Back to the Peak

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 It turned out to be grandpa

Shi Qingyang not only didn’t write any information when logging on to the, but he didn’t accept information from strangers for nothing else, because he knew his post. At first, he was afraid that no one would believe it. Maybe there are many more. People would suspect him to accuse him.

He doesn’t care about other people’s doubts and accusations, but prefers to be blind, but he obviously did so. Now his mailbox is still full. Hundreds of messages are all sent by the administrator, and that administrator is naturally Pengcheng Wanli.

This should be a fake public for private benefit, right? Is it really okay to do this? Even if it’s really okay to do this, why does the following information look like this?

“God hungry! Don’t abandon me!!!”

“God hungry! Ask for a contact number, ask for support!”

“Hungry god! Hey, where have you been?”

Hungry god? Is this a curse on him? And what’s the matter with nurturing and babbling?

Shi Qingyang only felt a bit of cold in him. Is this person really a Pengcheng Wanli who has an elder demeanor in his impression?

Shi Qingyang had always admired Pengcheng Wanli, but after seeing the information, he suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning, so that he couldn’t even reply to the information for a while.

After quickly closing the information page, Shi Qingyang clicked on the combat skill exchange forum again, and then he felt blind again.

Why does everyone call him hungry? Why did he just post a post at noon yesterday and so many people praise him? Obviously when he first proposed the “radiation energy interception method”, many people rushed to attack him, and the pharmacists joined together and threatened that doing so would seriously damage the body and accelerate the radiation energy riot…

Later, it took two full years for this method to be finally promoted.

But now, there are still people “kneeling and licking”? This action is really evil!

Shi Qingyang was very speechless, but after roughly flipping through it, he also understood the reason.

In fact, he is so popular now that he mainly relies on Pengcheng Wanli. In this forum, Pengcheng Wanli is very respected. Now Pengcheng Wanli respects him very much, and naturally many people admire him.

Moreover, this is the Internet, and it is easiest to talk about it here.

Shi Qingyang deliberately left a message yesterday in order to attract Pengcheng Wanli’s attention. Although Pengcheng Wanli has become a little weird now, things are considered complete. He did some psychological construction and decided to reply to Pengcheng Wanli.

At this moment, the reminder sounded again, and Shi Qingyang realized that Pengcheng Wanli had sent him another message.

“God hungry, I saw you coming up! You can’t ignore me, please be lucky!”

Shi Qingyang took a deep breath, and after a while, he finally knocked down a few points: “…”

On the other side of the computer, Cheng Xuze, who had just eaten, was relieved after sending out the message. Since last night, he has been waiting for me not to go online hungry, and now I finally waited.

Waiting for so long made his mood rise and fall. At first, he was talking normally, but after waiting for a long time, he couldn’t help getting irritable, and then he found the strange things that other people used. Weird language.

With those words, he even got goose bumps on his body when he first sent it, but after sending too much, he suddenly felt very interesting, especially after imagining the reaction I would have if I didn’t want to be hungry.

I don’t want to be hungry. Most of the time, I’m a senior expert. People like him will be very entangled when he sees this, right?

Cheng Xuze felt happy when he thought about it. He copied a lot of words and put them in a file, and sent them in turns. When he went to bed in the middle, he asked Wang Qing to help send them.

Because of this, after he woke up, Wang Qing’s already cold expression became colder again.

Cheng Xuze quickly saw my answer not to be hungry, and guessed that the other party was probably very speechless now. He touched the beard on his chin and grinned.

Should he always maintain this style?

Shi Qingyang didn’t know Cheng Xuze’s plan, he finally calmed down after making a series of points.

He has experienced so many storms and waves. He really shouldn’t be scared because of some Internet language. After thinking about it, Shi Qingyang wrote another sentence: “I won’t spoil you, I already have a spoiled object.”

“God hungry, I’ve beaten a strange beast to warm the bed, please support me!”

“Don’t call me hungry. Someone has taken care of me, so I won’t be hungry anymore. You can tell me not to be hungry.”

Cheng Xuze suddenly felt that only “…” can express his feelings. I don’t want to be hungry, should I be a master? Be kept?

He was silent for a while, and finally decided not to use those weird words to chat with people: “God hungry, I want to talk to you about the method of cutting off the radiation in the body and controlling the radiation riots you mentioned in the post yesterday. .”

“You told me not to be hungry!” Shi Qingyang insisted.

“Sorry, I’m used to seeing other people calling you hungry, too…”

“I will emphasize it to others.” Shi Qingyang said once again that when he was young in his last life he was hungry, but was later sent to the research institute and couldn’t eat a good meal and could only drink nutrient solution. I hate the word.

“Then let’s talk about business, don’t be hungry, I want to ask you, did you think of the method you put forward in your post to prevent radiation riots?”

“Of course, this is the inspiration I got from the acupuncture points mentioned in the martial arts novels a long time ago. I call it the radiation energy truncation method.” When finally talking about the business, Shi Qingyang also became serious.

“The name is good. Apart from the points you mentioned in the post, are there any other points where you can enter the radiation energy in this method?”

