Back To Eighty

Chapter 935

Chapter 921: Urgent

When the firecrackers go off, it’s a brand new year.

In 1995, it finally came.

Last year, there were various reforms, especially in Nanping. There were parks and projects.

Although it was not obvious at the time, the title was still open.

After the New Year, people who are dormant everywhere start to come out to find work.

Due to last year’s publicity, many people who originally went to Dingzhou came to Nanping on the principle of being nearby.

Nanping just passed the fifth day of the first lunar month, and in a few days, tens of thousands of people poured in.

Not only did it catch many people off guard, but even the leaders gave several orders, so that they must supervise them in place and make no mistakes.

Just kidding, if these people use it properly, they are reliable labor and good workers.

If one is not careful and becomes a refugee, it will be really troublesome.

Sun Huadu called an emergency meeting to get everyone to move.

The ID card must be checked.

But you can’t put people all over the site, and you can’t cause trouble.

During this period, Xin’an Intermediary played a huge role.

The two project departments that were recruited last year are going to recruit troops this year.

Based on the information they’ve collected here, they put them in a comprehensive order.

Ranked according to age, gender and place of origin.

These people who poured in seem to be quite a lot, but if you really want to spread it out, there are actually not many people who can use it.

In particular, there are relatively few young people, and the other two parks are still not enough.

But that’s all for later. The most urgent task now is to settle them down first.

These are all peasants who came out looking for work. They couldn’t find a job. Of course, they were reluctant to spend money on accommodation.

The snow outside was intermittent, and the sun didn’t come out for a day.

The weather in Nanping is not warm, especially at night, it can really freeze to the core.

If you ignore these people, it is impossible to say that a few will freeze to death.

Lu Huai’an thought for a while, and asked Zhong Wan to lead people to build some greenhouses.

This idea has the full support of Sun Hua.

“Nearby, take a ride on the empty flat near the agency.”

The long platform is built all the way.

There are two rows of benches in the middle, and the floor is covered with moisture-proof cloth.

Many people ran with the quilt on their backs, and after wiping the ground a little, they could sleep directly.

The key is that both ends are blocked, so you are not afraid of wind.

The window was even opened in the middle, otherwise it would be too hot.

After all, there are so many people!

At this time, the importance of control ability is especially highlighted.

Fortunately, Xin’an Group has a lot of supplies. Open a warehouse and have all the chair tarpaulins.

The people in the construction team are very quick in their work.

It started in the morning, and in the evening, people could already enter.

When everyone heard that they lived here, they didn’t squat in the waiting room or the corridor, and they all ran over.

Lu Huai’an stared at them personally, watching them line up to enter under the guidance.

The staff at the agency also gave out a card. With the card every day, you can go to both ends to receive one bun and two steamed buns.

This is because he is afraid that people who are so poor that they have no money to eat will bear it and faint from hunger.

Although one steamed bun and two steamed buns are not many, adults can last a day if they save some.

It can’t be more, otherwise it’s easy to be promoted to fight against rice.

Everyone was worried at first. They were afraid that they would not be able to find a job, that they would not have a place to live, and that they would not be able to eat.

They are all willing to work, not afraid of hard work, but afraid of lack of money.

“It’s fine now. Before I can find a job, I have food to eat.”

The big guy happily nibbled the steamed buns.

Many people like to eat buns in the morning, after all, they are not very hungry.

Once the stuffing is cool, it also has some ice teeth.

At noon and evening, eating steamed buns is fine.

If you cover your arms all day, you will still be slightly warm at night.

Especially here is the supply of hot water for them. If you are afraid of cold, you can pour a cup and hold it. Once your hands are warm, your whole body will be warm.

“Oh, it’s really nice here.”

“I hope I can enter the factory. It’s been a good time these days… My cousin used to pay a lot of money to enter the factory.”

“You may not be able to get in if you give money, you have to rely on relationships.”

In the past, only cultural people or relatives in the family could enter the factory.

They held steamed buns and ate them in small bites.

Every now and then, I also drink some hot water.

The stomach is warm, this day is really comfortable!

“Is this called comfort?” A man next to him laughed loudly, patted his leg and said, “Where is this going? After entering the factory, that is called comfort!”

When everyone heard it, it was obvious that he had been in the factory before, and everyone immediately gathered around and asked him to say more.

The man took a cigarette, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “I dare not say other factories, but the factory in Xin’an is really comfortable…”

“Asura Valkyrie”

There are dormitories to live in and canteens to eat.

Clothes have workwear hair, and shoes are work shoes.

During the festivals, there are various benefits, sometimes rice, oil, salt, etc., and sometimes postings.

“My brother has it. He chose a safflower cloth and made a dress for my niece. It’s a pretty one…”

When he said that, many people couldn’t help but fantasize longingly.

