himself.

This is really sad!

The next second, Wild Dog calmed down and said solemnly: "[Tian Tong]'s hair has been delivered to the Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou. Judging from Zhou Jiren's posture, he should have already left for Piyue City."

"The wonderful realm outside Pyue City... is more complicated than imagined..."

Grand Duke Zhuxue put down his quill.

He rubbed his brows with difficulty and murmured: "Beizhou currently has limited power at its disposal. If we can use Zhou Jiren and his disciples to solve the wonderful realm... it would be the best situation. Just be afraid..."

The wild dogs listened with bated breath.

Grand Duke Zhuxue didn't hide it either.

After a slight pause, he said: "Be afraid, this wonderland is even bigger than expected... Her Majesty the Queen had a premonition that a large-scale collapse of order was about to occur, which may be the spread of turmoil in the [Old World] . This time, the sudden appearance of the Wonderful Land of Piyue City is completely inconsistent with Beizhou's regular research on 'black spots'... I have an ominous premonition about this."

As if facing a formidable enemy, Wild Dog asked nervously: "Master Zhuxue, General Rusty Bones seems to be not far from Piyue City. With his support..."

"If the worst situation does arise, Xiugu alone cannot solve it." Grand Duke Zhuxue shook his head, "Zhou Ji is the extraordinary person with the strongest life-saving ability among the five continents titles... I hope he can do it this time Going to Wonderland can give you detailed information. If it is just the emergence of a certain ancient sealed artifact, then fortunately, you can avoid risks by detecting the scope of Wonderland."

"If it has something to do with the [Old World]... then the matter may be serious. The Queen may need to personally come forward to check. If it is more troublesome, it will be the turn of the guys at the top to come forward."

When Grand Duke Zhuxue said this, a hint of disgust flashed across his brows, and he said: "I hope things won't be so bad... You set out for Piyue City to help Xiugu, stabilize the situation, wait and see what happens, and find out the secret." Don't act rashly until you receive intelligence about the situation, just wait for news from Zhou Jiren and be ready to provide support at any time."

"...Yes." Wild Dog said respectfully.

"Zhou Jiren went to Beizhou?"


"His students came to Nagano?"


"Including that new S-class...Gu..."

"Gu Shen."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, the big chair slowly rotated.

A middle-aged man wearing a judge's cloak sat in front of a long table, with the falling snow and moonlight behind him. The night was deep, but he was still thinking deeply.

Sitting opposite him was a young man in a gray and black suit with a gentle face.

The master and apprentice looked at each other for a moment.

"There are some problems in the Piyue City Fortress in Beizhou. [Tian Tong] is probably trapped in the Wonderful Realm and is waiting for rescue." Han Dang said softly: "The fresh news... No one who knows about it yet many."

"After the last impeachment, I have been waiting for Zhou Jiren to return to Nagano." The man in the long examination said coldly, "Facts have proved that he did not have the courage to come back at all. I guess he went to Beizhou Fortress just to To escape the second round of impeachment. It is really disappointing that the Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou is such a thing."

Zhu Wang added: "Your previous mission in Qinghe was really disappointing."

Han Dang remained silent and just lowered his head.

His fingers dug deeply into his flesh, and his expression became increasingly painful.

After the last mission in Qinghe, a seed fell in his heart, and then it took root and grew bigger and bigger.

This seed is called "Guilt"... The reason for guilt is not that the mission failed, but because Han Dang believed from the bottom of his heart that his investigation was inaccurate and it was a very serious mistake.

From time to time he would fall into a state of "repentance."

And this kind of "guilt" made Han Dang feel more and more terrifying.

I am not a very kind person.

Qinghe's mission was to prevent Zhou Jiren's new disciples from passing the review... How could he end up like this in the end?

How could he feel guilty!

Everything about Qinghe's mission became blurry in his memory. He seemed to have slept in a hazy sleep and then woke up without remembering anything.

But Han Dang remembered clearly what happened after that.

Not long after, Luo Er was awarded the title of [Heavenly Eye]!

This was big news that shocked the entire Eastern Continent Parliament... The impeachment against Zhou Jiren and the suppression of Mr. Shu's faction completely disappeared with the advent of [Tian Tong].

It was also from that day that Han Dang began to suspect that he had been planted with hypnotic suggestion seeds by [Tian Tong] in Qinghe District.

The most terrifying thing about the extraordinary spiritual system is this.

Even though Han Dang has reached the peak of the eleventh level of the deep sea, he can't find any evidence that he was hypnotized... and the only way to deal with it is to apply reverse effects on himself that are enough to offset the suggestion from another angle. Hypnosis.

And Han Dang could think of only one person who could help him alleviate this symptom...


During this period, he has been staying in Nagano to rest and fight against the nightmare in his heart with the help of his teacher.

Seeing Han Dang's painful expression at this moment.

Zhu Wang knew...that his disciple was in a painful state of guilt again.

"...raise your head and look directly into my eyes."

A majestic voice sounded in the room.

In Zhu Wang's eyes, there seemed to be a reverse-twisting petal, blooming and closing.

Word by word, he whispered: "My beloved disciple, don't doubt yourself. You are the most outstanding spiritual extraordinary in the tribunal in the past 20 years... Keep moving forward in the way of your heart, don't bow your head, one day, You will definitely reach the realm of titles, be able to see through illusions, and ignore shackles."

These words fell into my heart like pebbles.

Every word creates thousands of ripples.

Han Dang's expression became intense and he started to struggle.

His facial expression began to distort uncontrollably, and veins popped out on his forehead. The fit-fitting suit was soaked with sweat. In just a moment, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained.

"Look...what Zhou Jiren and others have done to you..."

Zhu Wang said angrily: "How can we forgive, how can we forgive?"

When he said these words, the petals in Zhu Wang's eyes rotated faster and faster.

Han Dang growled.

He closed his eyes.

In my mind, those broken and fleeting memories seemed to resurface, but they were torn apart again with just a flash of lightning.

It's like going back to the moment before the memory loss.

Vaguely, countless hair strands were swarming towards him, and the spiritual power like a black tide seemed to be swallowing him whole.

After leaving Qinghe.

This "sense of guilt" has been lingering around me, getting tighter and tighter, and now it has a vague tendency to develop into a "nightmare"... For no reason, it has become difficult for me to even operate the breathing method.

The more obedient he was, the more heartfelt repentance he felt, the more comfortable he felt.

But the more you object, the more you refuse to feel guilty, the more painful it becomes!

To be the master of his own could he bow his head?

This hypnosis lasted for ten minutes.

Han Dang was mentally exhausted and slumped on the chair.

Zhu Wang, who was wearing the arbiter's cloak, looked at his "loved disciple" with an equally ugly expression. It was easy to tie the bell but difficult to untie it. He was very sure that the "hypnotic seed" in Han Dang's heart at the moment was from the title-level spiritual being. His handiwork... Looking at Dongzhou, there are only a handful of extraordinary people with this kind of strength.

Besides Tiantong, who else could it be?

I tried my best to achieve "slight relief".

There are only three ways to get rid of the seeds.

First, rely on yourself. At present, this is almost impossible.

Second, the person who planted the root will untie it himself. If this "heart nightmare" was really planted by Tian Tong, she would not admit it, let alone unblock it.

In the end... he just needs to find a spiritual supernatural being who is much stronger than Tian Tong to forcefully unlock this hypnosis.

Three of them, one is more difficult than the other.

Especially the third one... It is too difficult to achieve a title in the spiritual system. After reaching the twelfth level, no one dares to say who is the winner. It is too difficult to find a strong person who can forcibly remove the hypnosis of Tianpu.

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