“Yes, there are many more. This method is different for each level.” Shi Qingyang wrote another sentence. What he used on himself was actually rough, but after he made it public, someone else helped him summarize it. Not only that, but those people also found some other points where radiation energy could be input, and finally organized a set from level one to level nine.

“Really? Even advanced ones?” Cheng Xuze even couldn’t control his shaking hands.

“Yes, there are even high-level ones, your radiant energy has begun to riot?” Shi Qingyang asked, but knew that 80% would be the affirmative answer.

The higher the level of the radiation warrior, the more powerful the radiation riot will become after the age, but the medicine that can alleviate the radiation riot of the advanced radiation warrior has become very rare…

“Since a few years ago, as my body deteriorated, Radiation became a little restless.”

“The radiation energy truncation method treats the symptoms but not the root cause of the radiation energy riot. If you are at a high level, it is best to cooperate with the medicine. After using this method, you can drink the medicine and the effect will be very good.” Shi Qingyang smoothly led to the other party. He used to like fame and fortune to help sell the medicine, but now he wants money more.

In the future, he will pretend to be a high-level radiation warrior to communicate with Pengcheng Wanli and let Pengcheng Wanli tell his true identity. Then Pengcheng Wanli must have no guts to pit his money.

“What kind of medicine will have the better effect?” Cheng Xuze asked immediately.

“I have two medicine prescriptions here that are very good. One is to drink during normal times and the other is to drink during riots. What is your level?” Shi Qingyang asked. The potion that he could drink in normal times was the one he got from the research institute. The potion he drank during the riots was given to him by Feng Lin Qiu.

Feng Linqiu, the grandson of the ninth-level master Feng Yunhong, a natural radiator, was also the one who sent him to the academy. Feng Linqiu used this method to win him and became friends with him, but in the end he knocked him down into the abyss.

This recipe is indeed very precious, but for him in his previous life, it was not very useful. After all, his biggest problem at that time was that his body was too poor and his tolerance was too low, rather than the radiation energy riot. In fact, his radiation energy Much more stable than normal.

Cheng Xuze hesitated for a while, and finally wrote: “I am at level 8. Is there a level 8 radiation energy cut method? How is the potion calculated?”

Level eight? Shi Qingyang was stunned. He originally thought Pengcheng Wanli would be level seven, but he didn’t expect it to be level eight.

The level 7 radiation fighters are not too much, and the less is not too much. There are many in China, but the level 8 radiation fighters are not much in China! Moreover, he is somewhat impressed by the eighth-level radiation warrior of the Chinese nation.

At level 8, the radiant energy is already unstable now, and it will disappear after a few years, and finally die from the radiant energy riot…

Pengcheng Wanli, Cheng? Shi Qingyang suddenly thought of someone.

Isn’t Cheng Ran’s grandfather Cheng Xuze an eighth-level radiation fighter? He died a year after Pengcheng Wanli disappeared…

I must be thinking wrong! According to the information he understands, Cheng Xuze was born in the army and made a lot of credit. He not only killed many powerful monsters, but also led a team to build a third-tier city. He has always been very old-fashioned, and Pengcheng Wanli, who has always been amiable, are completely two personalities.

Moreover, how could Cheng Xuze send out the previous information?

Shi Qingyang calmed down. As a sincere, he first posted the radiation energy interception method that can be used by the eighth-level radiation energy fighters: “This is the radiation energy interception method that can be used by the eighth energy. As for the medicine, it is not easy to configure.”

When Cheng Xuze saw the radiant energy interception method that Shi Qingyang sent over to the eighth-level radiators, his first reaction was moved.

He and I don’t want to be hungry, but just meet up on the Internet. I don’t want to be hungry and give him such an important thing casually! Moreover, according to the other party’s opinion, the medicine is also willing to give!

Cheng Xuze felt that he should also show his sincerity to the other party: “What is the problem with the medicine? I can help whether it is money or manpower. In Yangtze River City, I can still speak.”

Yangtze River City? Shi Qingyang only felt that the “boom” in his head exploded, and finally typed three words: “Cheng Xuze?”

“Do you know me? Which master are you?” Cheng Xuze asked immediately.

Shi Qingyang clicked on the various messages that Cheng Xuze had sent him before, asking for support? Fortunately?

If the person who sent these messages to him was Cheng Ran, he would be very happy to be with you and me, but that was not Cheng Ran, it was Cheng Ran’s grandfather!


Shi Qingyang suddenly felt that he could no longer look directly at these words.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Cheng Xuze’s message was sent again.

“I’m in a hurry to leave.” Shi Qingyang took a lot of effort to control his hand and typed such a paragraph. As soon as it was sent out, he immediately shut down the computer as quickly as possible.

Struggling to get rid of the appearance of Cheng Xuze he saw at Cheng Xuze’s funeral, Shi Qingyang quickly went downstairs, planning to see Cheng Ran to wash his eyes.

The author has something to say: Yesterday, “Earearo” pro re-evaluated the extended little theater: Cheng Xuze: Great God, please support and be lucky!

Shi Qingyang: I’m too old, call your grandson.

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