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Chapter 24 Competitors

Chapter 24 Competitors
Liu Xiaoguang put away the whitebait and continued fishing.

After the first fish was caught, things became easy.Liu Xiaoguang caught seven or eight whitebait one after another, and the people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Everyone knows the preciousness of whitebait. It is very difficult to get one or two on weekdays. Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoguang caught so many whitebait in such a short period of time.

This anchor really has some skills!
Seeing that it was almost noon, Liu Xiaoguang put away his fishing line.

"Fresh whitebait tastes the most delicious. Let's grill whitebait by the river at noon today!" Liu Xiaoguang said in the live broadcast room.

When Liu Xiaoguang went out in the morning, he was already preparing to have a picnic by the river.

"The anchor has a life!"

"It's time for lunch, why should I order in?"

"This is more than 200 pieces of whitebait per catty. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to just bake it and eat it?"

"What do you know, whitebait tastes delicious, and simple cooking can best maintain the original taste of whitebait."


Liu Xiaoguang lit a fire in the stream to burn charcoal.Taking advantage of this time, pack up the whitebait.

As the water friends said, the taste of whitebait is very delicious, no matter how it is cooked, the taste will not be bad.

Liu Xiaoguang cleaned up the whitebait, cut off branches from willow trees by the river, put them on, and grilled them on the burnt charcoal.

The whitebait is not big, and it is quickly roasted until it becomes charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The aroma is fragrant.Liu Xiaoguang took out the seasonings prepared in advance and sprinkled them on the grilled whitebait.

"Brothers, eat!"

Liu Xiaoguang showed the grilled whitebait to the camera, and then took a bite.

The sweet fish makes Liu Xiaoguang close his eyes, and an intoxicated expression appears on his face. When enjoying the delicious food, he must close his eyes and stay focused in order to truly feel the delicious taste reverberating in his taste buds.

When Liu Xiaoguang was young, he often went to Laolong Lake to catch whitebait.At that time, you had more whitebait than you do now. After catching whitebait, Liu Xiaoguang roasted it by the lake and ate it.Now, he finally tasted the taste of his childhood again. .

"Looking at the expression on the host's face, I know the whitebait tastes good!"

"It's a waste of money, this whitebait should be used for steaming, the host is such a waste!"

"The anchor is really wealthy. He can grill and eat whitebait for more than 200 yuan a pound."

"I'll wipe it, I'm hungry."


In the live broadcast room, the barrage began to complain about Liu Xiaoguang.Whitebait is expensive, and now it is a high-end ingredient in major restaurants. As a result, Liu Xiaoguang used the simplest method to cook whitebait. No wonder these people are surprised.

Liu Xiaoguang didn't care so much, he just wanted to get back the flavor of his childhood.

Soon, Liu Xiaoguang got rid of five whitebaits.

Liu Xiaoguang didn't eat the remaining three, because he left them for his grandfather.

Naturally, you cannot enjoy good things by yourself.

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Xiaoguang turned off the live broadcast and returned to Liujia Village with Dahei.

He only ate five whitebait, which was not enough to fill his stomach, so Liu Xiaoguang still had to prepare lunch.

Liu Tiezhu's eyes lit up when he saw the whitebait brought by Liu Xiaoguang.There are fewer and fewer whitebaits in Longhu these years, and Liu Tiezhu hasn't tasted the delicious whitebait for a long time.

Liu Xiaoguang was busy cooking, and Liu Tiezhu had already taken out the jug, and drank the whitebait.

When Liu Xiaoguang brought the food to the table, Liu Tiezhu had already eaten all three whitebaits.

Only three clean fishbones remained.

The food was simple, and the two were eating when Yang Leping suddenly appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"Brother Guang, Brother Guang, something is wrong!"

As soon as Yang Leping entered, he shouted at Liu Xiaoguang.

"Say something slowly, don't worry."

Liu Xiaoguang pulled a chair and asked Yang Leping to sit down.

"Brother Guang, do you know that you have a competitor now?" Yang Leping gasped and said to Liu Xiaoguang.

"Competitor?" Liu Xiaoguang was taken aback, wondering why Yang Leping said that.

Seeing Liu Xiaoguang's confused expression, Yang Leping slapped his thigh and said to Liu Xiaoguang, "Live broadcast, Brother Guang, someone else in our village is doing a live broadcast."

Only then did Liu Xiaoguang realize that Yang Leping was talking about the live broadcast.

"Is there anyone else in our village doing the live broadcast? Who is it?" Liu Tiezhu asked Yang Leping with interest.

"Zhao Dabao! When I went to the town to buy leaf fertilizer just now, I saw Zhao Dabao brought a bunch of equipment and was broadcasting live at the entrance of the village. He also had a special person to take a video of him. That person looked very cool, so it shouldn't be us. people from the village."

What Yang Leping said surprised Liu Xiaoguang.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look..." Hearing this news, Liu Xiaoguang was in no mood to eat.

Yang Leping took Liu Xiaoguang, and the two walked out of the yard.

"Hey, you child, why don't you go after eating, the food will be cold in a while." Liu Tiezhu complained behind the two of them.

When Liu Xiaoguang and Yang Leping came to the entrance of the village, they saw Zhao Dabao broadcasting live on his mobile phone.

"Your expression should be more natural, don't deliberately look at the camera, as if you are chatting with someone else." Opposite Zhao Dabao, Goldman Sachs gave Zhao Dabao guidance.

It seems that after being rejected by Liu Xiaoguang, Goldman Sachs did not give up and asked Zhao Dabao to cooperate.

"Hello, everyone, I am Zhao Dabao from Liujiacun. Today, I will take you to see the new look of our Liujiacun!..."

Zhao Dabao was full of spirit, and pointed at the big willow tree behind him emotionally in front of the camera.

"The willow tree you see now has been around for some years. According to my father, this big willow tree has grown here when he was young..."

Zhao Dabao's eyes were always fixed on Gao Shengcai who was opposite him.

Goldman Sachs was holding a manuscript written in advance.

Zhao Dabao's live broadcast is no different from that of a tour guide.

Yang Leping couldn't be happier, this guy's tone was stiff, and there was a sense of artificiality in every gesture.

"Brother Guang, can live broadcast at this level? I think I can also be an anchor."

Liu Xiaoguang was also happy. Zhao Dabao is so muddy that he can't support the wall. At this level, no one will watch the live broadcast.

Goldman Sachs just saw Liu Xiaoguang and Yang Leping approaching, and grinned provocatively at Liu Xiaoguang, "Liu Xiaoguang, don't think I can't do live broadcast without you, let me tell you, I have set up a live broadcast studio, we are mules It's a horse, take it out for a walk."

"That's right, Liu Xiaoguang, don't think that you are the only one who can live broadcast, I will definitely be more popular than you!" Zhao Dabao also said.

"Pay attention, the live broadcast is still on, hurry up and continue the live broadcast!" Goldman Sachs hurriedly greeted Zhao Dabao.

Zhao Dabao continued to read aloud emotionally to the camera, "Liujia Village has a long history, as recorded in the county annals, it has been established since the Tang Dynasty... Hey, how do you pronounce that word?"

"County! County mansion!" Goldman Sachs was speechless, this guy was too off the hook.

Liu Xiaoguang smiled, didn't say anything, and left with Yang Leping.

(End of this chapter)

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