If you can go to the factory yourself, you must do it well.

If I could also distribute some safflower cloth to make clothes for my daughter…

Oh, that day was so beautiful.

But what they care most about is this condition: “Then we don’t need us to spend money on food and housing? Will we still pay wages? Will the money be deducted?”

Hearing that there is no need to spend money, and the salary will be paid, the salary is quite large, and everyone is immediately excited.

The more he talked, the more tempted he became, and all of them secretly made ruthless efforts.

No matter what other people do, they must enter the factory!

As for whether it is hard or not, they don’t care.

No matter how hard you work, how hard can you still have to open up wasteland?

“When I opened up the wasteland, I had to get up at three in the morning and go out at four o’clock before it was dawn, and it was just dawn when I arrived.”

The **** was all rotten, the roots of the tree had to be pulled out a little bit, and if the inside was broken, they had to be dug again.

It was ninety o’clock, the sun was already high, and I was sweating all over, so I had to go home and work in the fields.

When this wasteland is opened, it is not ready to be used immediately. It has to be fattened.

It takes three years to grow beans and peanuts. If you want to grow vegetables, it will take a few years.

Even if it is so difficult, it will not be able to exchange a few dollars at the end of the year.

In the factory, there is food, drink and money to make, and there is no need to bask in the sun, how tiring can it be!

Hearing these movements, Sun Hua finally felt relieved.

I was afraid that these people would not feel at ease entering the factory.

“Some provinces and cities have entered the blind stream and jumped everywhere.” He sighed, a little helpless: “I can’t control it, there are robberies happening everywhere.”

There is no other way. They also want to make money, but there is no way.

Some were exchanged for money, which will be enough for the fare.

When we got to the ground, there was no food to eat.

At this time, if you don’t put them in place quickly, it’s bound to happen sooner or later that they will have a crooked mind.

Lu Huai’an snorted and said calmly, “It’s already being sorted here. I’ve asked the personnel of each factory to come over tomorrow, and take them away if they’re suitable.”

After this night, starting tomorrow, there will be fewer and fewer people.

“That’s good.”

With so many people gathered here, Sun Hua was also quite flustered.

Originally, he should have gone back to report, but after hearing that Lu Huai’an said that someone would start picking people up tomorrow, he simply didn’t go back.

A brief report was made on the phone to reassure the leaders.

He just stayed here, wanting to wait and see how it goes tomorrow, if it goes well.

What Lu Huaian said was absolutely correct.

Early the next morning, personnel from several factories arrived.

“This is the first batch.” Hou Shangwei explained to them.

The intermediary company set up a few desks and set up a simple recruitment site.

In fact, it’s just to ask a name, ask a few words casually, and then let him walk a few steps and turn around.

As long as they are not fools and have hands and feet, these people actually have nothing to choose from.

Unless the age is really inappropriate, they will be brushed off.

Those who were selected were elated one by one, carried their luggage and followed.

I didn’t bring my head back.

The shed was crowded with people, and everyone stretched their necks hard and looked over here.

“Oh, this is also chosen.”

“Why did you pick five or six in a row…”

If you have enough choices later, what can you do if it is not their turn.

However, no matter how anxious they were, they couldn’t be in a hurry.

The speed here is very fast. After one by one, when the number of people reached the number they wanted, they immediately withdrew.

The intermediary directly handed over their documents and shook hands: “Tomorrow we will send someone over to supplement the documents.”


After the first batch of these personnel left with their chosen people, there were already quite a few people in the shed.

However, there are still many people.

Especially when they saw those people leave, they all panicked.

“How did you go!?”

“what should we do!?”

They shouted at the top of their voices.

Hou Shangwei hurriedly walked over to tell them to take it easy: “It was the first batch just now, and there are more to come.”

Sure enough After a while, another factory personnel came over.

Batches of people were taken away, but one after another, there were feedbacks, and there were people coming from the station.

Basically, people from the shed come and go, quickly filling the vacancies in these newly opened projects in Nanping.

In particular, Xin’an Group has opened a new machine tool factory, and it has finally begun to recruit people.

For the sake of fairness, Lu Huai’an asked people to come and pick them along with them.

It’s all random.

Whoever gets the information is who, so there is no question of good and bad.

However, there are also some people whose age is not suitable, and some who are not suitable for the corresponding position.

At this time, clutching his luggage, he looked out with sadness and worry.

“These people, we will arrange for cleaning or kitchen help.” Hou Shangwei saw Lu Huai’an glance at him, paused slightly, and hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

They will try their best to arrange it properly.

Those who can overcome all odds and come to Nanping will work hard and give them a chance.

If it is really inappropriate, then there is no way.

Lu Huai’an hummed, quite satisfied: “You arranged it very well.”

Of course, the most satisfied are the provincial leaders.

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